Saturday, June 27, 2015



                    Srikrishna Karnamrutham
त्त्रिभुवनसुकुमारं दिव्यकैशोरकं नः ॥३,५१॥
May we be protected by that kaishoram ( between childhood and adolescence) of Krishna which is the most beautiful in the three worlds, which is followed by the celestial damsels in the sky for whose eyes it is the very pinnacle of sweetness and which is the object of the passionate glances of the belles of Vraja
रापीयमाना यमिनां मनोभिः।
गोपालभूपालकुमारमूर्तिः ॥३.५२॥
May we be protected by the  adolescent form of the gopala King which is mentally visualised from head to foot by the yogis who are very much attached to it and the taste of which the gopis have known.
दिष्ट्या वृन्दावनमृगदृशां विप्रयोगाकुलानां
प्रत्यासन्नं प्रणयचपलापांगवीचीतरंगैः
लक्ष्मीलीलाकुवलयदलश्यामलं धाम कामान्
पुष्णीयान्नः पुलकमुकुलाभोगभूषाविशेषम् ॥३.५३॥
By the good luck of the damsels of Vrindavan who are  pining in separation, Krishna is back again, his form as dark as the petals of the kuvalaya flower playfully held by Lakshmi in her hands. His glances of love from the corners of his roving eyes create a wave. Hairs in his  body stand erect (because of the emotion of love) which gives the impression of buds  on a tamala tree.   May that Krishna sustain all of us and (help us cross this ocean of samsara)
जयति गुहशिखीन्द्रपिञ्छमौलि-
स्नपित विभूषितकुन्तलः कुमारः ॥३.५४॥
Victory to that adolescent boy who adorns his head with the plumes of the peacock of Skanda, who has smeared his body with the red paste of the sand stone of the Meru Mountain and whose locks are adorned by the rain of flowers showered by the celestial maidens.
विजयतां व्रजबालवधूजन-
स्तनतटीविलुठन्नयनं विभोः ॥३.५५॥
Let there be victory to the lotus face of Krishna which is pretty with its slow,  sweet and pure smile, which is moved by the god of Love,  and with eyes  rolling over the bosom of the young lasses of Vraja.
अलसविलसन्मुग्धस्निग्धस्मितं व्रजसुन्दरी-
मदनकदनस्विन्नं धन्यं महद्वदनांबुजम्।
जयति विजयश्रेणीमेणीदृशां मदयन् महः ॥३.५६॥
Victory to that great effulgence which has an indolent, playful, pretty and smooth smile, which is sweating because of love sport, which is fulfilled, has a lotus-like face, which has lips bathed in a smile which is bright as the full moon and which delights the doe-eyed damsels of Vraja
जीयासुः पुलकाङ्कुरास्त्रिभुवनस्वादीयसस्तेजसः।
त्रासारूढदृढोपगूहनमहासाम्राज्यसान्द्रश्रियः ॥३.५७॥
Victory to that effulgence, Krishna,  who is the joy of all the three worlds, whose broad chest is adorned by Radha’s playful sidelong glances which cause bristles of extreme joy.  Fearing that Rukmini who is asleep after love play may wake up any time, Krishna locks Radha in a tight embrace leading to a vast empire of joy. .  
स्मितस्नुतसुधाधरा मदशिखण्डिबर्हाङ्किता
विशालनयनाम्बुजा व्रजविलासिनीवासिताः।
मनोज्ञमुखपङ्कजा मधुरवेणुनादद्रवा
जयन्ति मम चेतसश्चिरमुपासिता वासनाः॥३.५८॥
Victory to the thoughts (vasanas) I am entertaining in my mind for long about Krishna with a smile dripping sweet nectar, adorned with the plumes of peacock, wide eyes like the lotus, wafting the fragrance of the belles of Vraja, pretty lotus-like face and sweet melodies from the flute, 
जीयादसौ शिखिशिखण्डकृतावतंसा
सांसिद्धिकी सरसकान्तिसुधासमृद्धिः।
सौभाग्यसीमपदमञ्चति पञ्चबाणः ॥३.५९॥
May that effulgence (Krishna) which adorns the head with peacock plumes,
which is the abundant flow of nectar yielding all the siddhies.  A small portion of a drop from this nectar flow gives the god of Love his exalted position making him rule the world with his five arrows of flowers.   
आयामेन दृशोर्विशालतरयोरक्षय्यमार्द्रस्मित-
च्छायाधर्षितशारदेन्दुललितं चापल्यमात्रं शिशोः।
आयासानपरान् विधूय रसिकैरास्वाद्यमानं मुहुः
जीयादुन्मदवल्लवीकुचभराधारं किशोरं महः॥३.६०॥
Victory to that effulgence,  in the form of child Krishna,  which has broad long eyes, never-fading sweet smile which defeats the brilliance of the autumnal moon and childlike playfulness, which is enjoyed by rasikas (connoisseurs) leaving all other activities, which has for its support the breasts of lovelorn belles of Vraja.
स्कन्धावारसदो प्रजाः कतिपये गोपाः सहायादयः
स्कन्धालंबिनि वत्सदाम्नि धनदा गोपांगनाः स्वांगनाः।
शृंगारा गिरिगैरिकं शिवशिव! श्रीमन्ति बर्हाणि च
शृंगग्राहिकया तथापि तमिमं प्राहुस्त्रिलोकेश्वरम्॥३.६१॥
His subjects live in huts, a few cowherds are there as helpers, the rope used to tie calves hangs on the shoulders, people paying tribute are cowherd women, adornment is peacock feathers and red stone from mountain.  In spite of all this Krishna is called the Lord of the three worlds. What a paradox!  
श्रीमद्बर्हिशिखण्डमण्ड्नजुषे श्यामाभिरामत्विषे
लावण्यैकरसावसिक्तवपुषे लक्ष्मीसरःप्रावृषे
लीलाकृष्टरसज्ञधर्ममनसे लीलामृतस्रोतसे
को वा स्पृहयन्ति ह्न्त महसे गोपीजनप्रेयसे ॥३.६२॥
Who will not desire for the great beloved of gopis who adorns himself with peacock feathers, who is of beautiful dark blue complexion and is the embodiment of beauty, who is like rainy season for the lagoon which is Lakshmi, who playfully attracts the hearts of good people and who is the source of the leela-nectar?
मामुद्रिताननमहो मधुरं मुरारेः ॥३.६३॥
Krishna’s face is sweet with red lips, roving eyes full of joy and wonderful radiance, lit up by a nectarine smile which is tempting every time it is recalled to mind.  
जागृहि जागृहि चेत
श्चिराय चरितार्थता भवता
पुरःस्थितं पूर्णनिर्वाणम् ॥३.६४॥
O Mind! Wake up, wake up.  After a long time your life is fulfilled. Enjoy, experience,  to your heart’s content, this supreme peace, cessation of activity,  which is before your very eyes    
चरणयोररुणं करुणार्द्रयोः
कचभरे बहुलं विपुलं दृशोः।
वपुषि मञ्जुलमञ्जनमेचके
वयसि बालमहो मधुरं महः ॥३.६५॥
This sweet effulgence has merciful feet with a slight red tinge, dense, abundant hairs on the head, wide eyes, beautiful body dark in complexion and the form of a child.
मालाबर्हमनोज्ञकुन्तलभरां वन्यप्रसूनोक्षितां
शैलेयद्रवकॢप्तचित्रतिलकां शश्वन्मनोहारिणीम्।
लीलावेणुरवामृतैकरसिकां लावण्यलक्ष्मीमयीं
बालां बालतमालनीलवपुषं वन्दे परां देवताम् ॥३.६६॥
I bow to that goddess who is a child with a dark complexion as the tender leaves of the tamala tree, locks adorned by a garland of peacock plumes and wild flowers, beautiful tilak made by the red sand stone from the mountain, a from which always captivates the mind, which enjoys the nectarine playful melodies from the flute and  which is the very embodiment of beauty.  (Lord Krishna is visualised as the Goddess in this verse) 
गुरुमृदुपदे गूढं गुल्फे घनं जघनस्थले
नलिनमुदरे दीर्घं बाह्वोर्विशालमुरस्थले।
मधुरमधरे मुग्धं वक्त्रे विलासि विलोचने
बहु कुचभरे वन्यं वेषे मनोज्ञमहो महः ॥३.६७॥
This beautiful effulgence is firm in the soft feet, fleshy at the calf, thick at the hips, slim at the stomach, long in the arms, broad at the chest, sweet at he lips, innocence in the face, shine in the eyes, profusion in hair and decked with wild flowers  
जिहानं जिहानं सुजानेन मौग्ध्यं
दुहानं दुहानं सुधां वेणुनादैः।
लिहानं लिहानं सुदीर्घैरपांगैः
I prostrate before that which is the very essence of supreme bliss, which is at the portals of youth from childhood,  which increasingly produces nectar out of the melodies of the flute and which blesses everything with the side long glances from its wide eyes.
लसद्बर्हापीडं ललितललितस्मेरवदनं
भ्रमत्क्रीडापाङ्गं प्रणतजनतानिर्वृतिपदम्।
नवांभोदश्यामं निजमधुरिमामोदभरितं
परं देवं वन्दे परिमिलितकैशोरकरसम् ॥३.६९॥
I salute Lord Krishna, the highest of the gods, full of the happiness of childhood,  shining with the plumes of peacock, a pretty smile playing on his face, roving side long glances,  the seat of calm and peace for those who prostrate before him, dark as the newly-formed cloud and who is filled with the joy of his own sweetness.
माधुर्यचातुर्यमिव स्मितेन।
With a face which is the very acme of beauty,  with a smile which is the perfection of sweetness and with glances reflecting youthfulness of mercy,   His form satisfies the greed of my eyes for seeing Him.
यत्र वा तत्र वा देव!
यदि विश्वसिमस्त्वयि।
निर्वाणमपि दुर्वार-
मर्वाचीनानि किं पुनः ॥३.७१॥
स्वामिन्! पदाभ्यामयमञ्जलिस्ते ॥३.७२॥
O Lord!  my respectful anjalis  to your lotus feet which are saluted by gopis  blind with passion, which are served by sages who are like bees (circling around the lotus) and which shine red like the lotus flowers.
अर्थानुलापान् व्रजसुन्दरीणा-
मकृत्रिमाणाञ्च सरस्वतीनां।
आर्द्राशयेन श्रवणाञ्चलेन
संभावयन्तं तरुणं गृणीमः ॥३.७३॥
We sing praises of the youthful Krishna who honours, with receptive ears,  the requests of gopis and their words which are not artificial.
मनसि मम सन्निधत्तां
मधुरमुखा मन्थरापाङ्गा।
कापि किशोरा कृपालहरी ॥३.७४॥
May that wave of mercy with a sweet face,  pretty side long glances
and a delicate flute in hand  take its place in my mind.
रक्षन्तु नः शिक्षितपाशुपाल्या
बाल्यावृता बर्हिशिलावतंसाः।
प्राणप्रियाः प्रस्तुतवेणुगीताः
शीता दृशोः शीतलगोपकन्याः ॥३.७५॥
May we be protected by Krishna who is surrounded by gopalas  trained in the art of minding the cows, who adorns his head with peacock plumes, who creates soulful melodies from his flute  and who is cool to the eyes of gopis.


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