Saturday, October 7, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
To know oneself is to attain the one Self. This is the aspiration, the final goal, the glorious gospel, of Adwaita which transforms the little man into Satchidananda Brahman or the transcendental Absolute. A grasp of this central teaching of Vedanta is most promising remedy for every conceivable malady of mankind. "Tat Twam Asi" is not only the very vital breath of Vedantic thought, the summation of all philosophic endeavour, of all spiritual sciences and religious discipline, but a pragmatic principle or the action of every man, a principle that is a magic wand to resolve the vexing problems of a phenomenal, personal and inter-individualistic existence, to establish peace among nations, to construct a kingdom of God on earth.

The first step in the spiritual path is selfless service to humanity. Feel that you are serving the Lord and the Lord alone in the members of your family. If you want joy, serve the distressed. The joy of selfless service is the greatest joy.

- Swami Sivananda 

Towards the world, let our motive be one of goodness, friendliness and selflessness. Let us
live for the good and peace and happiness of others, even of those who deceive us and inflict injury
upon us. Mind not dear Sadhaka! For this is not your lasting abode. You are a quick passenger to
your eternally shining original abode. So, on your way, while you are here for a short while, try to
bring about a little happiness to others, try to lessen the discomfort, fear and anxiety of your
neighbours, try to wipe out tears from others’ eyes. Try to remove as far as you can the gloom,
despair and sorrow of your fellow-beings.
This should be the attitude for your Bahiranga Jivan (external life, relative living)
Swami Chidananda, 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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