प्रलयपयोधिजले (Pralaya Payodhi Jale or Jaya Jagadish Hare)(Vishnu stotra 105) Gitagovinda
॥ जयदेवकृत गीतगोविन्दं (अष्टपदी) ॥
॥ गीतगोविन्दं ॥
॥ श्रीगोपालकध्यानम् ॥
यल्लक्ष्मीकुचशातकुम्भकलशे व्यागोचमिन्दीवरम् ।
यन्निर्वाणविधानसाधनविधौ सिद्धाञ्जनं योगिनां
तन्नः श्यामळमाविरस्तु हृदये कृष्णाभिधानं महः ॥ १॥
॥ श्रीजयदेवध्यानम् ॥
गानामृतैकभणितं कविराजराजम् ।
पद्मावतीप्रियतमं प्रणतोऽस्मि नित्यम् ॥ २॥
श्रीगोपालविलासिनी वलयसद्रत्नादिमुग्धाकृति
श्रीराधापतिपादपद्मभजनानन्दाब्धिमग्नोऽनिशम् ॥
लोके सत्कविराजराज इति यः ख्यातो दयाम्भोनिधिः
तं वन्दे जयदेवसद्गुरुमहं पद्मावतीवल्लभम् ॥ ३॥
॥ प्रथमः सर्गः ॥
॥ सामोददामोदरः ॥
मेघैर्मेदुरमम्बरं वनभुवः श्यामास्तमालद्रुमै-
र्नक्तं भीरुरयं त्वमेव तदिमं राधे गृहं प्रापय ।
इत्थं नन्दनिदेशितश्चलितयोः प्रत्यध्वकुञ्जद्रुमं
राधामाधवयोर्जयन्ति यमुनाकूले रहःकेलयः ॥ १॥
पद्मावतीचरणचारणचक्रवर्ती ।
मेतं करोति जयदेवकविः प्रबन्धम् ॥ २॥
वाचः पल्लवयत्युमापतिधरः सन्दर्भशुद्धिं गिरां
जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः श्लाघ्यो दुरूहद्रुते ।
स्पर्धी कोऽपि न विश्रुतः श्रुतिधरो धोयी कविक्ष्मापतिः ॥ ३॥
यदि हरिस्मरणे सरसं मनो
यदि विलासकलासु कुतूहलम् ।
शृणु तदा जयदेवसरस्वतीम् ॥ ४॥
॥ गीतम् १ ॥
प्रलयपयोधिजले धृतवानसि वेदम् ।
विहितवहित्रचरित्रमखेदम् ॥
केशव धृतमीनशरीर जय जगदीश हरे ॥ १॥
क्षितिरतिविपुलतरे तव तिष्ठति पृष्ठे ।
धरणिधरणकिणचक्रगरिष्ठे ॥
केशव धृतकच्छपरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ २॥
वसति दशनशिखरे धरणी तव लग्ना ।
शशिनि कलङ्ककलेव निमग्ना ॥
केशव धृतसूकररूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ३॥
तव करकमलवरे नखमद्भुतशृङ्गम् ।
दलितहिरण्यकशिपुतनुभृङ्गम् ॥
केशव धृतनरहरिरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ४॥
छलयसि विक्रमणे बलिमद्भुतवामन ।
पदनखनीरजनितजनपावन ॥
केशव धृतवामनरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ५॥
क्षत्रियरुधिरमये जगदपगतपापम् ।
स्नपयसि पयसि शमितभवतापम् ॥
केशव धृतभृगुपतिरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ६॥
वितरसि दिक्षु रणे दिक्पतिकमनीयम् ।
दशमुखमौलिबलिं रमणीयं ॥
केशव धृतरामशरीर जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ७॥
वहसि वपुषि विशदे वसनं जलदाभम् ।
हलहतिभीतिमिलितयमुनाभम् ॥
केशव धृतहलधररूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ८॥
निन्दति यज्ञविधेरहह श्रुतिजातम् ।
सदयहृदयदर्शितपशुघातम् ॥
केशव धृतबुद्धशरीर जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ९॥
म्लेच्छनिवहनिधने कलयसि करवालम् ।
धूमकेतुमिव किमपि करालम् ॥
केशव धृतकल्किशरीर जय जगदीश हरे ॥ १०॥
श्रीजयदेवकवेरिदमुदितमुदारम् ।
शृणु सुखदं शुभदं भवसारम् ॥
केशव धृतदशविधरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ ११॥
वेदानुद्धरते जगन्निवहते भूगोलमुद्बिभ्रते
दैत्यं दारयते बलिं छलयते क्षत्रक्षयं कुर्वते ।
पौलस्त्यं जयते हलं कलयते कारुण्यमातन्वते
म्लेच्छान्मूर्च्छयते दशाकृतिकृते कृष्णाय तुभ्यं नमः ॥ ५॥
"The divine pastimes (leelas) of Sri
Radha-Krishna reside together like a collection of paintings in the
mansion of Sri Jayadeva’s heart. An artist first has an internal vision.
After transferring that vision to his canvas, it becomes a painting.
Similarly, this picture of loving pastimes has been painted by the brush
of Sri Jayadeva. The marvelous mansion of his heart is decorated with
paintings of Sri Radha-Madhava’s intimate encounters, and its fabulous
treasury is his fascinating poetry. The poet has renounced all sense of
responsibility for the authorship of this narration because his speech
and mind are absorbed in Sri Krishna.
What kind of poem is this? In response the poet says, “This poem is
predominated by shrugara-rasa and it is exceptionally sweet. Its meaning
is readily comprehensible. Every verse is immensely endearing,
Radha-Krishna’s attribute of beauty enhanced by love. As a lover is
dear to her beloved, this charming composition is extremely dear to the
pure devotees. The theme of it is the love of Radha and
Krishna, symbolizing the longing and striving of the individual, for
communion with God, culminating in their blissful union. Love naturally
takes expression in song, so Sri Gita-govinda has naturally assumed the
format of a musical. It should be sung in a melodious voice.”(Courtesy:srikrishnaradha.com)
Yad Gopi vadanendu Mandana Mabhuth * Kasturika Patrakam….
Yen Lakshmikuja shata kumba kalashe *, vyakosham Indiwaram…
Yen nirmana vidhana sadana vidhau, sidandhanam yoginam
Tanaha… Shyamalam avirastu nidhaye, Krishna bhidhanam mahaha||1||
Yen Lakshmikuja shata kumba kalashe *, vyakosham Indiwaram…
Yen nirmana vidhana sadana vidhau, sidandhanam yoginam
Tanaha… Shyamalam avirastu nidhaye, Krishna bhidhanam mahaha||1||
Radha mano rama ramavara rasaleela
Gana mrutaika panitam kaviraja Ra…jam
Sri Madhava chana vidhau, anuraaga sadma
Padma…vati priyathamam Pranathosmi nityam ||2||
Gana mrutaika panitam kaviraja Ra…jam
Sri Madhava chana vidhau, anuraaga sadma
Padma…vati priyathamam Pranathosmi nityam ||2||
Sri Gopala vilasini valyatha dattathi mukta kriti –
Sri Radha… pathi, pada Padma bajanabdhi, magnonisham
Loke sathka viraja raja etiya:, kyathodiyam bhonidhi:.
Tham vande Jayadeva sadguru maham, Padmavati vallabham…||3||
******Sri Radha… pathi, pada Padma bajanabdhi, magnonisham
Loke sathka viraja raja etiya:, kyathodiyam bhonidhi:.
Tham vande Jayadeva sadguru maham, Padmavati vallabham…||3||
meghair meduram ambaram vana-bhuvah shyämäs tamäla-drumair
naktaà bhérur ayaà tvam eva tad imaà rädhe gåhaà präpaya |
itthaà nanda-nideçataç calitayoù praty-adhva-kuïja-drumaà
rädhä-mädhavayor jayanti yamunä-küle rahaù-kelayaù ||1||
The sky is thick with clouds; the forest area is dark with the tamAla trees; the night frightens him (Krishna); Oh RAdha! you take him home; This is the command from Nanda. But, Radha and Madhava stray to the tree on the banks of river Yamuna, and their secret love sport prevails.
etam karoti jayadeva-kavih prabandham ||2||
The heart of the great poet Sri Jayadeva is like a mansion, beautifully decorated with Goddess of speech (Sarasvati) , who is at the feet of PadmAvati, composes this great work comprising of the divine plays of Shri and VAsudEva. Jayadeva – jaya means “the utmost excellence”; deva means dyotayati, prakäshayati or “he illuminates”.SriJayadeva is one who illuminates the utmost excellence of the pastimes ofSri Krishna by his devotion.
yadi hari-smarane sarasam mano
yadi viläsa-kaläsu kutühalam |
shrunu tadä jayadeva-sarasvatim ||3||
Dear audience! If your mind is permeated by mellows of ever- fresh loving attachment while hearing the pastimes of Sri Hari, and if you are curious to know about his ingenuity in the amorous arts, may you become immersed in bliss by listening to the mellifluous, tender and endearing verses of this collection of songs by the poet Jayadeva.
vacaù pallavayaty umäpatidharah sandarbha-shuddhim giräà
jänéte jayadeva eva sharanah shläghyo durüha-druteh |
spardhé ko’pi na vishrutah srutidharo dhoyi kavi-kñmäpati: ||4||
The rhetoric of an illustrious poet named Umapatidhara is adorned with alliteration and other figures of speech. The poet named Sarana has received acclaim for his cryptic verses. No one has ever heard of a poet who can convey the flavour of worldly romance as skilfully as Govardhana. Kaviraja Dhoyi can recite anything after hearing it but once. When even these formidable poets could not master every field of talent, how could the poetry of Jayadeva abound with all attributes? (by this he expresses his humility )
pralaya-payodhijale Gopala Krishna, dhtavanasi veda
vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam |
kesava dhta-mina-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||dhruvapada||
vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam |
kesava dhta-mina-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||dhruvapada||
Oh Lord, in
the form of a Fish! In the flood of dissolution you have held up
the revealed knowledge of the Vedas, like a boat, without effort. Hail!
Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
kitirati-vipulatare tava tihati phe
dharai-dharaa-kina-cakra-garihe |
kesava dhta-kaccapa-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||1||
kesava dhta-kaccapa-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||1||
Oh Lord, in
the form of the Tortoise! On the ample expanse of your back, calloused
by the burden of the earth that it bears, securely stands the world.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
vasati dasana-sikhare dharai tava lagna
sasini kalaka-kaleva nimagna |
kesava dhta-sukara-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||2||
sasini kalaka-kaleva nimagna |
kesava dhta-sukara-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||2||
Oh Lord, in
the form of the Boar! The world rests in peace on the tip of your
tusk, like the dark marking on the disc of the moon. Hail! Hari, God of
the world, Victory to Thee!
tava kara-kamala-vare nakha adbhuta-sga
dalita-hirayakasipu-tanu-bhga |
kesava dhta-nara-hari-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||3||
dalita-hirayakasipu-tanu-bhga |
kesava dhta-nara-hari-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||3||
Oh Lord, in
the form of Man-lion! In your hand of lotus-like beauty, are the
finger nails with their wonderful tips, which have torn asunder the most
powerful demon Hiranyakashipu as if he was a huge insect. Hail! Hari,
God of the world, Victory to Thee!
chalayasi vikramae balimadbhuta-vamana
pada-nakha-nira-janita-jana-pavana |
kesava dhta-vamana-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||4||
kesava dhta-vamana-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||4||
Oh Lord, in
the form of the Dwarf! By planting your feet you have cheated Bali, the
mighty. Ganga, the river, which sanctifies the world, has come out of
your toenails. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
katryya-rudhira-maye jagad apagata-papa
snapayasi payasi samita-bhava-tapam |
kesava dhta-bhgu-pati-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||5||
snapayasi payasi samita-bhava-tapam |
kesava dhta-bhgu-pati-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||5||
Oh Lord, in
the form of the Lord of the Bhrigus, you have bathed the world in
the blood of the tyrannous rulers, thus cleansing it of sin and
destroying the misery of its relative existence. Hail! Hari, God of the
universe, Victory to Thee!
vitarasi diku rae dik-pati-kamaniya
dasa-mukha-mauli-bali ramaiyam |
kesava dhta-rama-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||6||
dasa-mukha-mauli-bali ramaiyam |
kesava dhta-rama-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||6||
Oh Lord, in
the body of Sri Rama! You have made a beautiful offering of the ten
heads of the demon Ravana in battle to the guardians of the cardinal
directions. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
vahasi vapui viade vasana jaladabha
hala-hati-bhiti-milita-yamunabham |
kesava dhta-hala-dhara-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||7||
kesava dhta-hala-dhara-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||7||
Oh Lord, in
the form of the Balaraama, the bearer of the plough! You wear on your
immaculate body a garment of the color of the cloud, blue like the
Yamuna, darkened by the fear of being dragged by your plough. Hail!
Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
nindasi yajña-vidhe ahaha! sruti-jatam
sadaya-hdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam |
kesava dhta-buddha-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||8||
sadaya-hdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam |
kesava dhta-buddha-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||8||
Oh Lord, in
the body of Buddha, the enlightened one! Out of Compassion o your heart
you have condemned the ritualistic part of the Yagnas ordaining the
killing of animals. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavala
dhuma-ketum iva kim api karalam |
kesava dhta-kalki-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||9||
dhuma-ketum iva kim api karalam |
kesava dhta-kalki-sarira
jaya jagadisa hare ||9||
Oh Lord, in
the form of the Kalki! For the destruction of the wicked, you carry a
meteor-like sword in your hand, trailing a train of disaster to them.
Hail! Hari, God of the World, Victory to Thee!
sri-jayadeva-kaveridam uditam udara
su sukhada subhada bhava-saram |
kesava dhta-dasavidha-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||10||
su sukhada subhada bhava-saram |
kesava dhta-dasavidha-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||10||
Oh Lord, who
took ten forms! Please listen to this song of jayadeva. It bestows
goodness and joy; it is the essence of life. Hail! Hari, God of the
world, victory to Thee!
==॥ ଜୟଦେଵକୃତ ଗୀତଗୋଵିନ୍ଦଂ (ଅଷ୍ଟପଦୀ) ॥
॥ ଗୀତଗୋଵିନ୍ଦଂ ॥
॥ ଶ୍ରୀଗୋପାଲକଧ୍ୟାନମ୍ ॥
ୟଲ୍ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀକୁଚଶାତକୁମ୍ଭକଲଶେ ଵ୍ୟାଗୋଚମିନ୍ଦୀଵରମ୍ ।
ୟନ୍ନିର୍ଵାଣଵିଧାନସାଧନଵିଧୌ ସିଦ୍ଧାଞ୍ଜନଂ ୟୋଗିନାଂ
ତନ୍ନଃ ଶ୍ୟାମଳମାଵିରସ୍ତୁ ହୃଦୟେ କୃଷ୍ଣାଭିଧାନଂ ମହଃ ॥ ୧॥
॥ ଶ୍ରୀଜୟଦେଵଧ୍ୟାନମ୍ ॥
ଗାନାମୃତୈକଭଣିତଂ କଵିରାଜରାଜମ୍ ।
ପଦ୍ମାଵତୀପ୍ରିୟତମଂ ପ୍ରଣତୋଽସ୍ମି ନିତ୍ୟମ୍ ॥ ୨॥
ଶ୍ରୀଗୋପାଲଵିଲାସିନୀ ଵଲୟସଦ୍ରତ୍ନାଦିମୁଗ୍ଧାକୃତି
ଶ୍ରୀରାଧାପତିପାଦପଦ୍ମଭଜନାନନ୍ଦାବ୍ଧିମଗ୍ନୋଽନିଶମ୍ ॥
ଲୋକେ ସତ୍କଵିରାଜରାଜ ଇତି ୟଃ ଖ୍ୟାତୋ ଦୟାମ୍ଭୋନିଧିଃ
ତଂ ଵନ୍ଦେ ଜୟଦେଵସଦ୍ଗୁରୁମହଂ ପଦ୍ମାଵତୀଵଲ୍ଲଭମ୍ ॥ ୩॥
॥ ପ୍ରଥମଃ ସର୍ଗଃ ॥
॥ ସାମୋଦଦାମୋଦରଃ ॥
ମେଘୈର୍ମେଦୁରମମ୍ବରଂ ଵନଭୁଵଃ ଶ୍ୟାମାସ୍ତମାଲଦ୍ରୁମୈ-
ର୍ନକ୍ତଂ ଭୀରୁରୟଂ ତ୍ଵମେଵ ତଦିମଂ ରାଧେ ଗୃହଂ ପ୍ରାପୟ ।
ଇତ୍ଥଂ ନନ୍ଦନିଦେଶିତଶ୍ଚଲିତୟୋଃ ପ୍ରତ୍ୟଧ୍ଵକୁଞ୍ଜଦ୍ରୁମଂ
ରାଧାମାଧଵୟୋର୍ଜୟନ୍ତି ୟମୁନାକୂଲେ ରହଃକେଲୟଃ ॥ ୧॥
ପଦ୍ମାଵତୀଚରଣଚାରଣଚକ୍ରଵର୍ତୀ ।
ମେତଂ କରୋତି ଜୟଦେଵକଵିଃ ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧମ୍ ॥ ୨॥
ଵାଚଃ ପଲ୍ଲଵୟତ୍ୟୁମାପତିଧରଃ ସନ୍ଦର୍ଭଶୁଦ୍ଧିଂ ଗିରାଂ
ଜାନୀତେ ଜୟଦେଵ ଏଵ ଶରଣଃ ଶ୍ଲାଘ୍ୟୋ ଦୁରୂହଦ୍ରୁତେ ।
ସ୍ପର୍ଧୀ କୋଽପି ନ ଵିଶ୍ରୁତଃ ଶ୍ରୁତିଧରୋ ଧୋୟୀ କଵିକ୍ଷ୍ମାପତିଃ ॥ ୩॥
ୟଦି ହରିସ୍ମରଣେ ସରସଂ ମନୋ
ୟଦି ଵିଲାସକଲାସୁ କୁତୂହଲମ୍ ।
ଶୃଣୁ ତଦା ଜୟଦେଵସରସ୍ଵତୀମ୍ ॥ ୪॥
॥ ଗୀତମ୍ ୧ ॥
ପ୍ରଲୟପୟୋଧିଜଲେ ଧୃତଵାନସି ଵେଦମ୍ ।
ଵିହିତଵହିତ୍ରଚରିତ୍ରମଖେଦମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତମୀନଶରୀର ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୧॥
କ୍ଷିତିରତିଵିପୁଲତରେ ତଵ ତିଷ୍ଠତି ପୃଷ୍ଠେ ।
ଧରଣିଧରଣକିଣଚକ୍ରଗରିଷ୍ଠେ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତକଚ୍ଛପରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୨॥
ଵସତି ଦଶନଶିଖରେ ଧରଣୀ ତଵ ଲଗ୍ନା ।
ଶଶିନି କଲଙ୍କକଲେଵ ନିମଗ୍ନା ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତସୂକରରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୩॥
ତଵ କରକମଲଵରେ ନଖମଦ୍ଭୁତଶୃଙ୍ଗମ୍ ।
ଦଲିତହିରଣ୍ୟକଶିପୁତନୁଭୃଙ୍ଗମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତନରହରିରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୪॥
ଛଲୟସି ଵିକ୍ରମଣେ ବଲିମଦ୍ଭୁତଵାମନ ।
ପଦନଖନୀରଜନିତଜନପାଵନ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତଵାମନରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୫॥
କ୍ଷତ୍ରିୟରୁଧିରମୟେ ଜଗଦପଗତପାପମ୍ ।
ସ୍ନପୟସି ପୟସି ଶମିତଭଵତାପମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତଭୃଗୁପତିରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୬॥
ଵିତରସି ଦିକ୍ଷୁ ରଣେ ଦିକ୍ପତିକମନୀୟମ୍ ।
ଦଶମୁଖମୌଲିବଲିଂ ରମଣୀୟଂ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତରାମଶରୀର ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୭॥
ଵହସି ଵପୁଷି ଵିଶଦେ ଵସନଂ ଜଲଦାଭମ୍ ।
ହଲହତିଭୀତିମିଲିତୟମୁନାଭମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତହଲଧରରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୮॥
ନିନ୍ଦତି ୟଜ୍ଞଵିଧେରହହ ଶ୍ରୁତିଜାତମ୍ ।
ସଦୟହୃଦୟଦର୍ଶିତପଶୁଘାତମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତବୁଦ୍ଧଶରୀର ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୯॥
ମ୍ଲେଚ୍ଛନିଵହନିଧନେ କଲୟସି କରଵାଲମ୍ ।
ଧୂମକେତୁମିଵ କିମପି କରାଲମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତକଲ୍କିଶରୀର ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୧୦॥
ଶ୍ରୀଜୟଦେଵକଵେରିଦମୁଦିତମୁଦାରମ୍ ।
ଶୃଣୁ ସୁଖଦଂ ଶୁଭଦଂ ଭଵସାରମ୍ ॥
କେଶଵ ଧୃତଦଶଵିଧରୂପ ଜୟ ଜଗଦୀଶ ହରେ ॥ ୧୧॥
ଵେଦାନୁଦ୍ଧରତେ ଜଗନ୍ନିଵହତେ ଭୂଗୋଲମୁଦ୍ବିଭ୍ରତେ
ଦୈତ୍ୟଂ ଦାରୟତେ ବଲିଂ ଛଲୟତେ କ୍ଷତ୍ରକ୍ଷୟଂ କୁର୍ଵତେ ।
ପୌଲସ୍ତ୍ୟଂ ଜୟତେ ହଲଂ କଲୟତେ କାରୁଣ୍ୟମାତନ୍ଵତେ
ମ୍ଲେଚ୍ଛାନ୍ମୂର୍ଚ୍ଛୟତେ ଦଶାକୃତିକୃତେ କୃଷ୍ଣାୟ ତୁଭ୍ୟଂ ନମଃ ॥ ୫॥
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