Monday, December 18, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day.


Swami Sivananda
Antagonism of language, of race, of custom, of religion have all to be submerged if you want to establish unity, harmony and peace in the world. Melt differences. Stand upright under the glorious light of the rising sun of sympathy, cosmic love, kindness and oneness. The sense of separateness is the cause of all this pain in this world. It is out of the fear-complex that troubles arise. Autocracy and liberty can never co-exist in any sphere of life. By their very nature they are obnoxious to each other. Nations are made and moulded by discipline. Discipline is the greatest factor in building up a nation. No co-operation is possible without discipline and organization. Every man today is extremely busy doing nothing in reality or worse still digging his grave. Unite and make a joint endeavour to speed up the pace of national and spiritual progress.

Ahimsa is not merely non killing as some think. Ahimsa is perfect harmlessness and positive love also. It is to abstain even from the slightest thought of harm to any living creature mentally, verbally, or by deed.

- Swami Sivananda
In order to bring together this class of people who are living for a spiritual ideal and to
inspire it and take it near that spiritual goal, societies like the Divine Life Society have been founded
by men of realisation, like Sri Gurudev. The Sadhu’s Federation was started with an additional aim,
i.e., to gather together all the forces in the form of the various devotees, so that a unification may be
brought about among all saintly persons—a sort of universal brotherhood of seekers, aspirants and
Sadhakas. There is a prevalent idea that a Sadhu means a Sannyasin putting on ochre-robes.
Swamiji says “No” to this. A Sadhu or a Sannyasin is one in whom the spiritual ideal is the only
ideal, whether he is a householder or a renunciate.
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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