Friday, December 18, 2015

Shri Dattatreya Kavacham(Gru stotra.22)

Shri Dattatreya Kavacham(Gru stotra.22)

(Armour of Dattatreya)


Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Bhagvan Dattatreya is all the great trinity rolled in to one form. He is followed by the four Vedas in the form of dogs. There is a story that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva wanted to test the chastity of Sadhvi Anasooya and requested her to serve them food in the nude. She made them in to babies and took them together. That is one story about the origin of Dathathreya. In the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra, there are large number of people who worship Dathathreya. It is belied Sage Samarth of Maharashtra was his incarnation. The following is datta’s kavacha. If we recite this kavacha for 28 times for 49 days we will get Lord Dattatreya’s darshan and our problems also get solved.
Sri pada pathu may padhou, ooru sidhasana sthitha,
Paya digambharo guhyam nara hari pathu may Katim. 1
Let my feet be protected by Sri Pada,
Let he who sits o the throne of Sidhas protect my thigh,
Let him who clothes with the direction protect my private parts,
Let God Nara Simha protect my hip.
Nabhim pathu jagath srushto, dharam pathu dharodhara,
Krupalu pathu hrudayam, Shad bhuja pathu may Bhujou. 2
Let my stomach be protected by creator of the world,
Let my bone marrow be protected by he who bears the conch,
Let the kind hearted one protect my heart,
Let the six handed one protect my arms.
Skakkundi soola damaru sankha chakra dhara karam,
Pathu kantam Kambhu kante Sumukham pathu may Mukham. 3
Let him who holds pitcher, trident, drum, conch and wheel protect my arms,
Let my neck be protected by he who has a conch like neck,
Let the pleasant faced one protect my face.
Jihwam may Veda Vak pathu, nethrom may pathu divya druk,
Nasikam pathu gandathma, pathu punya srava sruthi. 4
Let he who talks Vedas protect my toungue,
Let my eyes be protected by the one with divine vision,
Let the soul of sandal protect my nose,
Let my ears be protected by he who has a blessed name.
Laltam pathu hamsathma, Sira pathu Jatadhara,
Karmendriyani Patveesa, Pathu jnanedrayan aaja. 5
Let the one whose soul is in high step of meditation protect my forehead,
Let my head be protected by the one who has matted hair,
Let my body parts to do action be protected by God,
Let my parts participating in intellect, be protected by he who is not born.
Sarvatharontha karanam prana may pathu Yogi raat,
Uparishta dadathyascha prashtatha parswathogratha. 6
Let the king of sages protect all types of my inside and soul,
And Over and above whatever is left as well what is near and in the front.
Anthar bahischa maam nithyam nana roopa dharovathu,
Varjitham kavechenovyath sthanam may Divya darsana. 7
Let him who can take any form protect daily what is inside and what is out,
And let the God with the divine vision protect whatever has been left out by this armour.
Rajatha shathrutho himsrath dushprayogadhitho gatha,
AAdhi vyathi bhaya aarthibhyo Dathathrya sadha avathu. 8
Let Dathathreya guard me from king, enemy,
Cruel people and those who misuse power,
As well as worry, disease, fear and greed.
Dhana Dhanya graham kshethra Sthri puthra pasu kinkaran,
Gnathimscha pathu may Nithya Anasuya Ananda Vardhana. 9
Let The god who increases the happiness of Anasuya,
Protect my money, grains, homr, field, wife, son, cattle and servants,
As well as all the members of my clan daily.
Bala unmatha pisachabho dhuvit sandhishu pathu maam,
Bhootha bouthika mruthyubhyo Hari pathu Digambara. 10
From powerful exuberant devils, bad paramours,let the saint protect me,
Let The Hari who dresses himself by the sky,
Protect the physical and spiritual aspects as well as death.
Ya yetha drutha kavacham sannahyath bhakthi bhavitha,
SArva anartha nirviktho Graha peeda vivarjitha. 11
He who wears this armour with the spirit of devotion,
Will get rid of all dangers as well as the problems caused by planets.
Bhootha pretha pisachadwaira devair apya parajitha,
Bhukthyathaa divyaan bhogan, sa dehanthe Thath padam vrujeth. 12
Devils, ghosts, bad wandering souls as well as gods with enmity would get defeated,
And they would enjoy divine pleasures and at the end they would reach you.
Ithi sri dhathreya kavacham.
Thus ends the armour of Dattatreya.
Shri Dattatreya Kavacham is in Sanskrit. It is a beautiful creation of Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati. This Kavacham is very pious and powerful however we have to recite it with faith, devotion and concentration to receive what is desired. This Kavacham is a prayer made to Shri Datta Guru by his devotee. In the prayer devotee is requesting Shri Datta Guru by calling him with various pious names; to protect his (devotees) all parts of the body, his organs which gives him knowledge, and his organs which work for him and to protect from all ten directions, in the house/body and out of the house/body.
1)Shri Laxmi stays at the feet of Shri Dattatreya. Hence let Shri Dattatreya protect my feet. Let Shri Dattatreya who sits in Siddasana posture, protect my thighs. Let Digambar protect my anus and my reproductive organs. Let Nruhari protect my waist.
2)Let Jagatsastra protect my navel. Let Dalodara protect my stomach. Let Krupalu protect my heart. Let Shatbhuja protect my shoulders.
3)Shri Dattatreya has held Mala, Kamandalu, Trishula, Damaru, Shankha and Chakra in his six hands, Let my hands be protected by him. Let Kambukantha protect my throat. Let Sumukha protect my mouth.
4)Let Vedvak protect my tongue. Let Divadruk protect my eyes. Let Gandhatma protect my nose. Let Punyashrava protect my ears.
5)Let my forehead be protected by Hansatma. Let my head be protected by Jatadhara. Let my organs which work for me by Ishwara and my organs which give me knowledge be protected Aja.
6)Let my conscience be protected by Sarvantara. Let my Pranan be protected by the king of Yogies. Let Yogiraj protect me from all ten directions.
7)Let Shri Gurudev Datta who can take many forms/incarnations; protect me in and out of the house/body. Let anything which is not covered by this Kavacha, be protected by Divadrushti.
8)Let Gurudev Datta protect me from tyrant government, enemies, wield animals, bad things performed to trouble me, my sins, mental diseases and disease of my body, and all other troubles, difficulties.
9)Let son of Anusuya protect my money, food, my house, my wife, my childrens, my pets, my servants and my relatives.
10)Let Balonmatta protect me in day, night and the period in between day and night from all pancha mahabhutas (earth, water, fire, air and sky) and from death.
11) Anybody reciting this Datta Kavacham with devotion and faith will become free from all his troubles, difficulties and so also from troubles by planets such as Saturn, Mars etc.
12)Ghosts, Demons etc. cant trouble such devotee who recites this Kavacha daily. He will become happy, all his desires will be fulfilled, become successful in his endeavors and lead a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life. After his death he will go to Datta Loka.
Here completes Shri Dattatreya Kavacham, which is a creation Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati.

Dattatreya vajra kavach

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