Wednesday, November 29, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Reorientation of our educational system is the most pressing need of the country. India's educational ideals are in a ferment today. Our schools and colleges have become shops of profit and loss Our graduates run after money, power, comforts, honours and titles. The mind of the youth is corrupted by much undesirable literature. O Students! Study sacred books and ennobling literature. Education is incomplete without training the student in sacrifice, service, self-restraint.

Your desire is never satiated even though you possess the wealth of the whole world. Life is short. Time is fleeting. Desire is rampant. Slay desire, the enemy of peace.

- Swami Sivananda

It is a common fallacy to suppose that people, who follow the path of devotion, who
cultivate devotion, who take recourse to prayer, surrender and the Name of the Lord become
effeminate, weak and they are not strong like the Vedantins. The Vedantins are always strong; they
bring the picture of a lion, the king of the forest, which fears nothing and is full of strength. Even so,
the lion of Vedanta is supposed to roar like a lion.
The real devotee is also equal to the Vedantin. He fears nothing in this world. His strength is
infinite, because his strength is not the strength of an individual personality. The source of his
strength is infinity, in which he has established himself. The source of strength for a Vedantin and
the source of strength for a devotee are the same. The Vedantin relies upon Atman, but the devotee
relies on the Lord. The Saguna Brahman (Brahman with attributes) and the Nirguna Brahman
(Brahman without attributes) are one. Therefore, if a devotee feels within him a sort of fear or
weakness, then it means that his practice of Bhakti is not correct. There is something lacking in him.
Some error is there. If he is a real devotee, he should be perfectly fearless. He should say, “I have got
the Name of the Lord on my lips. Nothing equals the Name of the Lord in the whole world. To me
no fear from the world can come.” So a real devotee fears nothing. Maya cannot do anything to him.
He who has got the Name of the Lord ever upon his lips, defies the guiles of Maya.
Swami Chidananda.
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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