Savitri Brata is
observed by married women in Orissa and eastern parts of India for the
wellbeing of husbands. .
Savitri Vrata falls on the Amavasya or No moon day in the month of
Jyeshta .It is observed in odisha,mithila and nepal and north india..The same festival is
observed on Vat Purnima, the full moon of Jyestha in other regions including Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka
. This popular observance is based on the Savitri – Satyavan Legend in the Mahabharata.
has it that Savitri was able to rescue her husband, Satyavan, from the
clutches of Yama, the god of death. She achieved this impossible task
through sheer determination, courage and perseverance.
Brata fasting is from sunrise to sunset. An important event on the day
that all married women compulsorily take part is the reading of the
Sabirti Brata Katha (story of Savitri).
In some regions, the parents or brothers of married women pay for all the expenses needed for the Savitri Brata Puja.
Vat Savitri Vrat
Vat Savitri Vrat 2022 Tithi timings
Important Timings On Vat Savitri Vrat.
May 30, 2022 5:45 AM
May 30, 2022 7:03 PM
Amavasya Tithi Begins
May 29, 2022 2:55 PM
Amavasya Tithi Ends
May 30, 2022 5:00 PM
Vat Savitri Puja
Legend associated to Vat Savitri Vrat has been told in this way:-
ancient times, a king called Ashvapati was very honest and holy person.
He was abundant with health, wealth and all comforts in life. But only
pain was that he had no any child. He wants his child and for this
purpose he was advised about a fast to delight Devi Savitri who could
accomplish his wish. Acknowledging that, he did very hard austerities
(tapsya) till 18 years. Noticing his strong devotions Devi Savitri came,
praised his divine devotions, and blessed him a girl-baby with name
'Savitri'. When this girl-baby got younger and reached the age of
marriage she herself started searching an ideal groom for her. And
finally she found her boy named 'Satyavan. But unfortunately, Satyavan
was only about to live for one more year according with his horoscope
prediction. But Savitri was very courageous and faithful to her partner.
She devotionally prayed to Yamraj-the lord of death- to bestow life to
Satyavan. And finally Yamraj was convinced by her and offered life to
his husband. Satyavan gave up his life under the Banyan tree and was
gifted his life on the same tree. This way this day became momentous
with name 'Vat Savitri Vrat'.
Odisha is famous for its different bratas and opasas (ସାବିତ୍ରୀ ଓଷା or ସାବିତ୍ରୀ ବ୍ରତ). Savitri brata is a very ancient and popular fasting day that is observed and celebrated by all married Hindu Odia women whose husbands are alive. Falling during the hot and humid month of Jyestha on an Amavasya or no moon day this is observed by the married or the sadhaba ladies with hearts full of dedication, prayers, vows, fasting and love for the long life of their spouse. This day the wife prays to Savitri who brought back her husband Satyavan from the jaws of death by her witty questions to Yama the Lord of death. The auspicious ingredients turmeric, vermillion, alta and red bangles known as Sankha have to be used which symbolises marriage. After doing puja they read a small booklet known as savitri brata katha which is also heard by other women who are fasting. Some women offer puja to the Silapua or the grinding stone.The grinding stone is thoroughly cleaned to which finely ground raw turmeric is applied to the silapua. It is given the form of Savitri with a face and decorated with kajal, vermillion and adorned with gold earrings, necklace and covered with a new saree . After the reading of the book bhoga is offered.
Vat Savitri Puja Vidhi
We are giving detailed Vat Savitri Puja Vidhi which is observed on Vat Savitri Amavasya and Vat Savitri Purnima. The given Puja Vidhi includes all sixteen steps which are part of Shodashopachara (षोडशोपचार) Vat Savitri Puja Vidhi.
Dhyana (ध्यान)
Puja should begin with the meditation of Lord Brahma along with His
consort Savitri. Dhyana should be done in front of already installed
Lord Brahma and Savitri statue in front of you. Following Mantra should
be chanted while meditating on deity.
Vat Savitri Puja
Padmapatrasamasinam Brahmanam Cha Chaturmukham।
Upavitadharam Devam Sakshasutrakamandalum॥
Vamotsangata Tasya Savitri Brahmanah Priya।
Adityavarnam Dharmajnam Sakshamalakaram Tatha॥
Dharmarajam Pitripatim Bhutanam Karmasakshinam।
Kaladandadharam Devam Mahisharudhameva Cha॥
Chintayami Cha Devesham Sarvapranihitaya Vai।
Vinam Dadhanam Devarshim Naradam Chintayamyaham॥
Avahana (आवाहन)
After Dhyanam, one should chant following Mantra to invoke Lord Brahma
with Lokamata Savitri, Satyavrata along with his wife Savitri and Yama
Devata by showing Avahan Mudra (Avahan Mudra is formed by joining both
palms and folding both thumbs inwards).
Brahmana Sahitam Devim Savitrim Lokamataram।
Satyavratam Cha Savitri Yamam Chavahayamyaham॥
Asana (आसन)
After Avahana, take five flowers in Anjali (by joining palm of both
hands) and leave them in front of the Murti or idol of Lord Brahma with
Lokamata Savitri, Satyavrata along with his wife Savitri and Yama Devata
to offer them flowers made seat while chanting following Mantra.
Brahmana Saha Savitri Satyavatsahita Priye।
Hemasanam Grihyatam Tu Dharmaraja Sureshvara॥
Padya (पाद्य)
After offering flowers made seat, offer water to Lord Brahma's consort
Savitri, Dharmaraja Yama and Satyavan's consort Savitri to wash their
feet while chanting following Mantra.
After Panchamrita Snana, offer water to Lord Bhrahma's consort Savitri,
Satyavan along with Savitri and Dharmaraja Yama for the bath while
chanting following Mantra.
After Vastra offering, offer Upavita to Lord Brahma's consort Lokamata
Savitri, Dharmaraja Yama and Satyavan's consort Savitri while chanting
following Mantra.
After Saubhagyadravya offering, offer flowers to Devi Savitri while chanting following Mantra.
Malyadini Sugandhini Malyadini Vai Prabho।
Mayahritani Pujartham Pushpani Pratigrihyatam॥
Anga Puja (अङ्ग पूजा)
Now worship those Gods who are body parts of Savitri itself. For that
take Chandana, Akshata and Pushpa in left hand and leave them near to
idol or image of Savitri with right hand while chanting following
After Anga Puja of Savitri, now worship Lord Brahma and Satyavan. For
that take Gandha, Akshata and Pushpa in left hand and leave them near to
idol or image of Lord Brahma and Satyavan with right hand while
chanting following Mantra(s).
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