Mukunda Mala stotram
(krishna stotras.36)
Mukunda Mala
(Garland of Him who gives immortal bliss)
Kulasekhara Azhwar
immortal verses were composed by a prince of the Chera dynasty called
Kulashekara Azhwar (Called Kula shekara perumal in Kerala)He was also called
Mudaliyandan Nambi . He was one of the 12 sages of the Bhakthi cult of
Vaishnavism called Azhwars.These sages were the minstrels of God who traveled
from place to place and sang the praise of Lord Vishnu.The devotion to God
expressed in these verses is unparallel in any world literature..
Mukunda Mala
उकुन्दमालास्तोत्रम् कुलशेखरविरचितम्
वन्दे मुकुन्दमरविन्ददलायताक्षं
कुन्देन्दुशङ्खदशनं शिशुगोपवेषम् ।
वृन्दावनालयमहं वसुदेवसूनुम् ॥ १॥॥ का १॥
श्रीवल्लभेति वरदेति दयापरेति
भक्तप्रियेति भवलुण्ठनकोविदेति ।
नाथेति नागशयनेति जगन्निवासेत्य्
आलापिनं प्रतिदिनं कुरु मां मुकुन्द ॥ २॥॥ का ??॥
जयतु जयतु देवो देवकीनन्दनोऽयं
जयतु जयतु कृष्णो वृष्णिवंशप्रदीपः ।
जयतु जयतु मेघश्यामलः कोमलाङ्गो
जयतु जयतु पृथ्वीभारनाशो मुकुन्दः ॥ ३॥॥ का २॥
मुकुन्द मूर्ध्ना प्रणिपत्य याचे
भवन्तमेकान्तमियन्तमर्थम् ।
भवे भवे मेऽस्तु भवत्प्रसादात् ॥ ४॥॥ का ३॥
नाहं वन्दे तव चरणयोर्द्वन्द्वमद्वन्द्वहेतोः
कुम्भीपाकं गुरुमपि हरे नारकं नापनेतुम् ।
रम्यारामामृदुतनुलता नन्दने नापि रन्तुं
भावे भावे हृदयभवने भावयेयं भवन्तम् ॥ ५॥॥ का ५॥
नास्था धर्मे न वसुनिचये नैव कामोपभोगे
यद् भाव्यं तद् भवतु भगवन्पूर्वकर्मानुरूपम् ।
एतत्प्रार्थ्यं मम बहुमतं जन्मजन्मान्तरेऽपि
त्वत्पादाम्भोरुहयुगगता निश्चला भक्तिरस्तु ॥ ६॥॥ का ६॥
दिवि वा भुवि वा ममास्तु वासो
नरके वा नरकान्तक प्रकामम् ।
चरणौ ते मरणेऽपि चिन्तयामि ॥ ७॥॥ का ७॥
चिन्तयामि हरिमेव सन्ततं
नन्दगोपतनयं परात् परं
नारदादिमुनिवृन्दवन्दितम् ॥ ८॥॥ का ??॥
करचरणसरोजे कान्तिमन्नेत्रमीने
श्रममुषि भुजवीचिव्याकुलेऽगाधमार्गे ।
हरिसरसि विगाह्यापीय तेजोजलौघं
भवमरुपरिखिन्नः क्लेशमद्य त्यजामि ॥ ९॥॥ का ??॥
सरसिजनयने सशङ्खचक्रे
मुरभिदि मा विरमस्व चित्त रन्तुम् । var विरमेह
सुखतरमपरं न जातु जाने var सुखकर
हरिचरणस्मरणामृतेन तुल्यम् ॥ १०॥॥ का ८॥
माभीर्मन्दमनो विचिन्त्य बहुधा यामीश्चिरं यातनाः var माभैर्मन्दमनो
नामी नः प्रभवन्ति पापरिपवः स्वामी ननु श्रीधरः ।
आलस्यं व्यपनीय भक्तिसुलभं ध्यायस्व नारायणं
लोकस्य व्यसनापनोदनकरो दासस्य किं न क्षमः ॥ ११॥॥ का ९॥
भवजलधिगतानां द्वन्द्ववाताहतानां
सुतदुहितृकलत्रत्राणभारार्दितानाम् ।
विषमविषयतोये मज्जतामप्लवानां
भवतु शरणमेको विष्णुपोतो नराणाम् ॥ १२॥
भवजलधिमगाधं दुस्तरं निस्तरेयं
कथमहमिति चेतो मा स्म गाः कातरत्वम् ।
सरसिजदृशि देवे तारकी भक्तिरेका var तावकी
नरकभिदि निषण्णा तारयिष्यत्यवश्यम् ॥ १३॥॥ का १०॥
तृष्णातोये मदनपवनोद्धूतमोहोर्मिमाले
दारावर्ते तनयसहजग्राहसङ्घाकुले च ।
संसाराख्ये महति जलधौ मज्जतां नस्त्रिधामन्
पादाम्भोजे वरद भवतो भक्तिनावं प्रयच्छ ॥ १४॥॥ का ११॥
पृथ्वीरेणुरणुः पयांसि कणिकाः फल्गुस्फुलिङ्गोऽनल -
स्तेजो निःश्वसनं मरुत् तनुतरं रन्ध्रं सुसूक्ष्मं नभः ।
क्षुद्रा रुद्रपितामहप्रभृतयः कीटाः समस्ताः सुरा
दृष्टे यत्र स तावको विजयते ᳚भूमावधूतावधिः ॥ १५॥॥ का १२॥
हे लोकाः श्रुणुत प्रसूतिमरणव्याधेश्चिकित्सामिमां var भो लोकाः
योगज्ञाः समुदाहरन्ति मुनयो यां याज्ञवल्क्यादयः ।
अन्तर्ज्योतिरमेयमेकममृतं कृष्णाख्यमापीयतां
तत्पीतं परमौषधं वितनुते निर्वानमत्यन्तिकम् ॥ १६॥॥ का १८॥ var यत्पितं
हे मर्त्याः परमं हितं श्रुणुत वो वक्ष्यामि सङ्क्षेपतः
संसारार्णवमापदूर्मिबहुलं सम्यक् प्रविश्य स्थिताः ।
नानाज्ञानमपास्य चेतसि नमो नारायणायेत्यमुं
मन्त्रं सप्रणवं प्रणामसहितं प्रावर्तयध्वं मुहुः ॥ १७॥
नाथे नःपुरुषोत्तमे त्रिजगतामेकाधिपे चेतसा var श्रीपुरुषोत्तमे
सेव्ये स्वस्य पदस्य दातरि परे नारायणे तिष्ठति ।
यं कञ्चित्पुरुषाधमं कतिपयग्रामेशमल्पार्थदं
सेवायै मृगयामहे नरमहो मूढा वराका वयम् ॥ १८॥॥ का १७॥
बद्धेनाञ्जलिना नतेन शिरसा गात्रैः सरोमोद्गमैः
कण्ठेन स्वरगद्गदेन नयनेनोद्गीर्णबाष्पाम्बुना ।
नित्यं त्वच्चरणारविन्दयुगलध्यानामृतास्वादिनां
अस्माकं सरसीरुहाक्ष सततं सम्पद्यतां जीवितम् ॥ १९॥॥ का १९॥
यत् कृष्णप्रणिपातधूलिधवलं तद् वर्ष्म तद् वै शिरस् var तद्वै शिरः स्याच्छुमं
ते नेत्रे तमसोज्झिते सुरुचिरे याभ्यां हरिर्दृश्यते ।
सा बुद्धिर्विमलेन्दुशङ्खधवला या माधवाध्यायिनी var बुद्धिर्नियमैर्यमैश्च विमला
सा जिह्वामृतवर्षिणी प्रतिपदं या स्तौति नारायणम् ॥ २०॥॥ का २७॥
जिह्वे कीर्तय केशवं मुररिपुं चेतो भज श्रीधरं
पाणिद्वन्द्व समर्चयाच्युतकथाः श्रोत्रद्वय त्वं शृणु ।
कृष्णं लोकय लोचनद्वय हरेर्गच्छाङ्घ्रियुग्मालयं
जिघ्र घ्राण मुकुन्दपादतुलसीं मूर्धन् नमाधोक्षजम् ॥ २१॥॥ का २६॥
आम्नायाभ्यसनान्यरण्यरुदितं वेदव्रतान्यन्वहं var कृच्छूव्रतान्यन्वहं
मेदश्छेदफलानि पूर्तविधयः सर्वं हुतं भस्मनि । var मेदच्छेदपदानि
तीर्थानामवगाहनानि च गजस्नानं विना यत्पद -
द्वन्द्वाम्भोरुहसंस्मृतिं विजयते देवः स नारायणः ॥ २२॥॥ का १३॥ var द्वन्द्वाम्भोरुहसंस्तुतिं
मदन परिहर स्थितिं मदीये
मनसि मुकुन्दपदारविन्दधाम्नि ।
हरनयनकृशानुना कृशोऽसि
स्मरसि न चक्रपराक्रमं मुरारेः ॥ २३॥॥ का २४॥
नाथे धातरि भोगिभोगशयने नारायणे माधवे
देवे देवकिनन्दने सुरवरे चक्रायुधे शार्ङ्गिणि ।
लीलाशेषजगत्प्रपञ्चजठरे विश्वेश्वरे श्रीधरे
गोविन्दे कुरु चित्तवृत्तिमचलामन्यैस्तु किं वर्तनैः ॥ २४॥
माद्राक्षं क्षीणपुण्यान्क्षणमपि भवतो भक्तिहीनान्पदाब्जे
माश्रौषं श्राव्यबन्धं तव चरितमपास्यान्यदाख्यानजातम् । var श्राव्यबद्धं
मास्मार्षं माधव त्वामपि भुवनपते चेतसापह्नुवानान् var मास्प्राक्षं
माभूवं त्वत्सपर्यापरिकररहितो जन्मजन्मान्तरेऽपि ॥ २५॥॥ का २३॥ var त्वत्सपर्याव्यतिकररहितो
मज्जन्मनः फलमिदं मधुकैटभारे
मत्प्रार्थनीयमदनुग्रह एष एव ।
भृत्यस्य भृत्य इति मां स्मर लोकनाथ ॥ २६॥
तत्त्वं ब्रुवाणानि परं परस्तान् var परस्मात्
मधु क्षरन्तीव मुदावहानि । var अहो क्षरन्तीव सुधां पदानि ।
प्रवर्तय प्राञ्जलिरस्मि जिह्वे var आवर्तय
नामानि नारायणगोचराणि ॥ २७॥॥ का २०॥
नमामि नारायणपादपङ्कजं
करोमि नारायणपूजनं सदा ।
वदामि नारायणनाम निर्मलं
स्मरामि नारायणतत्त्वमव्ययम् ॥ २८॥
श्रीनाथ नारायण वासुदेव
श्रीकृष्ण भक्तप्रिय चक्रपाणे ।
श्रीपद्मनाभाच्युत कैटभारे
श्रीराम पद्माक्ष हरे मुरारे ॥ २९॥
अनन्त वैकुण्ठ मुकुन्द कृष्ण var आनन्द गोविन्द मुकुन्द राम
गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति । var नारायणानन्त निरामयेति ।
वक्तुं समर्थोऽपि न वक्ति कश्चित्
अहो जनानां व्यसनाभिमुख्यम् ॥ ३०॥ ॥ का १४ ॥ var व्यसनानिमोक्षे
भक्तापायभुजङ्गगारुडमणिस्त्रैलोक्यरक्षामणिर् var भक्ताद्वेषि
गोपीलोचनचातकाम्बुदमणिः सौन्दर्यमुद्रामणिः
यः कान्तामणिरुक्मिणीघनकुचद्वन्द्वैकभूषामणिः var श्री कान्ता
श्रेयो देवशिखामणिर्दिशतु नो गोपालचूडामणिः ॥ ३१॥॥ का २८॥ var श्रेयो ध्येय
शत्रुच्छेदैकमन्त्रं सकलमुपनिषद्वाक्यसम्पूज्यमन्त्रं
संसारोत्तारमन्त्रं समुचिततमसः सङ्घनिर्याणमन्त्रम् । var समुदितमनसां
सर्वैश्वर्यैकमन्त्रं व्यसनभुजगसन्दष्टसन्त्राणमन्त्रं
जिह्वे श्रीकृष्णमन्त्रं जप जप सततं जन्मसाफल्यमन्त्रम् ॥ ३२॥॥ का २९ ॥
व्यामोहप्रशमौषधं मुनिमनोवृत्तिप्रवृत्त्यौषधं var
दैत्येन्द्रार्तिकरौषधं त्रिजगतां सञ्जीवनैकौषधम् । var
भक्तात्यन्तहितौषधं भवभयप्रध्वंसनैकौषधं var
भक्तार्तिप्रशमौषधं भवभयप्रध्वंसि दिव्यौषधं
श्रेयःप्राप्तिकरौषधं पिब मनः श्रीकृष्णदिव्यौषधम् ॥ ३३॥॥ का ३० ॥ var श्रीकृष्णनामौषधम्
कृष्ण त्वदीयपदपङ्कजपञ्जरान्तं
अद्यैव मे विशतु मानसराजहंसः ।
प्राणप्रयाणसमये कफवातपित्तैः
कण्ठावरोधनविधौ स्मरणं कुतस्ते ॥ ३४॥
चेतश्चिन्तय कीर्तयस्व रसने नम्रीभव त्वं शिरो
हस्तावञ्जलिसम्पुटं रचयतं वन्दस्व दीर्घं वपुः ।
आत्मन् संश्रय पुण्डरीकनयनं नागाचलेन्द्रस्थितं
धन्यं पुण्यतमं तदेव परमं दैवं हि संसिद्धये ॥ ३५॥
शृण्वन् जनार्दनकथागुणकीर्तनानि
देहे न यस्य पुलकोद्गमरोमराजिः ।
नोत्पद्यते नयनयोर्विमलाम्बुमाला
धिक् तस्य जीवितमहो पुरुषाधमस्य ॥ ३६॥
अन्धस्य मे हृतविवेकमहाधनस्य
चौरैः प्रभो बलिभिरिन्द्रियनामधेयैः ।
मोहान्धकूपकुहरे विनिपातितस्य
देवेश देहि कृपणस्य करावलम्बम् ॥ ३७॥
इदं शरीरं परिणामपेशलं var श्लथसन्धिजर्जरं
पतत्यवश्यं परिणामपेशलम् । var पतत्यवश्यं श्लथसन्धि जर्जरम् ।
किमौषधैः क्लिश्यसि मूढ दुर्मते
निरामयं कृष्णरसायनं पिब ॥ ३८॥॥ का २१॥
आश्चर्यमेतद् धि मनुष्यलोके
सुधां परित्यज्य विषं पिबन्ति ।
नामानि नारायणगोचराणि
त्यक्त्वान्यवाचः कुहकाः पठन्ति ॥ ३९॥॥ का ३१ ॥
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे
निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाः ।
तथापि परमानन्दो
गोविन्दो मम जीवनम्ः ॥ ४०॥
सत्यं ब्रवीमि मनुजाः स्वयमूर्ध्वबाहुर्
यो यो मुकुन्द नरसिंह जनार्दनेति ।
जीवो जपत्यनुदिनं मरणे रणे वा
पाषाणकाष्ठसदृशाय ददात्यभीष्टम् ॥ ४१॥
नारायणाय नम इत्यमुमेव मन्त्रं
संसारघोरविषनिर्हरणाय नित्यम् ।
शृण्वन्तु भव्यमतयो यतयोऽनुरागाद्
उच्चैस्तरामुपदिशाम्यहमूर्ध्वबाहुः ॥ ४२॥
चित्तं नैव निवर्तते क्षणमपि श्रीकृष्णपादाम्बुजा -
न्निन्दन्तु प्रियबान्धवा गुरुजना गृह्णन्तु मुञ्चन्तु वा ।
दुर्वादं परिघोषयन्तु मनुजा वंशे कलङ्कोऽस्तु वा
तादृक्प्रेमधरानुरागमधुना मत्ताय मानं तु मे ॥ ४३॥
कृष्णो रक्षतु नो जगत्त्रयगुरुः कृष्णं नमध्वं सदा
कृष्णेनाखिलशत्रवो विनिहताः कृष्णाय तस्मै नमः ।
कृष्णादेव समुत्थितं जगदिदं कृष्णस्य दासोऽस्म्यहं
कृष्णे तिष्ठति विश्वमेतद् अखिलं हे! कृष्ण रक्षस्व माम् ॥ ४४॥
हे गोपालक हे कृपाजलनिधे हे सिन्धुकन्यापते
हे कंसान्तक हे गजेन्द्रकरुणापारीण हे माधव ।
हे रामानुज हे जगत्त्रयगुरो हे पुण्डरीकाक्ष मां
हे गोपीजननाथ पालय परं जानामि न त्वां विना ॥ ४५॥
दारा वाराकरवरसुता ते तनूजो विरिञ्चिः var तेऽङ्गजोऽयं
स्तोता वेदस्तव सुरगणो भृत्यवर्गः प्रसादः ।
मुक्तिर्माया जगद् अविकलं तावकी देवकी ते var मुक्तिर्मध्ये
माता मित्रं बलरिपुसुतस्तत्त्वदन्यंन जाने ॥ ४६॥॥ का २५॥ var बलरिपुसुतस्तत्त्वतोऽन्यन्न
प्रणाममीशस्य शिरःफलं विदुः
तदर्चनं पाणिफलं दिवौकसः ।
मनःफलं तद्गुणतत्त्वचिन्तनं
वचःफलं तद्गुणकीर्तनं बुधाः ॥ ४७॥
श्रीमन्नाम प्रोच्य नारायणाख्यं
केन प्रापुर्वाञ्छितं पापिनोऽपि । var येन
हा नः पूर्वं वाक्प्रवृत्ता न तस्मिं-
स्तेन प्राप्तं गर्भवासादिदुःखम् ॥ ४८॥॥ का २२॥
ध्यायन्ति ये विष्णुमनन्तमव्ययं
हृत्पद्ममध्ये सततं व्यवस्थितम् ।
समाहितानां सतताभयप्रदं
ते यान्ति सिद्धिं परमां तु वैष्णवीम् ॥ ४९॥
तत् त्वं प्रसीद भगवन् कुरु मय्यनाथे
विष्णो कृपां परमकारुणिकः खलु त्वम् ।
संसारसागरनिमग्नमनन्त दीनं
उद्धर्तुमर्हसि हरे पुरुषोत्तमोऽसि ॥ ५०॥
क्षीरसागरतरङ्गशीकरा -
सारतारकितचारुमूर्तये ।
माधवाय मधुविद्विषे नमः ॥ ५१॥ ॥ का १५॥
अलमलमलमेका प्राणिनां पातकानां
निरसनविषये या कृष्ण कृष्णेति वाणी ।
यदि भवति मुकुन्दे भक्तिरानन्दसान्द्रा
करतलकलिता सा मोक्षसम्राज्यलक्ष्मीः ॥ ५२॥
यस्य प्रियौ श्रुतिधरौ कविलोकवीरौ var कविलोकगीतौ
मित्रे द्विजन्मवरपद्मशरावभूताम् । var द्विजन्मपरिवारशिवावभूताम् ।
राज्ञा कृता कृतिरियं कुलशेखरेण ॥ ५३॥॥ का ३४॥ var स्तुतिरियं
मुकुन्दमालां पठतां नराणां
अशेषसौख्यं लभते न कः स्वित् ।
समस्तपापक्षयमेत्य देही
प्रयाति विष्णोः परमं पदं तत् ॥ ५४॥
॥ इति श्रीकुलशेखरेण विरचिता मुकुन्दमाला सम्पूर्णा ॥
Mukunda-mala Stotra
of Sri Kulashekara Alvar
Text 1 O Mukunda, my Lord! Please let me become a constant reciter of Your names, addressing You as Sri-vallabha ("He who is very dear to Lakshmi"), Varada ("the bestower of benedictions"), Dayapara ("He who is causelessly merciful"), Bhakta-priya ("He who is very dear to His devotees"), Bhava-lunthana-kovida ("He who is expert at plundering the status quo of repeated birth and death"), Natha ("the Supreme Lord"), Jagan-nivasa ("the resort of the cosmos,") and Naga-sayana ("the Lord who lies down on the serpent bed").
sri-vallabheti vara-deti daya-pareti
bhakta-priyeti bhava-lunthana-kovideti
natheti naga-sayaneti jagan-nivasety
alapinam prati-dinam kuru mam mukunda
Text 2 All glories to this Personality of Godhead known as the son of Srimati Devakidevi! All glories to Lord Sri Krishna, the brilliant light of the Vrishni dynasty! All glories to the Personality of Godhead, the hue of whose soft body resembles the blackish color of a new cloud! All glories to Lord Mukunda, who removes the burdens of the earth!
jayatu jayatu devo devaki-nandano 'yam
jayatu jayatu krishno vrishni-vamsa-pradipah
jayatu jayatu megha-syamalah komalango
jayatu jayatu prithvi-bhara-naso mukundah
Text 3 O Lord Mukunda! I bow down my head to your Lordship and respectfully ask you to fulfill this one desire of mine: that in each of my future births I will, by your Lordship's mercy, always remember and never forget Your lotus feet.
mukunda murdhna pranipatya yace
bhavantam ekantam iyantam artham
avismritis tvac-caranaravinde
bhave bhave me 'stu bhavat-prasadat
Text 4 O Lord Hari, it is not to be saved from the dualities of material existence or the grim tribulations of the Kumbhipaka hell that I pray to your lotus feet. Nor is my purpose to enjoy the soft-skinned beautiful women who reside in the gardens of heaven. I pray to Your lotus feet only so that I may remember You alone in the core of my heart, birth after birth.
naham vande tava caranayor dvandvam advandva-hetoh
kumbhipakam gurum api hare narakam napanetum
ramya-rama-mridu-tanu-lata nandane napi rantum
bhave bhave hridaya-bhavane bhavayeyam bhavantam
Text 5 O my Lord! I have no attachment for religiosity, or for accumulating wealth, or for enjoying sense gratification. Let these come as they inevitably must, in accordance with my past deeds. But I do pray for this most cherished boon: birth after birth, let me render unflinching devotional service unto your two lotus feet.
nastha dharme na vasu-nicaye naiva kamopabhoge
yad bhavyam tad bhavatu bhagavan purva-karmanurupam
etat prarthyam mama bahu matam janma-janmantare 'pi
tvat-padambhoruha-yuga-gata niscala bhaktir astu
Text 6 O Lord, killer of the demon Naraka! Let me reside either in the realm of the demigods, in the world of human beings, or in hell, as You please. I pray only that at the point of death I may remember Your two lotus feet, whose beauty defies that of the lotus growing in the Sarat season.
divi va bhuvi va mamastu vaso
narake va narakantaka prakamam
caranau te marane 'pi cintayami
Text 7 I always think of Lord Hari, whose joyful lotus face bears a gentle smile. Although He is the son of the cowherd Nanda, He is also the supreme Absolute Truth worshiped by great sages like Narada.
cintayami harim eva santatam
nanda-gopa-tanayam parat param
Text 8 The desert of material existence has exhausted me. But today I will cast aside all troubles by diving into the lake of Lord Hari and drinking freely of the abundant water of His splendor. The lotuses in that lake are His hands and feet, and the fish are His brilliant shining eyes. That lake's water relieves all fatigue and is agitated by the waves His arms create. Its current flows deep beyond fathoming.
kara-carana-saroje kantiman-netra-mine
srama-mushi bhuja-vici-vyakule 'gadha-marge
hari-sarasi vigahyapiya tejo-jalaugham
bhava-maru-parikhinnah klesam adya tyajami
Text 9 O mind, please never stop taking pleasure in thinking of the Mura demon's destroyer, who has lotus eyes and bears the conch and disc weapons. Indeed, I know of nothing else that gives such extreme pleasure as meditating on Lord Hari's divine feet.
sarasija-nayane sa-sankha-cakre
mura-bhidi ma viramasva citta rantum
sukha-taram aparam na jatu jane
hari-carana-smaranamritena tulyam
Text 10 O foolish mind, stop your fearful fretting about the extensive torments dealt out by Yamaraja. How can your enemies, the sinful reactions you have accrued, even touch you? After all, is your master not the Supreme Lord, the husband of goddess Sri? Cast aside all hesitation and concentrate your thoughts on Lord Narayana, whom one very easily attains through devotional service. What can that dispeller of the whole world's troubles not do for His own servant?
mabhir manda-mano vicintya bahudha yamis ciram yatana
naivami prabhavanti papa-ripavah svami nanu sridharah
alasyam vyapaniya bhakti-sulabham dhyayasva narayanam
lokasya vyasanapanodana-karo dasasya kim na kshamah
Text 11 The people in this vast ocean of birth and death are being blown about by the winds of material dualities. As they flounder in the perilous waters of sense indulgence, with no boat to help them, they are sorely distressed by the need to protect their sons, daughters, and wives. Only the boat that is Lord Vishnu can save them.
bhava-jaladhi-gatanam dvandva-vatahatanam
vishama-visaya-toye majjatam aplavanam
bhavati saranam eko vishnu-poto naranam
Text 12 Dear mind, do not bewilder yourself by anxiously thinking, How can I cross this fathomless and impassable ocean of material existence? There is one who can save you--Devotion. If you offer her to the lotus-eyed Lord, the killer of Narakasura, she will carry you across this ocean without fail.
bhava-jaladhim agadham dustaram nistareyam
katham aham iti ceto ma sma gah kataratvam
sarasija-drisi deve taraki bhaktir eka
naraka-bhidi nishanna tarayishyaty avasyam
Text 13 O Lord of the three worlds, we are drowning in the vast ocean of samsara, which is filled with the waters of material hankering, with many waves of illusion whipped up by the winds of lust, with whirlpools of wives, and with vast schools of sharks and other sea monsters who are our sons and brothers. O giver of all benedictions, please grant me a place on the boat of devotion that is Your lotus feet.
trishna-toye madana-pavanoddhuta-mohormi-male
daravarte tanaya-sahaja-graha-sanghakule ca
samsarakhye mahati jaladhau majjatam nas tri-dhaman
padambhoje vara-da bhavato bhakti-navam prayaccha
Text 14 Once our savior has been seen, the whole earth becomes like a mere speck of dust, all the waters of the ocean become mere droplets, the totality of fire becomes an insignificant spark, the winds become just a faint sigh, and the expanse of space becomes a tiny hole. Great lords like Rudra and Grandfather Brahma become insignificant, and all the demigods become like small insects. Indeed, even one particle of dust from our Lord's feet conquers all.
prithvi-renur anuh payamsi kanikah phalguh sphulingo laghus
tejo nihsvasanam marut tanu-taram randhram su-sukshmam nabhah
kshudra rudra-pitamaha-prabhritayah kinah samastah sura
drishte yatra sa tarako vijayate sri-pada-dhuli-kanah
Text 15 O people, please hear of this treatment for the disease of birth and death! It is the name of Krishna. Recommended by expert yogis steeped in wisdom--such as Yajnavalkya--this boundless, eternal inner light is the best medicine, for when drunk it bestows complete and final liberation. Just drink it!
he lokah srinuta prasuti-marana-vyadhes cikitsam imam
yoga-jnah samudaharanti munayo yam yajnavalkyadayah
antar-jyotir ameyam ekam amritam krishnakhyam apiyatam
tat pitam paramaushadham vitanute nirvanam atyantikam
Text 16 O mortal beings, you have submerged yourselves fully in the ocean of material existence, which is filled with waves of misfortune. Please hear as I briefly tell you how to attain your supreme benefit. Just put aside your various attempts at gaining knowledge and instead begin constantly chanting the mantra om namo narayanaya and bowing down to the Lord.
he martyah paramam hitam srinuta vo vakshyami sankshepatah
samsararnavam apad-urmi-bahulam samyak pravisya sthitah
nana-jnanam apasya cetasi namo narayanayety amum
mantram sa-pranavam pranama-sahitam pravartayadhvam muhuh
Text 17 Our master, the Personality of Godhead Narayana, who alone rules the three worlds, whom one can serve in meditation, and who happily shares His personal domain, has manifested Himself before us. Yet still we beg for the service of some minor lord of a few villages, some lowly person who can only meagerly reward us. Alas, what foolish wretches we are!
nathe nah purushottame tri-jagatam ekadhipe cetasa
sevye svasya padasya datari pare narayane tishthati
yam kancit purushadhamam katipaya-gramesam alpartha-dam
sevayai mrigayamahe naram aho mudha varaka vayam
Text 18 O lotus-eyed Lord, please sustain our lives as we constantly relish the nectar of meditating on Your lotus feet, with our palms prayerfully joined, our heads bowed down, and our bodily hair standing up in jubilation.
baddhenanjalina natena sirasa gatraih sa-romodgamaih
kanthena svara-gadgadena nayanenodgirna-bashpambuna
nityam tvac-caranaravinda-yugala-dhyanamritasvadinam
asmakam sarasiruhaksha satatam sampadyatam jivitam
Text 19 That head is the loftiest which is white with dust from bowing down to Lord Krishna. Those eyes are the most beautiful which darkness has abandoned after they have seen Lord Hari. That intelligence is spotless--like the white glow of the moon or a conchshell--which concentrates on Lord Madhava. And that tongue rains down nectar which constantly glorifies Lord Narayana.
yat krishna-pranipata-dhuli-dhavalam tad varshma tad vai siras
te netre tamasojjhite su-rucire yabhyam harir drisyate
sa buddhir vimalendu-sankha-dhavala ya madhava-dhyayini
sa jihvamrita-varshiti prati-padam ya stauti narayanam
Text 20 O tongue, praise the glories of Lord Kesava. O mind, worship the enemy of Mura. O hands, serve the Lord of Sri. O ears, hear the topics of Lord Acyuta. O eyes, gaze upon Sri Krishna. O feet, go to the temple of Lord Hari. O nose, smell the tulasi buds on Lord Mukunda's feet. O head, bow down to Lord Adhokshaja.
jihve kirtaya kesavam mura-ripum ceto bhaja sridharam
pani-dvandva samarcayacyuta-kathah srotra-dvaya tvam srinu
krishnam lokaya locana-dvaya harer gacchanghri-yugmalayam
jighra ghrana mukunda-pada-tulasim murdhan namadhokshajam
Text 21 All glories to Lord Narayana! Without remembrance of His lotus feet, recitation of scripture is merely crying in the wilderness, regular observance of severe vows enjoined in the Vedas is no more than a way to lose weight, execution of prescribed pious duties is like pouring oblations onto ashes, and bathing at various holy sites is no better than an elephant's bath.
amnayabhyasanany aranya-ruditam veda-vratany anv-aham
medas-cheda-phalani purta-vidhayah sarvam hutam bhasmani
tirthanam avagahanani ca gaja-snanam vina yat-pada-
dvandvambhoruha-samsmritim vijayate devah sa narayanah
Text 22 O Cupid, abandon your residence in my mind, which is now the home of Lord Mukunda's lotus feet. You have already been incinerated by Lord Siva's fiery glance, so why do you neglect Lord Murari's disc?
madana parihara sthitim madiye
manasi mukunda-padaravinda-dhamni
hara-nayana-krisanuna kriso 'si
smarasi na cakra-parakramam murareh
Text 23 Think only of your master and sustainer, the Supreme Lord, who is known as Narayana and Madhava and who lies on the body of the serpent Ananta. He is the darling son of Devaki, the hero of the demigods, and the Lord of the cows, and He holds a conchshell and the bow Sarnga. What will you gain by thinking of anything else?
nathe dhatari bhogi-bhoga-sayane narayane madhave
deve devaki-nandane sura-vare cakrayudhe sarngini
lilasesha-jagat-prapanca-jathare visvesvare sridhare
govinde kuru citta-vrittim acalam anyais tu kim vartanaih
Text 24 O Madhava, please do not let me even glance at those whose pious credits are so depleted that they have no devotion for Your lotus feet. Please do not let me be distracted from listening to the worthy narrations of Your pastimes and become interested in other topics. Please, O Lord of the universe, let me pay no attention to those who avoid thinking of You, and let me never be unable to serve You in some menial way, birth after birth.
ma draksham kshina-punyan kshanam api bhavato bhakti-hinan padabje
ma srausham sravya-bandham tava caritam apasyanyad akhyana-jatam
ma smarsham madhava tvam api bhuvana-pate cetasapahnuvanan
ma bhuvam tvat-saparya-vyatikara-rahito janma-janmantare 'pi
Text 25 O enemy of Madhu and Kaitabha, O Lord of the universe, the perfection of my life and the most cherished mercy You could show me would be for You to consider me the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of Your servant.
maj-janmanah phalam idam madhu-kaitabhare
mat-prarthaniya-mad-anugraha esha eva
bhrityasya bhritya iti mam smara loka-natha
Text 26 My dear tongue, I stand before you with joined palms and beg you to recite the names of Lord Narayana. These names describing the Supreme Absolute Truth bring great pleasure, as if exuding honey.
tattvam bruvanani param paras tan
madhu ksharantiva mudavahani
pravartaya pranjalir asmi jihve
namani narayana-gocarani
Text 27 At every moment I bow down to the lotus feet of Narayana, I perform worship to Narayana, I recite the pure name of Narayana, and I reflect on the infallible truth of Narayana.
namami narayana-pada-pankajam
karomi narayana-pujanam sada
vadami narayana-nama nirmalam
smarami narayana-tattvam avyayam
Texts 28 and 29 O Srinatha, Narayana, Vasudeva, divine Krishna, O kind friend of Your devotees! O Cakrapani, Padmanabha, Acyuta, Kaitabhari, Rama, Padmaksha, Hari, Murari! O Ananta, Vaikuntha, Mukunda, Krishna, Govinda, Damodara, Madhava! Although all people can address You, still they remain silent. Just see how eager they are for their own peril!
sri-natha narayana vasudeva
sri-krishna bhakta-priya cakra-pane
sri-padmanabhacyuta kaitabhare
sri-rama padmaksha hare murare
ananta vaikuntha mukunda krishna
govinda damodara madhaveti
vaktum samartho 'pi na vakti kascid
aho jananam vyasanabhimukhyam
Text 30 He is the jewel riding on the back of Garuda, who carries away the Lord's devotees on his wings. He is the magic jewel protecting the three worlds, the jewellike cloud attracting the Cataka-bird eyes of the gopis, and the jewel among all who gesture gracefully. He is the only jeweled ornament on the ample breasts of Queen Rukmini, who is herself the jewel of beloved consorts. May that crown jewel of all gods, the best of the cowherds, grant us the supreme benediction.
bhaktapaya-bhujanga-garuda-manis trailokya-raksha-manir
gopi-locana-catakambuda-manih saundarya-mudra-manih
yah kanta-mani-rukmini-ghana-kuca-dvandvaika-bhusha-manih
sreyo deva-sikha-manir disatu no gopala-cuda-manih
Text 31 O tongue, please constantly chant the mantra composed of Sri Krishna's names. This is the only mantra for destroying all enemies, the mantra worshiped by every word of the Upanishads, the mantra that uproots samsara, the mantra that drives away all the darkness of ignorance, the mantra for attaining infinite opulence, the mantra for curing those bitten by the poisonous snake of worldly distress, and the mantra for making one's birth in this world successful.
satru-cchedaika-mantram sakalam upanishad-vakya-sampujya-mantram
samsaroccheda-mantram samucita-tamasah sangha-niryana-mantram
sarvaisvaryaika-mantram vyasana-bhujaga-sandashta-santrana-mantram
jihve sri-krishna-mantram japa japa satatam janma-saphalya-mantram
Text 32 O mind, please drink the transcendental medicine of Sri Krishna's glories. It is the perfect medicine for curing the disease of bewilderment, for inspiring sages to engage their minds in meditation, and for tormenting the mighty Daitya demons. It alone is the medicine for restoring the three worlds to life and for bestowing unlimited blessings on the Supreme Lord's devotees. Indeed, it is the only medicine that can destroy one's fear of material existence and lead one to the attainment of the supreme good.
vyamoha-prasamaushadham muni-mano-vritti-pravritty-aushadham
daityendrarti-karaushadham tri-bhuvane sanjivanaikaushadham
bhaktatyanta-hitaushadham bhava-bhaya-pradhvamsanaikaushadham
sreyah-prapti-karaushadham piba manah sri-krishna-divyaushadham
Text 33 O Lord Krishna, at this moment let the royal swan of my mind enter the tangled stems of the lotus of Your feet. How will it be possible for me to remember You at the time of death, when my throat will be choked up with mucus, bile, and air?
krishna tvadiya-pada-pankaja-panjarantam
adyaiva me visatu manasa-raja-hamsah
prana-prayana-samaye kapha-vata-pittaih
kanthavarodhana-vidhau smaranam kutas te
Text 34 O mind, think of the lotus-eyed Lord who reclines on the mountainlike serpent Ananta. O tongue, glorify Him. O head, bow down to Him. O hands, join your palms in supplication to Him. O body, offer outstretched obeisances to Him. O heart, take full shelter of Him. That Supreme Lord is the topmost Deity. It is He alone who is all-auspicious and supremely purifying, He alone who awards eternal perfection.
cetas cintaya kirtayasva rasane namri-bhava tvam siro
hastav anjali-samputam racayatam vandasva dirgham vapuh
atman samsraya pundarika-nayanam nagacalendra-sthitam
dhanyam punya-tamam tad eva paramam daivam hi sat-siddhaye
Text 35 One who hears descriptions of Lord Janardana's pastimes and glorious qualities but whose bodily hair fails to bristle in ecstasy and whose eyes fail to flood with tears of pure love--such a person is indeed the most degraded rascal. What a condemned life he leads!
srinvan janardana-katha-guna-kirtanani
dehe na yasya pulakodgama-roma-rajih
notpadyate nayanayor vimalambu-mala
dhik tasya jivitam aho purushadhamasya
Text 36 O Lord, the powerful thieves of my senses have blinded me by stealing my most precious possession, my discrimination, and they have thrown me deep into the pitch-dark well of delusion. Please, O Lord of lords, extend Your hand and save this wretched soul.
andhasya me hrita-viveka-maha-dhanasya
cauraih prabho balibhir indriya-namadheyaih
mohandha-kupa-kuhare vinipatitasya
devesa dehi kripanasya karavalambam
Text 37 This body's beauty is fleeting, and at last the body must succumb to death after its hundreds of joints have stiffened with old age. So why, bewildered fool, are you asking for medication? Just take the Krishna elixir, the one cure that never fails.
idam sariram parinama-pesalam
pataty avasyam sata-sandhi-jarjaram
kim aushadham pricchasi mudha durmate
niramayam krishna-rasayanam piba
Text 38 The greatest wonder in human society is this: People are so incorrigible that they reject the life-giving nectar of Lord Narayana's names and instead drink poison by speaking everything else.
ascaryam etad dhi manushya-loke
sudham parityajya visham pibanti
namani narayana-gocarani
tyaktvanya-vacah kuhakah pathanti
Text 39 Let my relatives all abandon me and my superiors condemn me. Still, the supremely blissful Govinda remains my life and soul.
tyajantu bandhavah sarve
nindantu guravo janah
tathapi paramanando
govindo mama jivanam
Text 40 O mankind, with arms raised high I declare the truth! Any mortal who chants the names Mukunda, Nrisimha, and Janardana day after day, even in battle or when facing death, will come to regard his most cherished ambitions as no more valuable than a stone or a block of wood.
satyam bravimi manujah svayam urdhva-bahur
yo yo mukunda narasimha janardaneti
jivo japaty anu-dinam marane rane va
pashana-kashtha-sadrisaya dadaty abhishtam
Text 41 Raising my arms, I utter this compassionate advice as loudly as I can: If those in the renounced order want to be delivered from the terrible, poisonous condition of material life, they should have the good sense to constantly hear the mantra om namo narayanaya.
narayanaya nama ity amum eva mantram
samsara-ghora-visha-nirharanaya nityam
srinvantu bhavya-matayo yatayo 'nuragad
uccais taram upadisamy aham urdhva-bahuh
Text 42 My mind cannot turn from Sri Krishna's lotus feet, even for a moment. So let my dear ones and other relatives criticize me, my superiors accept or reject me as they like, the common people spread evil gossip about me, and my family's reputation be sullied. For a madman like me, it is honor enough to feel this flood of love of Godhead, which brings such sweet emotions of attraction for my Lord.
cittam naiva nivartate kshanam api sri-krishna-padambujat
nindantu priya-bandhava guru-jana grihnantu muncantu va
durvadam parighoshayantu manuja vamse kalanke 'stu va
tadrik prema-dharanuraga-madhuna mattaya manam tu me
Text 43 May Krishna, the spiritual master of the three worlds, protect us. Continually bow down to Krishna. Krishna has killed all our enemies. Obeisances to Krishna. From Krishna alone this world has come into being. I am the servant of Krishna. This entire universe rests within Krishna. O Krishna, please protect me!
krishno rakshatu no jagat-traya-guruh krishnam namadhvam sada
krishnenakhila-satravo vinihatah krishnaya tasmai namah
krishnad eva samutthitam jagad idam krishnasya daso 'smy aham
krishne tishthati visvam etad akhilam he krishna rakshasva mam
Text 44 O young cowherd boy! O ocean of mercy! O husband of Lakshmi, the ocean's daughter! O killer of Kamsa! O merciful benefactor of Gajendra! O Madhava! O younger brother of Rama! O spiritual master of the three worlds! O lotus-eyed Lord of the gopis! I know no one greater than You. Please protect me.
he gopalaka he kripa-jalanidhe he sindhu-kanya-pate
he kamsantika he gajendra-karuna-parina he madhava
he ramanuja he jagat-traya-guro he pundarikaksha mam
he gopijana-natha palaya param janami na tvam vina
Text 45 Your wife is the beautiful daughter of the ocean, and Your son is Lord Brahma. The Vedas are Your panegyrist, the demigods comprise Your company of servants, and liberation is Your pleasure, while this entire universe is a display of Your magic power. Srimati Devaki is Your mother, and Arjuna, the son of Bala's enemy, is Your friend. For these reasons I have no interest in anyone but You.
dara varakara-vara-suta te tanujo virincih
stotra vedas tava sura-gana bhritya-vargah prasadah
muktir maya jagad avikalam tavaki devaki te
mata mitram bala-ripu-sutas tat tvad anyam na jane
Text 46 The wise inhabitants of the heavenly regions know that the perfection of the head is to offer prostrate obeisances to the Supreme Lord, the perfection of the life-breath is to worship the Lord, the perfection of the mind is to ponder the details of His transcendental qualities, and the perfection of speech is to chant the glories of His qualities.
pranamam isasya sirah-phalam vidus
tad-arcanam prani-phalam divaukasah
manah-phalam tad-guna-tattva-cintanam
vacah-phalam tad-guna-kirtanam budhah
Text 47 What person, even if he be most sinful, has ever said aloud the blessed name Narayana and failed to fulfill his desires? But we, alas, never used our power of speech in that way, and so we had to suffer such miseries as living in a womb.
sriman-nama procya narayanakhyam
ke na prapur vanchitam papino 'pi
ha nah purvam vak-pravritta na tasmims
tena praptam garbha-vasadi-duhkham
Text 48 The unlimited and infallible Vishnu, who is always present within the lotus of the heart, grants fearlessness to those who fix their intelligence upon Him. The devotees who meditate on Him will reach the supreme perfection of the Vaishnavas.
dhyayanti ye vishnum anantam avyayam
hrit-padma-madhye satatam vyavasthitam
samahitanam satatabhaya-pradam
te yanti siddhim paramam tu vaishnavim
Text 49 O Supreme Lord, O Vishnu, You are the most compassionate. So now please show me Your favor and bestow Your mercy upon this helpless soul. Kindly uplift this wretch who is drowning in the ocean of material existence. O Lord Hari, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
tat tvam prasida bhagavan kuru mayy anathe
vishno kripam parama-karunikah khalu tvam
samsara-sagara-nimagnam ananta dinam
uddhartum arhasi hare purushottamo 'si
Text 50 Obeisances to Lord Madhava, enemy of the Madhu demon. His beautiful form, lying on the couch of the serpent Ananta, is speckled by the shower of spray from the milk ocean's waves.
madhavaya madhu-vidvishe namah
Text 51 By themselves the words "Krishna, Krishna" are sufficient to drive away the sins of all living beings. Anyone who possesses devotion for Lord Mukunda that is densely imbued with ecstasy holds in the palms of his hands the gifts of liberation, worldly influence, and splendor.
alam alam alam eka praninam patakanam
nirasana-vishaye ya krishna krishneti vani
yadi bhavati mukunde bhaktir ananda-sandra
karatala-kalina sa moksha-samrajya-lakshmih
Text 52 This work was composed by King Kulasekhara, a bee at the lotus feet of the lotus-eyed Lord. The king's two beloved friends are the twin stems of the glorious lotus of the brahmana community, expert Vedic scholars renowned as leaders of the community of poets.
yasya priyau sruti-dharau kavi-loka-virau
mitrau dvi-janma-vara-padma-sarav abhutam
rajna krita kritir iyam kulasekharena
Text 53 Who among those who recite this Mukunda-mala will not achieve complete happiness? An embodied being who chants these prayers will have all his sinful reactions eradicated and proceed straight to the supreme abode of Lord Vishnu.
mukunda-malam pathatam naranam
asesha-saukhyam labhate na kah svit
samasta-papa-kshayam etya dehi
prayati vishnoh paramam padam tat
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