Monday, November 27, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
The child's education begins from the day it sees the light of the day. It can even be paid that it begins from the date of conception. Whatever habit of thought, action and feeling is formed in a man's early days, it lasts throughout life. A child's moral future is sown in the same early days as its emotional future. If a child has received wholesome impression in its early days, it is likely to be influenced by good in its early youth and manhood. If the earliest growth of a child makes a good start, that is the most important step towards the consummation of the excellence of which its nature is capable. The surroundings of a child are efficient education and best instruction.

As you grow older, you should turn more and more to Japa, Kirtan and Dhyana. Pranayama etc. need not be given up. They might be practised mildly to keep up good health.

- Swami Sivananda
The symbology of Christ being carried to the Calvary brings us this great lesson that man
has to silently bear pains and sufferings and through this endurance and suffering only he comes out
as gold purified of all dross.
In this process of silently enduring all the vicissitudes and painful experiences of life, they
never lost faith. Rather, the more they endured the more were they tried by God and the greater, the
stronger, the firmer their faith became. This was the second great trait in them. “O God! Thou may
send me the worst suffering, but I will not lose faith in Thee, O Lord.” That was the wondrous spirit
they had. They never lost faith in the Lord.
Thirdly they not only forgave them who did them harm, but wished all the good for them.
Have such endurance and be humble, O aspirant!
Whatever happens to you, never lose faith and you are sure to be rewarded with eternal life
and infinite bliss.
Swami Chidananda.
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



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