Saturday, March 7, 2015

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 2(Krishna stotra.31.b)

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 2(Krishna stotra.31.b)

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 2(Krishna stotra.31.b)

प्रवालशोभा इव दीर्घकेशा वाताम्बुपर्णाशनपूतदेहाः ।
मूले तरूणां मुनयः पठन्ति गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २५ ॥
एवं बृवाणा विरहातुरा भृशं व्रजस्त्रियः कृष्णविषक्तमानसाः ।
विसृज्ज्य लज्जां रुरुदुः स्म सुस्वरं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २६ ॥
गोपी कदाचिन्मणिपिञ्जरस्थं शुकं वचो वाचयितुं प्रवृत्ता ।
आनन्दकन्द व्रजचन्द्रकृष्ण गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २७ ॥
गोवत्सबालैः शिशुकाकपक्षं बध्नन्तमम्भोजदलायताक्षम् ।
उवाच माता चिबुकं गृहीत्वा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २८ ॥
प्रभातकाले वरवल्लवौघा गोरक्षणार्थं धृतवेत्रदण्डाः ।
आकारयामासुरनन्तमाद्यं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २९ ॥
लाशये कालियमर्दनाय यदा कदम्बादपतन्मुरारिः ।
गोपाङ्गनाश्चुक्रुशुरेत्य गोपा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३० ॥
अक्रूरमासाद्य यदा मुकुन्दश्चापोत्सवार्थं मथुरां प्रविष्टः ।
तदा स पौरैर्जयतीत्यभाषि गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३१ ॥
कंसस्य दूतेन यदैव नीतौ वृन्दावनान्ताद् वसुदेवसूनू ।
रुरोद गोपी भवनस्य मध्ये गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३२ ॥
सरोवरे कालियनागबद्धं शिशुं यशोदातनयं निशम्य ।
चक्रुर्लुठन्त्यः पथि गोपबाला गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३३ ॥
अक्रूरयाने यदुवंशनाथं संगच्छमानं मथुरां निरीक्ष्य ।
ऊचुर्वियोगात् किल गोपबाला गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३४ ॥
चक्रन्द गोपी नलिनीवनान्ते कृष्णेन हीना कुसुमे शयाना ।
प्रफुल्लनीलोत्पललोचनाभ्यां गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३५ ॥
मातापितृभ्यां परिवार्यमाणा गेहं प्रविष्टा विललाप गोपी ।
आगत्य मां पालय विश्वनाथ गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३६ ॥
वृन्दावनस्थं हरिमाशु बुद्ध्वा गोपी गता कापि वनं निशायाम् ।
तत्राप्यदृष्ट्वातिभयादवोचद् गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३७ ॥
सुखं शयाना निलये निजेऽपि नामानि विष्णोः प्रवदन्ति मर्त्याः ।
ते निश्चितं तन्मयतां व्रजन्ति गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३८ ॥
सा नीरजाक्षीमवलोक्य राधां रुरोद गोविन्दवियोगखिन्नाम् ।
सखी प्रफुल्लोत्पललोचनाभ्यां गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३९ ॥
जिह्वे रसज्ञे मधुरप्रिया त्वं सत्यं हितं त्वां परमं वदामि ।
आवर्णयेथा मधुराक्षराणि गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४० ॥
आत्यन्तिकव्याधिहरं जनानां चिकित्सकं वेदविदो वदन्ति ।
संसारतापत्रयनाशबीजं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४१ ॥
ताताज्ञया गच्छति रामचन्द्रे सलक्ष्मणेऽरण्यचये ससीते ।
चक्रन्द रामस्य निजा जनित्री गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४२ ॥
एकाकिनी दण्डककाननान्तात् सा नीयमाना दशकन्धरेण ।
सीता तदाक्रन्ददनन्यनाथा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४३ ॥
रामाद्वियुक्ता जनकात्मजा सा विचिन्तयन्ती हृदि रामरूपम् ।
रुरोद सीता रघुनाथ पाहि गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४४ ॥
प्रसीद विष्णो रघुवंशनाथ सुरासुराणां सुखदुःखहेतो ।
रुरोद सीता तु समुद्रमध्ये गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४५ ॥
अन्तर्जले ग्राहगृहीतपादो विसृष्टविक्लिष्ट समस्तबन्धुः ।
तदा गजेन्द्रो नितरां जगाद गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४६ ॥
हंसध्वजः शङ्खयुतो ददर्श पुत्रं कटाहे प्रपन्तमेनं ।
पुण्यानि नामानि हरेर्जपन्तं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४७ ॥
दुर्वाससो वाक्यमुपेत्य कृष्णा साचाब्रवीत् काननवासिनीशम् ।
अन्तःप्रविष्टं मनसाजुहाव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४८ ॥
ध्येयः सदा योगिभिरप्रमेयश्चिन्ताहरश्चिन् तितपारिजातः ।
कस्तूरिकाकल्पितनीलवर्णो गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४९ ॥
संसारकूपे पतितोऽत्यगाधे मोहान्धपूर्णे विषयाभितप्ते ।
करावलंबं मम देहि विष्णो गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५० ॥


Govind Damodar Stotram Part 2/3

===========part 2.verse 25 to50

Seeing the departure of cows in the morning,
In order to protect her son,
Yasodha patted him slowly and gently and muttered,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Pravala shobha iva deergha kesa,
Vatambu parnasana pootha deha,
Moole tharunam munaya pathanthi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 25

Shining like coral, possessing long hair,
Keeping this body alive by eating leaves,
And sitting on the roots of trees, those sages say,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Evam bruvana virahathura brusam,
Vruja striya Krishna vishiktha manasa,
Visrujya lajjam rurudhu sma suswaram,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 26

Having heard these words, the lovelorn crowd.
Of the ladies of Brindavan, with a tumultuous mind,
Threw away their sense of modesty, cried and repeated in a sad voice,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

(This verse is identical one with the Sloka in Bhagawatham which describes the reaction of Gopis to the words of sage Akroora .The poet must have taken it from there.)

Gopi kadchin mani pinjarastham,
Shukam vacho vachayithum pravritha,
Ananda kanda, Vruja Chandra Krishna,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 27

The gopis sometimes, made their parrot,
Put in a gilded cage teach them to recite,
Piece of our happiness, Oh Moon of Vruja, Oh Krishna,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Go vathsa balai shishu kaka paksham,
Badanantham ambhoja dalayathaksham,
Uvacha matha chibukam grahithwa,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 28

When the lord with eyes like the lotus leaf,
Tied the pigtails of the cowherd boys to the cow,
His mother caught hold of his chin and told,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.
Prabhata kale vara vallavagha,
Go rakshanartham drutha vethra dandai,
Akaryam asurananthamaadhyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 29

In the mornings fine, the chosen cow herd boys,
Came holding sticks of cane to protect the cows,
And called the causeless, limitless and primeval lord,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Jalashaya kaliya mardanaya
Yada kadambadapatan murare,
Gopanganas chakra suretya gopa,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 30

When Lord Murari jumped from the Kadambha tree,
To chastise Kaliya standing in the river pond,
The gopa maidens devas and gopa lads sang out,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Akruram asadya yada Mukunda,
Sachapothsavartham mathuram pravishta,
Tada sa pauraiy jayathethi bani,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 31

When Krishna entered the city of Mathura
With the dissimilar looking sage Akroora,
To attend the festival of the bow,
The citizens of that city cried, Victory,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Kamsasya duthena yadaaiva nithau,
Vrindavanathad vasudeva sunou,
Rurodha gopi bhavanasya madhye,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 32

When the messenger of Kamsa took away.
From Vrindavana, the sons of Vasudeva,
The gopis wept bitterly inside their houses,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Sarovare kaliya naga badham,
Shisum Yasodha thanayam nishamya,
Chakrur lutayantha pathi gopa bala,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 33

Seeing that the baby son of Yasodha,
Was tied by the kaliya serpent of the pond,
The helpless gopa boys rolled with sorrow and cried,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Akrurayane yadu vamsa nadham,
Samagachanaam mathuram nirikshya,
Uvacuha viyogatkila gopa bala,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 34

Seeing the departure to Mathura,
Of the lord of Yadus in Akroora’s chariot
And feeling the pain of separation the gopa lads cried,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Chakranda gopi nalini vanante,
Krishnena hina kusume shayana,
Prafulla neelothphala lochanabhyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 35

When a gopi lays down on a bed of flowers,
At the edge of the forest without Krishna,
With tears from her blue lotus like eyes, she cried,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Mata pithrubhyam parivaramana,
Geham pravishta vilapa gopi,
Agathya maam palaya viswanatha,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 36

Brought up strictly by her mother and father,
A gopi reaching her home cried,
Please come and take care of me, Oh Lord of the world,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Vrindavanastham harim ashu budhya,
Gopi gathakapi vanam nishayyam,
Tatrapi adrishta vathi bhayad avochad,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 37

Thinking that Hari would be in Brindavan at night,
A quick witted gopi went there,
And when she did not find him, cried with fear,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Sukham shayana nilaye nijepi,
Namani Vishno pravadanthi marthya,
They nischitham thanmayathwam vrujanthi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 38

Even pleasantly lying down in the bed room,
Those men who repeat the names of Lord Vishnu,
Would attain a form similar to you,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Saa neerajakshim avalokya radham,
Rurodha govinda viyoga khinnam,
Sakhi praphullothpala lochanabhyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 39

Seeing Radha with her lotus like eyes,
Crying due to the parting with Goviinda,
Her friend also shed tears from her pretty eyes murmuring,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Jihve rasajje madhura priya thwam,
Sathyam hitham thwam paramam vadhami,
Avarnayetha madhuraksharani,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 40

Hey toungue, among the tastes, you like sweets best,
And I am telling the truth that is good to you,
Please instead always recite the sweet letters,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Athyanthika vyadhi haraa janaanaam,
Chikithsam Veda vidho vadanthi,
Samsara thapa traya nasa bhijam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 41

Those who are most learned in Vedas say,
The greatest cure for all diseases of all people,
And which also uproots of three types of pains of the world is,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Thatha jayagachathi Ramachandre,
Sa lakshmane aranya chaye sithe,
Chakrantha ramasya nija janithri,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 42

Seeing the departure of Ramachandra,
With Lakshmana along with Sita to the shade of forests,
The mother of Rama cried,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Ekakini danda kananath,
Sa niyama ayana Dasa kanda harena,
Sita thadakroshad ananya natha,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 43

Alone in the forest of Dandaka,
When helplessly being taken away by Ravana,
Sita with anger not accepting any other lord cried,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Ramadhi vyuktha Janakathmaja sa,
Vichinthayanthi hrudhi Rama roopam,
Rurodha Sita Raghunatha pahi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 44

Separated from the Rama, the daughter of Janaka,
Thought of the Form of Rama in her mind,
And cried, Oh Lord of Raghu clan, save me,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Praseedha Vishno Raghu Vamsa natha,
Suruasuranaam sukha dukha hetho,
Rurodha sita Samudhra Madhye.
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 45

In the middle of the Ocean cried Sita,
Please save me Lord Vishnu, Lord of Raghu clan,
Who gives happiness and sorrow to asuras and devas,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Antar jale graham grahitha pado,
Visrishta, viklishta samastha bandhu,
Tada gajendro nitaram jagada,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 46

His feet caught inside the water,
Along with harassed and frightened friends,
That Lord of elephants cried again and again to the world,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Hamsadwaja shankayutho dadarsa,
Puthram kathahe prapatantam enaam,
Punyani naamani harer japantham,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 47

Hamsadwaja saw his priest Shankayuta,
Falling in to the vat with his son,
Who was chanting the holy names of Lord Hari,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

(I could not find out any reference to this story. Hamsadwaja was one great king who fought with Arjuna and almost defeated him. He had a son called Sudhanwa.)

Durvaso vakyahma upethya Krishnaa,
Sach abraveet kanana vasineesham,
Anthaprathishtam manase juhava,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 48

Draupadi hearing the words of Durvasa,
Invited him for food in spite of living in the forest,
Because she has installed you deep in her mind
The names Govinda, Damodhara and Madhava.

Dhyayeh sada yoghibir aprameya,
Chintha harsha chinthitha pari jata,
Kasthurika kalpitha nila varno,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 49

The incomparable sages, meditate always on him
As Govinda, Damodhara and Madhava
Who is the Giver of happy thoughts and is the cure for those worried,
And is of bluish colour and with the sweet scent of musk.

Samsara koope pathitho thyagadhe,
Mohanda Purne, vishayabhi thapthe,
Karavalambam mama dehe Vishno,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 50

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