Saturday, March 7, 2015

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 3(Krishna stotra.31.c)

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 3(Krishna stotra.31.c)


त्वामेव याचे मम देहि जिह्वे समागते दण्डधरे कृतान्ते ।
वक्तव्यमेवं मधुरं सुभक्त्या गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५१ ॥
भजस्व मन्त्रं भवबन्धमुक्त्यै जिह्वे रसज्ञे सुलभं मनोज्ञं ।
द्वैपायनाद्यैर्मुनिभिः प्रजप्तं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५२ ॥
गोपाल वंशीधर रूपसिन्धो लोकेश नारायण दीनबन्धो ।
उच्चस्वरैस्त्वं वद सर्वदैव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५३ ॥
जिह्वे सदैवं भज सुन्दराणि नामानि कृष्णस्य मनोहराणि ।
समस्तभक्तार्तिविनाशनानि गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५४ ॥
गोविन्द गोविन्द हरे मुरारे गोविन्द गोविन्द मुकुन्द कृष्ण ।
गोविन्द गोविन्द रथाङ्गपाणे गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५५ ॥
सुखावसाने त्विदमेव सारं दुःखावसाने त्विदमेव गेयं ।
देहावसाने त्विदमेव जाप्यं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५६ ॥
दुर्वारवाक्यं परिगृह्य कृष्णा मृगीव भीता तु कथं कथञ्चित् ।
सभां प्रविष्टा मनसाजुहाव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५७ ॥
श्रीकृष्ण राधावर गोकुलेश गोपाल गोवर्धन नाथ विष्णो ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५८ ॥
श्रीनाथ विश्वेश्वर विश्वमूर्ते श्री देवकीनन्दन दैत्यशत्रो ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५९ ॥
गोपीपते कंसरिपो मुकुन्द लक्ष्मीपते केशव वासुदेव ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६० ॥
गोपीजनाह्लादकर व्रजेश गोचारणारण्यकृतप्रवेश ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६१ ॥
प्राणेश विश्वंभर कैटभारे वैकुण्ठ नरायण चक्रपाणे ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६२ ॥
हरे मुरारे मधुसूदनाद्य श्रीराम सीतावर रावणारे ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६३ ॥
श्री यादवेन्द्राद्रिधराम्बुजाक्ष गोगोपगोपीसुखदानदक्ष ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६४ ॥
धराभरोत्तारणगोपवेष विहारलीलाकृतबन्धुशेष ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६५ ॥
बकीबकाघासुरधेनुकारे केशीतृणावर्तविघातदक्ष ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६६ ॥
श्रीजानकीजीवन रामचन्द्र निशाचरारे भरताग्रजेश ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६७ ॥
नारायणानन्त हरे नृसिंह प्रह्लादबाधाहर हे कृपालो ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६८ ॥
लीलामनुष्याकृतिरामरूप प्रतापदासीकृतसर्वभूप ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६९ ॥
श्रीकृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारे हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेव ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ७० ॥

वक्तुं समर्थोऽपि न वक्ति कश्चिदहो जनानां व्यसनाभिमुख्यम् ।
जिह्वे पिबस्वामृतमेतदेव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ७१ ॥

===part 3..verse 51 to end

amagathe danda dhare krithande,
Vak thvayamevam madhuram subhakthya,
Govinda, DamodTvamevayase mama dehi jihve,
Sara Madhavethi. 51

Oh my toungue of my body,
When the time comes for the award,
Of punishments to the sins done by me,
Please tell of your own accord,
Sweetly and with extreme devotion,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava

Bhajaswa mantram bhava bhanda mukthai,
Jihve rasajje sulabham manognam,
Dvaipayanadhair munibhir prajaptham,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 52

Oh toungue, who is the knower of tastes,
Sing that easy and attractive holy chant,
Which cuts of the bondage and gives salvation,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Gopala Vamsidhara rupa sindho,
Lokesha, Narayana deena bhandho,
Uvacha swarai thwam vada sarva daiva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 53

Always you repeat musically the names of all gods,
Oh cowherd, Oh flute carrier, Oh ocean of beauty,
Oh Lord of the earth, Oh Narayana, Oh friend of the oppressed,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Jihve sadaiva bhaja sundarani,
Naamani krishnasya manoharani.
Samastha bhaktharthi vinasanani,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 54

Oh toungue, Always sing about,
The pretty names of Lord Krishna,
Which put an end to all problems of devotees,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Govinda, Govinda Hare Murare,
Govinda govinda mukundaa Krishna,
Govinda Govinda rathanga pane,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 55

Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda, Oh Hari, Oh Murari,
Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda, Oh Mukunda, Oh Krishna,
Oh Govinda, Oh Govinda, Oh driver of Chariot,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Sukhavasane tvidam eva saram,
Dukhavasane tvidam eva geyam,
Dehavasane tvidam eva japyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 56

At the end of all pleasures, you are the essence,
At the end of sorrow, you are the only goal,
And at the end of the body, you are only to be chanted,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Durvara vakhyam parigruha Krishnaa,
Mrugeeva bheetham kadam kadachit,
Sabham pravishta manasa juhava,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 57

Draupadi, accepting the cruel words of Dushasana,
Entered the assembly like a frightened perplexed deer
And within her innate heart cried to her Lord,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava

Sri Krishna Radhavara gokulesa,
Gopala govardhana natha vishno,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 58

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of Krishna, Sweetheart of Radha,
Lord of Gokula, Cowherd, Lord of Govardhana, Vishnu.
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Srinatha Visweshwara Vishwamurthe,
Sri Devaki nandana, daithya shatro,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 59

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of holy lord, lord of universe,
Symbol of the universe, son of Devaki, enemy of asuras,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Gopipathe, kamsaripo, mukunda,
Lakshmipathe, keshava, vasudeva,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 60

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of lord of the gopis, enemy of Kamsa,
Mukunda, Lord of Lakshmi, Keshava, Vasudeva,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Gopijanahladakara vrajesha,
Gocharan aranya kritha pravesa,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 61

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of the lord of Vruja,
Who gives happiness to gopis, The lord,
Who follows the cows to the forest,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Pranesha Viswambhara, kaidabhare,
Vaikunta Narayana chakra pane,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 62

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of lord of the soul,
He who dresses himself with universe,
He who killed Kaidabha, He who lives in Vaikunta,
Narayana, holder of the holy wheel,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Hare Murare Madhusudanadya,
Srirama sitavara, ravanare,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 63

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of Hari, Murari,
Killer of Madhu, Rama, Lord of Sita, killer of Ravana,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Sri Yadavendra adridhara Ambujaksha,
Go gopa gopi sukha dana daksha,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 64

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of the chief of yadavas, lifter of mountain,
Lord with lotus eye who with expertise,
Takes care of the happiness of cows, gopas and gopis,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Dharabharothrana gopa vesha,
Vihara lila krutha bandhu sesha,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 65

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of he who lifted,
The burden of earth in the form of a gopa,
He who engaged in play with his brother sesha,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Baki bhakha agasura dhenukare,
Kesi trinavartha vi vighata daksha,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 66

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of Enemy of Poothana,
Bhaka and agasura, He who broke,
The heads of Kesi and Trunavartha,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Sri Janaki jeevana Ramachandra,
Nisha charare, bhaarathagrajesha,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 67

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of Ramachandra,
Who is the soul of Janaki, who is,
The enemy of those who move at night,
Who is the elder brother of Bharata,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Narayana, anantha hare, nrusimha,
Prahladha badhaa hare, hey kriplao,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 68

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of Narayana, Anantha, Hari,
Narasimha, he who removed problems of Prahlada, the merciful one,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Leela manshya kritha rama roopa,
Prathapa dasi kritha sarva bhoopa,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 69

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of He who playfully,
Assumed the form of Lord Rama,
He who made all the kings as his slaves,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Sri Krishna, Govinda, Hare Murare,
Hey Natha Narayana Vasudeva,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 70

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of Krishna, Govinda, Hari,
Murari, Lord Narayana, Vasudeva,
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava.

Vakthum samarthopi na vakthi kaschid,
Aho janaanaan vyasnabhi mukhyam,
Jihve pibaswa amritham ethad eva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 71

Oh toungue, be pleased to drink now,
The nectar like names of
Govinda, Damodara and Madhava,
Which are not chanted by many people
Even if they are able to chant them easily,
And thus becomes the chief cause of their sorrow,

Ithi Sri Bilwamangalacharya virachitham,
Sri Govinda, damodara stotram sampoornam.

Thus ends the prayer on Govinda and Damodara,
Written by the great teacher Bilwamangala.

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