
Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
Be moderate in eating. Study more, play less. Sit less, walk more. Chat less, learn more. Sleep less, pray more. Take less, give more. Speak less, act more. Weep not, laugh more. Be good. Do good. Be wise. Be cheerful. Smile. Be active. Have regular physical exercise. Pray. Laugh. Serve. Love. Give. Control. Purify. Meditate. Realize. Cultivate the virtues that are given in the following pages.

Learn to control the mind and the senses. Learn to fix the mind on God or Atma. First become the master of yourself. Then you can govern others.

- Swami Sivananda.

I wish to give you a few ideas which I think will be of great practical benefit to all those who
have seriously made God-realisation the main end and aim of life. Sadhana is the purpose for which
we have come to this plane. This is called the Sadhana-Bhumi and it is this earth-plane alone upon
which Sadhana for Self-realisation can be done. Not so in the other planes: the lower ones in hell are
for working out one’s bad Karmas, wrong actions, paying the penalty for sins, and the higher
planes, the heavens, are for enjoying the happy fruits of merits. But from either of these, man has to
come back once again to where he was before he went there. But on the earth-plane he can so live
that he may pass on to an abode, an abode of eternal existence from which he need not once again
return to this plane of pains, suffering, birth and death. Having come to this plane and having also
known that the central purpose is to go above phenomena into eternity, man is faced with serious
problems. On every side he sees that he is severely limited and his efforts at perfection are thwarted
by these limitations. In the present age, the one vehicle for Sadhana which is very important—the
human body—has degenerated most frightfully. The span of life is short and the physique is
 veryweak. But strange and contradictory as this may seem, there arises the statement that in spite of this
degeneracy on the physical plane, man has evolved enormously. Mentally he has evolved a great
deal. We are at present on the threshold of a glorious dawn. We have passed through the darkest
period of spiritual life. We are now about to enter into a period which will be full of spiritual
illumination and quick progress. If this were so, it must indicate a certain change from a lower to the
higher, a certain change from the lesser to the greater. If this were so, man has really evolved
mentally, and this assumption that he has evolved, we cannot deny because we see that in Puranic
times more stress was laid upon the external and the outward than the internal: might was measured
in terms of lifting mountains and drinking oceans. But now we see that the emphasis has been
shifted. The emphasis is laid upon Vedanta. That is the modern method.
Swami Chidananda
Chant  the Maha Mantra.
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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