Sound of Divinity (7) - Excerpts from Ancient Hymn (Knowledge of the Vedas) - "Narayana Upanishad"(Venkateswar stotra .30)
Narayana is the name of the
Supreme God in his infinite all pervading
form. He is the Purusha of Purusha Suktam. Narayana is another name for
Vishnu, as Vishnu is a finite form of infinite Narayan. He is also known
as Hari. Understand that God is both infinite and finite. The Puranas
present a seemingly divergent, but accurate (for an enlightened being)
description of Narayana. The fifth verse of the Narayana Sukta, a hymn
in Yajurveda, states that Narayana pervades whatever is seen or heard in
this universe from inside and outside alike. Another important
translation of Narayana is "The First Being", according to the Manu
The Narayana Upnaishad states that Narayana is the eternal being: and therefore Narayana is Brahma. Narayana is Shiva. Narayana is Indra. Narayana is time. Narayana is the primary directions. Narayana is the subdirections. Narayana is above. Narayana is below. Narayana is within and without. Narayana is certainly everything; past, present and future. He is 'nishkalam' without material parts [although all beings are part of Narayana]. Being free from all falsehood, matter, He is 'niranjanah' or Brahman. He is without any master 'nirvikalpah.' He is 'nirakhyatah' invisible to the masses in general [even though He is everywhere]. Narayana is the pure effulgent Supreme Personality of Godhead: no one else, without a second to compare. He, Lord Narayana, manifests in this world as Shri Vishnu. Certainly, He appears as Shri Vishnu.
==========The Narayana Upnaishad states that Narayana is the eternal being: and therefore Narayana is Brahma. Narayana is Shiva. Narayana is Indra. Narayana is time. Narayana is the primary directions. Narayana is the subdirections. Narayana is above. Narayana is below. Narayana is within and without. Narayana is certainly everything; past, present and future. He is 'nishkalam' without material parts [although all beings are part of Narayana]. Being free from all falsehood, matter, He is 'niranjanah' or Brahman. He is without any master 'nirvikalpah.' He is 'nirakhyatah' invisible to the masses in general [even though He is everywhere]. Narayana is the pure effulgent Supreme Personality of Godhead: no one else, without a second to compare. He, Lord Narayana, manifests in this world as Shri Vishnu. Certainly, He appears as Shri Vishnu.
॥ नारायणोपनिषत् अथवा नारायण अथर्वशीर्ष ॥
ॐ सह नाववतु सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु । मा विद्विषावहै ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
ॐ अथ पुरुषो ह वै नारायणोऽकामयत प्रजाः सृजेयेति ।
नारायणात्प्राणो जायते । मनः सर्वेन्द्रियाणि च ।
खं वायुर्ज्योतिरापः पृथिवी विश्वस्य धारिणी ।
नारायणाद् ब्रह्मा जायते । नारायणाद् रुद्रो जायते ।
नारायणादिन्द्रो जायते । नारायणात्प्रजापतयः प्रजायन्ते ।
नारायणाद्द्वादशादित्या रुद्रा वसवः सर्वाणि च छन्दाꣳसि ।
नारायणादेव समुत्पद्यन्ते । नारायणे प्रवर्तन्ते । नारायणे प्रलीयन्ते ॥
ॐ । अथ नित्यो नारायणः । ब्रह्मा नारायणः । शिवश्च नारायणः ।
शक्रश्च नारायणः । द्यावापृथिव्यौ च नारायणः ।
कालश्च नारायणः । दिशश्च नारायणः । ऊर्ध्वश्च नारायणः ।
अधश्च नारायणः । अन्तर्बहिश्च नारायणः । नारायण एवेदꣳ सर्वम् ।
यद्भूतं यच्च भव्यम् । निष्कलो निरञ्जनो निर्विकल्पो निराख्यातः
शुद्धो देव एको नारायणः । न द्वितीयोऽस्ति कश्चित् । य एवं वेद ।
स विष्णुरेव भवति स विष्णुरेव भवति ॥
ओमित्यग्रे व्याहरेत् । नम इति पश्चात् । नारायणायेत्युपरिष्टात् ।
ओमित्येकाक्षरम् । नम इति द्वे अक्षरे । नारायणायेति पञ्चाक्षराणि ।
एतद्वै नारायणस्याष्टाक्षरं पदम् ।
यो ह वै नारायणस्याष्टाक्षरं पदमध्येति । अनपब्रुवस्सर्वमायुरेति ।
विन्दते प्राजापत्यꣳ रायस्पोषं गौपत्यम् ।
ततोऽमृतत्वमश्नुते ततोऽमृतत्वमश्नुत इति । य एवं वेद ॥
प्रत्यगानन्दं ब्रह्मपुरुषं प्रणवस्वरूपम् । अकार उकार मकार इति ।
तानेकधा समभरत्तदेतदोमिति ।
यमुक्त्वा मुच्यते योगी जन्मसंसारबन्धनात् ।
ॐ नमो नारायणायेति मन्त्रोपासकः । वैकुण्ठभुवनलोकं गमिष्यति ।
तदिदं परं पुण्डरीकं विज्ञानघनम् । तस्मात्तदिदावन्मात्रम् ।
ब्रह्मण्यो देवकीपुत्रो ब्रह्मण्यो मधुसूदनोम् ।
सर्वभूतस्थमेकं नारायणम् । कारणरूपमकार परब्रह्मोम् ।
एतदथर्व शिरोयोधीते प्रातरधीयानो रात्रिकृतं पापं नाशयति ।
सायमधीयानो दिवसकृतं पापं नाशयति ।
माध्यन्दिनमादित्याभिमुखोऽधीयानः पञ्चपातकोपातकात्प्रमुच्यते ।
सर्व वेद पारायण पुण्यं लभते ।
नारायणसायुज्यमवाप्नोति नारायण सायुज्यमवाप्नोति ।
य एवं वेद । इत्युपनिषत् ॥
ॐ सह नाववतु सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु । मा विद्विषावहै ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं
विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम् ।
लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यं
वन्दे विष्णुं भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम् ॥
Narayana Upanishad

by P.R.Ramachander
Aum Sahananavathu.
Saha nou bunakthu.
Saha veeryai kara vahai
Thejasvinaava dhithamasthu
Maa vidwishavahai
Aum Santhi santhi santhi.
Aum ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Aum ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Maaya thath karyamakhilam yad bodhadhaythya pahnavam.
Tripan narayanakhyam thath kalaye swathma mathratha.
I would tell you about that knowledge called “Narayana principle with three aspects" knowing which Maya (illusion) and all that which happens because of Maya will vanish entirely.
1 Aum adha purusho ha vai Narayano akaamayath. Praja srujeyethi. Narayanath prano jayathe. Mana sarvendriyani cha kham vayur jyothirapa prithvi viswasya dharini. Narayanath brahma jayathe. Narayanath Rudra jayathe. Narayanath Indro Jayathe. Narayanath prajapathi prajayathe. Narayanath Dwadasa aadhithya Rudra Vasava sarvaani Chandamsi Narayana deva Samudpadyanthe. Narayanath pravarthanthe. Narayane praleeyanthe. Eethath Rig veda siro adithe.
Aum! Narayana desired to create people. Because of this thought, Soul (prana) rose from him. Mind and all body parts, sky, air, light, water and the earth which can carry all these created beings took their form. From Narayana, Brahma was born. From Narayana, Rudra was born. From Narayana, Indra was born .From Narayana those people who rule these human beings were born. From Narayana, the twelve suns, eleven Rudras, Eight Vasus and all those meters (for writing) were born. All these function because of Narayana. All these end in Narayana. Thus is read, the Upanishads of Rig Veda.
(The twelve Adithyas (sons of Adithi) are Datha, Mithra, Aaryama, Rudra, Varuna, Surya , Bhaga, Vivaswan, Poosha, Savitha, Thwashta and Vishnu. The eleven Rudras are Manyu, Manu, Mahinasan, Mahan, Shivan, Ruthudwajan, Ugra rethas, Bhavan, Kaman, Vamadevan and Druthavruthan. The eight Vasus who are children of Vasu who is the daughter of Daksha are Dharan, Druvan, Soman, Ahass, Anilan, Analan Prathyushan and Prabhasan.)
2 Adha nithyo Narayana. Brahma Narayana. Shivascha Narayana. Shankrascha Narayana. Kaalascha Narayana. Disascha Narayana. Vidhisascha Narayana. Oordhwascha Narayana. Adhascha Narayana. Anthar bahischa Narayana. Narayana eevedam sarva yad bhootham yachcha bhavyam. Nish kalanko niranjano Nirvikalpo niraakhyatha shabho deva eka Narayano na dwitheyesthi kaschit. Ya evam veda sa vishnureva bhavathi sa Vishnureva bhavathi. Ethad Yajur veda siro adithe.
He is perennial. Narayana is Brahma. Narayana is Shiva. Narayana is Indra and Kaala (god of death). All directions are Narayana. All sides are Narayana. Inside and outside is Narayana. Narayana is what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. Narayana is the only God who is blemish less, stain less, order less, end less and who cannot be described and when Narayana is there, there is no other second. He who knows this, becomes himself Lord Vishnu. Thus is read, the Upanishads of Yajur Veda.
3 Aum ithyagre vyaahareth nama ithi paschath. Narayanasa ethyuparishath. Aum ithyekaksharam. Nama ithi dhwe akshare. Narayanayethi Panchaksharani. Ethadwai Narayanasyashtaksharam padam. Yoha vai Narayanasya ashtaksharam pada madhyethi. AAnapabroova sarva mayurethi. Vindathe Prajapathyam rayasposham gowpathyam thatho amruthathwamasruthe thatho amrutha masnutha ithi. Ethath Sama Veda siro adithe.
Tell “Aum “ first and then tell “Nama” After this tell “Narayana”. There is one letter in “Aum”. There are two letters in “Nama”. There are five letters in “Narayana.” Together is formed the eight lettered “Aum Namo Narayana”. He, who tells these eight letters, attains full life without any blemish. He would attain salvation after becoming the lord of the people and be blessed with lots of wealth, lots of cows and all other forms of wealth. Thus is read the Upanishads of Sama Veda.
4 Prathyganandam” brahma purusham pranaswaroopam. Aakara. Uukara, makaro ithi. Thaa anekadha samabhavath thadho mithi yamukthwa muchyathe yogi janma samsara bandhaath. Aum namo Narayanayethi manthropasako vaikuntabhuvanam gamishyathi. Thdidam pundareekam vignana danam thasmad thaddhabamathram. Brahmanyo devaki puthro brahmanyo madhu soodhana. Brahmanya pundarikaksho brahmanya Vishnurachyutha ithi. Sarva bhoothasthamekam vai narayanam karana purusha makaranam parabrahmom ethad adharva siro adithe.
That ever happy brahma purusha (soul) is of the form of pranava (“Aum”) which is made of joining “Aa”, Uu” and “Ma”. That pranava (Brahma Purusha) growing in several ways becomes “Aum” and that yogi (student of yoga) who meditates on it attains salvation. That yogi who meditates on “Aum Namo Narayanaya” reaches Vaikunta, the abode of Lord Vishnu. That Vaikunta is nothing but the Hrudaya Kamala (lotus like heart) which is full of eternal wisdom from which a streak of light similar to lightning emanates. The son of Devaki is Brahmam. The Madhu Sudhana (he who killed Madhu) is Brahmam. The lotus eyed one is Brahmam and also Lord Vishnu who is Achyutha. That Purusha which is the reason for existence of all beings is surely Narayana. He is also the causeless “Aum”, which is Para Brahmam. Thus is read the Upanishads of Atharva Veda.
5 Pratharadhiyano rathri krutha papam nasyathi. Sayam adhiyanom divasa krutha papam naasyathi. Maadhyam dinam aadhithyaa abhimukho adhiyana pancha maha pathako upa pathakath pramuchyathe. Sarva Veda parayana punyam labhathe. Narayana sayujyamvaa prothi. Sriman Narayana Sayujyam mavapnothi cha evam Veda.
He who reads this in the morning destroys the sin he has committed at night. He who reads this in the evening destroys the sins he has committed during day time. He, who reads this at noon addressing the Sun, gets rid of the five great sins as well as subsidiary sins. He also gets the holy effect of reading all Vedas. He becomes one with Lord Narayana at the end. This is the knowledge of Veda.
Aum ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Aum ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Here ends the Narayanopanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.
[: This Narayana Upanishad is listed as one of the 108 Upanishads in another version of Muktika Upanishad. The Upanishad "Narayana" listed in our version of Muktika Upanishad actually means Maha Narayana Upanishad.]
Narayana Upanishad belongs to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda. The Upanishad is about Narayana, who is considered to be Vishnu in his highest aspect as the supreme lord and creator of the universe. Interestingly the name Narayana was originally associated with Brahma and later ascribed to Vishnu. In the Puranas we also come across another name, Nara Narayana, associated with Vishnu as one of his minor incarnations. According to one version, Narayana was one of the four sons of Dharma deva, the others being Nara, Hari and Krishna. According to another version, at the end of his incarnation, Lord Narasimha split himself into two. His lion part became sage Narayana and his human part sage Nara. Both Nara and Narayana were sages. They did many great penances and attracted the attention of Indra, who sent celestial damsels to distract them and safeguard his own position. When Narayana saw these damsels, he patiently watched their singing and dancing. Then to teach Indra a lesson he produced a more dazzling damsel his thigh and named her Urvasi. Indra realized his mistake and apologized. Narayana accepted his apologies and in return gifted him Urvasi. This Upanishad depicts Lord Narayana as the creator and explains the spiritual significance of the mantra, "Aum mamo Narayanaya!" - Jayaram VTranslation
Shanthi Pata (Prayer for peace)Aum Sahananavathu.
Saha nou bunakthu.
Saha veeryai kara vahai
Thejasvinaava dhithamasthu
Maa vidwishavahai
Aum Santhi santhi santhi.
Aum ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Aum ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Maaya thath karyamakhilam yad bodhadhaythya pahnavam.
Tripan narayanakhyam thath kalaye swathma mathratha.
I would tell you about that knowledge called “Narayana principle with three aspects" knowing which Maya (illusion) and all that which happens because of Maya will vanish entirely.
1 Aum adha purusho ha vai Narayano akaamayath. Praja srujeyethi. Narayanath prano jayathe. Mana sarvendriyani cha kham vayur jyothirapa prithvi viswasya dharini. Narayanath brahma jayathe. Narayanath Rudra jayathe. Narayanath Indro Jayathe. Narayanath prajapathi prajayathe. Narayanath Dwadasa aadhithya Rudra Vasava sarvaani Chandamsi Narayana deva Samudpadyanthe. Narayanath pravarthanthe. Narayane praleeyanthe. Eethath Rig veda siro adithe.
Aum! Narayana desired to create people. Because of this thought, Soul (prana) rose from him. Mind and all body parts, sky, air, light, water and the earth which can carry all these created beings took their form. From Narayana, Brahma was born. From Narayana, Rudra was born. From Narayana, Indra was born .From Narayana those people who rule these human beings were born. From Narayana, the twelve suns, eleven Rudras, Eight Vasus and all those meters (for writing) were born. All these function because of Narayana. All these end in Narayana. Thus is read, the Upanishads of Rig Veda.
(The twelve Adithyas (sons of Adithi) are Datha, Mithra, Aaryama, Rudra, Varuna, Surya , Bhaga, Vivaswan, Poosha, Savitha, Thwashta and Vishnu. The eleven Rudras are Manyu, Manu, Mahinasan, Mahan, Shivan, Ruthudwajan, Ugra rethas, Bhavan, Kaman, Vamadevan and Druthavruthan. The eight Vasus who are children of Vasu who is the daughter of Daksha are Dharan, Druvan, Soman, Ahass, Anilan, Analan Prathyushan and Prabhasan.)
2 Adha nithyo Narayana. Brahma Narayana. Shivascha Narayana. Shankrascha Narayana. Kaalascha Narayana. Disascha Narayana. Vidhisascha Narayana. Oordhwascha Narayana. Adhascha Narayana. Anthar bahischa Narayana. Narayana eevedam sarva yad bhootham yachcha bhavyam. Nish kalanko niranjano Nirvikalpo niraakhyatha shabho deva eka Narayano na dwitheyesthi kaschit. Ya evam veda sa vishnureva bhavathi sa Vishnureva bhavathi. Ethad Yajur veda siro adithe.
He is perennial. Narayana is Brahma. Narayana is Shiva. Narayana is Indra and Kaala (god of death). All directions are Narayana. All sides are Narayana. Inside and outside is Narayana. Narayana is what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. Narayana is the only God who is blemish less, stain less, order less, end less and who cannot be described and when Narayana is there, there is no other second. He who knows this, becomes himself Lord Vishnu. Thus is read, the Upanishads of Yajur Veda.
3 Aum ithyagre vyaahareth nama ithi paschath. Narayanasa ethyuparishath. Aum ithyekaksharam. Nama ithi dhwe akshare. Narayanayethi Panchaksharani. Ethadwai Narayanasyashtaksharam padam. Yoha vai Narayanasya ashtaksharam pada madhyethi. AAnapabroova sarva mayurethi. Vindathe Prajapathyam rayasposham gowpathyam thatho amruthathwamasruthe thatho amrutha masnutha ithi. Ethath Sama Veda siro adithe.
Tell “Aum “ first and then tell “Nama” After this tell “Narayana”. There is one letter in “Aum”. There are two letters in “Nama”. There are five letters in “Narayana.” Together is formed the eight lettered “Aum Namo Narayana”. He, who tells these eight letters, attains full life without any blemish. He would attain salvation after becoming the lord of the people and be blessed with lots of wealth, lots of cows and all other forms of wealth. Thus is read the Upanishads of Sama Veda.
4 Prathyganandam” brahma purusham pranaswaroopam. Aakara. Uukara, makaro ithi. Thaa anekadha samabhavath thadho mithi yamukthwa muchyathe yogi janma samsara bandhaath. Aum namo Narayanayethi manthropasako vaikuntabhuvanam gamishyathi. Thdidam pundareekam vignana danam thasmad thaddhabamathram. Brahmanyo devaki puthro brahmanyo madhu soodhana. Brahmanya pundarikaksho brahmanya Vishnurachyutha ithi. Sarva bhoothasthamekam vai narayanam karana purusha makaranam parabrahmom ethad adharva siro adithe.
That ever happy brahma purusha (soul) is of the form of pranava (“Aum”) which is made of joining “Aa”, Uu” and “Ma”. That pranava (Brahma Purusha) growing in several ways becomes “Aum” and that yogi (student of yoga) who meditates on it attains salvation. That yogi who meditates on “Aum Namo Narayanaya” reaches Vaikunta, the abode of Lord Vishnu. That Vaikunta is nothing but the Hrudaya Kamala (lotus like heart) which is full of eternal wisdom from which a streak of light similar to lightning emanates. The son of Devaki is Brahmam. The Madhu Sudhana (he who killed Madhu) is Brahmam. The lotus eyed one is Brahmam and also Lord Vishnu who is Achyutha. That Purusha which is the reason for existence of all beings is surely Narayana. He is also the causeless “Aum”, which is Para Brahmam. Thus is read the Upanishads of Atharva Veda.
5 Pratharadhiyano rathri krutha papam nasyathi. Sayam adhiyanom divasa krutha papam naasyathi. Maadhyam dinam aadhithyaa abhimukho adhiyana pancha maha pathako upa pathakath pramuchyathe. Sarva Veda parayana punyam labhathe. Narayana sayujyamvaa prothi. Sriman Narayana Sayujyam mavapnothi cha evam Veda.
He who reads this in the morning destroys the sin he has committed at night. He who reads this in the evening destroys the sins he has committed during day time. He, who reads this at noon addressing the Sun, gets rid of the five great sins as well as subsidiary sins. He also gets the holy effect of reading all Vedas. He becomes one with Lord Narayana at the end. This is the knowledge of Veda.
Aum ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Aum ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Here ends the Narayanopanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.
[: This Narayana Upanishad is listed as one of the 108 Upanishads in another version of Muktika Upanishad. The Upanishad "Narayana" listed in our version of Muktika Upanishad actually means Maha Narayana Upanishad.]
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