
Sunday, July 7, 2024


Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Attention, power of endurance, overcoming aversion, dislikes and irritation, fortitude in suffering, austerities, patience, control of temper, forbearance, power of resistance—all these pave a long way in developing the will. Patient hearing develops will and wins the hearts of others. Never complain against bad environments. Create your own mental world wherever you remain, wherever you go. If you get all sorts of comforts in a place, if all are amiable to you, you will not grow. You should not try to run away from unfavourable environments. God wishes to make you grow quickly. Therefore, make the best use of any situation. Nothing should upset your mind. Your will must grow. Try to live happily in any place, under any condition. You will have a strong and dynamic personality.

You are a quick passenger to your eternally shining original abode. So, on your way, while you are here on earth for a short while, try to bring about a little happiness to others, try to wipe out tears from others′ eyes.
- Swami Chidananda

Move in the Right Direction & Live in the Light (chidananda.152)

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