Chant this mantra to worship Maa Mahagauri

Mahagauri Mantra (Ashtami) | Day Eight Mantra of Navratri(Devi stotra.163)
Navratri Day 8
october 2023,sunday

Chaitra Navratri Day 8 Muhurat:
Chaitra Navratri Maha Ashtami will be observed on March 30 this year. Drik Panchang says the Ashtami Tithi will begin at 7:02 pm on March 28 and end at 9:07 pm on March 29.
Maha Gauri
The Eighth Durga is "Maha Gauri." Her complexion is white. Her garments are also white. She is mounted on a white bull and has four hands. Her top right hand is rendering fearlessness and the hand below holds a trident. The top left hand holds a "Damru" and the hand below is in a gesture of giving boons.
The Eighth Durga is "Maha Gauri." Her complexion is white. Her garments are also white. She is mounted on a white bull and has four hands. Her top right hand is rendering fearlessness and the hand below holds a trident. The top left hand holds a "Damru" and the hand below is in a gesture of giving boons.
She has extremely fair complexion and therefore Maa is compared with the conch, the moon and the white flower of Kunda. Radiant and compassionate,She is also known as Shwetambardhara. Maa Mahagauri purifies the souls of Her devotees and removes all their sins. She has a calming effect on the lives of Her devotees and she also helps them improve their knowledge.
Worship Maa Mahagauri to be free from the clutches of the material world and to remove sorrows from your life, for She will lead you to the path of virtue and inner power.
Worship Maa Mahagauri to be free from the clutches of the material world and to remove sorrows from your life, for She will lead you to the path of virtue and inner power.
Chant this mantra to worship Maa Mahagauri
श्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः |
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्त्र महादेव प्रमोददा ||
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्त्र महादेव प्रमोददा ||
Shwete Veshe Samarudha Shwetambardhara Shuchih
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadevapramodada
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadevapramodada

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