Monday, January 15, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Meditate on these twelve virtues for ten minutes daily: 1. Humility in January. 2. Frankness in February. 3. Courage in March. 4. Patience in April. 5. Mercy in May. 6. Magnanimity in June. 7. Sincerity in July. 8. Pure Love in August. 9. Generosity in September. 10. Forgiveness in October. 11. Balanced mind in November. 12. Contentment in December. Imagine that you are in the actual possession of these virtues. Say unto yourself; "I am patient. I will not get irritated from today. I will manifest this virtue in my daily life. I am improving." Think of the advantages in possessing this virtue 'Patience' and the disadvantages of irritability. Persevere. Plod on diligently. The spiritual path is rugged, thorny and precipitous. But the reward is great. Development of virtues will lead to the attainment of God-realization.

You have wasted much of your life. A little time is left. Make the best use of it. You too can realise God and be ever happy.

- Swami Sivananda

Guru-Kripa is a wonderful mysterious factor that will enable the aspirants to seek and to
attain the summum bonum of life—that is Self-realisation or the vision of God, or Moksha. Whether
the disciple is deserving or undeserving, Guru-Kripa sets aside all normal laws that operate in the
spiritual plane and takes one to the transcendental Bliss.
There is absolutely not the least bit of exaggeration in the statement and also in the fact that
the Guru is always gracious. But then Guru-Kripa has not only to be bestowed, not only to be given
but it has also to be received. In receiving it, we immortalise and divinise ourselves.
There must be joy in obedience to the Guru and there should be a real craving in the spirit
that “I should obey.” To be a disciple you should obey even in dream. Day and night our Sadhana
should be to cultivate this attitude of obedience to perfection. This is the external part of Sadhana.
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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