Thursday, February 22, 2024



Aadhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
God helps you only when you feel utterly humble. Therefore, develop this virtue to a considerable degree. Virtue will develop and survive only when practised positively and actively. The law of non-injury is as much exact and precise as the law of gravitation. If you can be fully established in the practice of non-violence in thought, word and deed, you can attain God. The path of non-injury is narrow, but if you practise non-injury in right earnest, you can easily travel this path, since you cannot but get the divine grace at every step.
And he becomes a man of self-restraint, self-discipline, a man
who has mastery over his lower appetites and urges. And in society, the factor of fear also does act
to some extent as a bar upon the mind’s lower appetites. Suppose a man acts badly. Then he will be
punished. So, fear of punishment is there. In the higher planes of evolution the fear is not from the
world, but the fear is from punishment of God. All these things go to make him steadily fixed to
human level and act as a check upon the too frequent manifestation of the urges of the lower,
grosser, impure, animalistic part of the human being. And then, of course, there are occasionally
clashes. Suddenly certain moments come in the life of every human being when he or she begins to
ponder upon his or her life, “Have I lived to any purpose? What is the meaning of all these? After all
one day I shall have to go out of this scene at one moment’s notice.” Then he or she feels a sense of
dissatisfaction upon the type of life that he or she has been leading and a call comes from some high
source and there is an urge for betterment, for rising higher up, for experiencing something which is
not merely something mundane, which is not of physical life. At those times man becomes a
philosopher and tries to rise above his sensual life. But again in the whirl of his daily activities, he
forgets the real purpose of his life. Again moments come in his life when he questions: “Is there a
higher purpose in life?” It is indicative of the presence of a higher nature in the being which is
capable of being experienced and realised, and it is to enable man to take advantage of this upward
wave and rise up from the normal humdrum activities of this physical world that all Godmen
constantly keep on urging man, saying: “What are you doing here? How long will you slumber?”
They try to rouse again and again the sleeping, essential, divine nature in a human being. Therefore,
analysing the threefold nature of man we found that the process of Yoga, the fundamental work it
had to achieve, was the liquidation or elimination of the lower, animalistic nature of man and the
sublimation of his human consciousness into a higher divine consciousness where he goes beyond
the body and mind and is established in the perennial, glorious experience of his blissful, true Self,
Swami Chidananda 

We can judge ourselves as to the spiritual progress we make by the extent to which we are free from seeing defects in others. The wider we grow, the narrower becomes the eye which sees defects in the world.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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