Friday, October 6, 2023



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
What the Vedantic systems of philosophy really aim at is not negation of the body or of life in the world, but of the limitations and imperfections of the human mind, body, or worldly life. Adwaita Vedanta is very practical. Its aim is to end human sufferings and make man realize his identity with the Supreme soul. Adwaita Vedanta recognizes three aspects of Consciousness : Pramatrachaitanya is the subject-consciousness, Vishayachaitanya is the object-consciousness, and Vrittichaitanya is the consciousness immanent in the Vritti or psychological processes. Adwita Vedanta unfolds to us the highest art of life, and gives us the most perfect process of self-culture. Adwaita or monism is not a dry philosophy. It is a vital experience whole. You can find ineffable bliss in absolute monism, where all multiplicity vanishes and where Knower, knowledge and known are all merged in one undifferentiated being. 
Today only is yours. Yesterday is gone. There is no certainty of tomorrow. Hence make the
best use of the present moment, the present life. Be up and doing. Live this day a life of helpfulness
and worshipfulness. Waste not your precious time in vain gossips, scandal-mongering, talebearing,
vain hopes and chitchats lest you may pass out regretted and lamented.
Who knows whether this golden opportunity would come again or not? So when everything
is conducive for rising high towards the shining peaks lofty ideals, take care that the enthusiasm
dies not due to slackness.
So do not postpone for tomorrow. Postponing means losing forever.
Remember this.
Swami Chidananda 

The seeking of the meaning implicit in life′s processes is philosophy. The working out of philosophy in one′s life is the practice of yoga.

- Swami Krishnananda 
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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