(श्री पृथिवीपतिसूरिविरचितम्)
ध्यायेन्नित्यं महेशं
रजतगिरिनिभं चारुचन्द्रावतसं
रत्नाकल्पोज्ज्वलांगं परशुमृगवराभीतिहस्तं प्रसन्नम् ।
पद्मासीनं समन्तात्स्तुतममरगणैर्व्याघ्रकृत्तिं वसानं
विश्वाद्यं विश्वबीजं
निखिलभयहरं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रम्
॥ १ ॥
पशुपतिं द्युपतिं
भुजगलोकपतिं च सतीपतिम्
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
२ ॥
न जनको
जननी न सोदरो
न तनयो
न च भूरिबलं कुलम्
अवति कोऽपि न कालवशं गतं
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
३ ॥
मधुरपञ्चमनादविशारदम् ।
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
४ ॥
शरणदं सुखदं
शिव शिवेति
शिवेति नतं नृणाम् ।
अभयदं करुणावरुणालयं
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
५ ॥
नरशिरोरचितं मणिकुण्डलं
भुजगहारमुदं वृषभध्वजम्
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
६ ॥
मखविनाशकरं शशिशेखरं
सततमध्वरभाजि फलप्रदम्
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
७ ॥
मदमपास्य चिरं
मरणजन्मजराभयपीडनम् ।
जगदुदीक्ष्य समीपभयाकुलं
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
८ ॥
यमजनेशधनेशनमस्कृतम् ।
त्रिनयनं भुवनत्रितयाधिपं
भजत रे
मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥
९ ॥
विरचितं पृथिवीपतिसूरिणा ।
पठति संशृणुते
मनुजः सदा
शिवपुरीं वसते
लभते मुदम् ॥ १० ॥
The octet on lord of all beings

The Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal
ध्यायेन्नित्यं महेशं रजतगिरिनिभं चारुचन्द्रावतंसं
रत्नाकल्पोज्ज्वलाङ्गं परशुमृगवराभीतिहस्तं प्रसन्नम् ।
पद्मासीनं समन्तात्स्तुतममरगणैर्व्याघ्रकृत्तिं वसानं
विश्वाद्यं विश्वबीजं निखिलभयहरं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रम॥१॥
ध्यायेन्नित्यं महेशं रजतगिरिनिभं चारुचन्द्रावतंसं
रत्नाकल्पोज्ज्वलाङ्गं परशुमृगवराभीतिहस्तं प्रसन्नम् ।
पद्मासीनं समन्तात्स्तुतममरगणैर्व्याघ्रकृत्तिं वसानं
विश्वाद्यं विश्वबीजं निखिलभयहरं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रम॥१॥
should meditate upon Maheśa, Who is eternal, Whose complexion resembles
Mount Kailāsa, Who has a beautiful moon on forehead, Whose bright
organs are decorated by jewels, Who has an axe, a deer, boon and
fearlessness in hands, Who is gracious, Who is sitting on a lotus, Who
is continuously eulogized by the devagaṇa (demi-gods), Who has a cloth
made of tiger-skin, Who is the beginning of the universe, Who is the
cause of the universe, Who absolves all the fears, Who has five heads,
and Who has three eyes (on every head). [1]
पशुपतीन्दुपतिं धरणीपतिं भुजगलोकपतिं च सती पतिम् ।
गणत भक्तजनार्ति हरं परं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥१॥
गणत भक्तजनार्ति हरं परं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥१॥
man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Who is the lord of
all beings, Who is the lord of the moon, Who is the lord of the world,
Who is the lord of the universe, Who is the Lord of Sathi Devi, And who
destroys the sorrows of his devotees. [1]
न जनको जननी न च सोदरो न तनयो न च भूरिबलं कुलम् ।
अवति कोऽपि न कालवशं गतं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥ २॥
अवति कोऽपि न कालवशं गतं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥ २॥
man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, For, when you are
going to the god of death, Neither father nor mother nor brother, Nor
sons nor your family with many members, Can ever save you for sure. [2]
मुरजडिण्डिवाद्यविलक्षणं मधुरपञ्चमनादविशारदम् ।
प्रथमभूत गणैरपि सेवितं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥३॥
प्रथमभूत गणैरपि सेवितं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥३॥
man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Who is an expert in
playing small and big drums, Who is very clever in singing the panchama
tune, And who is served by bhoothas like pramadha. [3]
शरणदं सुखदं शरणान्वितं शिव शिवेति शिवेति नतं नृणाम् ।
अभयदं करुणा वरुणालयं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥४॥
अभयदं करुणा वरुणालयं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥४॥
man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Who gives
protection and pleasure to those who approach, Who is worshipped by
people as Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, And who is the protector and sea of
mercy. [4]
नरशिरोरचितं मणिकुण्डलं भुजगहारमुदं वृषभध्वजम् ।
चितिरजोधवली कृत विग्रहं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥५॥
चितिरजोधवली कृत विग्रहं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥५॥
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Who
decorates himself with skulls of humans, Who wears ear studs made of
snakes, Who wears a garland of snakes, Who has a flag of a bull, And who
is white due to applied ash from the ground of cremation. [5]
मुखविनाशङ्करं शशिशेखरं सततमघ्वरं भाजि फलप्रदम् ।
प्रलयदग्धसुरासुरमानवं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥६॥
प्रलयदग्धसुरासुरमानवं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥६॥
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Who
destroyed a fire sacrifice, Who adds the moon's crescent to himself,
Who always gives blessing to those who do fire sacrifices, And who burns
man, devas and asuras at the time of deluge. [6]
मदम पास्य चिरं हृदि संस्थितं मरण जन्म जरा भय पीडितम् ।
जगदुदीक्ष्य समीपभयाकुलं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥७॥
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Leaving the arrogance which is in your mind for long, Realizing that world is fully fear struck, Of death, birth and old age. [7]
हरिविरिञ्चिसुराधिंप पूजितं यमजनेशधनेशनमस्कृतम् ।
त्रिनयनं भुवन त्रितयाधिपं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥८॥
त्रिनयनं भुवन त्रितयाधिपं भजत रे मनुजा गिरिजापतिम् ॥८॥
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain, Who is worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and Indra, Who is saluted by lords of death, ocean and wealth,
Who has three eyes and fearful when he nears. [8]
Who has three eyes and fearful when he nears. [8]
पशुपतेरिदमष्टकमद्भुतं विरिचित पृथिवी पति सूरिणा ।
पठति संशृनुते मनुजः सदा शिवपुरिं वसते लभते मुदम् ॥९॥
man who always reads or hears, This wonderful octet on the lord of all
beings, Written by Soori who is the king of the world, Would reach the
world of Shiva and happily live there. [9]
octet on lord of all beings)
Pasupatheendu patheem
Bhujaloka patheem cha
Pranatha bhaktha janarthi haram
Bhajatha re manuja
girijapatheem. 1
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is the lord of the moon,
Who is the lord of the world,
Who is the lord of the universe,
Who is the Lord of Sathi Devi,
And who destroys the sorrows of his devotees.
Na janako, na janani na cha
Na thanayona cha bhooribalam
Avathi kopi na kalavasam gatham,
Bhajatha re manuja
girijapatheem. 2
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
For, when you are going to the god of death,
Neither father nor mother nor brother,
Nor sons nor your family with many members,
Can ever save you for sure.
Muraja dindima vadhya vichakshanam,
Madhura panchama nada visharadham,
Pramadha bhootha ganairapi sevitham,
Bhajatha re manuja
girijapatheem. 3
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Who is an expert in playing small and big drums,
Who is very clever in singing the panchama tune,
And who is served by bhoothas like pramadha.
Saranadham sukhadham
Shiva shivethi shivethi nrutham
Abhayadham karunavarunalayam,
Bhajatha re manuja girijapatheem.
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Who gives protection and pleasure to those who approach,
Who is worshipped by people as “Shiva”, “Shiva”, “Shiva”,
And who is the protector and sea of mercy.
Nara siro rachitham phani
Bhujaga hara brutham, vrushabha
Chithira jotha vali krutha
Bhajatha re manuja
girijapatheem. 5
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Who decorates himself with skulls of humans,
Who wears ear studs made of snakes,
Who wears a garland of snakes,
Who has a flag of a bull,
And who is white due to applied ash from the ground of
Makha vinasa karam , sasi
Sathatha madhwara bhaji phala
Pralaya dagdha surasura
Bhajatha re manuja
girijapatheem. 6
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Who destroyed a fire sacrifice,
Who adds the moon’s crescent to himself,
Who always gives blessing to those who do fire
And who burns man, devas and asuras at the time of
Madamapaasyachiram hrudhi
Marana janma jara bhaya
Jagadu deekshya sameepa bhaya
Bhajatha re manuja girijapatheem.
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Leaving the arrogance which is in your mind for long,
Realizing that world is fully fear struck,
Of death , birth and old age .
Hari virincha suradhipa
Yama jalesa dhanesa namaskutham,
Trinayanam sameepa bhayakulam,
Bhajatha re manuja
girijapatheem. 8
Hey man, pray the lord of the daughter of the mountain,
Who is worshipped by Vishnu, Brahma and Indra,
Who is saluted by lords of death, ocean and wealth,
Who has three eyes and fearful when he nears.
Pasupatheridham ashtakam athbutham
Virachitham pruthwee pathi
Padathi samsrunuthe manuja sada,
Shiva purim vasathe labathe
sukham. 9
The man who always reads or hears,
This wonderful octet on the lord of all beings,
Written by Soori who is the king of the world,
Would reach the world of Shiva and happily live there.
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