Saturday, March 7, 2015

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 1(Krishna stotra.31a)

Govind Damodar Stotram Part 1(Krishna stotra.31a)


 अग्रे कुरूणामथ पाण्डवानां दुःशासनेनाहृतवस्त्रकेशा ।
कृष्णा तदाक्रोशदनन्यनाथा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १ ॥
श्री कृष्ण विष्णो मधुकैटभारे भक्तानुकम्पिन् भगवन् मुरारे ।
त्रायस्व मां केशव लोकनाथ गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २ ॥
विक्रेतुकामाखिलगोपकन्या मुरारिपादार्पितचित्तवृत्तिः ।
दध्यादिकं मोहवशादवोचद् गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ३ ॥
उलूखले संभृततण्डुलांश्च संघट्टयन्त्यो मुसलैः प्रमुग्धाः ।
गायन्ति गोप्यो जनितानुरागा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ४ ॥
काचित्करांभोजपुटे निषण्णं क्रीडाशुकं किंशुकरक्ततुण्डं ।
अध्यापयामास सरोरुहाक्षी गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ५ ॥
गृहे गृहे गोपवधू समूहः प्रतिक्षणं पिन्ञ्जरसारिकाणां ।
स्खलद्गिरं वाचयितुं प्रवृत्तो गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ६ ॥
पर्यङ्किकाभाजमलं कुमारं प्रस्वापयन्त्योऽखिलगोपकन्याः ।
जगुः प्रबन्धं स्वरतालबन्धं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ७ ॥
रामानुजं वीक्षणकेलिलोलं गोपी गृहीत्वा नवनीतगोलं ।
आबालकं बालकमाजुहाव गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ८ ॥
विचित्रवर्णाभरणाभिरामेऽभिधेहि वक्त्रांबुजराजहंसि ।
सदा मदीये रसनेऽग्ररङ्गे गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ९ ॥
अङ्काधिरूढं शिशुगोपगूढं स्तनंधयन्तं कमलैककान्तं ।
संबोधयामास मुदा यशोदा गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १० ॥
क्रीडन्तमन्तर्व्रजमात्मजं स्वं समं वयस्यैः पशुपालबालैः ।
प्रेम्णा यशोदा प्रजुहाव कृष्णं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ ११ ॥
यशोदया गाढमुलूखलेन गोकण्ठपाशेन निबध्यमानः ।
रुरोद मन्दं नवनीतभोजी गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १२ ॥
निजाङ्गणे कङ्कणकेलिलोलं गोपी गृहीत्वा नवनीतगोलं ।
आमर्दयत्पाणितलेन नेत्रे गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १३ ॥
गृहे गृहे गोपवधूकदम्बाः सर्वे मिलित्वा समवाययोगे ।
पुण्यानि नामानि पठन्ति नित्यं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १४ ॥
मन्दारमूले वदनाभिरामं बिम्बाधरापूरित वेणुनादं ।
गोगोपगोपीजनमध्यसंस्थं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १५ ॥
उत्थाय गोप्योऽपररात्रभागे स्मृत्वा यशोदासुतबालकेलिं ।
गायन्ति प्रोच्चैर्दधि मन्थयन्त्यो गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १६ ॥
जग्धोऽथ दत्तो नवनीतपिण्डो गृहे यशोदा विचिक्त्सयन्ती ।
उवाच सत्यं वद हे मुरारे गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १७ ॥
अभ्यर्च्य गेहं युवतिः प्रवृद्धप्रेमप्रवाहा दधि निर्ममन्थ ।
गायन्ति गोप्योऽथ सखीसमेता गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १८ ॥
क्वचित् प्रभाते दधिपूर्णपात्रे निक्षिप्य मन्थं युवती मुकुन्दं ।
आलोक्य गानं विविधं करोति गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ १९ ॥
क्रीडापरं भोजनमज्जनार्थं हितैषिणी स्त्री तनुजं यशोदा ।
आजूहवत् प्रेमपरिप्लुताक्षी गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २० ॥
सुखं शयानं निलये च विष्णुं देवर्षिमुख्या मुनयः प्रपन्नाः ।
तेनाच्युते तन्मयतां व्रजन्ति गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २१ ॥
विहाय निद्रामरुणोदये च विधाय कृत्यानि च विप्रमुख्याः ।
वेदावसाने प्रपठन्ति नित्यं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २२ ॥
वृन्दावने गोपगणाश्च गोप्यो विलोक्य गोविन्द वियोगखिन्नाम् ।
राधां जगुः साश्रुविलोचनाभ्यां गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २३ ॥
प्रभातसञ्चारगता नु गावस्तद्रक्षणार्थं तनयं यशोदा ।
प्राबोधयत् पाणितलेन मन्दं गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ २४ ॥

Govinda Damodara Stotram
By Sage Bilwamangala

Agre kurunaam atha pandavanam,
Dushasane ahwatha vastra kesha,
Krishnaa tad akroshad ananya natha,
Govinda, damodara Madavethi. 1

When in front of Kurus and Pandavas,
Dushasana dragged her by her cloths and hair,
Angered, Draupadi seeing no other lord,
Called Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara, Oh Madhava.

Govinda - He who lifted the earth (Go) Or He who is the chief of cows.
Damodhara - He who is known by knowledge got by self restraint Or He who was tied by Yasodha in the stomach Or He who keeps in his belly the world called Dhama.
Madhava - He who was born in the family of Madhu.

Sri Krishna Vishno Madhu Kaitabhare,
Bhakthanukampin Bhagawan murare,
Trayasya maam keshava loka natha,
Govinda, Damodhara Madavethi. 2

Hey Krishna, Hey Vishnu who killed Madhu and Kaidabha,
Hey lord who has pity on his devotees,
Hey Lord who killed the asura called Mura,
Hey Kesava, Hey Lord of the world, save me,
Hey Govinda, Hey Damodara, Hey Madhava.

Vikrethu kamakhila Gopa Kanya,
Murari padarpitha chitha Vruthi,
Dadyodhakam moha vasad avochad,
Govinda, Damodara, Madhavethi. 3

The lovelorn Gopa maiden having offered
Her mind at the feet of Lord Murari,
While selling Curds in the street,
Due to her passion filled mind,
Cried, Oh Govinda, Oh Damodara and Oh Madhava.

Ulukhale Sambharitha thandulamsa cha,
Saighatyayantyo musalai pramugdha,
Gayanthi gopyo janithanuragha,
Govinda, Damodhara, Madhavethi. 4

Pounding the mortar full of grains,
With the pestle again and again,
The Gopis due to their budding love,
Sing Oh Govinda, Oh Damodara and Oh Madhava.

Kachithramboja pute nishannam,
Krida shukam kimshuka ratna thundam,
Adhyapayamasa saroruhakshi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 5

A lotus beauty instructed a playful parrot,
With a bright red beak which was seated
On the edge of her hand to say,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Gruha gruhe Gopa vadhu samooha,
Prathi kshanam pinjara sarikanam,
Skalad giram vachayithum pravrutho,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 6

In every home, every second of their time
The bevy of Gopa brides are engaged,
In making the caged parrots repeat,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Paryaykinkabjham alam kumaram,
Prasvapayonthyakhila gopa kanya,
Jagu prabhandam swara thala badham,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 7

Rocking their little ones to sleep in their cradle,
All gopa lasses with expertise sing,
This lullaby with proper notes and beats
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Ramanujam veekshana keli lolam,
Gopi grahithva nava nitha golam,
Abalakam balakam ajuhva,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 8

Examining the brother of Bala Rama,
With ever shifting and playful eyes,
The gopis offer a ball of fresh butter,
To attract the child and call
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Vichithra varnabhirama rame,
Bindehi vakthrambhuja raja hamse,
Sada madhiyee rasengri range,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 9

Hey toungue who is like the royal swan,
And who is interested in chanting of.
Those very ever attractive names,
Always keep enjoying those juicy names,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Ankhadhi rudam shishu gopa gudham,
Stanam dayantham kamalaika kantham,
Sambodhayam aasa mudha yasodha,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 10

Oh Lord of the lady of the lotus,
As a baby sitting on the lap of Yasodha daintily,
You used to drink milk from her breast,
And she drowned in the bliss, used to address you,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Krithantham anthara vrajam athmanamaswam,
Samam vayasaihi pasu pala balaa,
Premna yasodha prajuhava krishnam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 11

In the land of Vraja, when Krishna,
Was playing with youths of his age,
Who looked after the cows,
Addressing him alone, Yasodha called,
That Krishna whom she loved as,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Yasodhaya gadham ulukalena,
Go kantha pasena nibhadyamanam,
Rurodha mandam nava nita bhoji,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 12

Tied tightly to the mortar by Yasodha,
With the rope that was used to tie cows,
Slightly whimpering, that boy who ate butter said,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Nijanangane kankana keli lolam,
Gopi grahithwa navanitha golam,
Amardayath pani talena netre,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 13

When in the courtyard Krishna,
Was playing with a bangle,
That Gopi shut his eyes from the back playfully,
And produced before him a ball of butter, Murmuring,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Gruhe gruhe vadhu kadambha,
Sarve milithwa samvaya yoge,
Punyani namani pathanthi nithyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 14

Whenever in houses and homes, the gopi ladies,
Met each other and started talking,
Daily they used to repeat your holy names,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Mandhara male vadanabhiramam,
Bhimbadare puritha venu nadam,
Go gopa gopi jana madhya samastham,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 15

Seeing that ever attractive boy standing below a coral tree,
Singing pleasant notes with flute kept near his reddish lips,
All cows, gopas and gopi maidens amidst other people, used to chant,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Uthaya gopyo aparathra bhoge,
Smrithwa Yasoda Sutha bala kelim,
Gayanthi proccair mantha yantho,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 16

The Gopis having woken up just before dawn,
And remembering the pranks of the son of Yasoda,
Used to sing together loudly while churning for butter,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Jaagadho atha datho navanitha pindo,
Gruhe Yasoda vickitsayanthi,
Uvacha satyam vacha hey murare,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 17

Having woken up and having made the ball of butter,
Yasoda, in her home, became suspicious and told,
Please tell me the truth Hey Murari,
Hey Govinda, Hey Damodhara and Hey Madhava.

Abyarchya geham yuvathi pravriddha,
Prema pravaha dadhi nirmamantha,
Gayanthi gopyo atha sakhi sametha,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 18

After the morning prayers, when lasses,
With increased torrent of love, churn the curds.
The Gopis sing along with their friends,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Kwachith prabhathe dadhi purna pathre,
Nikshipya manthum yuvathi mukundam,
Alokya ganam vividham karothi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 19

Rarely in the mornings, with vessel full of curds,
The young ladies used to put the churn in the pot,
And saw Mukunda there and broke into variety,
Of soulful music and started singing,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Kreedarpanam bhojana majjanartham,
Hithaishini stree thanujam Yasodha,
Ajhuhavat prema pariplutakshi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 20

When Krishna dedicates himself to play,
Disregarding even food and bath,
The great lady Yasoda with concern for him,
And with overwhelming flood of love used to Call
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Sukham sayanam nilaye cha Vishnu,
Devarshi mukhya munaya prapanna,
Thenachyuthe tanmayatham vrajanthi,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 21

Seeing Vishnu sleeping comfortably on his bed,
The chief of deva sages who have surrendered to him,
Attain the same state as the Lord Achyutha by singing,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Vihaya Nidhram arunodaye cha,
Vidhya krutyani cha vipra mukhya,
Vedavasane prapadanthi nithyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 22

Forsaking sleep and waking up before dawn,
The chief of Brahmins after completing their studies,
And after chanting Vedas, daily take steps to chant,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Vrundavane gopa ganascha gopyo,
Vilokya govinda viyoga khinnam,
Radham jaghusasru vilochanabhyam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 23

In the Brindavan the crowds of Gopa and gopis,
Seeing the tears starting to flow from eyes of Radha,
Due to the parting of Govinda who was departing cried,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

Prabhatha sanchara gatanu gava,
Sthad rakanartham tanaya Yasodha,
Prabodhayat pani talena mandam,
Govinda, Damodara Madhavethi. 24

Seeing the departure of cows in the morning,
In order to protect her son,
Yasodha patted him slowly and gently and muttered,
Oh Govinda, Oh Damodhara and Oh Madhava.

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