Saraswati Ashtakam – II (सरस्वती अष्टकं – II)=(Saraswati stotra.18)
अमल विस्व वन्ध्या सा कमल कर मालिनि,
विमलब्रा निभा वोव्यतः कमलया सरवथि. 1
वर्ण समस्थ्ङ्ग रूपा, या स्वर्न रथन विभूषिथा,
निर्णय, भरतहि, सवेथ वर्ण, वोव्यतः श्ररस्वथि. 2
वरधभय रुदरक्ष वर पुस्थाक धारिणी,
सरस सा सरोजत्ठ, सर वोव्यतः श्ररस्वथि. 3
सुन्दरी सुमुखी पद्म मन्दिर मधरा च
साकुन्द भास, सदा वोव्यतः वन्धिथा य श्ररस्वथि. 4
रुध्रक्ष लिपिथ कुम्भ मुध्रद्रुथ करंभुजा,
भद्रर्थ धयिनिसव्यतः भद्रब्जक्षि श्ररस्वथि. 5
रक्था, कोउसेय रथ्नद्या, व्यक्था भाषण भूषण,
भक्था हृद पद्म संस्था, सा शक्था वोव्यतः श्ररस्वथि. 6
चथुर्मुखस्य जायया या चथुर वेद स्वरूपिनि,
चथुर भुज च सा व्योव्यतः चतुर वर्ग श्ररस्वथि. 7
सर्व लोक प्रपूज्य य पर्व चन्द्र निभानना,
सर्व जिह्वग्र संस्था सा सदा वोव्यतः श्ररस्वथि. 8
श्ररस्वथ्यश्तकम् नित्यं सुकृथ्प्रथर भजेन नर,
अग्निर विमुच्यथे सोऽयं पराज्ञैर इष्तस्च लभ्याथे. 9
Saraswati Ashtaka
Sarasvathy Ashtakam[Octet on Saraswathi]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Saraswathi is the God of Learning. This Prayer is addressed to Her.]
Amala Viswa vandhya saa kamala kara malini,
Vimalabra nibha vovyath kamalaya saravathi. 1
She who is pure, She who is saluted by the world,
She who is free from blemish and holding a lotus,
She who is of the colour of a clear crystal,
She who is the indestructible Saraswathi of the lotus.
Varna samasthnga roopaa, yaa swarna rathna vibhooshithaa,
Nirnaya, bharathi, svetha varna, vovyath Saraswathi. 2
She who has form of coloured limbs,
She who decorates herself with gold and jewels,
She who determines, she who is Bharathi,
She who is white and she who is indestructible Saraswathi.
Varadhabhaya rudaraksha vara pusthaka dharini,
Sarasa saa sarojaththa, sara vovyath Saraswathi. 3
She who has in her hands Rudraksha, book,
And shows symbols of blessing, protection and boons,
She who lives on a lotus in the pond,
She who is the essence and she who is indestructible Saraswathi.
Sundari sumukhi padma mandira madhraa cha
Saakunda bhasa, sada vovyath vandhithaa ya Saraswathi. 4
She who is pretty, She who has a blessed face, She who lives in lotus,
She who is sweet, She who smiles with her jasmine like teeth.
She who is always saluted by indestructible God and Saraswathi.
Rudhraksha lipitha Kumbha mudhradrutha karambhuja,
Bhadrartha dhayinisavyath bhadrabjakshi Saraswathi. 5
She who holds Rudraksha beads, pot, Written book and lotus,
She who gives blessed wealth, she who has a lotus like divine eye, Saraswathi.
Raktha, kouseya rathnadyaa, vyaktha bhashana bhooshana,
Bhaktha hrud padma samstha, saa shaktha vovyath Saraswathi. 6
She who wears blood colour silk and gems,
She who wears clear talking as ornament,
She who lives in the lotus of the mind of her devotees,
She who is powerful and indestructible Saraswathi.
Chathurmukhasya Jayyaa yaa Chathur Veda swaroopini,
Chathur bhuja cha saa vyovyath chatur varga Saraswathi. 7
She who is the consort of Brahma,
She who is the form of four Vedas,
She who is having four hands,
She who is the indestructible Saraswathi to the four castes.
Sarva loka prapoojya ya parva chandra nibhananaa,
Sarva jihwagra samstha saa sada vovyath Saraswathi. 8
She who is worshipped by all the worlds,
She who resembles the full moon,
She who is on the toungues of all,
She who is the indestructible Saraswathi.
Saraswathyashtakam nithyam sukruthprathar bhajen nara,
Agnair vimuchyathe soyam pragnair ishtascha labhyathe. 9
He who sings this octet of Saraswathi daily morning,
Would get rid of ignorance and would be liked by wise people.
Shri Saraswati Ashtakam
Saraswati Ashtakam is in Sanskrit. It is from Padmapurana. It is a
discussion between Shatanik (Name of the disciple) and Shounak (Guru).
Shatanik is asking his Guru, O! Mahamate, MahaPradnya (One who is very
intelligent and knowledgeable) which Japa at the time of death, is to be
recited to be free from Karma Bandhana (Bondage of Death and Life)? So
that Param Padam (Moksha) is experienced after death.
Shounak says this was earlier asked by Dharm putra Yudhishtir to Pitamaha Bhishmacharya. Pitamaha you know all the Shastras please tell me How God Brahma praised Goddess Saraswati? And how we have to praise Goddess Saraswati so that she will give her blessings to us?
Pleased by the praise, Goddess Saraswati asked God Brahma what was his desire?
Then God Brahma asked Goddess Saraswati to bless him by giving divine knowledge. Goddess Saraswati said those devotees who will recite this stotra with faith and concentration, will receive divine knowledge.
God Brahma said I received that divine knowledge; without goddesss blessings it is very difficult to receive such knowledge.
Goddess said those devotees who will recite this stotra three times in a day; I will always be with them to guide them.
Here completes this Shri Saraswati Ashtakam which is from PadmaPurana.
Shounak says this was earlier asked by Dharm putra Yudhishtir to Pitamaha Bhishmacharya. Pitamaha you know all the Shastras please tell me How God Brahma praised Goddess Saraswati? And how we have to praise Goddess Saraswati so that she will give her blessings to us?
Pleased by the praise, Goddess Saraswati asked God Brahma what was his desire?
Then God Brahma asked Goddess Saraswati to bless him by giving divine knowledge. Goddess Saraswati said those devotees who will recite this stotra with faith and concentration, will receive divine knowledge.
God Brahma said I received that divine knowledge; without goddesss blessings it is very difficult to receive such knowledge.
Goddess said those devotees who will recite this stotra three times in a day; I will always be with them to guide them.
Here completes this Shri Saraswati Ashtakam which is from PadmaPurana.
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