Sunday, December 24, 2023



Radhe krishna,
have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda

One universal life flows through all beings. All creatures breathe the same breath of life. Behold the one in all. See the One universal life, the Atma. Behold the one Atma in all through discipline, meditation and realization. This alone will pave the way to unity, real understanding, universal brotherhood and Vedantic Communion. All life is interdependent. Therefore cultivation of good manners and judicious adjustment of mutual relationship are necessary. Merely eating and drinking on the same table, and intermarriage will not lead to universal brotherhood. The sense of unity is not produced by shaking hands, by taking tea from the same cup or by such other gross physical contact. This is not the idea of unity.
In what way shall we be able to propagate the Sadhu-life, the life of divine quest, and what
can we practically do in our own walk of life to awaken more and more people to the greatest
sublimity of this life of seeking after God? Sadhus form a class diametrically opposite to the
“normal man” of the world. If the man of the world holds a certain thing as desirable, the seeker
looks upon it as something more insignificant than dust. What is pleasurable to the worldly man is
extremely painful to the seeker. What the man of the world regards as necessary for life, the seeker
regards as the greatest obstacle to real progress. And, in the very conception of progress even, the
two are totally opposed to each other. If this is true, then the Sadhu must be a misfit in the world! To
some extent it is true. But the real Sadhu is not a total misfit. The Sadhus’ community forms only a
minority in the world. A Sadhu has got tremendous amount of adaptability. He knows that God
Himself is tolerating the world and so he is also prepared to tolerate the world.
Swami Chidananda

No achievement, either on earth or in heaven, no greatness pertaining to the world of name and form, is worth considering. The love of life is based on the love of the Self

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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