Sunday, November 19, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Mind is a means. Intellect is a means. The world is a means. Reality is the end. To attain the end one should not get entangled in the means. To attain the Atma give up the consciousness of the many, and become absorbed in the One. Brahman can be realized through the eye of intuition. Through direct vision or intuition, not through knowable by the ordinary, rational methods, is Brahman realized. Understanding precedes intuition. Fundamental experience through intuition in Niivikalpa Samadhi is realization. Perception through the physical eye, or in dream, or hearing or the divine command, cannot be called realization. Know Brahman by faith, devotion, purity, concentration and meditation.
We should not apply this sort of “undoing” to our Sadhana. Let us not add any undivine
element to whatever good we might have practised during the morning hours. If, during our actions,
we forget our essence and become harsh and dishonest and begin to criticise others—then all these
things will undo whatever Sadhana we have done in the hours of meditation. Therefore, our eternal
physical life and activity, our speech and actions, have closely to keep up and enhance the spirit of
our meditation, worship and Sadhana.
It is very essential, therefore, that we do not confine our Sadhana only to the quiet hours
inside the Puja-room, but divinise all your actions. All our deeds should express our real, inner
nature. They should all become spiritualised. This divinisation of all activities is known as Karma
The man who leads an ideal life, full of self-sacrifice, full of sweetness and helpfulness
alone makes his Sadhana effective and fruitful.
Swami Chidananda,

One has to be friendly with every stage of creation, and yoga is nothing but this establishment of amity and friendliness in every level of creation.

- Swami Krishnananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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