Friday, December 18, 2015

Sri Dattatreya Stotram(Guru stotra.21)

Sri Dattatreya Stotram(Guru stotra.21)


Dattatreya Stotram

translation by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

जटाधरं पांडुरांगं शूलहस्तं कृपानिधिम्‌।
सर्वरोगहरं देवं दत्तात्रेयमहं भजे॥ १॥

jaṭā-dharaṁ pāṁḍurāṁgaṁ śūla-hastaṁ kṛpā-nidhim |
sarva-roga-haraṁ devaṁ dattātreya-mahaṁ bhaje ||

With matted locks, Panduranga (Krishna/Vishnu), holding trident, the ocean of mercy
and the divine remover of all maladies. I worship Dattatreya.

अस्य श्रीदत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रमंत्रस्य
भगवान्‌ नारदऋषिः।
अनुष्टुप्‌ छन्दः।
श्रीदत्तपरमात्मा देवता।
श्रीदत्तप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः॥

asya śrī-dattātreya-stotra-maṁtrasya
bhagavān nārada-ṛṣiḥ |
anuṣṭup chandaḥ |
śrī-datta-paramātmā devatā |
śrī-datta-prītyarthe jape viniyogaḥ ||

For the mantras of this Dattatreya Stotram:
Bhagavan Narada is the sage;
anushtup (four lines of eight syllables) is the meter;
Sri Datta, the Supreme Self, is the deity;
it is recited in order to please Sri Datta.

जगदुत्पत्तिकर्त्रे च स्थितिसंहार हेतवे।
भवपाशविमुक्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १॥

jagadutpatti-kartre ca sthiti-saṁhāra hetave |
bhava-pāśa-vimuktāya dattātreya namo'stute || 1||

The origin of the universe, You are its cause, preservation, and destruction,
and completely free from bondage to the world — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

जराजन्मविनाशाय देहशुद्धिकराय च।
दिगम्बरदयामूर्ते दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ २

jarājanma-vināśāya deha-śuddhi-karāya ca |
digambara-dayā-mūrte dattātreya namo'stute || 2||

The destroyer of old age and birth, Your body is pure,
naked (sky-clad), the image of compassion — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

कर्पूरकान्तिदेहाय ब्रह्ममूर्तिधराय च।
वेदशास्त्रपरिज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ३॥

karpūra-kānti-dehāya brahma-mūrti-dharāya ca |
veda-śāstra-parijñāya dattātreya namo'stute || 3||

Your body is radiant like camphor, the manifested image of Brahman;
You are the knower of the Vedic scriptures — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

पंचभूतैकदीप्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ४॥

rhasva-dīrgha-kṛśa-sthūla-nāma-gotra-vivarjita |
paṁca-bhūtaika-dīptāya dattātreya namo'stute || 4||

You are beyond (designations such as) short, tall, thin, fat, name, and lineage.
You set ablaze the five elements — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

यज्ञभोक्ते च यज्ञाय यज्ञरूपधराय च।
यज्ञप्रियाय सिद्धाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ५॥

yajña-bhokte ca yajñāya yajña-rūpa-dharāya ca |
yajña-priyāya siddhāya dattātreya namo'stute || 5||

You are the enjoyer of sacrifice and the sacrifice itself, the form of sacrifice,
the lover of sacrifice, and the perfected sage — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

आदौ ब्रह्मा मध्य विष्णुरंते देवः सदाशिवः।
मूर्तित्रयस्वरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ६॥

ādau brahmā madhya viṣṇur-aṁte devaḥ sadāśivaḥ |
mūrti-traya-svarūpāya dattātreya namo'stute || 6||

In the beginning is Brahma, in the middle is Vishnu and at the end is God Sadashiva.
 Your nature consist of these three deities — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

भोगालयाय भोगाय योगयोग्याय धारिणे।
जितेन्द्रियजितज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ७॥

bhogā-layāya bhogāya yoga-yogyāya dhāriṇe |
jitendriya-jita-jñāya dattātreya namo'stute || 7||

 You are the abode of enjoyment and enjoyment itself. You are the support of those qualified for Yoga. 
You are the master of the senses and the master of knowledge — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

दिगम्बराय दिव्याय दिव्यरूपध्राय च।
सदोदितपरब्रह्म दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ८॥

digambarāya divyāya divya-rūpa-dhrāya ca |
sadodita-para-brahma dattātreya namo'stute || 8||

Naked (sky-clad), Your form shines with divinity.
You are the eternal Supreme Brahman — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

जयमानसतां देव दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ९॥

jambu-dvīpa-mahā-kṣetra-mātā-pura-nivāsine |
jaya-mānasa-tāṁ deva dattātreya namo'stute || 9||

In Jambudvipa (India), in the great land (Maharastra), Your abode is Matapura.
Having conquered the mind, You are Divinity Itself — Dattatreya, we bow to You.
भिक्षाटनं गृहे ग्रामे पात्रं हेममयं करे।
नानास्वादमयी भिक्षा दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १०॥

bhikṣāṭanaṁ gṛhe grāme pātraṁhema-mayaṁ kare |
nānā-svāda-mayī bhikṣā dattātreya namo'stute || 10||

As a naked beggar You move between homes and villages with a golden bowl in Your hand,
collecting various delicious alms — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

ब्रह्मज्ञानमयी मुद्रा वस्त्रे चाकाशभूतले।
प्रज्ञानघनबोधाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ ११॥

brahma-jñāna-mayī mudrā vastre cākāśa-bhūtale |
prajñāna-ghana-bodhāya dattātreya namo'stute || 11||

Full of the knowledge of Brahman, joyful and clothed in the element of space,
Your teachings reveal the highest wisdom — Dattatreya, we bow to You.
Our lineage of yogis is traced back to the primordial yogi Guru Dattatreya. The divine son of Atri Rishi and Devi Anusuya, Dattatreya was an avadhuta, one completely unfettered by social, religious or mental conditioning, immersed spontaneously in the Self. Like the Truth itself, he remaines always naked or digambara (sky-clad), for nothing can cover His liberated consciousness. He is often depicted with three heads, as he incarnates and transends the triune-godhead Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He is surrounded by four dogs, representing the Vedas and by Surabhi, Mother Earth as the divine wish-fulfilling cow. 

This hymn was composed by Narada Muni and is found in the Narada Purana.

विदेहदेहरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १२॥

avadhūta-sadānanda-para-brahma-svarūpiṇe |
videha-deha-rūpāya dattātreya namo'stute || 12||

The avadhuta, ever-blissful, Your nature is the Supreme Brahman. 
In the form of a body without body consciousness — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

सत्याश्रयपरोक्षाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १३॥

satyaṁ-rūpa-sadācāra-satya-dharma-parāyaṇa |
satyāśraya-parokṣāya dattātreya namo'stute || 13||

Your form is truth, Your conduct is pure, You follow the dharma of truth
and Your shelter is truth, supreme and unending — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

शूलहस्तगदापाणे वनमालासुकन्धर।
यज्ञसूत्रधरब्रह्मन्‌ दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १४॥

śūla-hasta-gadā-pāṇe vana-mālā-sukan-dhara |
yajña-sūtra-dhara-brahman dattātreya namo'stute || 14||

You hold trident and mace and wear a garland of forest flowers
and the sacrificial tread of a Brahmin — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

क्षराक्षरस्वरूपाय परात्परतराय च।
दत्तमुक्तिपरस्तोत्र दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १५॥

kṣarākṣara-svarūpāya parāt-para-tarāya ca |
datta-mukti-para-stotra dattātreya namo'stute || 15||

Your nature is both perishable and imperishable. You have gone beyond even the transcendental reality.
Datta, liberated and beyond praise — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

दत्त विद्याढ्यलक्ष्मीश दत्त स्वात्मस्वरूपिणे।
गुणनिर्गुणरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १६॥

datta vidyāḍhya-lakṣmīśa datta svātma-svarūpiṇe |
guṇa-nirguṇa-rūpāya dattātreya namo'stute || 16||

Datta, endowed with wisdom and the lord of wealt. Datta, whose nature is the Self.
Your form is both with attributes and without attributes — Dattatreya, we bow to You.

शत्रुनाशकरं स्तोत्रं ज्ञानविज्ञानदायकम्‌।
सर्वपापं शमं याति दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते॥ १७॥

śatru-nāśakaraṁ stotraṁ jñāna-vijñāna-dāyakam |
sarva-pāpaṁ śamaṁ yāti dattātreya namo'stute || 17||

This hymn destroys enemies, bestows knowledge and wisdom,
and pacifies all sins. Dattatreya, we bow to You.

इदं स्तोत्रं महद्दिव्यं दत्तप्रत्यक्षकारकम्‌।
दत्तात्रेयप्रसादाच्च नारदेन प्रकीर्तितम्‌॥ १८॥

idaṁ stotraṁ mahad-divyaṁ datta-pratyakṣa-kārakam |
dattātreya-prasādācca nāradena prakīrtitam || 18||

This great divine hymn grants direct perception of reality.
I, Narada, composed it only by the grace of Dattatreya.

॥ इति श्रीनारदपुराणे नारदविरचितं
दत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रं सुसंपूर्णम्‌॥

|| iti śrī-nārada-purāṇe nārada-viracitaṁ
dattātreya-stotraṁ susaṁ-pūrṇam ||

In the Narada Purana, spoken by Narada,
here ends the Dattatreya Stotram

Dattatreya Stotram
Dattatreya Stotram
Jatadharam, Pandurangam,
Soolahastham Krupanidhim,
Sarvaroga haram devam,
Dathathreyamaham bhaje.
My salutations to Dathathreya[1],
Who is with matted hair ,
Who is Lord Vishnu,
Who holds soola[2] in his hand,
Who is store house of mercy,
And who is the panacea for all illness.
Jagat utapathi karthre cha,
Sthithi samhara hethave,
Bhava pasa vimukthaya ,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who created all the worlds,
Who looks after the worlds,
Who destroys the worlds,
And who grants redemption,
From the bonds of sorrow of domestic life.
Jara janma vinasaya,
Deha shuddhi karaya cha,
Digambara daya moorthe.
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who destroys sorrow of birth and old age,
Who cleans our body and soul,
Who wears the directions as cloths[3],
And who is the lord of mercy.
Karpoora kanthi dehaya,
Brhma moorthy daraya cha,
Veda sasthra parignaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who has a colour of burning camphor,
Who takes up the role of the creator,
And who is master of the holy Vedas.
Hruswa deergha krutha sthula,
Nama gothra vivarjitha,
Pancha boothaika deepthaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who is much beyond, thin , thick, short and tall,
Who cannot be limited by name or caste,
And who shines in the five spirits[4] of the world.
Yagna bhokthre cha yagnaya,
Yagna roopa daraya cha,
Yagna priyaya sidhaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who is the result of fire sacrifices.
Who is fire sacrifice himself.
Who takes the form of the fire sacrifice,
And who is the saint who likes fire sacrifices.
Adhou brhama madhye Vishnur,
Anthe deva sada shiva,
Moorthy thraya swaroopaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who in the beginning is the creator,
Who in the middle is Vishnu who takes care,
Who in the end is Shiva the destroyer,
And who is the lord who represents the trinity.
Bhogaalayaya bhogaaya,
Yoga yoyaya dharine,
Jithendriya jithagnaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who is the place where pleasure resides,
Who is the pleasures himself,
Who is the great wearer of Yoga,
Who has perfect control of his senses,
And who is greater than any scholar.
Brhma jnana mayee mudhra,
Vasthre cha akasa bhoothale,
Prgnana gana bhodaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Whose stamp is the knowledge of ultimate,
Who wears the sky and earth as his cloths,
And who is the three states of wakefulness,
Sleep and dream.
Sathya roopa sadachara,
Sathya dharma parayana,
Sathyasraya parokshaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who is truth personified,
Whose conduct is perfect,
Who follows truth as his dharma[5],
Who depends wholly on truth,
And who is not in visible form.
Soola hastha gada pane,
Vana mala sukundara,
Yagna soothra dara Brahman,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who has in his hands he spear and the mace,
Who wears garland of scented flowers of the wild,
And who is the prime executor of fire sacrifices.
Datha vidhyadya lakshmeesa,
Datha swathma swaroopine,
Guna nirguna roopaya,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Who is the great knowledge,
Who is the lord of Lakshmi,
Who has the form of the soul of Datha,
And who has the form with and without properties.
Sathru nasa karam sthothram,
Jnana vijnana dhayakam,
Sarva papam samam yathi,
Dathathreya namosthuthe.
My salutations to Dathathreya,
Which would destroy my enemies,
Which would give me knowledge of religion and science,
And which would destroy all my sins.
[1] A godly form in which all the trinity are combined.
[2] spear
[3] Who wears the ether as his cloths
[4] air, water, fire, earth and the sky
[5] loosely translated as “rightful conduct” but is much beyond the meaning of these.


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