Tuesday, December 19, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
When Samadhi is being practised, obstacles forcibly make their appearance. Want of application, apathy, the longing for sensual enjoyment, inertness, stupor, perplexity, false dignity, sweating profusely, absent-mindedness, are the important obstacles to Samadhi. He whose mind is like the expansive sky and is devoid of all desires, who has known the Immortal Atma, is in a state of Samadhi or Nirvikalpa, superconsciousness. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi no individual consciousness remains either on the speculative or objective side, as the individual consciousness is merged in the universal consciousness. There is no consciousness of vibratory movement either. The universe is dissolved only in Nirvikalpa Samadhi or superconscious stale.
With all the strength, courage, heroism and other divine virtues, Hanuman of incomparable
humility possessed a heart which was ever melting in tears of Prem and which ever cherished the
attitude of servitude and humility. It is an object lesson for humanity both in its collective aspect, as
nations of the world, and in its individual aspect—how they ought to subserve their entire
capacities, abilities and strength to the service of the Lord, and how the strength and capacity should
be characterised by utter humility. That is the great important lesson that Hanuman’s personality
teaches to mankind for all times. If that is not there, we have the contrast of Ravana and we have the
inevitable fall.
Hanuman’s name has been immortalised became his infinite strength was accompanied by
immeasurable humility—humility as vast and deep as the ocean, and the perfect spirit of obedience
and service. Hanuman is ever the servant of Rama, with folded hands and utter surrender, ever
waiting for an opportunity to do some service to Lord Rama. He was a perfect devotee, a perfect
servant and Sevaka, and he was a perfect spiritual aspirant for he kept his ego always in subjugation.
Never do you find him raise his head, he always keeps it bent low. And therefore, Rama gave him
the foremost place. When the Pattabhisheka time came, Rama placed Hanuman in front of Him. It
was the reward of that perfect devotion, humility, spirit of service, absolute self-effacement and
Swami Chidananda.

Yoga is the search for Truth in its ultimate reaches and above its relative utility. Adequate preparations have to be made for this adventure. We have to become honest before Truth, and not merely in the eyes of our friends.

- Swami Krishnananda

Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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