Tuesday, April 2, 2024



Radhe krishna,'Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
Simple living is living in contentment with the minimum necessities of life. Hear the teachings of saints and sages and practise them. Elevate yourself above the ups and downs of the mundane humdrum life. Be frank and candid. Speak out your heart. Do not try to bottle up your emotions. But be careful and judicious in expressing them. You will have peace of mind. Return good for evil. But do not encourage evil. Be self-dependent. Give respect and sympathy to others. You will receive respect and sympathy from others. Obey implicitly what your preceptor says; work selflessly; speak truthfully; love unselfishly; think rightly.
Process Of The Desire
Yoga is not only in Nirvikalpa Samadhi. It is in every moment. If a thought comes and if you
are not able to put it down, you have failed in Yoga, you have failed in the examination. In every
thought, in every action you have to assert your mastery over your Vrittis. Then Yoga is fulfilled,
divine life is lived. What is the time taken for this process? It is a moment. Within a split second so
many frames (cinema films) go away. Similar is the case with the mind. The entire process takes
place in a split second, starting from the Samskaras and ending with Cheshta or fulfilling of the
desire. From experience you get Samskara, from Samskara you get Vasana, from Vasana you get
Vritti. Then imagination makes the Vritti into a desire. Then ego attaches itself to the desire and it
becomes then an urge, a Trishna. Then you are forced to do Cheshta or to fulfil the desire. This
process of the mind is going on
Swami Chidananda
Self-restraint is intended for Self-realisation. We restrain one kind of self and realise another kind of Self. The whole of sadhana is nothing but this dual process of self-restraint for Self-realisation.
- Swami Krishnananda
=Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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