
Friday, September 13, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have A blessed day.
 Tuesday 03 September 2024


Swami Sivananda
Health is that state of equilibrium of the three humours of the body, namely, wind (Vayu), bile and phlegm, wherein the mind and all the organs of the body work in harmony and concord, and man enjoys perfect peace and happiness, sound sleep, and performs his duties of life with comfort and ease. It is that condition in which man can think properly, speak properly and act with alacrity, nimbleness and vigilance. It is that condition in which man has a calm mind, free movement of the bowels, healthful cheeks, shining face and sparkling eyes, good digestion, good appetite, normal breathing, good quantity and quality of blood, and strong nerves. It is that state which is coveted by all. A life of good health is a great blessing, indeed.

Love is the supreme gift, the greatest thing in this world. Love makes one generous, unselfish, patient, merciful, forgiving. The power of love can transform the universe which is chained today in fetters of hatred.

- Swami Sivananda
In order to root out these formidable enemies, man should cultivate purity, nobility, charity,
love and a spirit of service in his heart. Remember; the Lord has created the world in order to
provide a school in which man could learn these virtues and exercise them. Your neighbour has
been created by the Lord in order that you might love him, serve him and thus grow in divinity. The
Lord Himself walks in the garb of the poor and the sick in order to give you an opportunity to serve
Him and thus evolve spiritually. Therefore, serve all. Love all. For thus would you secure a victory
over your own lower animal nature.
Swami Chidananda
chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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