
Monday, August 5, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Learn how to be a disciple. Then alone you can derive benefit in the spiritual path. Learn how to obey. Than alone you can command. Go to the Teacher and ask what is the cause of bondage, what is the means of deliverance, what is wisdom, and what is ignorance or Avidya? Listen to all, but follow one. Respect all, but adore one. Gather knowledge from all, but adopt the teachings of one Master. Then you will have rapid spiritual progress. Correct understanding, non-attachment to worldly objects, serenity of mind, restraint of the senses, absence of base passions, faith in the Guru and devotion to God are necessary equipments with which the aspirant has to approach the Guru. ,
A life that is full of the spirit of service, full of the light of love for all, full of devotion to
God, is the real Divine Life. This Divine Life is open to you always; you have to tread it by prayer,
by love, by service, by sweetness in speech and sweetness in life, by acts of benevolence and
kindness, by deeds of service and sacrifice. You are indeed blessed to have come to this Ashram
twice. The blessing is lasting in its transforming effect upon your mind. Though the present way be
spiritually dull, soon you will have to inspire yourself by an intensive study of Sri Gurudev’s
literature and other inspiring religious works
Swami Chidananda

To look upon the Guru as a person and then to judge him as you judge anybody else in the world, and to take his word or not to take it from your own point of view, would be to cut the ground from under your own feet.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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