
Friday, November 8, 2019



Radhe krishna,
Supravat.Have a blessed day,

Swami Sivananda
Education should teach pupils to love God and men. Education should instruct the students to be truthful, moral, fearless, humble and merciful. Education should teach the, students to practise right conduct, right thinking, right living, right action, self-sacrifice and attain knowledge of the Self. Educate your eyes to see God in all faces, to behold unity of Self in all beings. Educate your ears to hear the words of ancient wisdom. Educate your tongue to sing the praise of the Lord and to utter pleasant, loving and truthful words. Educate your hands to do charity and serve the poor. Educate your mind to be always cheerful and calm and to think of the immortal Atman. This is real education.

Do not jeer at any one. Do not frown at anybody. Restrain all your senses. Be cheerful always. Do not look back. Divest yourself of desire and wrath. Cast off pride. Turn your gaze inwards. Contemplate. You will enjoy true happiness.

- Swami Sivananda
Now you have a clear idea of what you must do. Not only should you strive to move towards the Goal, but, simultaneously, you must also have a mechanism within your own psyche. It should be a device wisely formulated by you through your own wisdom, common sense and intelligence,  by drawing guidance from all sources of wisdom such as svadhyaya, satsanga and listening to elders, through reflection, discrimination and enquiry. You make a device so that as you are progressing and moving towards the Goal, you ensure that there is no possibility of sliding back, what to say of back to square one. Back to square one is eliminated altogether. It is impossible. On the contrary, you ensure yourself against even a little reversal, a little backsliding . It should all be onward, upward, goalward, Godward, with no possibility of deviation, no possibility of derailment, no possibility of slipping down even one little bit. That is why the Lord said that together with abhyasa (practice) you must keep on developing and increasing vairagya (dispassion). Abhyasa should get valiant, effective and powerful support from vairagya: “I will see to it that I am on guard, awake, alert, vigilant and dynamically engaged in seeing that the movement is ever in one direction only and not in a contrary direction.” 
Swami Chidananda.  

Chant the Maha Mantra
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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