Saturday, June 27, 2015



Srikrishna Karnamrutham
स्मितस्तबकिताधरं शिशिरवेणुनादामृतं
मुहुस्तरललोचनं मदकटाक्षमालाकुलम्।
उरःस्थलविलीनया कमलया समालिङ्गितं
भुवस्तलमुपागतं भुवनदैवतं पातु नः ॥३.७६॥
May we be protected by that god of the worlds, Krishna,  who has come down to this world,  whose lips are lit by a smile, whose melodies from the flute are cool, who has roving eyes, whose sidelong glances are passionate and who is embraced by Lakshmi who abides on his chest. 
नयनाम्बुजे भजत कामदुघं
हृदयाम्बुजे किमपि कारुणिकम्
चरणाम्बुजे मुनिकुलैकधनं
वदनाम्बुजे व्रजवधूविभवम् ॥३.७७॥
Worship Krishna whose lotus-like eyes grant the desires (of devotees), lotus-like heart is full of mercy, lotus-like feet are the only wealth of saints and lotus-like face is the wealth of the belles of Vraja.
निर्वासनं हन्त रसान्तराणां
मव्याद् व्रजानामधिदैवतं नः ॥३.७८॥
May  we be protected by Krishna, the Lord of the inhabitants of Vraja who is the taste which drives away other tastes, who has incarnated, as it were,  to rule over the Empire of salvation and  who is the repository of deceit less sweetness.
केलीनामवतु रसैरुपास्यमानं
कालिन्दीपुलिनचरं परं महो नः ॥३.७९॥
May we be protected by that great effulgence which strolls on the banks of the Yamuna, which is decked out in attire liked by the ample-bosomed gopis  who hold it in a tight embrace and which is worshipped by the joys of their love sport.
खेलतां मनसि खेचराङ्गना-
कानने किमपि नः कृतास्पदं
कालमेघकलहोद्वहं महः ॥३.८०॥
May that dark blue effulgence like that of dark clouds, abiding in some forest, sport in my mind accompanied by the soft melodies of the flute admired by the celestial damsels.
र्वेणीभूतरसक्रमाभिरभितः श्रेणीकृताभिर्वृतः
पाणिद्वौ विनोदयन् रतिपतेस्तूणीशयैस्सायकै-
र्वाणीनामपदं व्रजजनक्षोणीपतिः पातु नः ॥३.८१॥
Let us be protected by the Lord of the land of Vraja who is surrounded  by doe-eyed gopis with slow moving hips and pretty walk and who amuses   both his hands by playing with the flower arrows in the quiver of the god of Love.
कालिन्दीपुलिने तमालनिबिडच्छाये पुरस्सञ्चर-
त्तोये  तोयजपत्रपात्रनिहितं दध्यन्नमश्नाति यः
वामे पाणितले निधाय मधुरं वेणुं विषाणं कटि-
प्रान्ते साचिविलिकयन् प्रतिपलं तं बालमालोकये ॥३.८२॥
I visualise the child Krishna who, sitting on the Kalindi river bed under the shade of a tamala tree, with the river water flowing in front of him. eats rice mixed with curd from a lotus leaf,  holding the flute in his left hand and the horn on his waist and glancing sideways every now and then.
यद् गोपीवदनेन्दुमण्डनमभूत्कस्तूरिकापत्रकं
यल्लक्ष्मीकुचशातकुंभकलशे व्याकोशमिन्दीवरं
यन्निर्वाणविधानसाधनविधौ सिद्धाञ्जनं योगिनां
तन्नः श्यामलमाविरस्तु हृदये कृष्णाभिधानं महः॥३.८३॥
The effulgence called Krishna became the Kasturi mark on the moon-like faces of gopis, became indivara flower in full bloom on Lakshmi’s breasts resembling pots of gold and became the mystic ink for the yogis who were trying to attain Nirvana (Supreme state of Peace). May that Light shine in my heart.
फुल्लेन्दीवरकान्तिमिन्दुवदनं बर्हावतंसप्रियं
श्रीवत्सांकमुदारकौस्तुभधरं पीतांबरं सुन्दरं
गोपीनां नयनोत्पलार्चिततनुं गोगोपसंघावृतम्
गोविन्दं कलवेणुनादनिरतं दिव्यांगभूषं भजे ॥३.८४॥ 
I worship Govinda who is of the brightness of indivara flower in full bloom,  who is fond of adorning himself with peacock feathers, who has the mark of srivatsa on his chest, who wears the kaustubha diamond and silks of bright yellow, who is beautiful, worshipped by the eye-lotuses of the gopis, surrounded by cows and cowboys, creating melodies from his flute and fully decked out with gold and diamond ornaments.
यन्नाभिसरसीरुहान्तरपुटे भृङ्गायमाणो विधिः
यद्वक्षःकमलाविलाससदनं यच्चक्षुषी चेन्द्विनौ
यत्पादाब्जविनिःसृता सुरनदी शंभोः शिरोभूषणं
यन्नामस्मरणं धुनोति दुरितं पायात् नः केशवः॥३.८५॥
May we be protected by that Keshava within the lotus from whose naval Brahma hovered like a bee, whose chest is the play house of Lakshmi, whose eyes are the sun and the moon, the celestial river which flows from whose lotus feet adorns the head of Lord Shiva and the remembrance of whose name washes away all sins and miseries. 
रक्षन्तु त्वामसितजलजैरञ्जलिः पादमूले
मीना नाभीसरसि हृदये मारबाणा मुरारेः।
हाराः कण्ठे हरिमणिमया वक्त्रपद्मे द्विरेफाः
पिञ्छाचूडाश्चिकुरनिचये घोषयोषित्कटाक्षाः ॥३.८६॥
May the sidelong glances of the belles of Vraja protect you; glances which offer worship at the feet of Krishna with dark lotus flowers, which are like fish in the lagoon of  his naval,  the arrows of the love god in Krishna’s heart,  necklace of blue gem stones around his neck, honey bees on his face and peacock plumes on his locks
[ Leela Suka visualizes the glances of the gopis as lotus flowers, fish, love god’s arrows, blue gem stones and honey bees ]
दधिमथननिनादैस्त्यक्तनिद्रः प्रभाते
निभृतपदमगारं वल्लवीनां प्रविष्टः।
मुखकमलसमीरैराशु निर्वाप्य दीपान्
कबलितनवनीतः पातु गोपालबालः॥३.८७॥
The gopala boy Krishna wakes up early morning by the sound of churning of curd. He gets up from sleep and quietly steps into the houses of milkmaids. He extinguishes the lamps by blowing them out by the air from his lotus mouth.  Then (in the dark) he swallows the freshly churned butter. May that child Krishna protect all of us.
प्रातः स्मरामि दधिघोषविनीतनिद्रं
हृद्यानवद्यवपुषं नयनाभिराम-
मुन्निद्रपद्मनयनं नवनीतचोरम् ॥३.८८॥
Early morning I call before my mind’s eye the form of Krishna who has just woken up hearing the sound of curd being churned for butter. I visualize his beautiful lotus-face just after he is awake. I remember his body without  any blemish and beautiful to behold and his eyes like a lotus in full bloom.  I also remember him as the stealer of butter.
पल्लवं किमपि वल्लवं भजे ॥३.८९॥
I worship some cowherd, soft as leaf buds,  whose cheeks shine with the red colour of the hallaka  flowers adorning his head, who is sought after by the Vedas and whose fingers are fragrant  by contact with the locks of hair of the gopis.
स्तेयं हरेर्हरति यन्नवनीतचौर्यं
जारत्वमस्य गुरुतल्पकृतापराधम्
हत्यां दशाननहतिर्मधुपानदोषं
यत्पूतनास्तनपयः स पुनातु कृष्णः ॥३.९०॥
May we be made pure by that Krishna, the thought of whose stealing butter removes the sin of theft,  the thought of whose illicit love removes the sin committed to the guru,  the thought of killing of Ravana removes the sin of murder and the thought of his drinking Poothana’s milk  removes the sin of drinking liquor.
मार! मा वस मदीयमानसे
माधवैकनिलये यदृच्छया।
कः सहेत निजवेश्मलंघनम् ॥३.९१॥
O god of Love!  Do not reside in my mind which is the abode of only Madhava.  The consort of Lakshmi may come here any moment.  Who will tolerate the trespass of one’s own house?
आकुञ्चितं जानु करञ्च वामं
न्यस्य क्षितौ दक्षिणहस्तपद्मे।
आलोकयन्तं नवनीतखण्डं
बालं भजे कृष्णमुपानताङ्कम् ॥३.९२॥
Child Krishna is moving on his knees and with his left hand pressed on the floor.  On his right hand is a blob of butter at which he is looking intently.  I meditate on this beautiful form of Krishna.
सकुण्डलालकं बालं
गोपालं चिन्तयेदुषः ॥३.९३॥
One should think of the cowherd child, Krishna, in the early morning hours visualizing him as moving on his knees and hands and looking very pretty with his ear globes and his curly hair.  
विहाय कोदण्डशरौ मुहूर्तं
गृहाणपाणौ मणिचारुवेणुम्
मायूरबर्हं निजोत्तमांगे
सीतापते त्वां प्रणमामि पश्चात् ॥३.९४॥
O Ram! for a while keep aside your bow and arrows and take up the diamond-studded flute in your hands and sport a peacock feather on your head. I will then prostrate before you. 
अयं क्षीरांभोधेः पतिरिति गवां पालक इति
श्रितोऽस्माभिः क्षीरोपनयनधिया गोपतनयः।
अनेन प्रत्यूहो व्यरचि सततं येन जननी-
स्तनादप्यस्माकं सकृदपि पयो दुर्लभमभूत् ॥३.९५॥
We put our fainth on this son of a gopa thinking he is the Lord of the  milky ocean and  takes care of cows  and hoping that we would have uninterrupted supply of milk.  But he did the entirely opposite thing by which even our mothers’ milk became difficult to get (i.e. we were released from the cycle of births and deaths).
हस्तमाक्षिप्य यातोऽसि
बलात् कृष्ण! किमद्भुतम्
हृदयाद्यदि निर्यासि
पौरुषं गणयामि ते ॥३.९६॥
Krishna!  You have run away after forcefully extricating yourself from my hands.  That is no wonder. I will recognise your manliness only if you can get out of my heart.
तमसि रविरिवोद्यन्मज्जतामंबुराशौ
प्लव इव तृषितानां स्वादुवर्षीव मेघः।
निधिरिव विधनानां दीर्घतीव्रामयाणां
भिषगिव कुशलं नो दातुमायातु शौरिः ॥३.९७॥
May Krishna come to safeguard our welfare like a rising Sun for those in the dark, like a boat to those drowning in the sea,  like a cloud raining tasty water for those who are thirsty and like a physician to those who suffer chronic diseases.
कोदण्डं मसृणं सुगन्धि विशिखं चक्राब्जपाशाङ्कुशं
हैमीं वेणुलतां करैश्च दधतं सिन्दूरपुञ्जारुणम्।
कन्दर्पाधिकसुन्दरं स्मितमुखं गोपाङ्गनावेष्टितं
गोपालं सततं भजामि वरदं त्रैलोक्यरक्षामणिम् ॥३.९८॥
I meditate always on Gopala who holds a smooth bow, scented flower arrows, wheel, lotus, rope, goad  and  a golden flute, who is reddish like saffron, who is prettier than the God of love, who has an ever smiling face, who is surrounded by gopis,  who is the protector of the three worlds and e who gives boons (to his devotees).
सायंकाले वनान्ते कुसुमितसमये सैकते चन्द्रिकायां
त्रैलोक्याकर्षणाङ्गं सुरनरगणिका मोहनापाङ्गमूर्तिम्।
सेव्यं शृंगारभावैर्नवरसभरितैर्गोपकन्यासहस्रै-
र्वन्देहं रासकेलीरतमतिसुभगं पश्य गोपालकृष्णम् ॥३.९९॥
It is evening in the woods with  trees laden with flowers and the sand banks of Yamuna bathed in moonlight.  Krishna is engaged in the rasa dance with the gopis. His form and glances enthrall the damsels of heaven and earth. He is surrounded by thousands of passionate gopis full of the nine rasas (sentiments).  I  visualize that very handsome cowherd Krishna who attracts all the three worlds and respectfully salute him.
कदंबमूले क्रीडन्तं
पद्मासनस्थितं वन्दे
वेणुं गायन्तमच्युतम्॥३.१००॥
I salute that Achyutha who creates melodies from the flute,  plays beneath the Kadamba tree, lives in Brindavan and sits on lotus pose.
बालं नीलांबुजाभं नवमणिविलसत्किङ्किणीजालबद्धं
श्रोणीजंघान्तयुग्मं विपुलरुरुनखप्रोल्लसत्कण्ठभूषम्।
फुल्लांभोजाभवक्त्रं हतशकटमरुत्पूतनाद्यं प्रसन्नं
गोविन्दं वन्दितेन्द्राद्यमरवरमजं पूजयेद्वासरादौ ॥३.१०१॥
We have to worship, at beginning of the day, the birth less child Govinda,
dark as the blue cloud, with a gem studded belt with bells on his hips, who wears around his neck an ornament with tiger’s nail, who has a face that is like a lotus flower in full bloom,  who killed Poothana, Trinavartha, Sakatasura and other asuras, who has a smiling face  and is worshipped by Indra and other devas
वन्द्यं देवैर्मुकुन्दं विकसितकुरुविन्दाभमिन्दीवराक्षं
गोगोपीवृन्दवीतं जितरिपुनिवहं कुन्दमन्दारहासम्।
नीलग्रीवाग्र्यपिञ्छग्रथनसुविलसत्कुन्तलं भानुमन्तं
देवं पीताम्बराढ्यं यज यज दिनशोमध्यमाह्ने  रमायै ॥३.१०२॥
Daily worship Mukunda at noon for wealth; Mukunda who is  worshipped by the celestials, who shines like the kuruvinda flowers, who  has  eyes like blue lotus, who is always surrounded by cows and gopis, who has vanquished hoards of enemies, who smiles with teeth which are like jasmine buds, who is very pretty being decorated by the feathers of the peacock, who has pretty hair on his head and who is gorgeous in his yellow silks.
रावीतं नारदाद्यैर्मुनिभिरभिनुतं तत्त्वनिर्णीतिहेतोः।
सायाह्ने निर्मलाङ्गं निरुपमरुचिरं चिन्तयेन्नीलभासं
मन्त्रीविश्वोदयस्थित्यपहरणपदं मुक्तिदं वासुदेवम् ॥३.१०३॥
Meditate daily during evenings on Vasudeva who, by his valour, finished off the horde of enemies, who is invincible, who reduces the burden of mother earth, who is prayed to by Narada and other sages for arriving at the nature of  the Absolute Reality, who has an unblemished pure form, who is of incomparable beauty, who is of dark blue complexion, who is the cause of birth, upkeep and death of the world and who is the one God who grants salvation to his devotees.
कोदण्डमैक्षवखण्डमिषुञ्च पौष्पं
ध्यायेद्धरिं मदनगोपविलासवेषम् ॥३.१०४॥
Meditate on Hari who holds in his eight hands the bow, cane of sugar, arrows made of flowers, the chakra, the lotus, the rope, the goad and the flute made of gold  in his eight hands, who is of the red colour of the rising sun god and has put on the form of God of love who is a cowherd.
अंगुल्या कः कवाटे प्रहरति ? दयिते माधव: किं वसन्तो?
नो चक्री किं कुलालः? हि धरणिधरः किं द्विजिह्वः फणीन्द्रः
नाहं घोराहिमर्दी किमपि खगपतिर्नो हरिः किं सुरेन्द्रः
इत्येवं गोपकन्याप्रतिवचनजितः पातुवश्चक्रपाणिः  ॥३.१०५॥
[This is a conversation between Krishna and a gopi  where the poet has made use of words which have more than one meaning]
Gopi: Who is tapping the door with his fingers.
Krishna: Dear, it is Madhava.
Gopi: Is it Vasanta?  [ Madhava also means vasanta, the season of flowers]
Krishna: No dear, I am chakree  (Krishna has chakra as his weapon)
Gopi: Are you a potter ? (chakree also means a potter who also works with
                           a  wheel i.e. chakra)
Krishna: No, I am dharanidhara (the Lord of Earth)
Gopi:    Are you the serpent Adishesha?  (dharanidhara refers to Adisesha
                                           also as he supports the earth on
                                           his hoods)
Krishna: No. I am the one who subdued Kaliya
Gopi:    Then are you Garuda? (Kaliya, for fear of Garuda had taken
         shelter in Yamuna)
Krishna:  No, I am Hari
Gopi:  Are you Indra? (Hari also means Indra)
Thus Krishna was floored by the Gopi. May that Krishna take care of you all.
राधामोहनमन्दिरादुपगतः चन्द्रावलीमूचिवान्
राधे क्षेममयेऽस्ति तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वाह चन्द्रावली।
कंस! क्षेममये, विमुग्धहृदये कंसः क्व दृष्टस्त्वया
राधा क्वेति विलज्जितो नतमुखः स्मेरो हरिः पातु वः ॥३.१०६॥
Coming out of the pretty house of Radha, Krishna asked Chandravali,
“Hey Radha, how do you do?” and hearing those words,
Chandravali says  “Hey Kamsa, how do you do?”
Krishna retorts  “Oh girl!  have you lost your senses,
Where was Kamsa seen by you?”
Chandravali asks in the same vein “Where was Radha seen by you?”
Floored, Krishna shyly bends down his head and smiles. May that Krishna save all of you from everything.
या प्रीतिर्विदुरार्पिते मुररिपो कुन्त्यर्पिते यादृशी
या गोवर्धनमूर्ध्नि या पृथुके स्तन्ये यशोदार्पिते
भारद्वाजसमर्पिते शबरिकादत्तेऽधरे योषितां
या प्रीतिर्मुनिपत्निभक्तिरचिते ऽप्यत्रापि तां तां कुरु    [.१०७]
The poet entreats the Lord to accept his composition with the same fondness with which he had accepted the offerings of other devotees:
“ O Krishna! The fondness you had for the offerings of Vidura and Kunti, the satisfaction you derived on top of the Govardhana hill, the fondness for the flattened rice offered by Kuchela, for Yashoda’s breast milk, for the feast spread out by Bharadwaja during the incarnation as Rama, for the fruits offered by Sabari, for the lips of the Gopis and for the offerings made by the wives of sages – with the same fondness please accept this as my humble offering.
शतधा भेदमायाति
गिरिर्वज्रहतो यथा ॥१०८॥
By the unintrrrupted  remembrance of Lord Krishna, the iron cage of the accumulation of sins  would break into a  hundred pieces like a mountain struck by the vajrayudha of Indra 


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