
Monday, September 2, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,



Swami Sivananda

A doctor who works in the hospital should think that all patients are manifestations of the one Lord. He should think that this body is a moving temple of God and that the hospital is a large shrine of God. He should think "I am doing all my actions to please God but not to please my superiors. " He should think that God is the inner ruler, that He only manipulates all his actions from behind and that He is the wire-puller of his destiny. He should think that He only works to carry out the Divine Will in the grand, cosmic plan. He should consecrate all his actions, success and failure at His feet and say: "OM Tat Sat. Let this be offered unto the Lord. " This is the fire of wisdom or the fire of devotion that destroys the fruit of action, brings about the

 urification of the heart, knowledge of the Self and final emancipation. Similar may
 be the case with a teacher or any other householder. 

Purity is the touchstone of divine life which should have the power of transmuting all that is negative into the positive.

- Swami Sivananda

To have knowledge of the Immortal Soul, to become identical with the Eternal, is the
supreme aim of existence.
The great goal of life is the realisation of God. This human life is a rare chance given for the
attainment of that Divine destiny. It’s your birthright to attain Divine Consciousness, that blissful
experience beyond all sorrow, pain, imperfection; and should be the central purpose of your life
here on earth. Plunge yourself into selfless service. Selfless service purifies your nature; it develops
devotion, and grants you a vision of the Divine

Swami Chidananda

chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare




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