
Friday, May 31, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have A blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Covetousness is greed or avariciousness. Inordinate desire of wealth is covetousness. All virtue, all honesty and peace run away from a man of covetousness. A covetous man is always poor and discontented. A covetous man is a fool. He is a miserable wretch. He lives in perpetual slavery, fear, suspicion, sorrow, and discontentment. He never enjoys life. A covetous man heaps up riches, not to enjoy, but merely to possess them. He starves himself in the midst of plenty. His sons squander his money quickly. Covetousness is the first vice in corrupt nature which moves and the last which dies. A covetous man acquires money by unjust or unlawful means. He leads a miserable life. His lot is pitiable and lamentable.

You are pure and bodiless. You have no mind. You are Brahman, the supreme Truth. Assert this. Realise this O Ram!

- Swami Sivananda
For those who are constantly forced to be in worldly atmosphere and who do not get
time—if you ask them, they say they have already a properly setup programme and that they cannot
spare even half an hour out of it for spiritual Sadhana—only they should shift the entire emphasis of
their Sadhana from physical, like sitting upon one Asana, sitting in one place and doing Kirtan,
going into the meditation room etc. If these are not possible, one need not worry. What should he
do? Let his Japa, his meditation, his Kirtan, all be mental. Sri Swamiji Maharaj has prescribed “You
need not necessarily have a separate meditation room or fix some time for meditation. Close your
eyes for a minute or two once in every two hours and think of God and His various Divine qualities,
during work, repeating mentally Hari Om, or any other Mantra according to your taste.” This does
not mean that a meditation room and so on are all useless. Meditation room you can have. If you
cannot have it, then do not give up your Sadhana. The mental repetition can be carried on
throughout your hours of work. It can go on unceasingly
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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