Monday, November 20, 2023



R adhe krishna,                                                           

Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Truth is one. The goal of human life is the realization and experience of this Truth. O foolish man, you have no true perception of things. You have become a creature of circumstances. Wake up from your long slumber of ignorance Pray, meditate and attain Godrealization. Be wakeful. Be thoughtful. Be vigilant. Be diligent. Be positive. Be frank. There is no certainty as to how long your breath will flow. It may stop at any time. Take refuge in the Lord. Chant His name and sing His glories. He is your sole Refuge. Live each day as if it were your last. Squeeze the most out of every minute, to the last of your advantage towards spiritual progress.

Remain in the world without getting tainted by it, just like the lotus in the water.

- Swami Sivananda
An aspirant must, therefore be wise. He should not contradict his Sadhana during the active
life. He should know where the pot is leaking; otherwise it will be useless to go on filling the pot
An aspirant should also be careful, watchful, alert and penetrative. The story of the “Three
Skulls” is worth remembering.
Once a Rakshasa (demon) came to a king’s court with three skulls and frightened the king to
eat him up unless he could correctly point out which was the best skull out of the three. The king
asked three days’ time and the demon agreed. Then the king asked his court Pundits as to which of
them was the best. None could say anything since all the three resembled outwardly all alike.
One intelligent Pundit came and passed a rod through one ear of the first skull, and the rod
went straight through the other ear.
Then he made the rod pass through the second skull. In this case, the rod, inserted through
one ear, came out of the mouth.
Then the rod was made to pass through the third skull. When inserted through one ear, the
rod went right into the chest.
The court-pundit remarked that the third skull was the best.
The first skull represents that type of people who hear wisdom through one ear and, without
assimilating it, leave it through the other ear and forget about it. The second skull represents those
people who, after receiving wisdom, are anxious to teach it to others, but do not practise the wisdom
themselves. That is the second class of people.
The third skull represents the best type of aspirants, who after hearing wisdom, keep it in
their hearts, and try to practise it in their everyday life. So, I would request you all to be like the third
skull, cherishing and practising whatever you may learn from your association with the wise, the
saints and the sages. May God bless you all!
Swami Chidananda,
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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