SRI SIVANANDA CHALISA Doha Ulti Ganga Bahati hai Jab , Guru Ban Jaata Hai KInkar Tab. Maarg Darshak Maat Pita Tum , Moksh Ka Sanchaalak H o Tum . Guru Aisa Sivananda Tum , Sewa Ka Avataar Ho Tum . Baarambaar Kritagyat aa Du, Vismaya Hokar Saath Chalu . Ganga is flowing in the opposite direction, when the Guru adopts the servant role . He Guides , He leads, He chides, He Pleadsin directing us to the highest goal. Such a Guru is Sivananda, who is service personified; I offer Him my heartfelt gratitude as I walk aw estruck by his side. CHAUPAAYI Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) Glory To Sivananda , glory to Gurudev, O Ocean of Grace and embodiment of Compassion. 1.Bharani Sitara Ugataa Aaya. Shiva Avataar Shivananda aaya. When th e Star Bharani was on the rise , Shivananda the Incarnation of Shiva did arrive. 2... Aa tha Sitambar Janma Liya Jab. Swarna Kaal Aarambha Hua Tab. On 8 September 1887, the golden age emerged a little before dawn 3 ... Vengu Swami K e Aankho Ka Taara, Parvati Ammal Ma iya k e Dulaara. When Kuppuswami, third son of Parvati Ammal and Vengu Iyer,was born 4... Appaya Dikshitar Kul Me A aye. Kuppu Swami Naam Diye The. In the lineage of Appaya Di kshitar and Sundara Swamigal, you took birth Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripa la Deenadayaala. (chorus) 5... Aakashiya Sandesha Laaye. Guru Bhakti ke Yog Bhi Laaye. To deliver the celestial message of Guru Bhakti Yoga to earth. 6... Tambrap arni Snaan ke Baad. Bel Patra Ka Diya Prasaad. While Kuppusw ami gathered Bael Leaves for your fathe r ’s worship, after your Tambraparni bath 7... Pashu Pakshi Me Prabhu Seva Ki. Sadhu Bhikhaari Ko Seva Di. You served God most happily in the animals, the beggar s and the sadhus that crossed your path. 8... Brahman Hokar Bhram me na Rahanaa.Jaat Paat Ka Niyam Na Maana. Though yourself a Bhramin, you disregarded the complex rules of caste Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 9... Is Pran Ko Vo Khoob Nibhaaya. Anta Samay taka Siddha Dikhaaya And rema ined true to this ideal until you brea thed your last. 10.. Raja Paathshaala me The Jab. Shiksha Kreed Me Shesh we The Tab. At Rajahs High School, you excelled in academics and sport – truly a rare combination 11..S.P.G. Vidyaalay ke Sanstha. Kulbhooshan Sanmaan diyaa Tha. 12 ..Namrataa udaarta Vidya Ka Pyaasa. Saba ke Hriday pe Raj Kiya Tha. Because of your humility, your selflessness and your innate thirst for knowledge You were honoured with the title “Ornament of the Institution”, at SPG College, Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala D eenadayaala. (chorus) 13.. Sw a stha Gyaan ja ba Sattaheen Tha . D aktar Vaidya Bhi Adhika Nahi Tha . As awareness of health care was minimal, and doctors - few and far between 14.. Atma Sudhaar Prakaashan Ki Jab. A m brosia ko Prakata Kiya Tab . While at Tanjore Me dical Institute, you published Ambrosia – a self - help health magazine. 15.. Raat aur Din Sewa me Rahate . Deen Dukhi pe Kripa Karaaye Subsequen tly, at Dr Haller's Pharmacy you worked slavishly night and day 16.. Gareeb ki Sewa Karane ki. Iccha se We Malaya P ahuchi. Then headed to serve the poor in Malaya in a very special way. Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 17.. Chikitsalaya Seremban me Aaye. Sewa k ar Tana mana Ko Lagaaye. You worked happily for Dr Robbins at a hospital nea r Seremban 18.. Sewa Aur Vihast a Bhav se. Saba Ke Hi Mana Jeeta Liye The. And with your spirit of service and smiling face, many hearts you won. 19.. Divya Chingaari Zinda Dili The. Adhyaayan Jap Tap Kirtan Se. The D ivine spark was kept alive through service , scriptural study and chanting of the Holy Name. 20.. Jaag Uthaa Prerna dil Me Tab. Jiv Brahma Aikya Ko Padhaa Jab. When Kuppuswami read Jiva Bhrama Aikya Vedanta Rahasyam. Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 21.. Chingaari aba Jaag Uthaa Tha . . Prabhu Ki Praapti Aba Honaa Tha. however, the spark burst into a flame – I must realize God now. 22.. Sab Kuch Cchod Cchaad Ke tumne . Prabhu Ke Sharana me soanp Diye the. You resigned from the Johore Medical Office, distributed your b elongings to those who were around (Completely surrendered to the Will of God) 23 .. Paawan Bharat Jaba Loate The. Prabhu Ke Khoj Diwaana Hue The. And returned, with the aim of seeking God, to India’s hallowed ground 24 .. Vaaranasi Pandarpur Dhallaj. Safar Ki ye Rishikesh me Aaye. You travel l ed through Varanasi, Pandharpur, D halaj – finally, in Rishikesh you settled Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 25 .. Gangaji Ke Paawan Tata Pe. Vishwananda se Dikshaa Liye The. And was initiat ed by, Swami Vishwananda, on Ganga ’s banks – where you were safely nestled 26 .. Shivananda Sarasvati Kahalaaye. Swargaashram Me Surakshit Hue The. Swami Sivananda Saraswati now emerged with Swaragashram as your base 27 .. Hari kripa se Sewa Jap Tap. S atvik Ji van Aur Anushaasan. An austere life of penance and service followed, by the Almighty’s grace. 28 .. Satyasev Ashram Dawaayi Khaana . Sthaap Diya Maanav Ke Hit . Satya Sevashram Dispensary was established in 1925 to serve the ailing devotees around Jay Shivana nda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 29 .. Divya Drishti Jaba Prabhu Ka Paaya. Jagaddodhaar dil me Jagaaya Soon there after, Sri Gurudev intimated, “I had a vision of the Divine. ” And had a great yearning to share that light with the worl d.. 30 .. Janta Ka Dukh Peeda Samjha ,Vedant Ka Vidyalay Aaya. 31 .. “Divya Jivan” Vaahan Ko Banaaya. Saare Jagat Ko Prernaa Milaa Tha Responding to the peoples cares, their worries and their strife, Sri Gurudev established the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy and the Divine Life. 32..Antara atma Jaag Hua Tha. Prem Bhavana Jag Ko Dilaaya This penetrated many souls and the world received re new ed Love for God. Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 33 .. Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 34.. Maha mantra Kirtan ko J apaaya.Vishwa shanti Kalyaan kiyaa Tha. For the peace of the world and the well being of all, Sri Gurudev started the Akhanda Mahamantra Kirtan in the Bhajan Hall. 35.. Sa rva Karma Saba Sewa Saadhan .Lakshya Ooncha Parinaam Mahaan Everything you did, even opening schools and hospitals, was aimed at the highest goals 36.. Bharat Sri Lanka Ka Yaatra. Adhyaatmik Jaagran Kiya Tha. And your Indo - Sri Lankan Tour led to a spiritua l reawakening Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kripala Deenadayaala. (chorus) 37. Jeene Ki Raah Diya Gurudev Ne, Dhai Sau Granth Likha Gurudev ne. With 250 books to guide your followers and ambassadors across the world - 38.. Aashwaasan Gurudev Diya Tha . Maarga Darshan Saba Ko millega. Sri Gurudev assured us that He would continue to guide. Each and every disciple until we’re at safely His side. 39..Jo yaha Padhe Shivananda Chal isa. Sahajaavasthaa avashya Milega . 40.. Sada Niranjan hari guna gaana. Guru B hakti ke raaha Pe Chalanaa. Whoever chants the Sri Sivananda Chalisa will , without a doubt to attain the Natural State of super consciousness. Sing with purity the lord’s name and always walk the path of Guru Bhakti. Jay Shivananda Jay Gurudeva. Param Kr ipala Deenadayaala. (chorus) Doha Sivananda Chaalisa ,Aur Anya Shlok Jo Paath Kare. Nirmal Sthaan Shivalok Me,Pravesh Kare Aur Raaj Kare. Guru Bhakti Jo Abhyaas Kare, Naam Smaran Kirtan Jo Kare. Shanti Khushi Santushti Mile, Har Uljhan Se door Rahe. He wh o chants the Sivananda Chalisa or any other Sivananda Sloka Gains entry to the sacred Sivananda Loka. By practice of Guru Bhakti Yoga and remembrance of His holy name One experiences peace, joy and contentment in this sacred domain. Satguru Shivananda Ki j ay. Hare Hare gurudev Ki Jay.
Sri Swami Sivananda speaks on Message of Peace(Sivananda vani 35)
The kingdom of peace is beyond all speech and thought. Peace is not
merely the absence of noise, tumult, strife or quarrels, controversies
or disputes. It is not a condition or environment from which all
undesirable elements are removed. This peace is not an inert passive
state. It is not a hypnotic trance. It is not a negative physical
condition. It is a positive state of spiritual attainment. It is your
centre, ideal and goal. It is perfect awareness. It is a magnificent,
indescribable state in which the pure soul enjoys the highest divine
bliss and transcendental divine knowledge. You will become absolutely
fearless and desireless by drinking this divine nectar of peace. You
will be in communion with the Supreme Soul or Atma by attaining this
peace. In this state of peace there are no yesterdays or tomorrows, no
sunset or daybreak-there is eternal sunshine. It can hardly be acquired
from external sources. It can be reached only by patient spiritual
You may be in quite adverse circumstances. You may
remain in the midst of calamities, troubles, tribulations, difficulties
and sorrows, and yet, you may enjoy the inward harmony and peace if you
rest in God by withdrawing the senses, by stilling the mind and
eradicating its impurities. Lord Jesus was persecuted in a variety of
ways. He was put to death on the cross and yet what did he say? He said,
"O Lord, forgive them! They know not what they are doing." How peaceful
He was even when His life was at stake! He was enjoying the inner
The goal of life is attainment of self-realisation or
God-consciousness. There is one supreme, undying, intelligent principle
or essence or Atma or the Supreme Self who dwells in the chambers of
your heart. He exists in the past, present and future. He is Existence
Absolute, Knowledge Absolute and Bliss Absolute. The ignorant may vainly
search for their happiness in perishable external objects that are
conditioned in time, space and causation. He has no peace of mind. His
desires are not gratified. He amasses wealth, begets children, gets
titles, honours, name and fame and yet his mind is restless. He has no
abiding joy and lasting happiness. He is still in want of something. He
has no feeling of fulness. This feeling of fulness and eternal
satisfaction can only be obtained by realising one's own Self through
self-restraint, purity and meditation.
How long do you want to
lead a life of duality, restlessness, discontentment and
dissatisfaction? How long do you wish to lead a life of ignorance,
bitterness, hatred and separation? How long do you wish to continue your
selfish struggles? How long do you wish to behold differences and
distinctions? How long do you wish to keep the barrier between man and
You cry for peace or Santi. But where to get it and through
whom? You can realise peace in your own heart through association with
the sages and by meditation. You can find this peace only in stillness.
Peace can be found only within. You certainly cannot find it in external
objects. Look within. Sit silently in a quiet room for one or two
hours. Close your eyes. Concentrate on a point between the two eyebrows.
Withdraw the senses and the mind from the external objects. Be still.
Silence the surging emotions and bubbling thoughts. Forget the body and
the world. Enter into the great calm. Get deep down into the innermost
recesses of your heart. Plunge in the ocean of peace. Realise your
oneness with the one Supreme Self that dwells in the chambers of your
heart. Have four daily sittings in winter and two in summer. Be regular
in your practice. Regularity is of paramount importance.
It is
useless to talk of the cessation of war while you are all full of petty
jealousy and private hatred. Remove your discordant, inharmonious
vibrations first. There will be no more war between nations. Individuals
only go to constitute a nation. Lead an ideal life of peace. Ruthlessly
kill suspicion, prejudice of all sorts, envy, selfishness, greed for
power and possessions. Lead a simple life. Practise daily meditation and
establish peace in your own heart. Then radiate it to your neighbours
and all who come in contact with you. Disseminate it far and wide.
is this peace. If you yourself enjoy this peace, you can contribute
peace to the world. Realise this Peace that passeth all understanding
and be free. May this Peace guide you all! May this Peace be your
centre, ideal and goal!
Song of a Sayasin -----By Swami Sivananda(Sivananda bhajan.28)
also read
Chidananda Chidananda Chidananda Hum Har Halme Almast Satchidananda Hum Nijananda Nijananda Nijananda Hum Har Halme Almast Satchidananda Hum Sivananda Sivananda Sivananda Hum Agadabhumwala Agadabhumwala Akhilananda Hum Ajarananda Amarananda Achalananda Hum Har Halme Almast Satchidananda Hum Nirbhaya aur Nischinta Chidghanananda Hum Kaivalya Kevala Kutastha Ananda Hum Nitya Siddha Suddha Satchidananda Hum (Chidananda)
Knowledge Bliss, Knowledge Bliss, Bliss Absolute In all conditions I am Knowledge, Bliss Absolute I am without old age, without death, without motion, In all conditions I am Knowledge, Bliss Absolute I am without fear, without worry, Bliss Absolute Knowledge Absolute Existence Absolute
Independent, unchanging, non-dual Atma Advaita Atma Immortal Atma
Eternal pure, perfect Knowledge, Bliss Absolute Knowledge Absolute Existence Absolute (Chidananda)
SONG OF VIRAT Bhajo Raadhe Krishna bhajo Raadhe Shyaama OM OM OM OM OM-OM OM OM OM OM Soham Soham Shivoham Soham.
The whole world is my body, the shrubs are my hair. All bodies are mine, I enjoy in all bodies. All mouths are mine, I eat through all these mouths. All eyes are mine, I perceive through all these eyes.
De hele wereld is mijn lichaam, de struiken zijn mijn haar. Alle lichamen zijn van mij, ik geniet door alle lichamen. Alle monden zijn van mij, ik eet door al deze monden. Alle ogen zijn van mij, ik zie door al deze ogen.
All ears are mine, I hear through all these ears. All noses are mine, I smell through all noses. All hands are mine, I work through all these hands. The heaven is my head, the earth is my feet.
Alle oren zijn van mij, ik luister door al deze oren. Alle neuzen zijn van mij, ik ruik door al deze neuzen. Alle handen zijn van mij, ik werk door al deze handen. De hemel is mijn hoofd, de aarde is mijn voeten.
The sun and moon are my two eyes. Fire is my mouth, the wind is my breath. The space is my trunk, the ocean is my bladder. The mountains are my bones, the rivers are my veins.
De zon en de maan zijn mijn twee ogen. Vuur is mijn mond, de wind is mijn adem. De ruimte is mijn romp, de oceaan is mijn blaas. De bergen zijn mijn beenderen, de rivieren zijn mijn aders.
Dharma is my chest, adharma is my back, Time is my movement, flow of Guoenas is my play. Who can describe the Viraat Swaroep? It is magnanimous and soul-stirring.
Dharma is mijn borst, adharma is mijn rug. De tijd is mijn beweging, de vloed van de goenas is mijn spel. Wie kan de de universele vorm beschrijven? Hij is groots en zielverheffend.
Knowledge-Bliss, Knowledge-Bliss, Bliss Absolute,
In all conditions l am Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.
l am without old age, without death, without motion,
In all conditions l am Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.
I am without fear, without worry, Bliss Absolute.
Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute.
Independent, unchanging. non-dual Aatmaa,
Immortal Aatma, Advaita Aatmaa,
Hari ke premi Hari Hari bolo.
Aavo pyaare milkar gaavo.
Hari charaname dhyaana lagaavo.
Doekhame soekhame Hari Hari bolo.
Abhimaan tyaago seva kaaro.
Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana.
Give up brahmin, sannyaas abhimaan.
Give up male-female, sex abhimaan.
Give up doctor, judge abhimaan.
Give up raajah, zamindaar abhimaan.
Relinquish pandit, scientist abhimaan.
Crush this professor, engineer abhimaan.
Kill this collector, tahsildaar abhimaan.
Kill this vairaagya, seva abhimaan.
Kill this tyaagi, kartritva ahhimaan.
Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana.
Remember always Hari Hari Hari Hari.
Sing always Sietaaraam, Raadheshyaam.
See good in every face.
Share what you have with others.
Devolop nicely adaptability.
Serve always with Naaraayana bhaav.
Scrutinize always your inner motives.
Work without egoism.
Cultivate nimitta-bhaav.
Give up expectation of fruits.
Surrender always fruits to the Lord.
Have ecqual vision and balanced mind.
Selfless work will purify your heart.
Then you will get knowledge of Self.
Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana.
The following is bilvAShTottarashatanAma stotra which praises Lord
Shiva in beautiful words. It is recited during the worship of Shiva. The
specialty of this hymn being that it uses words which are relatively
simple in nature but at the same time have a really soothing effect to the
ears when recited. This hymn extols Him as sarveshvara,
Lord of everything, and sadAshAnta, ever-peaceful.
Needless to say, it is most aptly suited for mAnasapUja, mental worship.
Bilva leaves are dearest to the Lord, and so are especially used in
shiva pUja. ShrIshaila or ShrIgiri is one of the holiest shrines of
Lord Shiva, located in South-India. Bilva trees are widely
found on the mountains of this shrine. Hence this shrine is known as
shrIshaila.n (shrI here being referred to the bilva trees). Adishankara is
supposed to have composed the immortal hymns shivAnandalahari and
saundaryalahari, while he was living on these holy mountains.
Hence shrIshaila.n is mentioned in both these hymns.
``shrIgiri mallikArjuna mahAlinga.n shivAli~Ngitam ''
in shivAnandalahari(50th poem).
When reciting this wonderful hymn one does not really need these
sacred leaves to worship them. But one can surely imagine that he is sitting
in the sanctum-sanctorum of shrIgiri and that he is worshipping that
mahAlinga.n (shiva) which is in union with Shiva (shivA + Ali~Ngitam =
shivAli~Ngitam). That very thought is enough to transport one into
that infinite bliss. He is blessed who meditates on this undivided aspect
of Shiva.
Mantra and easy Havan for 9 days of Navratri | Durga puja at home
Navratri Pujan Vidhi along with mantra and havan vidhi is
described in this video in very easy way. Devotees of Goddess Durga can
learn and do it at home. Nine forms of Durga which are also called as
Nav durga are Shailputri, Brahmcharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda,
Skandmata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri.
Follow this Navratri puja vidhi with mantra and easy Havan :
1. On first of day of navratri, do Ghat Sthapana. (Watch our Ghat Sthapana Video at )
2. After that light an earthen lamp.
3. On first day recite the mantra of Goddess Shailputri. The mantra is "Om Shaam Sheem Shoom Shailputryai Swaha"
4. Offer the japa to goddess Shailputri. Say, "O Mother! I offer this japa in your lotus feet".
5. In evening, do a small fire sacrifice (havan) with the above same mantra.
Things required for Havan are : Cow dung cake, Ghee and spoon, camphor,
Sacred Water of holy river Ganga (in a glass and in a bowel), earthen
lamp, raw rice, a small flat square piece of stone, match box to light
the lamp.
7.Put the stone at the place where you want to do havan. Gather all the required things for havan there.
8. First of all heat the cow dung cake on stove. Heat both sides equaly.
9. When it becomes smokeless, then place it on stone.
10. Light the earthen lamp.
11. Pray, "O' Mother! Please come and recieve offerings".
12. Put some ghee on hot cow dung cake.
13. Put camphor on spoon and burn it.
14. Place it on hot cow dung cake.
15. Now give 11 offerings with above mantra of Goddess Shailputri "Om Shaam Sheem Shoom Shailputryai Swaha".
16. Touch the spoon on water bowel after every offering.
17. Pray, "O' mother! Please recieve these offerings."
18. Now put some water on both sides of place of havan.
Do dispersal : Take raw rice in your right hand, offer it on stone near
cow dung cake and say, "O' mother! Please recieve offerings and stay in
our home till navami (9th day of navratri).
20. After that you should eat dinner.
is the procedure of first day. On 2nd to 9th day follow the same
procedure of mantra japa and havan for navdurga or nine forms of durga.
Here are the mantra for japa and havan for each form of durga :
First day Goddess Shailputri : Japa mantra is "Om Shaam Sheem Shoom
Shailputryai Swaha" and havan mantra is "Om Shaam Sheem Shoom
Shailputryai Swaha" . Both are same.
2. Second day Goddess
Brahmcharini : Japa mantra is "Om Braam Breem Broom Brahmcharinyai
Namah" amd havan mantra is "Om Braam Breem Broom Brahmcharinyai Namah
3. Third day Goddess Chandraghanta : Japa Mantra is "Om Hreem
Kleem Shreem Chandraghantayai Swaha" and havan mantra is "Om Hreem Kleem
Shreem Chandraghantayai Swaha"
4. Fourth day Goddess Kushmanda :
Japa mantra is "Om Hreem Kushmandayai Jagatprasootyai Namah" and havan
mantra is "Om Hreem Kushmandayai Jagatprasootyai Namah Swaha"
Fifth day Goddess Skandamata : Japa mantra is "Om Hreem Saha
Skandmatryai Namah" and havan mantra is "Om Hreem Saha Skandmatryai
Namah Swaha"
6. Sixth day Goddess Katyayani : Japa mantra is "Om
Hreem Shreem Katyayanyai Swaha" and havan mantra is "Om Hreem Shreem
Katyayanyai Swaha"
7. Seventh day Goddess Kalratri : Japa mantra is
"Aim Hreem Kleem Kalratryai Namah" and havan mantra is "Om Hreem Shreem
Katyayanyai Swaha"
8. Eighth day Goddess Mahagauri : Japa mantra is
"Om Hreem Shreem Glaum Gam Gauri Geem Swaha" and havan mantra is "Om
Hreem Shreem Glaum Gam Gauri Geem Swaha"
9. Ninth day Goddess
Siddhidatri : Japa mantra is "Om Hreem Saha Siddhidatryai Namah" and
havan mantra is "Om Hreem Saha Siddhidatryai Namah Swaha"
On 10th day of navratri finish your Navratri fast.
Also listen
नवरात्र में नवदुर्गा साधना की सम्पूर्ण विधि, मंत्र
सम्पूर्ण नवरात्री पूजा विधि/Navratri Puja Vidhi/Essy Durga Puja At Home
easy navratri puja vidhi | how to do ghata sthapana | durga puja | devi
puja at home, Navratri Puja Vidhi | Navdurga Mantra and easy Havan for 9
days of Navratri | Durga puja at home.Navratri Puja Vidhi in Hindi
नवरात्री सम्पूर्ण पूजा विधि
1. प्रथम नवरात्रि को क्लश स्थापित करने की विधि
2. नो दिन तक नवरात्री पूजा करने की विधि
3. नवरात्री के अंतिम दिन पूजा करने की विधि
कलश स्थापना के महत्वपूर्ण वस्तुये
मिट्टी का पात्र
शुद्ध साफ पानी
शुद्ध जल से भरा कलश
साबुत सुपारी
कलश में रखने के लिये सिक्के
आम के 5 पत्ते
कलश को ढकने के लिए ढक्कन
एक पानी वाला नारियल
लाल कपड़ा
फूलो की माला
माँ दुर्गा की तस्वीर या मूर्ति
मिट्टी का पात्र ले इसमें मिट्टी डाल दे फिर जौ के बीज डाले थोड़ा पानी डाले
अब कलश के मुँह पर मोली बांध दीजिये
अब कलश को शुद्ध जल से भर लीजिये
कलश में साबुत सुपारी डाले
गंगाजल डाले
कलश में कुछ सिक्के रखे कलश में आम के पते रखकर कलश का मुह ढक्कन से बंद कर दे ढक्कन पर चावल डाले
फिर नारियल पर तिलक लगाकर नारियल को कलश के ऊपर स्थापित कर दे और कलश को उठाकर जौ के पात्र में रख दे
चौकी पर लाल कपड़ा बिछाकर माँ दुर्गा की तस्वीर स्थापित करे
फिर कलश को माँ दुर्गा को मूर्ति के दायीं और रखे
कलश और माँ दुर्गा की दीपक ,धूपबत्ती लगाकर आदि से पूजा करे फूल माला चढ़ाये
और से आह्वान करे की वे नो दिनों तक आपके घर पधारे
नो दिनों में इन नो देवियो की पूजा करे
इनकी पूजा धुप अगरबत्ती लगाकर करे और कहे हे सर्वत्र विराजमान माँ अम्बे आपको मेरा बार बार प्रणाम
पहले दिन - माँ शैलपुत्री
दूसरे दिन -ब्रहचारिणी
तीसरे दिन -चंद्रघटा
चौथे दिन -कुष्मांडा
पाचवे दिन -स्कन्दमाता
छठे दिन -माँ सत्यायनी
सातवे दिन -कालरात्रि
आठवे दिन -महागौरी
नवे दिन -सिद्धिरात्री
भोज बनाकर प्रसाद के रूप में माँ अम्बे को चढ़ाये
नवरात्रि के अंतिम दिन कन्याओ को भोजन करवाये
घट पर रखा नारियल प्रसाद के रूप में खा ले
कलश का जल अपने पुरे घर में झिड़क दे
सिक्के निकालकर खजाने में रख दे
देवी की तस्वीर अपने पूजा स्थान पर रखे
घट पर रखे चावल पंखियो को डाले
जौ को नदी या तालाब में विसर्जित करे
Durga is Siddhidatri. Siddhidatri Maa Kamla is symbol of wealth and
worldly happiness. Mother Siddhidatri is capable of rendering all forms
of successes to her devotees. According to the Puranas, Lord Shiva
achieved salvation by the grace of this deity.
The deity is seen
sometimes sitting on a lotus and sometimes mounted on a lion. She is
four armed. The lower right hand of the Goddess holds a disc and the
upper right hand holds a lotus. The lower left hand holds a conch shell
and the upper hand holds a Gada.
She is worshipped on the ninth day
of the Durga puja. She is the ultimate form of the Maa among the
Navdurga. After worshipping all other aspects of Devi, NavRatri Pooja is
culminated by praying to Devi Siddhidatri.
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ सिद्धिदात्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।
दुर्गा का नवम रूप सिद्धिदात्री है। जिसे नारायणी या शतावरी कहते हैं।
शतावरी बुद्धि बल एवं वीर्य के लिए उत्तम औषधि है। रक्त विकार एवं वात
पित्त शोध नाशक है। हृदय को बल देने वाली महाऔषधि है।
ये सभी प्रकार की सिद्धियों को देने वाली हैं। नवरात्र-पूजन के नौवें दिन
इनकी उपासना की जाती है। इस दिन शास्त्रीय विधि-विधान और पूर्ण निष्ठा के
साथ साधना करने वाले साधक को सभी सिद्धियों की प्राप्ति हो जाती है।
नवदुर्गाओं में माँ सिद्धिदात्री अंतिम हैं। अन्य आठ दुर्गाओं की पूजा
उपासना शास्त्रीय विधि-विधान के अनुसार करते हुए भक्त दुर्गा पूजा के नौवें
दिन इनकी उपासना में प्रवत्त होते हैं। इन सिद्धिदात्री माँ की उपासना
पूर्ण कर लेने के बाद भक्तों और साधकों की लौकिक, पारलौकिक सभी प्रकार की
कामनाओं की पूर्ति हो जाती है।
सिद्धिदात्री का जो मनुष्य नियमपूर्वक सेवन करता है। उसके सभी कष्ट स्वयं
ही दूर हो जाते हैं। इससे पीड़ित व्यक्ति को सिद्धिदात्री देवी की आराधना
करना चाहिए। इस दिन भगवान राम का जन्म हुआ था, इसलिए हम आज के दिन को राम
नवमी के पर्व के रूप में भी मनाते हैं। इस दिन भगवान राम व उनके अवतारों की
पूजा की जाती है।
रचन: वाग्देवी गणेशःहरिद्राभञ्चतुर्वादु हारिद्रवसनंविभुम् ।
पाशाङ्कुशधरं दैवंमोदकन्दन्तमेव च ॥ देवी शैलपुत्रीवन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखरां।
वृषारूढां शूलधरां शैलपुत्री यशस्विनीम् ॥ देवी ब्रह्मचारिणीदधाना करपद्माभ्यामक्षमाला कमण्डलू ।
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा ॥ देवी चन्द्रघण्टेतिपिण्डजप्रवरारूढा चन्दकोपास्त्रकैर्युता ।
प्रसादं तनुते मह्यं चन्द्रघण्टेति विश्रुता ॥ देवी कूष्माण्डासुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च ।
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे ॥ देवीस्कन्दमातासिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितकरद्वया ।
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी ॥ देवीकात्यायणीचन्द्रहासोज्ज्वलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना ।
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्यादेवी दानवघातिनी ॥ देवीकालरात्रिएकवेणी जपाकर्णपूर नग्ना खरास्थिता ।
लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्तशरीरिणी ॥ वामपादोल्लसल्लोहलताकण्टकभूषणा ।
वर्धनमूर्ध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी ॥ देवीमहागौरीश्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः ।
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवप्रमोददा ॥ देवीसिद्धिदात्रिसिद्धगन्धर्वयक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि ।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी ॥
Durga Visarjan
is done at an appropriate time either during Aparahna (अपराह्ण) time or
Pratahkala (प्रात:काल) while Dashami Tithi is prevailing. In most of
the years Visarjan Muhurat falls during morning time but if both
Shravana Nakshatra and Dashami Tithi prevail during Aparahna together
then Aparahna Muhurat is given preference over morning Muhurat.
Many people break nine days Navratri fasting after Durga Visarjan. Hence Durga Visarjan timing can also be used for Navratri Parana.
Shardiya Navratri is the most popular and significant Navratri of all Navratris. That’s why Shardiya Navratri is also known as Maha Navratri.
falls in lunar month Ashwin during Sharad Ritu. The name Shardiya
Navratri has been taken from Sharad Ritu. All nine days during Navratri
are dedicated to nine forms of Goddess Shakti. Shardiya Navratri falls
in the month of September or October. The nine days festivity culminates
on tenth day with Dussehra or Vijaya Dashami.
The Eighth Durga is "Maha Gauri." Her complexion is
white. Her garments are also white. She is mounted on a white bull and
has four hands. Her top right hand is rendering fearlessness and the
hand below holds a trident. The top left hand holds a "Damru" and the
hand below is in a gesture of giving boons.
She has extremely fair complexion and therefore Maa is compared with the
conch, the moon and the white flower of Kunda. Radiant and
compassionate,She is also known as Shwetambardhara. Maa
Mahagauri purifies the souls of Her devotees and removes all their sins.
She has a calming effect on the lives of Her devotees and she also
helps them improve their knowledge.
Worship Maa Mahagauri to be
free from the clutches of the material world and to remove sorrows from
your life, for She will lead you to the path of virtue and inner power.
Chant this mantra to worship Maa Mahagauri श्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः | महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्त्र महादेव प्रमोददा ||
Shwete Veshe Samarudha Shwetambardhara Shuchih
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadevapramodada
दुर्गा का आठवां रूप महागौरी व्यक्ति के भीतर पल रहे कुत्सित व मलिन
विचारों को समाप्त कर प्रज्ञा व ज्ञान की ज्योति जलाता है। मां का ध्यान
करने से व्यक्ति को आत्मिक ज्ञान की अनुभूति होती है उसके भीतर श्रद्धा
विश्वास व निष्ठ की भावना बढ़ाता है। मां दुर्गा की अष्टम शक्ति
है महागौरी जिसकी आराधना से उसके पुत्रों (भक्तों) को जीवन की सही राह का
ज्ञान होता है जिस पर चलकर वह अपने जीवन का सार्थक बना सकता है। नवरात्र
में मां के इस रूप की आराधना व्यक्ति के समस्त पापों का नाश करती है। व्रत
रहकर मां का पूजन कर उसे भोग लगाएं तथा उसके बाद मां का प्रसाद ग्रहण करे
जिससे व्यक्ति के भीतर के दुराभाव दूर होते हैं।
नवरात्र के आठवें
दिन मां महागौरी की आराधना की जाती है। आज के दिन मां की स्तुति से समस्त
पापों का नाश होता है। पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार मां ने कठिन तप कर गौरवर्ण
प्राप्त किया था। मां की उत्पत्ति के समय इनकी आयु आठ वर्ष की थी जिस कारण
इनका पूजन अष्टमी को किया जाता है। मां अपने भक्तों के लिए अन्नपूर्णा
स्वरूप है। आज ही के दिन कन्याओं के पूजन का विधान है। मां धन वैभव, सुख
शांति की अधिष्ठात्री देवी हैं।
मां का स्वरूप ब्राह्मण को उज्जवल
करने वाला तथा शंख, चन्द्र व कुंद के फूल के समान उज्जवल है। मां
वृषभवाहिनी (बैल) शांति स्वरूपा है। कहा जाता है कि मां ने शिव को पति के
रूप में प्राप्त करने के लिए कठोर तप किया जिसके बाद उनका शरीर मिटटी ढक
गया। आखिरकार भगवान महादेव उन पर प्रसन्न हुए और उन्हें पत्नी होने का
आर्शीवाद प्रदान किया। भगवान शंकर ने इनके शरीर को गंगाजल से धोया जिसके
बाद मां गौरी का शरीर विद्युत के समान गौर व दैदीप्यमान हो गया। इसी कारण
इनका नाम महागौरी पड़ा।
मां संगीत व गायन से प्रसन्न होती है तथा
इनके पूजन में संगीत अवश्य होता है। कहा जाता है कि आज के दिन मां की
आराधना सच्चे मन से होता तथा मां के स्वरूप में ही पृथ्वी पर आयी कन्याओं
को भोजन करा उनका आर्शीवाद लेने से मां अपने भक्तों को आर्शीवाद अवश्य देती
है। हिन्दू धर्म में अष्टiमी के दिन कन्याओं को भोजन कराए जाने की परम्परा
है। ध्यान मंत्र
श्वेत वृषे समारूढ़ा श्वेतांबरधरा शुचि।
महागौरी शुभे दद्यान्महादेव प्रमोददा।।