
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


गोविन्द संकीर्तनम्
हरि नारायण गोविन्द जय नारायण गोविन्द।
हरि नारायण जय नारायण जय गोविन्द गोविन्द ॥१॥
भक्तजनप्रिय गोविन्द पङ्कजलोचन गोविन्द।
भक्तजनप्रिय पङ्कजलोचन परमानन्द गोविन्द ॥२॥
मत्स्यकलेबर गोविन्द वत्सकपालक गोविन्द।
मत्स्यकलेबर वत्सकपालक श्रीवत्साङ्कित गोविन्द॥३॥
धर्मपराश्रय गोविन्द कर्मविनाशन गोविन्द।
धर्मपराश्रय कर्मविनाशन कूर्मतनो जय गोविन्द ॥४॥
धृतकिटिमूर्ते गोविन्द हृतजगदार्ते गोविन्द।
धृतकिटिमूर्ते हृतजगदार्ते शुभजनकीर्ते गोविन्द॥५॥
नरहरिविग्रह गोविन्द नमितानुग्रह गोविन्द ।
नरहरिविग्रह नमितानुग्रह हतरिपुविग्रह गोविन्द॥६॥
वामनमूर्ते गोविन्द पावनकीर्ते गोविन्द ।
वामनमूर्ते पावनकीर्ते मोहनकीर्ते गोविन्द॥७॥
भर्गमुखाश्रय गोविन्द गर्गनिषेवित गोविन्द।
भर्गमुखाश्रय गर्गनिषेवित भार्गवराम गोविन्द॥८॥
दशरथनन्दन गोविन्द दशमुखनाशन गोविन्द।
दशरथनन्दन दशमुखनाशन शतमखसेवित गोविन्द॥९॥
सीरवरायुध गोविन्द वारिजलोचन गोविन्द ।
सीरवरायुध वारिजलोचन कारणपूरुष गोविन्द॥ १०॥
वृष्णिकुलेश्वर गोविन्द कृष्ण कृपालय गोविन्द ।
वृष्णिकुलेश्वर कृष्ण कृपालय वृष्णीपतिसख गोविन्द॥११॥
दुष्कृतनाशन गोविन्द सत्कुलपालक गोविन्द।
दुष्कृतनाशन सत्कुलपालक खड्गिशरीर गोविन्द ॥१२॥
कमलावल्लभ गोविन्द कमलविलोचन गोविन्द।
कमलावल्लभ कमलविलोचन कलिमलनाशन गोविन्द॥१३॥
वसुदेवात्मज गोविन्द वासवमदहर गोविन्द।
वसुदेवात्मज वासवमदहर वसुधावल्लभ गोविन्द॥१४॥
चक्रगदाधर गोविन्द शक्रनिषेवित गोविन्द।
चक्रगदाधर शक्रनिषेवित नक्रमदापह गोविन्द॥१५॥
नीरजलोचन गोविन्द  नीरदमेचक गोविन्द।
नीरजलोचन नीरदमेचक नारदसेवित गोविन्द ॥१६॥
नन्दकुमारक गोविन्द वृन्दावनचर गोविन्द।
नन्दकुमारक वृन्दावनचर वन्दितजनवर गोविन्द॥१७॥
कल्मषनाशन गोविन्द जन्मविनाशन गोविन्द ।
कल्मषनाशन जन्मविनाशन  सन्मयचिन्मय गोविन्द॥१८॥
निश्चल निष्कल गोविन्द नित्य निरामय गोविन्द।
निश्चल निष्कल नित्य निरामय निर्मल निरुपम गोविन्द॥१९॥
सीतावल्लभ गोविन्द राधावल्लभ गोविन्द ।
सीतावल्लभ राधावल्लभ  भामावल्लभ गोविन्द॥२०॥
लक्ष्मीवल्लभ गोविन्द लक्ष्मणपूर्वज गोविन्द।
लक्ष्मीवल्लभ लक्ष्मणपूर्वज पक्षिवरासन गोविन्द॥२१॥
राम रघूत्तम गोविन्द राम भृगूत्तम गोविन्द।
राम रघूत्तम राम भृगूत्तम राम यदूत्तम गोविन्द॥२२॥
उग्रपराक्रम गोविन्द विग्रहभीषण गोविन्द ।
उग्रपराक्रम विग्रहभीषण सुग्रीवप्रिय गोविन्द॥२३॥
श्रीवत्साङ्कित गोविन्द गोवत्सप्रिय गोविन्द।
श्रीवत्साङ्कित गोवत्सप्रिय हनुमत्सेवित गोविन्द॥२४॥
केशव माधव गोविन्द माधव केशव गोविन्द।
केशव माधव माधव केशव कालियमर्दन गोविन्द ॥२६॥
अतसीमेचक गोविन्द तुलसीभूषण गोविन्द।
अतसीमेचक तुलसीभूषण कलमृदुभाषण गोविन्द॥२७॥
हर मे दुरितं गोविन्द कुरु मे कुशलं गोविन्द।
हर मे दुरितं कुरु मे कुशलं भव मे शरणं गोविन्द ॥२८॥

Gopala Vimshathi.wmv(KRISHNA STOTRA.52)



वन्दे वृन्दावनचरं वल्लवीजनवल्लभम्।
जयन्तीसंभवं धाम वैजयन्तीविभूषणम्॥१॥
वाचं निजाङ्करसिकां प्रसमीक्षमाणो
वर्णत्रिकोणरुचिरे वरपुण्डरीके
बद्धासनो जयति वल्लवचक्रवर्ती ॥२॥
गोपालडिंभवपुषं कुहनाजनन्याः
प्राणस्तनन्धयमवैमि परं पुमांसम् ॥३॥
आविर्भवत्यनिभृताभरणं पुरस्ता-
दाकुञ्चितैकचरणं निहितान्यपादम्।
राधानिबद्धमुकुरेण निबद्धतालं
नाथस्य नन्दभवने नवनीतनाट्यम् ॥४॥
सन्दश्य मातुरनिशं कुचचूचुकाग्रम्।
नन्दस्य वक्त्रमवलोकयतो मुरारे-
र्मन्दस्मितं मम मनीषितमातनोतु  ॥५॥
हर्तुं कुम्भे विनिहितकरः स्वादुहैयंगवीनं
दृष्ट्वा चापग्रहणचटुलां मातरं जातरोषाम् ।
पायादीषत्प्रचलितपदो नावगच्छन्नतिष्ठ-
न्मिथ्यागोपः सपदि नयने मीलयन् विश्वगोप्ता॥६॥
व्रजयोषिदपाङ्गवेदनीयं मथुराभाग्यमनन्यभाग्यमीडे।
वसुदेववधूस्तनन्धयं तत् किमपिब्रह्म किशोरभावदृश्यम्॥७॥
परिवर्तितकन्धरं  भयेन स्मितफुल्लाधरपल्लवं स्मरामि।
विटपित्वनिरासकं कयोश्चिद्विपुलोलूखलकर्षकं कुमारम् ॥८॥
निकटेषु निशामयामि नित्यं निगमान्तैरधुनापिमृग्यमाणम्।
यमलार्जुनदृष्टबालकेलिं यमुनासाक्षिकयौवतं युवानम् ॥९॥
अरुणाधरसाभिलाषवंशां करुणां कारणमानुषं भजामि ॥१०॥
रजहद्यौवनमाविरस्तु चित्ते।
कलहायितकुन्तलं कलापैः
करुणोन्मादकविग्रहं विभो मे ॥११॥
अनुयायि मनोज्ञवंशनालै
रवतु स्पर्शितवल्लवी विमोघैः।
अनघस्मितशीतलैरसौ मा-
मनुकंपासरिदंबुजैरपांगैः ॥१२॥
प्रतिभासन्तु ममान्तिमप्रयाणे॥१३॥
अखिलानवलोकयामि कालान्
महिलालीनभुजान्तरस्य यूनि
अभिलाषपदं व्रजांगनाना-
मभिलापक्रमदूरमाभिरूप्यम् ॥१४॥
महसे महितायमौलिना
कलयामि विदग्धवल्लवी-
वलयाभाषितमञ्जुवेणवे ॥१५॥
जयतु ललितनृत्यं शिक्षतो वल्लवीनां
शिथिलवलयशिञ्जा शीतलैर्हस्ततालैः।
अखिलभुवनरक्षागोपवषस्य विष्णो-
रधरमणिसुधाया वंशवान् वंशनालः ॥१६॥
चित्राकल्पश्रवसि कलयन् लांगलीकर्णपूरं
बर्होत्तंसस्फुरितचिकुरो बन्धुजीवं दधानः।
गुञ्जां बद्धामुरसि ललितां धारयन् हारयष्टिं
गोपस्त्रीणां जयति कितवो कोऽपि कामापहारी ॥१७॥
लीलायष्टिं करकिसलये दक्षिणे न्यस्य धन्या-
मंसे देव्याः पुलकनिबिडे सन्निविष्टान्यबाहुः।
मेघश्यामो जयति ललितं मेखलादत्तवेणु-
र्गुञ्जापीडस्फुरितचिकुरो गोपकन्याभुजंगः॥१८॥

प्रीत्यालीढस्मृतिमधिगतां प्राप्तगाढांगपालीं
पश्चादीषन्मिलितनयनां प्रेयसीं प्रेक्षमाणः।
भस्त्रायंत्रप्रणिहितकरो भक्तजीवातुरव्या-
द्वारिक्रीडानिबिडवसनो वल्लवीवल्लभो नः ॥१९॥
वासो हृत्वा दिनकरसुता सन्निधौ वल्लवीनां
लीलास्मेरो जयति ललितामास्थितः कन्दशाखाम्।
सव्रीडाभिस्तदनु वसनं ताभिरभ्यर्थ्यमानः
कामी कश्चित् करकमलयोरञ्जलिं याचमानः ॥२०॥


Gopala Vimsathi

                         (The twenty verses on the Cowherd)
                                      Vedantha Desika,
                                          Translated by

(Vedanta Desika (1269 – 1370) is a great poet, devotee, philosopher and master-teacher belonging to the Sri Vaishnava sect founded by saint Ramanuja. By the end of 14th centaury the followers of Saint Ramanuja had split in to Vadakalai and Tenkalai. The followers of the former consider Sri Vedanta Desika as their Acharya (teacher). This great Stotra sings about the greatness of Gopala (cow herd) and is extremely popular among his devotees. It is said that it was composed in Thiruvahindrapuram by the Acharya overwhelmed by the beauty of the Rajagopala idol in the temple. These are usually sung before Thadhiaradhanams (Group partaking of food offered to God) and on the occasion of marriages and on Krishna Jayanthi day in Thiruvahindrapuram.
    The translation presented here is a simple literal translation, trying to bring out the beauty of this great stotra rathna.


Vande Vrundavana Charam vallavee Jana Vallabham,

Jayanthi Sambhavam dhama vaijayanthi bhooshanam.        1

Salutations to him, who wanders in Vrundavana,
Who is the darling of the Gopis there,
Who was born on the day of the  Sri Jayanthi,
And who wears the garland called Vaijayanthi.

Vacham nijangarasikam prasmeekshamano,
Vakthraravinda vinivesitha pancha janya,
Varna trikona ruchire varapundarike,
Badhasano jayathi vallava chakravarthi.                             2

Victory to the emperor of  the Gopis,
Who looks at Saraswathi sitting on his lap,
Who keeps his conch Pancha Janya close to his lips,
Who sits in the middle of a triangle placed,
In the middle of the holy lotus.

Amnaya gandha ruchiru chira sphurithhadharoshta,
Masravilekshana manukshana mandhahasam,
Gopaladimbhavapusham kuhana janannya,
Pranasthanandhayamavaimi param pumaamsam.                      3

I see that divine gentleman,
Whose breath wafted the fragrance of the Vedas,
Whose pretty lips quivered,
When he cried and laughed,
With his form of a cow herd baby,
And smiled in between the bouts of cry,
At the approach of the deceitful mother*,
And drank her life force and blessed her.
      *Poothana the ogress sent to kill him

Aavirbhavathvanibruthabharanam purasthaat,
Aakunchithaika Charanam nibrudhanyapadam,
Dadhnaa nimanthamukurena nibhaddhatalam,
Nathaasya nanda bhavaneh nava neeta natyam               4

Let that form with the several ornaments,
Appear before my mind,
In which he folds one leg and,
Holds the other leg straight,
In which he produced musical sounds,
And dancing steps in line with,
The sound of churning of curds,
Produced by his mother,
For getting freshly made butter                   

(Another version of the same:-

Aavirbhavathya nibhruthabaranam purastha,
Dakunchidaika charanam nihithannypadam,
Radha nibadhamookurena nibadha thalam,
Nadhasya nanda bhavane nava neethanatyam.          4

That form with the several ornaments,
Appears before my mind,
In which he folds one leg and,
Holds the other leg straight,
In which he keeps time with,
The jingling sound of  anklets,
Which were tied on him by Radha,
And in which he jumps and trots ,
For getting butter in the house of Nanda. )         

Harthum Kumbhe vinihathikara swaduhaingaveenam,
Drushtwa dhama grahana chatulam matharam jatha rosham,
Payadheeshath prachalitha pado napagachchanna thishtan,
Mithyagopa sapadhi nayane meelayan viswagoptha.                           5

Let me protected by the protector of the universe,
Who extended his hand to steal  the sweet butter from the pot,
And seeing his very angry and clever mother with a rope,
Moved slightly his leg  but not moving hither or thither,
Closed tightly both his eyes and waited  for her.

Vraja yoshidha  panga vedaneeyam 
Madhura bhagya mannanya bhagya meede,
Vasudeva vadhoosthanandayam  thath,
Kimapi brahma kisora bhava drusyam.                                6

I meditate on that Brahmam,
Who is understood by the Gopis,
Just by  a slight look on him by them,
Who is the luck of Mathura,
Who is the greatest luck to,
The unmatchable souls every where,
Who drank milk out of the wife of Vasudeva,
And who always looks like a handsome lad.

Parivarthitha kandaram bhayena,
Smitha phulladhara sambhavam  smarami,
Vitapithwanirasakam kayoschid,
Vipololukala karshakam kumaram.                                         7

I remember the lad smiling with lips,
Resembling the rosy leaf buds,
Who had turned his neck out of fear,
And who dragged the big mortar,
In between the two trees and,
Freed both of them of  their,
Tree form forever.

Nikuteshu nisamayami nithyam,
Nigamanthairadhunapi mrugyamanam,
Yamalarjuna  drusha bala keleem ,
Yamuna sakshika  youvanam yuvaanam.              8

I see him daily near me,
Who is being searched  by Vedas,
Who broke the two Arjuna trees,
And who is with young maidens,
Near the Yamuna with it as a witness

Padavee madaveeyasim vimukther
Atavi sambada mambu  vahayantheem,
Arunadhara sabilasha vamsam,
Karunam   karuna manusham  bhajami.                           9

I sing about that man who is the cause,
Who is the way which is near salvation,
Who  is the great wealth of the forests,
Who is as gross as the rain bearing clouds,
Who has red lips fond of  keeping the flute,
And who exists as the state of mercy.

Animesha nisheva neeya makshnor,
Jahadhyouvana ma virasthu chithe,
Kala hayitha kunthalam kalapai,
Karunanmadha vigraham  vibho may.                         10

May He, whose form maddened with mercy,
Appear  and remain in my mind
Who has an ever youthful pretty form,
Which does not allow our eyes to close for a second,
And who has pretty hair decorated by peacock feather,

Anuyayi manogna  vamsa naalai,
Ravathu  sparsitha vallavee vimoghai,
Anaghasmitha  sheethalai rasou maam,
Anukampasaritham  ambujai pangai.                              11

May I be protected by His sight,
Which resemble the lotus flowers,
Of his mind resembling the  pond of mercy,
Cooled by his pleasant smile,
And which always falls on the flute with him,
And which makes the Gopis extremely happy,

Adharahitha chharu vamsa nalaa,
Mukutalambhi mayoora pincha mala,
Hari neelashila vihanga leela,
Prathibhasanthu mamanthima prayane.                          12

I should be able to see Him,
With flute kept close to his lips,
With blue peacock feather adorning his hair,
And with his pranks shining like the blue gem,
During the last procession of my life.

Akhilanavalokayami kaalan,
Mahila leena bhujantharasya yoona,
Abhilasha padam vrujanganana,
Abhilapakrama dhooramaabhi roopyam.                      13

I see him always and all times,
With a chest carrying his Lady,
And also see him  as prettiness,
That can never ever be described,
And which is the acme of desire of the gopis.

Hrudhi Mugdha sikanda mandana
LIkhitha kena mamaisha shilpana,
Madhanadhura vallavangana,
Vadhambhoja divakaro Yuva.                                   14

I salute Him who is like a Sun.
To the lotus faces of lovelorn gopis,
Who are infatuated by his face,
Shining because of the peacock feather,
Worn by him in his head.
And who has etched his pretty face,
In their minds always.

Mahase mahithaya moulina,
Vinathenanjali manjana twishe,
Kalyami vidagdhavallavee
Valaya bhashitha manju venave.                                 15

I salute with folded hands,
Him who is black in colour,
And who plays his pretty flute,
In the midst of those gopis,
Who are intelligent and experts.

Jayathu lalitha kruthyam sikshatho valveenaam,
Sidhila valaya sinja seethalair  hastha thaalai,
Akhila bhuvana  raksha gopa veshasya vishnor,
Adharamani sudhaya vamsavan vamsa nala.                16

Victory to that flute which partakes the nectar,
Flowing from the lips of Vishnu,
Who has taken the form of a gopa lad,
For protecting all the world,
And to him who is being taught,
The dancing steps along with the ,
Beats created by the tingling sound,
Created by their bangles by the gopis.

Chithrakalpa sravasi kalayan langalee karna pooram,
Barhothamsa sphuritha chikaro bandhu jeevam dadhana,
Gunjam badhamurasi lalitham darayan harayashteem,
Gopasthreenam jayathi kithavo gopikamapahari.             17

Victory to Him who cures,
The passion of  Gopi maidens,
By  prettily dressing himself,
With flower from coconut sheaf in the ear,
With peacock feathers and the flower,
Of red hibiscus tied to his pretty tresses,
And  the garland made of the black red
Seeds of Gunja* tree decorating his chest.

              * Called Kundhumani in tamil, these seeds are used to weigh gold.

Leelayashtim karakisalaye dakshinenyasya dhanyam,
Amse devya pulakanibide sannivishatanya bahu,
Meghasyamo jayathi lalitham  mekhala datha venur,
Gunja  peeda sphuritha chikuro  gopa kanya bhujanga.                            18

Victory to him who keeps his flute,
Tucked in his golden waist band ,
Who keeps his right hand on a stick,
Used to mind the herds of cow,
Who keeps his left hand on the shoulder,
Of  the lady* shivering with joy,
Who is of the black colour of the cloud,
And who ties his tresses with a chain of Gunja seeds.

 *Sri Sadagopan in his commentary says this Lady is Nappinnai(neela Devi) a special  sweet heart of Krishna. I saw another reference that this lady is Yasodha his mother. It could be Radha also but Radha is rarely mentioned in the work of disciples of Ramanuja.

Prathyaleeda smruthi gaham praptha gadangapaalim,
Paschadeeshayilitha nayanam  preyasim prekshamana,
Bhasthrayanthra pranihithakaro  bhaktha jeevathuravya,
Dwaree kreeda nibida vasano  vallavee vallabho na.                     19

May that Lord who is the Lord of the gopis,
Who swept his sweet heart gopi in to a tight embrace,
Along with his wet cloths made wet,
During the love play inside the water,
Who gave a loving glance to the gopi who,
Was keeping her eyes partially closed,
Who held in his hand a water gun,
And who is the savior of his devotees,
Save me from the ills of domestic life.

Vasoo hruthwa dinakara sutha sannidhou vallaveenaam,
Leelasmero jayathi lalithamasthitha kunda shakhaam,
Sa vreedabhisthadhanu vasanam thabhir abhyarthamana,
Kamee kaschid kara kamalayor anjalim yachamana.                           20

Victory to the playful one  who ,
Sat daintily on the branch of the kunda tree,
And took away all the cloths left by Gopis,
Who were taking their bath in the river that is ,
The daughter of the sun god,
And when requested for their cloths,
Requested them to come out ,
And seek  for the cloths with raised folded hands.
Phala Sruthi

Ithyan anya manasaa vinirmitham,
Venkatesa kavina sthuthim padan,
Divya venu rasikam sameekshathe ,
Daivatham kimapi yowatha priyam.                  

He who reads this poem written,
By the poet Venkatesa* with no one,
Else appearing in his mind,
Would go near the God who likes,
The holy flute , who is the God,
Who is the darling of all gopis.
       * The name of Vedantha desika was Venkatesa.
In a book published from Kerala, the following Stanza is given as Stanza Number 5.But this is absent from many of the versions that I saw:-

Kunda prasoona visadairdasanai chathurbhi,
Sandhasya mathranisam kucha choochukagram,
Nandasya  vakthramavalokayatho murarer,
Mandasmithm mama maneeshitha mathanothu.                   

Let my desires be fulfilled by that ,
By the killer of  Mura,
Who with his front four teeth,
Which are like the buds of Jasmine,
Bites the aureole of the busts of his mother,
 And smiling looks at the face of Nanda.


Kunti Krit Sri Krishna Stuti(KRISHNA STOTRA.51) Queen Kunti's prayers to Lord Kṛṣṇa (with words and English meaning)



नमस्ये पुरुषं त्वाद्यमीश्वरं प्रकृतेः परम्।

अलक्ष्यं सर्वभूतानामन्तर्बहिरवस्थितम्॥१॥

माया जवनिकाच्छन्नमज्ञाऽधोक्षजमव्ययम्।

न लक्ष्यसे मूढदृशा नटो नाट्यधरो यथा ॥२॥

तथा परमहंसानां मुनीनाममलात्मनाम्।

भक्तियोगविधानार्थं कथं पश्येमहि स्त्रियः ॥३॥

कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय देवकीनन्दनाय च।

नन्दगोपकुमाराय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः ॥४॥

नमः पङ्कजनाभाय नमः पङ्कजमालिने।

नमः पङ्कजनेत्राय नमस्ते पङ्कजाङ्घ्रये॥५॥

विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वत् तत्र तत्र जगद्गुरो।

भवतो दर्शनं यत्स्यादपुनर्भवदर्शनम्॥६॥

जन्मैश्वर्यश्रुतश्रीभिरेधमानमदः पुमान्।

नैवार्हत्यभिधातुं वै त्वामकिञ्चनगोचरम्॥७॥

नमोऽकिञ्चनवित्ताय निवृत्तगुणवृत्तये।

आत्मारामाय शान्ताय कैवल्यपतये नमः ॥८॥

शृण्वन्ति गायन्ति गृणन्त्यभीक्ष्णशः

स्मरन्ति नन्दन्ति तवेहितं जनाः।

त एव पश्यन्त्यचिरेण तावकं

भवप्रवाहोपरमं पदाम्बुजम् ॥९॥

त्वयि मेऽनन्यविषया मतिर्मधुपतेऽसकृत्

रतिमुद्वहतादद्धा गङ्गेवौघमुदन्वति॥१०॥

श्रीकृष्ण कृष्णसख वृष्ण्यृषभावनिध्रु-


गोविन्द गोद्विजसुरार्तिहरावतार

योगेश्वराखिलगुरो भगवन्नमस्ते ॥११॥

Kunthi Sthuthi


Translated by




( At the end of the Maha Bharatha War between Kauravas and Pandavas , When the entire Kaurava army has perished, Aswathama the son of Guru Drona sent the Brahmastra to kill all the Pandavas. In return Arjuna also sent another Brahmasthra. Lord Krishana made Arjuna to take The shiro rathna(Gem on the head) of Aswathama and asked Aswathama to aim his asthra at the unborn child of Abhimanyu. Lord Krishna  then entered the womb of the wife of Abhimanyu and saves her child. Thus the clan of Pandavas is saved. At this juncture Kunthi the mother of the Pandavas addresses  this prayer to Lord Krishna. This occurs in the  8th chapter of the first Skanda of Bhagwatha Purana.

  It is interesting to note that Kunthi is the sister of Vasudeva the father of Krishna and was earlier given in adoption  to king Kunthi Bhoja by  Surasena, the father of Vasudeva. Thus she was the maternal aunt of Lord Krishna.

1.Namasthe purusham thwadhyameeswaram  prakruthe param,
Alakshyam  sarva bhoothanaam  anthar baihiravasthitham.

I salute the Lord Vishnu , the primeval God  and the divine Nature,
Who is invisible to all beings , though he is inside and outside all of them.

2.Mayaa ja vanikacchanna majnadhoksham avyayam,
Na lakshyase  mooda drusaa  nato natyadharo Yadhaa.

He is covered by the curtain of illusion and is invisible and imperishable,
And not felt  by the foolish humans  and is like an actor dressed for playing the  part.

3,.Thadha parama hamsaanaam muni nama malathmanaam,
Bhakthi yoga vidharatha , kadham pasyema hi sthriya.

How can you be perceived by ladies, as you appear only for great sages,
And philosophers who can recognize  the soul and also to experts in the path of devotion.

4.Krishnaya Vasudevaya , Devaki nandhanaya cha,
Nanda gopa kumaraya , govindaaya namo nama

Salutations and salutations to Krishna , son of Vasudeva and Devaki,
Who is the son of Nandagopa and Lord of all beings.

5.Nama Pankhaja nabhaya, nama Panjkaja maline,
Nama Pankaja nethraya, namathe pankajangraye.

Salutations to him who has a lotus on his navel
Who wears a lotus wreath, who has eyes like a lotus,
And who has soft feet like that of a lotus flower.

6.Yadha hrishikesa, khalena Devaki  kamsena rudhathichiram sucharpitha,
Viomochithaham cha sahathmaja  Vibho thwayaiva  nadhena muhurvipadganath.

You are the Lord of the senses ,
Who freed Devaki from sorrow ,
As she was  imprisoned by the envious Kamsa,
And Oh Lord you have  also repeatedly helped my children,
From various constant and serious groups of threats.

7.Vishan mahagnai purushaa  dadarsanadha sad sabhaaya, vana vasa kruchratha,
Mrudhe, mrudhe  aneka maha radhasthratho drounyasthrathaschasma hare abhisakshitha.

You saved us from poison, great fire ,
Look of  evil people, from assembly of the wicked,
From perils of dangerous forest life,
From very many great arrows  from great warriors ,
In the war and now  from the arrow of Aswathama,  the son of Drona.

8.Vipadha santhu nasashwathathra  thathra jagat guro,
Bhavatho darsanam yathsyadha punarbhava darsanam.

Oh teacher of the universe , let these calamities occur frequently,
For we are blessed with meeting with you  which eliminates the sorrows,
Of  this life with its ever occurring cycles of births and deaths.

9.Janmai aiswarya  srutha sri bhiredhamana madha pumaan,
Naivaar hathyabhidhaathum vai thwama kinchana gocharam.

Those gentleman intoxicated by wealth , fame , education and beauty,
Will not be ever in a position to even utter your name,
For you being approachable only by those who have nothing of their own.

10.Namo akinchana vithaya , nivrutha guna vruthaye,
Aathmaramaya santhaya  kaivalya pathaye nama.

Salutations to the  god who is the wealth of those who do not have anything,
Who is beyond the three characters of Saintly, regal and base,
Who delights with himself, who is peace and the path to salvation.

11.Manye thwaam kaala meesana manadhi nidhanam  vibhum,
Samam charantham  sarvathra bhoothanaam yanmidha kali.

I believe that you are the” time”, the great God who does not have any end or beginning,
Who travels equally in all the beings who appear to differ among themselves.

12.Na vdhe kaschidbhagawasi keershitham thweha manasya nrunaam vidambanam,
Na yasya kaschid dayitho  asthi karhichid dweshyascha yasmin vishamaamathirnrunaam.

No one ever understands what is in your mind,
When you are acting like a human being,
You are not close or far off from any one,
And it is people who think that you are biased.

13.Janma karma cha  viswathman , na kasya karthur aathmana,
Thiryang nrushishu yaadhaa sa  thadathyantha  vidambanam.

Oh soul of the universe, you are completely devoid of birth and soul,
And your birth among small creatures, men , sages and aquatic creatures is your pastime.

14.Gopyaa dhadhe  thwayi kruthadai  dhama  thavaadhya they  dasasru kalilanjanaa sambhramaksham,
Vakram neeneeya  bhaya bhavanaaya  sdhithasya  saa maam  vimohayathi bheerapi yaddbhethi.

When you broke the pot of curd and offended your  foster mother,
And when she took the rope to tie you , since you were naughty,
You stood full of fear , bent face , collyrium flowing due to your tears
And with your eyes rolling in confusion  and this filled me with wonder,
Because when even fear was afraid of you, how can you be afraid of some one.

15.Kechid dahurajam jaatham  punya slokasya keerthaye,
Yadho priuasyanvavaye  malayasyeva  chandanam.

Some say that though you do not have birth ,
You were born in the clan of  the famous and great Yadhu,
In order to add to his fame like  the sandalwood tree,
Which is born in the Malaya mountains to enhance the glory of the mountain.

16.Apare vasudevasya  devakyaam   yachitho abhyagaath,
Ajasthwamasya  kshemaya  vadhaya  cha suradwishaam.

Others say  that though you are birth less,
You were born to Vasudeva  and Devaki ,
As an answer to their prayer and for,
Killing of all the enemies  of Devas.

17.Bharava thaaranayanye  bhuvo naava  ivodhadhou,
Seedhanthyaa bhoori bharena  jatho  hyatha bhuvathithaa.

Other say that  you appeared like a boat in a great sea,
To take away the burden of earth , which appeared sinking,
As an answer to the prayers of  Lord Brahma.

18.Bhave asmin kilasya maana nama  vidhyaa kama karmabhi,
Sravana smanaarhani  karishyannathi  kechane.

Some people tell that you have descended on earth,
To do acts fit to be heard or dealt with,
Even by those  who are being tormented  in this world,
Of ignorance , desire and selfish acts.

19.Sruvanthi, gayanthi grunanthyabhhekshnasa smaranthi nandanthi  thavehitham janaa,
Tha yeva  pasyanth yachirena  thavakam  bhava pravahoparam  padaambhujam.

The people who are partial to you listen ,
Sing, repeat to others and meditate,
And would alone soon see your lotus like feet
That would end waves of life of birth and death.

20.Apyadhya  nasthwam  swakruthehitha  prabho  jihaasasi swith suhrudho anujeevina,
Yeshaam na chanyathbhavatha padambujath  paraayanam  rajasu  yojithaamhasaam.

Oh Lord , you always had our interest in mind,
And today you are going away from us ,
And we  your friends do not have any other protection ,
Other than, Your lotus like feet
And we have made enemies of other kings,
By inflicting lot of suffering on them by this war.

21.Ke vayam namaroopabhyaam  yadhubhi  saha pandava,
Bhavatho  adarashanam  yarhi  hrishi kaanas  mivesithu.

When your name and form  are not with Yadhus and Pandavas,
They all would become  like the body without the  soul .

22. Neyam  shobhishyathe  thathra yadhe dhanam  gadha dhara,
Thwad padai rangitha  bhathi  swa lakshana vilakshithai.

Oh Lord with the mace , this earth will not shine the as it does now,
As it would not be adorned by your feet  and would not have great symbols.

23. Ime jana padhaa svruddhaa supa koushaadhi  virudha,
Vanadhri  nadhy dhan vantho hyedhanthe  thava veekshithai.

This territory  with its forests, hills , ripe crops and vegetation,
Will flourish only when they receive your benign glances.

24. Adha Vishwesa  vishwathman Viswamoorthe  swakeshu may,
Sneha pasam imam  chindhi  drudam  pandushu  Vrushneshu.

So Lord of the universe, soul of the universe, personification of the universe,
Please cut off the strong bondage that I have  to the clan of Pandu and Vrushni.

25.Twayi may ananya vishayaa mathir madhupathe  asakruth,
Rathi  mudhwahatha dhaddhaa gadgai vouga mudhanwathi.

Oh Lord of honey, let my  mind not go to any other aspects  other than you,
And let it be flowing towards you like the Ganges flows towards the sea.

26. Sri Krishna , Krisha sakha vrushnyrusha bhava  nidhrug rajaanvyam  sadha  hanaa napa varga veerya,
Govnda  godwija surarthi  haravathara  yogeswarakhila guro Bhagavan namasthe.

Oh Lord Krishna, friend of Arjuna, greatest in the clan of Vrushni,
You are the fire that which burns the princes who harm this earth,
Oh Govinda, who has taken birth to relieve the distress of all cows,
Al Brahmins  and all gods, I salute you Oh teacher, Oh God.


Kunti Stuti कुंती स्तुति

श्रीमद्भागवतपुराण कुंती कृत श्रीकृष्ण स्तुति
Kunti said:
नमस्ये पुरुषं त्वद्यमीश्वरं प्रकृते: परम् ।
अलक्ष्यं सर्वभूतानामन्तर्बहिरवास्थितम् ॥१॥
My obeisances unto You, the Purusha, the Original Controller of the Cosmos who is invisible and beyond all existing both within and without.
मायाजवनिकाच्छन्नमज्ञाधोक्षमव्ययम् ।
न लक्ष्यसे मूढदृशा नटो नाटयधरो यथा ॥२॥
Covered by the deluding [material] curtain, being irreproachably transcendent and not discerned by the foolish, You are like an actor dressed up as a player.
तथा परमहंसानां मुनीनाममलात्मनाम् ।
भक्तियोगविधानार्थं कथं पश्येम हि स्त्रिय: ॥३॥
You appear for the sake of the advanced transcendentalists and philosophers who can discriminate between spirit and matter, in order to execute the science that unites them in devotion. But how must we, the women, then exercize respect for You?
कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय देवकीनन्दनाय च ।
नन्दगोपकुमाराय गोविन्दाय नमो नम: ॥४॥
Therefore I offer You my respectful obeisances, You the Protector of the cows and the senses, the Supreme Lord, the son of Vasudeva and Devakî, the One of Nanda and the cowherd men of Vrindâvana.
नम: पङ्कजनाभाय नम: पङ्कजमालिने ।
नम: पङ्कजनेत्राय नमस्ते पङ्कजाङ्घ्रये ॥५॥
My respects for You, who has a lotuslike depression in His abdomen, who is always decorated with lotus flowers, whose glance is as cool as a lotus flower and whose footprints show the mark of lotusflowers.
यथा हृषीकेश खलेन देवकी कंसेने रुद्धातिचिरं शुचार्पिता ।
विमोचिताहं च सहात्मजा विभो त्वयैव नाथेन मुहुर्विपद्गणात् ॥६॥
You are the master of the senses and have released the distressed Devakî [mother of Krishna] from being imprisoned for so long by the envious [uncle] King Kamsa. And o Lordship, You have protected me and my children against a constant threat.
विषान्महाग्ने: पुरुषाददर्शनादसत्सभाया वनवासकृच्छ्रत: ।
मृधे मृधे
sनेकमहारथास्त्रतो द्रौण्यस्त्रतश्चास्म हरे sभिसक्षिता: ॥७॥
Saving us in the past from poison, a great fire, man-eaters, a vicious assembly, sufferings from exile in the forest and against weapons in battles with great generals, You have now fully protected us against the weapon of the son of Drona.
विपद: सन्तु ता: शश्वत्तत्र तत्र जगद्गुरो ।
भवतो दर्शनं यत्स्यादपुनर्भवदर्शनम् ॥८॥
I wish we would have more of those calamities, o Master of the Universe, so that we can meet You again and again, because meeting You means that we no longer see the repetition of births and death.
जन्मैश्वर्यश्रितश्रीभिरेधमानमद: पुमान् ।
नैवार्हत्यभिधातुं वै त्वामकिञ्चनगोचरम् ॥९॥
The ones intoxicated by striving for a good birth, opulences, education, and beauty will never ever deserve to address You, who are easily approached by the ones destitute.
नमो sकिञ्चनवित्ताय निवृत्तगुणवृत्तये ।
आत्मारामाय शान्ताय कैवल्यपतये नम: ॥१०॥
All honor to You, the wealth of the ones living in poverty, who transcendental to the emotions one has with the material modes, are the One selfcontented and most gentle; all my respect for You who are the master of beatitude.
मन्ये त्वां कालमीशानमनादिनिधनं विभुम् ।
समं चरन्तं सर्वत्र भूतानां यन्मिथ: कलि: ॥११॥
I consider You the personification of Eternal Time, the Lord without a beginning or an end, the All-pervasive One distributing Your mercy everywhere equally among the beings who live in dissent with each other.
न वदे कश्चद्भगवंश्चिकीर्षितं तवेहमानस्य नृणां विडम्बनम् ।
न यस्य कश्चिद्दयितो
sस्ति कहिर्चिद् द्वष्यश्च यस्मिन्विषमा मतिर्नृणाम् ॥१२॥
O Lord, no one understands Your pastimes, that appear to be as conflictuous as the exploits of the common man; people think You are partial, but You favor or dislike no one.
जन्म कर्म च विश्वात्मन्नकस्याकर्तुरात्मन: ।
तिर्यङ्नृषिषु याद: स तदत्यन्तविडम्बनम् ॥१३॥
O Soul of the Universe, with Your vital energy taking birth although You are unborn and acting although You are inactive, You manifesting Yourself with the animals, the human beings, the wise and the aquatics, are veritably bewildering.
गोप्याददे त्वयि कृतागसि दाम तावद्या ते दशाश्रुकलिलाञ्जनासम्भ्रमाक्षम् ।
वक्रं निनीय भयभावनया स्थितस्य सा मां विमोहयति भीरपि यद्बभेति ॥१४॥
It is bewildering for me to see that at the time the gopî [Yas'odâ, the cowherd foster mother of Krishna] took up a rope to bind You because You were naughty, You were afraid and cried the make-up off Your eyes, even though You are feared by fear in person.
केचिदाहुरजं जातं पुण्यश्लोकस्य कीर्तये ।
यदो: प्रियस्यान्ववाये मलयस्येव चन्दनम् ॥१५॥
Some say that You, like sandalwood appearing in the Malaya Hills, are born from the unborn for the glory of the pious kings or the pleasure of the family of dear King Yadu.
अपरे वसुदेवस्य देवक्यां याचितो sभ्यगात् ।
अजस्त्वमस्य क्षेमाय वधाय च सुरद्विषाम् ॥१८॥
Others say that You descended from the unborn for the good of Vasudeva and Devakî who prayed for You and for the demise of the ones envious with the godly.
भारावतारणायान्ये भुवो नाव इवोदधौ ।
सीदन्त्या भूरिभारेण जातो ह्यात्मभुवार्थित: ॥१९॥
Still others say that You, like a boat on the sea, came to take away the burden of extreme worldly grief and were born from the prayers of Lord Brahmâ.
भवे sस्मिन्क्लिश्यमानानामविद्याकामकर्मभि: ।
श्रवणस्मणार्हाणि करिष्यन्नति केचने ॥२०॥
And yet others say that You appeared for the ones suffering from desire and nescience in the materially motivated world so that they may perform in hearing, remembering and worshiping You.
शृण्वन्ति गायन्ति गृणन्त्यभीक्ष्णश: स्मरन्ति नन्दन्ति तवेहितं जना: ।
त एव पश्यन्त्यचिरेण तावकं भवप्रवाहोपरमं पदाम्बुजम् ॥२१॥
Those people who take pleasure in continuously hearing, chanting and remembering Your activities, certainly very soon will see Your lotus feet, who put the recurrence of rebirths to an end.
अप्यद्य नस्त्वं स्वकृतेहित प्रभो जिहाससि स्वित्सुहृदो sनुजीविन: ।
येषां न चान्यद्भवत: पदाम्बुजात्परायणं राजसु योजितांहसाम् ॥२२॥
O Lord, with all that You did for us, You, today going to the kings engaged in enmity, are leaving us behind. Us, Your intimate friends living by Your mercy alone in dependence on Your lotus feet.
के वयं नामरूपाभ्यां यदुभि: सह पाण्डवा: ।
sदर्शनं यर्हि हृषीकाणामिवेशितु: ॥२३॥
We, without You, will, along with the Yadus and Pândavas, be without the fame and name, like a body is without the senses after the spirit has left.
नेयं शोभिष्यते तत्र यथेदानीं गदाधर ।
त्वत्पदैरङ्किता भाति स्वलक्षणविलक्षितै: ॥२४॥
The land of our kingdom will no longer appear as beautiful as it does now, being dazzled by the marks of Your footprints.
इमे जनपदा: स्वृद्धा: सुपक्वौषधिवीरुध: ।
वनाद्रिनद्युदन्वन्तो ह्येधन्ते तव वीक्षितै: ॥२५॥
All these cities and towns, because of Your glances, flourished more and more with their wealth of herbs, vegetables, forests, hills, rivers and seas.
अथ विश्वेश विश्वात्मन्विश्वमूर्ते स्वकेषु मे ।
स्नेहपाशमिमं छिन्धि दृढं पाण्डुषु वृष्णषु ॥२६॥
Therefore, o Lord of the Universe, o Personality of the universal form, cut my tie of deep affection for my kinsmen the Pândavas and the Vrishnis.
त्वयि मे sनन्यविष्या मतिर्मधुपते sसकृत् ।
रतिमुद्वहतादद्धा गङ्गेवौघमुदन्वति ॥२७॥
Make my attraction to You pure and continuously overflowing, like the Ganges flowing down to the sea.
श्रीकृष्ण कृष्णसख वृष्ण्यृषभावनिध्रुग्राजन्यवंशदहनानपवर्गवीर्य ।
गोविन्द गोद्विजसुरार्तिहरावतार योगेश्वराखिलगुरो भगवन्नमस्ते ॥२८॥
O Krishna, friend of Arjuna and chief of the Vrishnis, annihilator of the rebellious dynasties on this earth, with Your unrelenting bravery You relieve the distressed cows, the twice-born and the godly, o Lord of Yoga incarnate, universal preceptor and original proprietor, unto You my respectful obeisances.
॥ इति श्रीकुन्ति कृत श्रीकृष्ण स्तुति: सम्पूर्णम् ॥