Wednesday, April 3, 2024



Radhe Krishna,
Have A blessed day.
Swami Sivananda
Return love for hatred. If you are not able to do that, be indifferent. But never meet hatred with hatred. Cherish love in your heart, goodwill, toleration and sympathy for all mankind. Let your life be not one of lip-service. Let it be a living expression of love, sacrifice, wisdom and courage. Do not twist words, facts and topics. Do not try to guise the truth. If the truth is unpleasant, be silent. But do not resort to or support untruth. Make your life a worthy expression of the spirit of goodness.

Every action of man that gains the blessing of the Lord is bound to be meritorious and always successful.

- Swami Sivananda
The scientists are trying to find a perpetual motion machinery, a machinery that never stops,
but is always in motion. If you have to find a perpetual motion machinery, now, it is in you, the
mind. We have to deal with the mind. All the Vasanas, Samskaras, which you have formed are
already there, you cannot help it. But you can at least do one thing. You can prevent the formation of
new Samskaras. And also let the past Samskaras be not further strengthened by fresh ones. How is it
possible? Daily you get new experiences, daily you perceive so many things with your five organs
of senses. Then how can we prevent these experiences making impressions upon the mind? Is there
any technique? How did these objects get into the mind and form Samskaras? Take an object. You
perceive it, through any one of your senses. First there is contact between the sense and the object.
That is the first thing, and then what happens? So far only the outer fringe of man’s personality has
been touched. Supposing you are very deeply absorbed in some task, and your brother or sister
comes and lays his or her hands on you; you are not aware because the object has only contacted the
sense, but the sense has not conveyed it to the mind because the mind is away from it. The objects
have contacted the senses, and the senses have conveyed it to the mind, but if you are not there, if
the sense of “I” is not there, the impression taken by the mind as a matter of routine makes no
meaning to the person. So, if the ego is not there, the object does not go deep into the mind. If the
ego is engaged in some other thought, a particular impression brought by the senses will not
produce any effect. But if the “I” is there, the object goes and impinges upon your awareness, and if
this “I” is in a state of heedlessness, is not vigilant, is in a state of Aviveka or is in a state of
worldliness or Rajas, it will easily take these perceptions and create in you a desire, for the object
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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