Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,
Swami Sivananda
Mahatma Gandhi once visited one of the biggest libraries in London and asked the librarian, "What spiritual book was issued frequently?" The librarian replied, "It was Gita." The greatest gift, the best blessing, that India has conferred upon the world, upon all humanity, is this sublime yet eminently practical, universal gospel of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The great thinkers and philosophers of the Occident have vied with one another in paying their devout tribute at the shrine of the Gita. Wilhelm von Humbolt, the famous occidental scholar, says: "The Bhagavad Gita is the deepest and sublimest production the world possesses." Emerson, the great sage of America, had a copy of the Gita always on his table. The Gita is the voice of God. It is the song of ancient wisdom. It is a great textbook of spiritual culture. It is a book of eternity. It has been my constant companion of life. It is a gospel for the whole world.
To the good, the World is full of good. To the evil, the World is full of evil. Thinking makes it so. Evil is not in the world. Thinking makes it so. Evil is conjured in the mind, then the viewer sees only the reflection of their mind. - Swami Sivananda | To the good, the World is full of good. To the evil, the World is full of evil. Thinking makes it so. Evil is not in the world. Thinking makes it so. Evil is conjured in the mind, then the viewer sees only the reflection of their mind. - Swami Sivananda A real seeker and a worshipper of the Divine Mother should ever exercise his Vichara, Viveka and Vairagya with a resolute and determined mind. It is the exercise of all these higher faculties in order that the lower faculties may completely be destroyed that forms the real worship of the Divine Mother. The Sadhana which the seeker does in order to destroy the impurities of his mind and heart, the Sadhana which he does to burn up his egoism and attachments of the lower nature, may constitute the real worship of Mother for him. It is the doing of one’s Sadhana with whole-heartedness, intense sincerity and with the entire integral being in the seeker, that constitutes the real worship of the Mother. In every Seeker this worship of the Mother is a process that constantly goes onto that extent to which he resolutely opposes the cravings and attachments that try to keep him bound down to his lower existence; to that extent also he daily succeeds in doing a real worship of the Divine Mother. Let us all pray to the Divine Mother that she may give us all the necessary strength and inspiration and inner power, to put ourselves whole-heartedly upon Her side and join in the work of the Divine Sakti in regenerating us, in annihilating our Pasutva (animal instinct) and bestowing upon us Divya-Jyotis (Divine Light). SWami Chidananda. Chant the Maha Mantra Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare BE HAPPY.

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