Saturday, November 25, 2023



Radhe krishna
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Education has the task of developing natural capacities, faculties and talents. Education admirably expresses the character of mental development. Education must enable the whole being of man to grow in proper proportions to his true shape and full capacity. Heart, head and hand, all three, must be trained by artistic, scientific and practical education. Education should enable the student to fit himself to hit environments and to help him equip himself for the battle of life and the attainment of Self-realization.
One was that they accepted all trials and tribulations as the blessings of God and bore them.
Endurance, fortitude, forbearance—these were always and will ever be the characteristic of saints.
O man, endure.
The symbology of Christ being carried to the Calvary brings us this great lesson that man
has to silently bear pains and sufferings and through this endurance and suffering only he comes out
as gold purified of all dross.
In this process of silently enduring all the vicissitudes and painful experiences of life, they
never lost faith. Rather, the more they endured the more were they tried by God and the greater, the
stronger, the firmer their faith became. This was the second great trait in them. “O God! Thou may
send me the worst suffering, but I will not lose faith in Thee, O Lord.” That was the wondrous spirit
they had. They never lost faith in the Lord.
Thirdly they not only forgave them who did them harm, but wished all the good for them.
Have such endurance and be humble, O aspirant!
Whatever happens to you, never lose faith and you are sure to be rewarded with eternal life
and infinite bliss.
Swami Chidananda.

Who seeks to know what truth do things enshrine Would know that Self is dearest all things hold.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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