Our status in the cosmos is our true history, and no study of a
person can be complete or be free from doubt unless it is studied from
the cosmical standpoint.
- Swami Krishnananda
Radhe krishna,
Good morning and have a blessed day,
Swami Sivananda
prayer the devotee sits by the side of the Lord. Prayer expands the
heart. Prayer purifies the heart. Prayer is a powerful spiritual
injection. It fills the heart with immense power and strength. Every
religion has its own prayer. Pray in the early morning. It is more
effective. Pray at all times. Let prayer become habitual, your second
nature. Pray not for wealth, position, wife and children and success in
lottery and horse-race. It is mean and deplorable. Ask for Darsana of
the Lord. Pray for devotion and communion. Recite the beautiful
Upanishadic prayer in the morning and at night: "Asato ma sat gamaya,
Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, Mrityorma amritam gamaya —Lead me on from unreal
to Real, from darkness to Light, from mortality to Immortality."
Thus, the wise sadhaka, the earnest seeker, understanding that the divine science is also a science governed by precise laws and conditions which if fulfilled yield results, is never perturbed and never gives up. Calmly, patiently, perseveringly and continuously one keeps up the effort that leads to realisation. Thus, one should relate oneself to this divine science as a person of faith and a person who is a yogi. Because, the hallmark of yoga is abhyasa; repeated, continuous effort is the inner svarupa of yoga.
Swami Chidananda.
- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
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