कल्प शाकी गण सतः प्रसून मधु पण केली कुथुक ब्रमतः,
षड पदरवमनोहरे, कनक भूधरे, ललिथ मण्डपे,
आथ्युधर मणि पीत मध्ये विनी वासिनीमखिल मोहिनीं,
भक्थि योग सुलभं भजे भुवन मथारं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं. 1 येका कला समुदीय मन थारुनर्क कोटि सद्रुस स्फुर-
देह कनथि भर धोराणि मिलन लोहिथी कृथा दिगन्दरं,
वगथीथ विभवं विपद्य भय धयिनेमखिल मोहिनीं,
आगमार्थ मणि दीपिकामनिसमस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 2
ईशाषद उन्मिषाद मर्थ्य सखी कुसुमावली विमल थारका,
वृन्द सुन्दर सुधंसु गण्ड सुभागी कृथथि गुरु कैषिकां,
नीलकुन्चिथ्ग नालकां नितलभूशनयथ विलोचनं,
नीलकन्दसुकृथोन्नथीं, सथथस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं. 3
लक्ष्म अहीन विधु लक्षनैर्ज्जिथ विचक्षानना सरोरुहं,
यिक्षुकर्मुक सरसनोपमिथ चिल्ल्कयुगममथल्लिकं,
लक्षये मनसि संथथं सकल दुष्क्रुथ क्षय विधयिनीं,
उक्ष वहन थापो विभुथिमःअदक्षरं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 4
ह्रीमध प्रमध काम कोउथुक कृपधि भव पिसुनयथ,
स्निग्ध मुग्ध विसध त्रिवर्ण विमललसल सविलोचनं,
सुन्धरधर मणि प्रभा मीलिथ मन्द हसा नव चन्द्रिकं,
चन्द्रशेकर कुदुम्बिनीं अनिसमस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 5
हस्थंरुष्ट मणि दर्पनोज्ज्वल ममोग्न गण्ड फलक द्वये,
बिब थानुपम कुन्दलस्थाबक मन्दिथानना सरोरुहं,
श्र्वर्न पङ्कज दलान्दरु ल्लसिथ कर्णिका सद्र्हसिकां,
कर्ण वैरी सखा सोदरी मनिअस मस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 6
संमरन्धर सामधुरी थुलन कर्र्मतक्षर समुल्लस,
न्नर्म पेसल वाचोविलस परिभूथ निर्मल सुधा रसं,
कमर वक्त्र पवनग्रह प्रचलदुन्मिशद ब्रमर मण्डलं,
थुर्महे मनसि सरमा दम निसमंबिकं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 7
क्रम कनथि जिथ थारपुर मणि सुथर मन्दलमुल्लसतः,
कन्द काण्ड कमनीयथपःयुथ कम्बु राज रुचिदंबरं,
किन्चिदनथमनोहारं सयुगचुम्बिचरु मनिकर्निकं,
पञ्च बन परिपन्थि विपुन्य लहरीं भजे त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 8
हस्थ पद्म लसथिक्षु चाप स्रुनि पास पुश्पविशिखोज्ज्वलम्,
थाप्थ हेमरचिथाभि राम कतकन्गुलीय वलयधिकां,
वृथा निस्थूला निरन्थरल कदिनोन्नाथ स्थान थ्रुनिभव –
उन्मथ हस्थि वर मस्थाकं, मनसि चिन्थये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 9
लक्ष गद परिरम्भ थुष्ट हर हासगोव्र थारलोल्लसतः,
चारु हर निकरभिरम कुचभार थन्थ थानु मध्यमं,
रोमराजी ललिथोधरी मधिक निम्न नाभिमवलोकाय,
काम राज पर देवथाम निसमस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 10
हीर मण्डल निरन्थर्रोल्लसिथ जथ रूप मया मेखला,
चारु कनथि परि रम्भा सुन्दर सुसूक्ष्म चीन वसनान्चिथं,
मर वीर रस चथुरी दृथ दुरीन थुङ्ग जन्गस्थालं,
दरये मनसि संथथं त्रिदसा वन्दिथं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 11
सपथ सप्थिकिरनान आबिग्न परि वर्दमन कधाली थानु,
स्पर्धि मुग्ध मधुरोरु दण्ड युग मन्धिथेण्डु दर लोचनं,
वृथा जानु युग वथ्गुभवजिथ चिथ संभव समुथ्गकां,
निथ्यमेव परिसीलये मनसि मुक्थिधं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 12
कान्त काण्ड रुचि कुन्ताथ कारण लीलया सकल केकिनं,
जन्गय थुलिथ केथकी मुगुल संगाब्रुथमुधन्चिधं,
आम्बुजोधर विदंबी चारु पद पल्लवं हृदय दर्पणे,
बिम्बिथामिव विलोकये सथथं अम्बिकं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 13
लभ्यममा कलर्चन प्रनथिथ थाथ्परै रनिसमस्थाय,
कल्प कोटि साथ संचिथेन सुकृथेन कैस्चन नरोथमै,
कल्प सखी गण कल्प्य मन कनकभिषेक सुभकृथीं,
कल्पयामि ह्रुधि चिथ्पयोजन वषट्पधीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 14
ह्रीमथि प्रदिथ मन्थर मूर्थिरचल अथम थेजदुथिक कन्यके,
थ्यंबुजसन कुतुंभिनीथि विविविथोभ गीथा महिमोधयं,
सेवकभिमथ कामधेनु मकिलग मवगम वैभवं,
भावयामि ह्रुधि भविथखिल चराचरं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 15
स्तोत्र राजममुमाथ मोह मद रागमे परायाथ मनसो,
कीर्थयन्नीह नरोथामो विजिथ विथापो विपुल संपदं,
प्रार्थ्यमान परिरम्भ केलिर आबलाजनैरपग थैषणो,
गथ्र मथ्र पठन वध्व अमृथं अक्षरं पदमवप्नुयतः. 16
Tripura Thilakam (त्रिपुर थिलकं)(Devi stotra.75)
==कल्प शाकी गण सतः प्रसून मधु पण केली कुथुक ब्रमतः,
षड पदरवमनोहरे, कनक भूधरे, ललिथ मण्डपे,
आथ्युधर मणि पीत मध्ये विनी वासिनीमखिल मोहिनीं,
भक्थि योग सुलभं भजे भुवन मथारं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं. 1 येका कला समुदीय मन थारुनर्क कोटि सद्रुस स्फुर-
देह कनथि भर धोराणि मिलन लोहिथी कृथा दिगन्दरं,
वगथीथ विभवं विपद्य भय धयिनेमखिल मोहिनीं,
आगमार्थ मणि दीपिकामनिसमस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 2
ईशाषद उन्मिषाद मर्थ्य सखी कुसुमावली विमल थारका,
वृन्द सुन्दर सुधंसु गण्ड सुभागी कृथथि गुरु कैषिकां,
नीलकुन्चिथ्ग नालकां नितलभूशनयथ विलोचनं,
नीलकन्दसुकृथोन्नथीं, सथथस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरीं. 3
लक्ष्म अहीन विधु लक्षनैर्ज्जिथ विचक्षानना सरोरुहं,
यिक्षुकर्मुक सरसनोपमिथ चिल्ल्कयुगममथल्लिकं,
लक्षये मनसि संथथं सकल दुष्क्रुथ क्षय विधयिनीं,
उक्ष वहन थापो विभुथिमःअदक्षरं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 4
ह्रीमध प्रमध काम कोउथुक कृपधि भव पिसुनयथ,
स्निग्ध मुग्ध विसध त्रिवर्ण विमललसल सविलोचनं,
सुन्धरधर मणि प्रभा मीलिथ मन्द हसा नव चन्द्रिकं,
चन्द्रशेकर कुदुम्बिनीं अनिसमस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 5
हस्थंरुष्ट मणि दर्पनोज्ज्वल ममोग्न गण्ड फलक द्वये,
बिब थानुपम कुन्दलस्थाबक मन्दिथानना सरोरुहं,
श्र्वर्न पङ्कज दलान्दरु ल्लसिथ कर्णिका सद्र्हसिकां,
कर्ण वैरी सखा सोदरी मनिअस मस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 6
संमरन्धर सामधुरी थुलन कर्र्मतक्षर समुल्लस,
न्नर्म पेसल वाचोविलस परिभूथ निर्मल सुधा रसं,
कमर वक्त्र पवनग्रह प्रचलदुन्मिशद ब्रमर मण्डलं,
थुर्महे मनसि सरमा दम निसमंबिकं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 7
क्रम कनथि जिथ थारपुर मणि सुथर मन्दलमुल्लसतः,
कन्द काण्ड कमनीयथपःयुथ कम्बु राज रुचिदंबरं,
किन्चिदनथमनोहारं सयुगचुम्बिचरु मनिकर्निकं,
पञ्च बन परिपन्थि विपुन्य लहरीं भजे त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 8
हस्थ पद्म लसथिक्षु चाप स्रुनि पास पुश्पविशिखोज्ज्वलम्,
थाप्थ हेमरचिथाभि राम कतकन्गुलीय वलयधिकां,
वृथा निस्थूला निरन्थरल कदिनोन्नाथ स्थान थ्रुनिभव –
उन्मथ हस्थि वर मस्थाकं, मनसि चिन्थये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 9
लक्ष गद परिरम्भ थुष्ट हर हासगोव्र थारलोल्लसतः,
चारु हर निकरभिरम कुचभार थन्थ थानु मध्यमं,
रोमराजी ललिथोधरी मधिक निम्न नाभिमवलोकाय,
काम राज पर देवथाम निसमस्रये त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 10
हीर मण्डल निरन्थर्रोल्लसिथ जथ रूप मया मेखला,
चारु कनथि परि रम्भा सुन्दर सुसूक्ष्म चीन वसनान्चिथं,
मर वीर रस चथुरी दृथ दुरीन थुङ्ग जन्गस्थालं,
दरये मनसि संथथं त्रिदसा वन्दिथं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 11
सपथ सप्थिकिरनान आबिग्न परि वर्दमन कधाली थानु,
स्पर्धि मुग्ध मधुरोरु दण्ड युग मन्धिथेण्डु दर लोचनं,
वृथा जानु युग वथ्गुभवजिथ चिथ संभव समुथ्गकां,
निथ्यमेव परिसीलये मनसि मुक्थिधं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 12
कान्त काण्ड रुचि कुन्ताथ कारण लीलया सकल केकिनं,
जन्गय थुलिथ केथकी मुगुल संगाब्रुथमुधन्चिधं,
आम्बुजोधर विदंबी चारु पद पल्लवं हृदय दर्पणे,
बिम्बिथामिव विलोकये सथथं अम्बिकं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 13
लभ्यममा कलर्चन प्रनथिथ थाथ्परै रनिसमस्थाय,
कल्प कोटि साथ संचिथेन सुकृथेन कैस्चन नरोथमै,
कल्प सखी गण कल्प्य मन कनकभिषेक सुभकृथीं,
कल्पयामि ह्रुधि चिथ्पयोजन वषट्पधीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 14
ह्रीमथि प्रदिथ मन्थर मूर्थिरचल अथम थेजदुथिक कन्यके,
थ्यंबुजसन कुतुंभिनीथि विविविथोभ गीथा महिमोधयं,
सेवकभिमथ कामधेनु मकिलग मवगम वैभवं,
भावयामि ह्रुधि भविथखिल चराचरं त्रिपुरसुन्दरिं. 15
स्तोत्र राजममुमाथ मोह मद रागमे परायाथ मनसो,
कीर्थयन्नीह नरोथामो विजिथ विथापो विपुल संपदं,
प्रार्थ्यमान परिरम्भ केलिर आबलाजनैरपग थैषणो,
गथ्र मथ्र पठन वध्व अमृथं अक्षरं पदमवप्नुयतः. 16
Ornament to the Tripurasundari)
(It is very unfortunate that we do not know any thing about
the great poet who wrote this very great prayer. The similes and metaphors are
interwoven and extremely intricate)
Kalpa shakee gana sath prasoona
madhu pana keli kuthuka bramath,
Shad padaravamanohare, kanaka
bhoodhare , lalitha mandape,
Aathyudhara mani peeta madhye vini
vaasineemakhila mohineem,
Bhakthi yoga sulabham bhaje bhuvana
matharam Tripurasundareem. 1
I pray that universal Mother who is Tripurasundari,
Who attracts all beings of the entire universe,
And could be easily attained by practice of devotion,
And who sits in the middle of the very broad throne of gems,
Which is placed in the hall of Lalitha, on the top of golden
Which is made pretty by the constant sound of bees,
Which are moving here and there after drinking the honey ,
From the group of wish giving trees of heaven.
Yeka kala samudeeya mana tharunarka
koti sadrusa sphura-
Deha kanthi bhara dhorani milana
lohithee krutha digandaram,
Vagatheetha vibhavam vipadya bhaya
dhayinemakhila mohineem,
Aagamartha mani
deepikaamanisamasraye Tripurasundarim. 2
I surrender to that Tripurasundari who reddens all sides and
By the light emanating from her body similar to the
billions of,
Young suns rising at the same time and whose import is
beyond words to explain,
Who gives protection from danger, who is immensely pretty,
And who is the gem light helping one to understand meaning
of Vedas.
Eeshashad unmishada marthya sakhi
kusumaavalee vimala tharakaa,
Vrunda Sundara sudhamsu ganda
subhagee kruthathi guru kaishikaam,
Neelakunchithga naalakaam
nitalabhooshanayatha vilochanaam,
sathathasraye Tripurasundareem. 3
I always depend on that Tripurasundari, who is the greatest
treasure of lord Shiva,
Who is very pretty with her dense crown of hair,
Which is made pretty by the fraction of moon that she wears
And which in turn is surrounded by group of stars
Which look like the fully open flowers of the Kalpaga tree,
Who has blue and curved lock of hair flowing on to the
And who has long eyes which is an ornament to her forehead.
Lakshm aheena vidhu lakshanairjjitha
vichakshanana saroruham,
Yikshukarmuka sarasanopamitha
Lakshaye manasi santhatham sakala
dushkrutha kshaya vidhayineem,
Uksha vahana thapo
vibhuthimahadaksharam Tripurasundarim. 4
I keep mind towards that Goddess Triprasundari,
Who has a lotus like face which wins in prettiness,
Millions of the faces of moon without any stains,
Who has teeth like the bow of sugarcane of the god of love,
Who weakens the effect of all bad acts done,
And who is the great gift got by the great penance of Lord
Hreemadha pramadha kama kouthuka krupadhi bhava pisunayatha,
Snigdha mugdha visadha trivarna
vimalalasala savilochanam,
Sundharadhara mani prabha militha
manda hasa nava chandrikam,
Chandrashekara kudumbineem
anisamasraye Tripurasundarim. 5
I surrender to that Tripurasundari, who is the consort of
Lord Shiva,
Who has eyes which show emotions of bashfulness, zest. Joy,
Passion , curiosity and mercy, which are long,
Which are extremely pretty, clear with three colours,
And shifting due to interplay of feelings,
And who has pretty lips shining like gems,
Which are interspersed with smile like the newly risen moon.
Hasthamrushta mani darpanojjwala
mamogna ganda phalaka dwaye,
Biba thanupama kundalasthabaka
mandithanana saroruham,
Swarna pankaja dalaandaru llasitha
karnika sadruhasikaam,
Karna vairi sakha sodaree manias
masraye Tripurasundarim. 6
I surrender to that Tripurasundari who is the sister of
enemy of Karna,
Whose lotus face is decorated by the bud like ear drops
Get reflected in her mirror like cheeks ,which have been
By her hands so that they are completely free of dust,
And who has a nose which is like the pericarp of a golden
Sanmarandhara saamadhuree thulana
karrmatakshara samullasa,
Nnarma pesala vaachovilasa
paribhootha nirmala sudha rasam,
Kamra vakthra pavanagraha
prachaladunmishad bramara mandalam,
Thurmahe manasi sarma dama
nisamambikam Tripurasundarim. 7
I salute in my mind that Tripurasundari who grants all
Who is mother of entire world , who with her mastery of
words which,
Are built by sweet letters which are sweeter than honey and
With her great sense of humour defeats the sweetness of
even nectar,
And whose sweet breath coming from her lotus like face
attracts hoards of bees.
Krama kanthi jitha tharapura mani
suthra mandalamullasath,
Kanda kaanda kamaneeyathapahyutha
kambu raja ruchidambaram,
sayugachumbicharu manikarnikam,
Pancha bana paripanthi vipunya
lahareem bhaje Tripurasundarim. 8
I pray that Tripurasundari, who is the wave of happiness of
the enemy of God of love,
Who has a neck ,which is prettier the white conch and which
Due to the gems in the chain on her neck which defeat
In beauty the prettiest stars by their light and ,
Whose ear drops touch her pretty shoulders.
Hastha padma lasathikshu chapa sruni
pasa pushpavishikhojjwalam,
Thaptha hemarachithabhi rama
katakanguleeya valayadhikaam,
Vrutha nisthoola nirantharala
kadinonnatha sthana thrunibhava-
Unmatha hasthi vara masthakam ,
manasi chinthaye Tripurasundarim. 9
I meditate in my mind that Tripurasundari, who holds in her
lotus like hands,
Sugarcane bow, goad, rope and arrows made of arrows which
Who wears bangles, rings armlets made of molten gold,
And who has round and erect breasts, packed without
giving space , hard and high,
Which defeat to dust the foreheads of a great elephant.
Laksha gada parirambha thushta
hara haasagowra tharalollasath,
Charu hara nikarabhirama kuchabhara
thantha thanu Madhyamam,
Romarajee lalithodharee madhika
nimna nabhimavalokaya,
raja para devathama nisamasraye
Tripurasundarim. 10
I see and surrender to that Tripurasundari , the goddess of
the God of love,
Who has a bent walk due to her heavy breasts which are made
pretty by the ,
Chains she wears which move due to the clear white laugh of
her lord ,
Who is satisfied by thousands of her tight embraces,
And who has a belly ornamented by rows of hair and who has a
deep belly button.
Heera mandala nirantharrollasitha
jatha roopa maya mekhala,
Charu kanthi pari rambha Sundara
susookshma cheena vasananchitham,
Mara veera rasa chathuree drutha
dureena thunga jangasthalam,
Daraye manasi santhatham tridasa
vanditham Tripurasundarim. 11
I mentally adopt hat Tripurasundari who is saluted by all
Who wears silk cloths tied by the very pretty belt which
looks like crowd of gold,
And Who has a middle which shines prettily and looks like
the entire art of the love god.
Saptha sapthi kiranaana aabigna
pari vardamana kadhali thanu,
Spardhi mugdha madhuroru danda yuga
mandhithendu dara lochanaam,
Vrutha janu yuga vathgubhavajitha
chitha sambhava samuthgakaam,
Nithyameva pariseelaye manasi
mukthidham Tripurasundarim. 12
I daily think about that Tripurasundari ,who grants
Who ties down the eyes of Lord Shiva with her very petty
and sweet thighs,
Which wins against the pseudo stem of banana which have
never seen sun light,
And who by the prettiness of her knees beats the treasures
of the god of love.
Kanta kaanda ruchi kuntatha karana
leelaya sakala kekinam,
Jangaya thulitha kethaki mugula
Aambujodhara vidambi charu pada
pallavam hrudaya darpane,
Bimbithamiva vilokaye sathatham
ambikam Tripurasundarim. 13
I see that Tripurasundari, who is the mother of the
Who defeats the peacock by the beauty of her throat,
Who beats the buds of jasmine flowers by her ankle,
And who has pretty feet which are as soft as the petals of
lotus flower,
As a reflection in the mirror of my heart.
Labhyamama kalarchana pranathitha
thathparai ranisamasthaya,
Kalpa koti satha sanchithena
sukruthena kaischana narothamai,
Kalpa sakhi gana kalpya mana
kanakabhisheka subhakrutheem,
Kalpayami hrudhi chithpayojana
vashatpadheem Tripurasundarim. 14
I meditate on that Tripurasundari , who is bee in the lotus
of the mind,
And who in interested in happily receiving the salutations
from me,
Which are possible only by great men who have accumulated
her blessings.
In millions and billions of births spread over several eons,
And who receives the golden shower similar to the group of
wish giving trees.
Hreemathi praditha manthra
moorthirachala athma thejaduthika kanyake,
Thyambujasana kutumbhineethi
vivivithobha geetha mahimodhayam,
Sevakabhimatha kamadhenu makilaga
mavagama vaibhavam,
Bhavayami hrudhi bhavithakhila
characharam Tripurasundarim. 15
I mentally worship that Tripurasundari , who makes all
moving and unmoving things happen,
Who is the goddess of the sound “hreem”, Who is sung about as
daughter of the mountain,
And as the goddess family who sits on the lotus and is
always being sung about her various aspects,
Who is the wish giving cow to her devotees, and whose fame
is spread all over the Vedas.
Stotra rajamamumaatha moha mada ragame
prayatha manaso,
Keerthayanniha narothamo vijitha
vithapo vipula sampadam,
Prarthyamana parirambha kelira
aabalaajanairapaga thaishano,
Gathra mathra pathana vadhava
amrutham aksharam padamavapnuyath. 16
Those dear and great men who read this king of prayers
every day early morning,
Would become learned , victorious , wealthy and possessor of
great assets,
Those orphans who pray her, will get her circular
And when the body dies they would reach a state of no death
and no decay.
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