Sunday, December 24, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
The most elusive thing in this world is peace or happiness. The only true happiness is the bliss of the soul or Atma. Non-aggression and mutual co-operation pacts will lead to the attainment of lasting peace in the world. Democracy can be maintained only through peaceful means. There is need for cathol city and tolerance among the people of different faiths. Then alone there will be peace in the world. Blessed is the peace-maker who manufactures a life belt which will save humanity from being drowned in the choppy sea of confusion and strife. Work with determination. Strive resolutely for the establishment of peace on earth.

The best medicine or panacea for all diseases and for keeping good health is Kirtan, Japa and regular meditation. The Divine waves electrify, rejuvenate, vivify and energise the cells, tissues, nerves, etc.

- Swami Sivananda

These saints know that this worldly life is meaningless. The only meaning it has got is that it
can be taken as a field of Sadhana. What we think of the life of animals, the enlightened souls too
think the same of the life of an unprincipled man who leads a purposeless life.
You cannot get happiness from this work. If you go to a neem tree, pluck a fruit from one
branch and then eat it, you discover that it is bitter. Imagining that you made a mistake by choosing
to pluck from that particular branch which alone might be yielding bitter fruits exclusive of other
branches, you suddenly change to another branch, pluck a fruit from it and find that it is bitter too.
How can you get a sweet fruit from a neem tree? Expectation of pleasures from worldly
objects is exactly similar to this. No happiness can be got from the world.
A Sadhu knows this very well. Sometimes, on account of previous Samskaras, the Sadhu
may deviate from the path just a bit, but he is never eternally lost. In the aspirant or seeker, there is
always the Viveka and Vichara alive. Therefore, the reaction of Nachiketas to the temptations of
Yama, is the reaction of a Sadhu to worldly pleasures.
Swami Chidananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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