Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blesed day,


Swami Sivananda
The diet of the child should be wholesome. It should be nourishing. It should not overburden or disorder the digestive system. If the health of the child is neglected, there is the poorest chance of developing a high quality of intelligence and character, let alone physique. Give the child a good measure of freedom. Provide the child with the material which will best enable it to feel and experience its nascent aptitudes and faculties. Kindness affection, and love are far more effective in training children than threats and punishment.
To all those who were instruments in bringing about suffering to the saints, their attitude
was one of forgiveness and returning good for evil. They tried to do good to the man who did them
the greatest harm. To endure everything, to be always firm and unshakeable in their faith in the Lord
and a spirit of continuous forgiveness-this is the nature of saints, and these characteristics are found
in saints all over the world. All people who have risen to spiritual heights and have become
ful by mankind—they have always manifested these wonderful qualities. To the saints,
God is not a distant entity. To them God is an ever present living reality. Just as we are present to
each other, to them, too, God is ever present. They turn to Him at every moment of their life.
Whenever they were in need of help, solace, strength, guidance or light, they immediately turned to
God even as a child turns to its parents. God was ever present before them and thus their lives were
transformed by this ever present awareness of a superior being whom they felt to be their very own.
They melted all the differences between themselves and God. They felt themselves to be very
intimate with God. They felt God to be their own.
We also express this intimacy with God everyday through our prayers and hymns but we do
not feel it intensely enough. In troubles, we trust our money or other external aids of the world
rather than the indweller. We lack the sense of God’s presence.
On the contrary, the saints, even while living in the external world, are always in close
contact with the Lord. Therefore they are God-men. They live a life in God and they always
consider God to be the only real treasure, the greatest wealth, the only object worth having in life.
They never have any other desire. Their desirelessness found ultimate rest in God alone and filled
their heart with perfect contentment.
Swami Chidananda.

Spiritual meditation is itself a joy. It is not a work. It is not an ordinary performance. It is the soul trying to return to itself

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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