Saturday, June 27, 2015



                    Srikrishna Karnamrutham
वत्सपालचरः कोऽपि
वत्सः श्रीवत्सलाञ्छनः।
उत्सवाय कदा भावी-
त्युत्सुके मम लोचने ॥३.२६॥
My eyes are eager to know when it can celebrate seeing Krishna the cowherd boy with the Srivatsa mark on his chest.  
मधुरिमभरिते मनोभिरामे
मनसि वयं व्रजभाजि लालसाः स्मः ॥३.२७॥
We greatly desire in our mind Krishna who is full of sweetness,  who has captivating beauty, whose moon-like face is lit up by a soft smile and who is desired by the eyes of the denizens of all the three worlds.
मुखारविन्दे मकरन्दबिन्दु-
संग्रामभूमौ तव लालसा स्मः ॥३.२८॥
Our desire is focused on your lotus-like face, from which proceeds the sweet melodies of your flute dripping drops of nectar and which is the battle ground for the bees which are the waves of sidelong glances from the gopis of Vraja
गीताम्रेडितदिव्यकेलिभरितैः स्फीतं व्रजस्त्रीजनैः।
स्वेदांभःकणभूषितेन किमपि स्मेरेण वक्त्रेन्दुना
पादांभोजमृदुप्रसारसुभगं पश्यामि दृश्यं महः ॥३.२९॥
I  see before my eyes an effulgence which is surrounded by the beauties of Vraja  who are saturated with the waves of radiance from its slightly reddish wide eyes and who are full of sport mixed with sweet music from its flute.
That effulgence has a moon-like face lit up with a smile and adorned with drops of sweat and its pretty soft walks on its lotus-like feet are of bewitching beauty.
पाणौ वेणुः प्रकृतिसुकुमाराकृतौ बाल्यलक्ष्मिः
पार्श्वे बालाः प्रणयसरसालोकितापांगलीलाः।
मौलौ बर्हं मधुवदनांभोरुहे मौग्ध्यमुद्रे-
त्यार्द्राकारं किमपि कितवं ज्योतिरन्वेषयामः॥३.३०॥
We are in search of an effulgence which has flute in its hands, the beauty of childhood with its natural softness, company of maiden whose glances from the corners of their eyes speak of love, peacock feathers on the crown and innocence on the sweet face beautiful as a lotus
आलोक्यतां किमनया वनदेवता वः
कैशोरके वयसि काऽपि कान्तियष्टि॥३.३१॥
O Gods of the forest!  Of what use is the beauty of this forest?   Look at Krishna who plays the flute with his pretty red lips, who has a sweet lotus-like face and an emerging youthfulness the radiance of which is beyond words.
पुंसः पुराणस्य नवं विलासं
पुण्येन पूर्णेन विलोकयिष्ये ॥३.३२॥
 I see before my eyes, as a result of my abundant punya (meritorious deeds), the new form (incarnation ) of the primeval Purusha  which is bewitching by its out of the ordinary brilliance and which attracts the lotus-eyes of the gopis of Vraja.
साष्टांगपातमभिवन्द्य समस्तभावैः
सर्वान् सुरेन्द्रनिकरानिदमेव याचे |
नन्दस्य पुण्यनिचये मम भक्तिरस्तु ||.३३॥
Prostrating (with eight body parts touching the earth) before all the gods in heaven with intense feeling  I pray for only one thing – ‘May I have loving devotion to the fruit of Nanda’s meritorious deeds (Krishna) whose sweet face resembling the full moon is lit up by a beautiful smile’ .
एष प्रवाहेषु एव मन्ये
क्षणोपि गण्यः पुरुषायुषेषु
आस्वाद्यते यत्र कयापि भक्त्या
नीलस्य बालस्य निजं चरित्रम् ॥३.३४॥
In the unending flow of time only those minutes of the hundred odd years of a man’s life are really to be counted wherein the life-events  and exploits of the dark-blue child Krishna are enjoyed.
निसर्गसरसाधरं निजदयार्द्रदिव्येक्षणं
मनोज्ञमुखपंकजं मधुरसार्द्रमन्दस्मितम्।
रसज्ञहृदयास्पदं रमितवल्ल्वीलोचनं
पुनःपुनरुपास्महे भुवनलोभनीयं महः ॥३.३५॥
Naturally sweet lips, divine glances drenched in mercy, beautiful lotus-like face,  smile drenched in sweetness, abiding in the hearts of devotees and delighting  to the eyes of cowherd belles- we worship this effulgence which is attractive  to the whole world.   
स कोऽपि बालः सरसीरुहाक्षः
सा च व्रजस्त्रीजनपादधूलिः।
मुहुस्तदेतद्युगळं मदीये
मोमुह्यमानेऽपि मनस्युदेतु ॥३.३६॥
That whosoever child with lotus-eyes and that dust of the feet of cowherd women – may the pair of these two arise in my mind even when it is deluded.
मयि प्रयाणाभिमुखे वल्लवी
स्तनद्वयीदुर्ललितः बालकः।
शनैः शनैश्श्रावितवेणुनिस्वनो
विलासवेषेण पुरः प्रतीयताम् ॥३.३७॥
When life is ebbing out of my body, may child Krishna, naughty with the milkmaids,  appear before me in his dandyish outfit slowly playing the flute within reach of my ears. 
अतिभूमिमभूमिमेव वा
वचसां वासितवल्लवीस्तनम्।
मनसामपरं रसायनं
मधुराद्वैतमुपास्महे महः ॥३.३८॥
We meditate on that effulgence which is nothing but bliss, which is beyond words,  which is the perfume for the breasts of cowherd belles and which is an incomparable medicine to the mind.
जननान्तरेऽपि जगदैकमण्डने
कमनीयधाम्नि कमलायतेक्षणे।
चपलानि सन्तु सकलेन्द्रियाणि मे ॥३.३९॥
Even in my future births let all my senses and the mind revel in that effulgence which is adornment of the whole world, which is the repository of all beauty, which has wide lotus-like eyes and which is nectar to the eyes of the beauties of Vraja
मुनिश्रेणीवन्द्यं मदभरलसद्वल्लववधू-
पुनः श्लाघाभूमिं पुलकितगिरां नैगमगिरां
घनश्यामं वन्दे किमपि कमनीयाकृति महः ॥३.४०॥
I bow to the effulgence, dark as the cloud and of beautiful form,  to which the sages offer worship, whose eyes are captivated by the breasts and hips of the milkmaids who adore it, which is the ultimate object of praise for the Vedas whose words come with intense feeling.  
अनुचुम्बतामविचलेन चेतसा
मधुराकृतेर्मधुरिमाश्रियं विभोः।
अयि देव! कृष्ण! दयितेति जल्पता-
मपि नो भवेयुरपि नाम तादृशाः ॥३.४१॥
There are those who, with an unwavering mind, experience the sweetness of the beautiful form of Lord Krishna.  May those of us who chant his names
saying ‘O Deva!, Krishna!, Darling!’ etc also experience the same happiness.   
किशोरवेषेण कृशोदरीदृशां
विशेषदृश्येन विशाललोचनम्।
यशोदया लब्धयशोनवांबुधेः
निशामये नीलनिशाकरं कदा ॥३.४२॥
When shall I see Krishna with his wide eyes, taking the form of a child for the eyes of the cowherd women and who is the  dark blue moon from the new sea of fame obtained by Yashoda.   .
प्रकृतिरवतु नो विलासलक्ष्म्याः
प्रकृतिजडं प्रणतापराधवीथ्याम्।
सुकृतिकृतपदं किशोरभावे
सुकृतिमनःप्रणिधानमोजः ॥३.४३॥
Let us be protected by that effulgence which is the source of wealth of playfullness,  which is tolerant towards the sins of those who prostrate before it,  which abides in the heart of blessed people in his child-like form
and which is meditated upon by those who have earned enough punya.
रमयतु धाम रमावरोधनं नः ॥३.४४॥
May we be made happy by that Lord who is the consort of Goddess Lakshmi, whose beautiful smile tinged with compassion mocks the pride of nectar on its own sweetness and and who is delight to the eyes of the belles of Vraja
संक्रीडतां चेतसि गोपकन्या-
घनस्तनस्वस्त्ययनं महो नः ॥३.४५॥
May that effulgence (Krishna) play in our hearts;  effulgence  which is at home at the bosom of gopis, which has an ever new sprouting smile and which is the never-tiring rain of nectar of bliss to the eyes.
अजितभुजान्तरं भजत हे बत गोपवधू-
स्तनकलशस्थली घुसृणमर्दनकर्दमितम्॥३.४६॥
Let us worship the chest of Ajita (one who cannot be conquered, Krishna)
which has gained the colour of corals by the application of deer musk mixed with a liquid of red stones from the valley of the mountain and which is also smeared with the sandal paste from the breasts of cowherd belles of Vraja
रासिञ्चती भुवनमादृतगोपवेषा ।
माधुर्यसिद्धिरवतान्मधुविद्विषो नः ॥३.४७॥
Let us be saved by the child-like form of the slayer of Madhu (Krishna),  which is the very acme of sweetness, which has sprouted, from its very roots, tender leaves of playfulness, which drenches the whole world by its sidelong glances, which has taken on the guise of a cowherd and which has a soft and sweet moon-like face.
विरणन्मणिनूपुरं व्रजे
चरणाम्भोजमुपास्व शार्ङ्गिणः।
सरसे सरसि श्रिया श्रितं
कमलं वा कलहंसनादितम् ॥३.४८॥
Meditate on the lotus like feet of Lord Vishnu with its tinkling sound in Vraja from the gem-studded anklets just like a lotus in the pond blessed by Lakshmi and filled with the musical sound of swans.
शरणमशरणानां शारदांभोजनेत्रं
निरवधिमधुरिम्णा नीलवेषेण रम्यम्
र्व्रजयुवतिभिरव्यात् ब्रह्म संवेष्टितं नः ॥३.४९॥
May Brahman  ( concealed in the form of Krishna) which is the refuge of those who do not find refuge elsewhere, which has eyes as beautiful as the lotus flower in autumn,  which is beautiful to behold in the most sweet dark blue complexion and which is surrounded by the lovelorn damsels of Vraja with their smiling lotus-faces.
दव्याजरम्यमखिलेश्वरवैभवं नः ॥३.५०॥
May we be protected by that incarnation of the all powerful Lord, which is of blameless beauty, which has a divine body of clearly visible effulgence and fragrance, with childhood taken over by youth which is not yet fully manifest and which has been instructed in taking care of cows and calves.  

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