Monday, February 19, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Ethical culture will result in ethical perfection. An ethical man is more powerful than an intellectual man. Ethical culture brings in various sorts of occult powers. Morality goes hand in hand with spirituality. Morality coexists with spirituality. Ethical culture prepares you for the realization of the truth that God alone pervades and permeates all. All aspirants commit mistakes in jumping to the practice of meditation and final "communion with God" all at once, as soon as they take up spiritual practice, without caring a bit for ethical purification. 

Religion Means 'To Do.' It is only the one two little acts that you actually do, that constitute religion and spirituality. To rise early and take the name of the Lord for ten minutes is what real dharma is.

- Swami Sivananda 
Now, this essential part of man is defined as a thing ever calling him higher up towards noble
aspirations, towards struggle for the attainment of a higher consciousness where he is established in
an experience where sorrows cannot touch him, where pains of the physical and mental sheaths
cease to be and a state of continuous bliss characterises that experience; and at the same time we
found that on the other side of the central human, rational nature there was the grosser aspect of his
being, the brutal, animalistic aspect, made up of the lower appetites, the lower sensual passions, the
impure urges that form a part of every human being. The world process is the evolution from the
lower stages of being to the higher levels and Indian thought holds that as the individual unit of
consciousness passes through lower stages of existence, the impress of each stage that it passes
through is left in the depth of consciousness and this forms the constitution of his animalistic nature
or his impure grosser being. Thus each level of existence leaves within him some trace of the
characteristics of that stage of gross existence. In the animal stage, the predominant characteristic is
the instinct, which is present in the form of urges over which the being has no control. They are not
guided by rational thought and therefore these elements go to form the lower part of the being. The
animal subdued and suppressed in the consciousness, the Divine yet to be awakened, it is yet latent,
not patent, and in between them is the human nature, ever active, dynamic, expressing itself in
various modes in the life of the individual, but swayed between the animal and divine natures.
Every being is attracted towards the suppressed, yet active animal nature. Animal nature is active in
various degrees in each human being, whereas the divine has not started to be active because it is
still sleeping, it is not yet awakened. So the individual is more drawn towards the animal nature, and
therefore it was found that human life is a struggle between the undivine nature of the individual
and the power of reasoning which said, “I think this is not worthy of me. As a human being I should
not do it.” These considerations are kept active by the human reason. How?
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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