Tuesday, February 20, 2024



Radhe krishna.
Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
The essentials of moral life are: straightforwardness, honesty, mercy, humility, respect for life or tender regard for every creature that breathes, absolute unselfishness, truthfulness, celibacy, non-injury, non-covetousness, absence of vanity and hypocrisy and cosmic love. A man of right conduct has ideal principles and mottoes. He strictly follows them, removes his weakness and defects, develops good character and becomes a pure man. Righteousness is eternal. Do not leave the path of righteousness. A righteous, virtuous life and a clear conscience give great deal of comfort to man while living and at the time of death also.

Change your vision, attitude or outlook. You will see good in evil, beauty in ugliness, life in stone, pleasure in pain. Everything is good, everything is beautiful, everything is alive, everything is delightful. Feel this. Realise this.

- Swami Sivananda
By the force of early training. In the child stage he is trained by the elders to avoid doing
certain things and to be ashamed of doing certain things. Therefore, early training, and family
heritage play an important part. Suppose, he is born in an educated, cultured family; naturally his
instincts are more refined, The reason offers lesser restraints to those who are born in an uncivilised
family, very backward, unlettered class; even though they are endowed with reason, it does not
operate in the same degree as it does in the case of a man born in a civilised, cultured family. Early
training, heritage, and later on his previous Samskaras begin to operate. Samskara means
impressions left over by the experiences in a previous incarnation. Life is progression, and in each
birth man goes on learning things and he goes on drawing lessons from experience, and all these
lessons are there in the form of subtle impressions in the human being. It may be a liability or it may
be an asset in the form of impressions carried over from experiences and activities in a previous
birth, and these Samskaras begin to operate with the ego or individuality which begins to function in
a human being after a certain age. In one’s childhood individuality does not function. Normally, it is
only after a certain age that children begin to manifest their individuality, and when they do so, the
impressions of their previous birth begin to work, and they also begin to play a part in the reasoning
of man direct, induce him to take to certain actions and to avoid certain actions. Then we have the
restraint of a civilised society. People say, “Do not do this.” Certain things are disallowed, certain
things are looked upon as something to be abhorred. These influences go to make up the rational
part of man, and it is a struggle between these factors and the lower urges that make up the conflict
in every individual. The factors of self-respect, decency—all these factors begin to operate in a man
and they act to a certain extent as a restraint against the urges of his grosser animalistic nature. And
supposing he comes into contact with higher minds and begins to hear words of wisdom, comes into
contact with elevating literature and hears more and more about divine things, his intellect begins to
be educated. Then the power of restraint over the lower self becomes stronger and establishes him
more and more upon a human nature.
Swami Chidananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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