Shri Adi Sankaracharya’s
Guru Ashtakam
श्रीमद् आद्य शंकराचार्यविरचितम्
शरीरं सुरुपं तथा वा कलत्रं
यशश्चारू चित्रं धनं मेरुतुल्यम्।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।1।।
यदि शरीर रुपवान हो, पत्नी भी रूपसी हो और सत्कीर्ति चारों दिशाओं में
विस्तरित हो, मेरु पर्वत के तुल्य अपार धन हो, किंतु गुरु के श्रीचरणों में
यदि मन आसक्त न हो तो इन सारी उपलब्धियों से क्या लाभ ।
Sareeram suroopam thadha va kalathram,
Yasacharu chithram dhanam meru thulyam,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 1
Even if you have a pretty body, a beautiful wife,
Great fame and mountain like money,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
कलत्रं धनं पुत्रपौत्रादि सर्वं
गृहं बान्धवाः सर्वमेतद्धि जातम्।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।2।।
सुन्दरी पत्नी, धन, पुत्र-पौत्र, घर एवं स्वजन आदि प्रारब्ध से सर्व
सुलभ हो किंतु गुरु के श्रीचरणों में मन की आसक्ति न हो तो इस प्रारब्ध-सुख
से क्या लाभ?
Kalathram Dhanam puthrapothradhi sarvam,
Gruham Bandhavam Sarvamethadhi jatham,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 2
Even if you have a wife, wealth, children grand children.
House , relations and are born in a great family,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
षडंगादिवेदो मुखे शास्त्रविद्या
कवित्वादि गद्यं सुपद्यं करोति।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।3।।
वेद एवं षटवेदांगादि शास्त्र जिन्हें कंठस्थ हों, जिनमें सुन्दर
काव्य-निर्माण की प्रतिभा हो, किंतु उसका मन यदि गुरु के श्रीचरणों के
प्रति आसक्त न हो तो इन सदगुणों से क्या लाभ?
Shadangadhi vedo Mukhe sasra vidhya ,
Kavithwadhi gadhyam , supadhyam karothi,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 3
Even if you are an expert in six angas and the four Vedas,
And an expert in writing good prose and poems,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
विदेशेषु मान्यः स्वदेशेषु धन्यः
सदाचारवृत्तेषु मत्तो न चान्यः।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।4।।
जिन्हें विदेशों में समादर मिलता हो, अपने देश में जिनका नित्य जय-जयकार
से स्वागत किया जाता हो और जो सदाचार-पालन में भी अनन्य स्थान रखता हो,
यदि उसका भी मन गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति अनासक्त हो तो इन सदगुणों से
क्या लाभ?
Videseshu manya, swadeseshu danya,
Sadachara vrutheshu matho na cha anya,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 4
Even if you are considered great abroad, rich in your own place,
And greatly regarded in virtues and life,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
क्षमामण्डले भूपभूपालवृन्दैः
सदा सेवितं यस्य पादारविन्दम्।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।5।।
जिन महानुभाव के चरणकमल पृथ्वीमण्डल के राजा-महाराजाओं से नित्य पूजित
रहा करते हों, किंतु उनका मन यदि गुरु के श्री चरणों में आसक्त न हो तो इसे
सदभाग्य से क्या लाभ?
Kshma mandale bhoopa bhoopala vrundai,
Sada sevitham yasya padaravindam,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 5
Even if you are a king of a great region,
And is served by kings and great kings,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
यशो मे गतं दिक्षु दानप्रतापात्
जगद्वस्तु सर्वं करे सत्प्रसादात्।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।6।।
दानवृत्ति के प्रताप से जिनकी कीर्ति दिगदिगान्तरों में व्याप्त हो, अति
उदार गुरु की सहज कृपादृष्टि से जिन्हें संसार के सारे सुख-ऐश्वर्य हस्तगत
हों, किंतु उनका मन यदि गुरु के श्रीचरणों में आसक्तिभाव न रखता हो तो इन
सारे ऐश्वर्यों से क्या लाभ?
Yaso me gatham bikshu dana prathapa,
Jagadwathu sarvam kare yah prasdath,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 6
Even if your fame has spread all over,
And the entire world is with you because of charity and fame,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
न भोगे न योगे न वा वाजिराजौ
न कान्तासुखे नैव वित्तेषु चित्तम्।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।7।।
जिनका मन भोग, योग, अश्व, राज्य, धनोपभोग और स्त्रीसुख से कभी विचलित न
हुआ हो, फिर भी गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति आसक्त न बन पाया हो तो इस मन की
अटलता से क्या लाभ?
Na Bhoge, na yoge, Na vaa vajirajou,
Na kantha sukhe naiva vitheshu chitham,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 7
Even if you do not concentrate your mind,
On passion, Yoga, fire sacrifice,
Or in the pleasure from the wife
Or in the affairs of wealth,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
अरण्ये न वा स्वस्य गेहे न कार्ये
न देहे मनो वर्तते मे त्वनर्घ्ये।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।8।।
जिनका मन वन या अपने विशाल भवन में, अपने कार्य या शरीर में तथा अमूल्य
भंडार में आसक्त न हो, पर गुरु के श्रीचरणों में भी यदि वह मन आसक्त न हो
पाये तो उसकी सारी अनासक्तियों का क्या लाभ?
Aranye na vaa swasya gehe na karye,
Na dehe mano varthathemath vanarghye,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 8.1
Even if your mind stays away in the forest,
Or in the house, Or In duties or in great thoughts
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
अनर्घ्याणि रत्नादि मुक्तानि सम्यक्
समालिंगिता कामिनी यामिनीषु।
मनश्चेन्न लग्नं गुरोरंघ्रिपद्मे
ततः किं ततः किं ततः किं ततः किम्।।9।।
अमूल्य मणि-मुक्तादि रत्न उपलब्ध हो, रात्रि में समलिंगिता विलासिनी
पत्नी भी प्राप्त हो, फिर भी मन गुरु के श्रीचरणों के प्रति आसक्त न बन
पाये तो इन सारे ऐश्वर्य-भोगादि सुखों से क्या लाभ?
Anarghani rathnani mukthani samyak,
Samalingitha kamini yamineeshu,
Gurorangri padme manaschenna lagnam,
Thatha kim Thatha Kim, Thatha kim Thatha kim. 8.2
Even if you have priceless jewel collection,
Even if you have an embracing passionate wife,
If your mind does not bow at the Guru’s feet,
What is the use? What is the use? And What is the use?
गुरोरष्टकं यः पठेत्पुण्यदेही
यतिर्भूपतिर्ब्रह्मचारी च गेही।
लभेत् वांछितार्थ पदं ब्रह्मसंज्ञं
गुरोरुक्तवाक्ये मनो यस्य लग्नम्।।10।।
जो यती, राजा, ब्रह्मचारी एवं गृहस्थ इस गुरु-अष्टक का पठन-पाठन करता है
और जिसका मन गुरु के वचन में आसक्त है, वह पुण्यशाली शरीरधारी अपने
इच्छितार्थ एवं ब्रह्मपद इन दोनों को सम्प्राप्त कर लेता है यह निश्चित है।
ॐ गुरु ॐ गुरु
Guror ashtakam ya padeth punya dehi,
Yathir bhoopathir , brahmacharee cha gehi,
Labeth vanchithartham padam brahma samgnam,
Guruor uktha vakye,mano yasya lagnam
Result of reading:
That blessed one who reads this octet to the Guru,
Be he a saint, king, bachelor or householder
If his mind gets attached to the words of the Guru,
He would get the great gift of attainment of Brahman.
prostrate myself before that Guru, the Bliss of Brahman, the bestower
of Supreme Happiness, who is Knowledge absolute, transcending the pairs
of opposites, expansive like the sky, the goal indicated by the great
sayings like “Thou art That”, the one eternal, pure, unchanging, the
witness of functions of the intellect, who is above all Bhavas (mental
conditions) and the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas).
to the noble Guru,, who has made it possible to realise the state which
pervades the entire cosmos, everything animate and inanimate.
अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया । चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ Salutation to the noble Guru, who has opened the eyes blinded by darkness of ignorance with the collyrium-stick of knowledge.
to the noble Guru, who has made it possible to realise Him, by whom all
that is - sentient and insentient, movable and immovable is pervaded.
to the noble Guru, whose lotus feet are radient with (the luster of)
the crest jewel of all Srutis and who is the sun that causes the
Vendanta Lotus (knowledge) to bloosom.
to the noble Guru,who is the ever effulgent, eternal, peaceful, beyond
space, immaculate, and beyond the manifest and unmanifest.
ज्ञानशक्तिसमारूढः तत्त्वमालाविभूषितः । भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदाता च तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥
to that noble Guru, who is established in the power of knowledge,
adorned with the garland of various principles and is the bestower of
prospority and liberation.
to the noble Guru, by washing whose feet, the ocean of transmigration,
endless sorrows is completely dried up and the Supreme wealth is
न गुरोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गुरोरधिकं तपः । तत्त्वज्ञानात्परं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥
to the noble Guru, beyond whom there is no higher truth, there is no
higher penance and there is nothing higher attainable than the true
to the noble Guru, who is my Lord and the Lord of the Universe, my
Teacher and the Teacher of the Universe, who is the Self in me and the
Self in all beings.
guru mantra Song - gurur brahma meditation chant Guru brahma Guru
Vishnu (Guru Mantra)....Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo
Maheshwarah Guru Saakshaata Parabrahma..Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is Maheshwara (Shiva)
Limitless He’s beginningless, endless; His very name, it cures the
ills of birth; His Grace accords what one desires in life. To that
Vishnu, my Lord, salutations !
The lotus heart of yogis is Thy seat; Thou givest humble bhaktas what
is good; The birth and source of all scriptures Thou art. I bow to
thee, O Lord of four faces!
Immersed He is in deep transcendent trance; The splendid sage of
serene peace and bliss; Alluring Light of lofty beatitude; Salutations
to seigneur Vasistha !
Veda Vyasa, the form of inner Self, The light to Truth and life
serene divine; The peaceful saint who has the wrath subdued; We bow to
Him followed by disciples.
God-conscious one beyond the triple time; The sage of peace and
solemn selfdelight; Immutable, illusionless and sweet. I humbly bow at
Master Suka’s feet.
The splendid sage who cows down sly Maya; That deludes the mind and
confuses all; He who sports with spiritual learning; To that graceful
Gaudapada I bow.
He does not distinguish his self from God; He steers our life across
the sea of birth; “Is and Is-not” he easily surmounts; To Master Govinda
salutations !
शङ्कारूपेण मच्चित्तं पङ्कीकृतमभूद्यया ।
किङ्करी यस्य सा माया शङ्कराचार्यमाश्रये ॥११॥
The tricky Maya that cleverly deludes; And raises storms of dismay in
my mind, That illusion is his servant maid; Salutations to
Sankaracharya !
A lucid gloss he wrote upon the Truth; That the illusion which
pervades the world Is imbedded nowhere but in the mind-Suresvaracharya –
him I salute !
अनाद्यविद्यामुत्सार्य प्रज्ञानघनरूपताम् ।
यो बोधयति सच्छिष्यान् तं बोधघनमाश्रये ॥१३॥
This Truth he teaches worthy disciples; “Thou art the wakeful
conscious inner Self Which shall root out the ancient delusion” ; I bow
at the feet of Bhodhaghana !
He scaled the mount of wisdom step by step; And climbed the peak of
Brahman transcendent; His life was fulfilled in That, lofty Truth, To
Sage Jnanagiri salutations!
Great as Siva, he grants with gracious heart; The boons that pure
beloved souls aspire; I do salute and solemnly adore; That saintly
Master Isvara Tirtha.
He brings the Light of Wisdom by His words; To men that are immersed
in ignorance; He holds the torch of Truth for all the world; Homage to
Him, holy Vidya Tirtha !
Ganga is Tirtha to the ignorant, Gnosis is the Tirtha of the wise,
There is the Tirtha of the wise, Bharati Tirtha ! Unto Him I bow!
अविद्यारण्यकान्तारे भ्रमतां प्राणिनां सदा ।
विद्यामार्गोपदेष्टारं विद्यारण्यगुरुं श्रये ॥२२॥
To souls that saunter in utter dismay; The dark woodlands of mental
ignorance; He shows the path of wisdom, Vidya true, Homage to Saint
Vidyaranya the Great !
Homage to this Vidyaranya serene; Who holds the high light that
discriminates Knowledge of the Real from unreal; And helps bhaktas cross
the sea of birth.
Led astray and caught in forest fire; Of ignorance I suffered wounds
of woe; That moon allayed me with ambrosial rays; Him I adore. Hail
Chandrasekhara !
He has the lion-like strength and great courage; To rend the wild
tusker of ignorance The light that always shines in Vedic Cave; Him I
adore Nrisimha Bharati !
They shall be supermen who seek His feet; He is the fleeting world
and lasting soul; Beyond them both He is the transcendent. Homage to
that Purushottama Yogi !
Sovereigns of earth are His humble servants; His smiling face is like
the lotus flower; His heart is an ocean of compassion; Master Shankara,
in Him I take refuge !
Like silver moonlight shines His sacred ash; His spotless fame is
sung by seer poets! He has conquered the senses rare to win; Salute
Chandrasekhara Bharati !
The lion that kills the elephant of lust; The holy shrine of pleasing
qualities; His smiling face is always full-moon bright; Hail holy
Master Srimat Ramchandra !
His fame is like the swelling Ganges-flood; Like Agastya He drinks
the desire-sea; He does adore God Nrisimha daily; With love I worship
Nrisimha the Saint !
सारासारविवेकज्ञं मारकाननकुञ्जरम् ।
शूरं दाने च निरतं नारसिंहयतिं भजे ॥३३॥
His wisdom knows what is worth and not worth; His will is a tusker
that kills the lust He gives and gives; He is heroic brave; I hail with
love Nrisimha Saint of Saints !
नृसिंहतां प्रयान्त्याशु यमाश्रित्य जना भुवि ।
तं नृसिंहगुरुं वन्दे द्विगुणोपपदं सदा ॥३४॥
Men of earth that take refuge in him; Shall become lions of loftiest
virtues; His holy feet I adore in full faith; Hail Nrisimha Bharati the
saint !
Fear he removes from all the human minds; He is majestic and
magnanimous; An ocean of spiritual knowledge; Hail Abhinava Nrisimha
Bharati !
सत्यस्वरूपं सद्ज्ञाननिष्ठं साक्षाच्छिवं परम् ।
सदा दानरतं दान्तं सच्चिदानन्दमाश्रये ॥३६॥
Truth incarnate, firm in self-knowledge; Like supreme Siva, He is
ever blissful; Self-controlled. He delights in giving; Homage to Master
Satchidananda !
The Sun who opens blooming lotus-hearts; Whose sacred life is sung by
seer poets; Who is the Truth-Knowledge-Bliss embodied; I bow to
Satchidananda Bharati.
By radiating blessed Self-knowledge; He annuls ignorance in all
beings; Abhinava Satchidananda Bharati; Him I adore as my Master supreme
मारमातङ्गपञ्चास्यं मदसर्पद्विजर्षभम् ।
नृसिंहभारतीं वन्दे जिताक्षतुरगं सदा ॥४०॥
The elephant that quells vital passions; Eagle that kills the snake
of mental pride; Hero controlling steeds of wild senses. Salutation,
Nrisimha Bharati !
He is the sea of knowledge that expounds; Vedanta’s essence which is
Thou art That ; His visage beams with wisdom like the moon. I bow to
Satchidananda Yogi !
The Sage aloft the peak of Vedic lore, Auspicious One, Eternal Bliss
Divine; Adored by great men of the triple planes, Gladdening the hearts
of good devotees; The lotus faced effulgent saint He is Abhinava
Satchidananda Bharati. I worship Him in my lotus heart.
He’s Hari who protected Prahlada; The lion who quells the foes of
faith and truth; The worshipper of Nrisimha the Lord. Salute Master
Nrisimha Bharati !
Bole Hanuman Bolo Bhakton Siyaram(Hanuman stotra/bhajan .35)
Bole Bole Hanuman Lyrics
Bolo bajrang bali ki jai, bol pavanputra hanumaan ki jai Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram
Shri ram ke charno mein bante bigade kaam Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram Shri ram ke charno mein bante bigade kaam
Uski shobha hai vishnu mein, uski shobha hai mohan si Tulsi ne jab sheesh jhukaya, dhanus bani kanha ki banshi Ram hi maya ram hi jaane, kan kan me shri ram
Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram Shri ram ke charno me bante bigade kaam Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakton siya ram
Lipat lipat ke ram charan, aankho mein ganga jal bhar le Shri ram to chhama sheel hai, paapo ko swikar tu karle Shri ram ke charan kamal jaise baikuthi dham
Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram Shri ram ke charno me bante bigade kaam Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram
Bol bol tu ram ramaiya, jeevan phir na milega bhaiya Duniya to bhram jaal hai murakh, ram hi paar lagaye naiyya Raghav ke charno me, payega tu vishraam
Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram Shri ram ke charno me bante bigade kaam Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram
Bol bajrang bali ki jai, bol pawan putra hanuman ki jai Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram Shri ram ke charno mein bante bigade kaam
Bole bole hanuman bolo bhakto siya ram Bol bajrang bali ki jai, bol pawan putra hanuman ki jai
नमोऽस्तु ते हनूमते दयावते मनोगते
सुवर्णपर्वताकृते नभस्स्वतः सुताय ते ।
न चाञ्जनेय ते समो जगत्त्रये महामते
पराक्रमे वचःक्रमे समस्तसिद्धिसङ्क्रमे ॥ १॥
Salutations to you, merciful Hanuman, son of wind god! You are fast
like mind and shining like mount Meru. You have no equal in all the
worlds in valour or the art of speaking or acquisition of
supernatural powers. You possess immense wisdom. (नभस्वत्
= the wind). मतिः is synonymous with बुद्धिः and means
intellect. So महामतिः is same as महाबुद्धिः । Shri
Sankaracharya defines महाबुद्धिः occuring as one of the
names (No.173) of Lord Vishnu in Vishnusahasranama to mean
बुद्धिमतामपि बुद्धिमत्त्वात् महाबुद्धिः best amongst jnanis or
realised persons. We may, without hesitation, accept this meaning and
say that Hanuman is a great jnani and so most suited to be taken as a
रविं ग्रसिष्णुरुत्पतन् फलेच्छया शिशुर्भवान्
रवेर्गृहीतवानहो समस्तवेदशास्त्र्कम् ।
भवन्मनोज्ञभाषणं बभूव कर्णभूषणं
रघूत्तमस्य मानसाम्बुजस्य पूर्णतोषणम् ॥ २॥
When you were a child, you once wanted to eat a fruit. You saw the
sun and (taking him to be a fruit) you jumped towards it and were
about to seize it. What a wonder! from the same sun you learnt all
the vedas and scriptures. Your endearing way of talking became an
ornament to the ears of Rama, the best of Raghus and immensely
delighted his heart.
धरात्मजापतिं भवान् विभावयन् जगत्पतिं
जगाम रामदासतां समस्तलोकविश्रुताम् ।
विलङ्घ्य वारिधिं जवात् विलोक्य दीनजानकीं
दशाननस्य मानसं ददाह लङ्कया समम् ॥ ३॥
You could find out that Rama was none other than the Lord of the
universe Himself. You became renowned as Rama's servant. You jumped
across the ocean quickly, met the hapless Janaki. You burnt Lanka
along with heart of Ravana.
विलोक्य मातरं कृशां दशाननस्य तद्वने
भवानभाषत प्रियं मनोहरं च संस्कृतम् ।
समस्तदुष्टरक्षसां विनाशकालसूचनं
चकार रावणाग्रतः नयेन वा भयेन वा ॥ ४॥
You met the Mother Sita in the (Ashoka) garden of Ravana. You talked
to her in a pleasing manner in beautiful Sanskrit. You also met
Ravana and indicated to him, through gentle persuation and also by
serious threat, that the time of the destruction of his entire
retinue is not for away.
Note. When Hanuman Sita in the garden of Ravana (Ashoka) she was
surrounded by Ravana's servants. He was waiting for a suitable
opportunity to talk to her. At that time he was deliberating how to
talk to her and in what language. He felt that if he talked in chaste
Sanskrit spoken by learned brahmins she may imagine that Hanuman was
only Ravana in disguise and may be frightened. So he decided to talk
to her in the colloquial Sanskrit as used by the common people.
वाचं चोदाहरिष्यामि मानुषीमिह संस्कृताम् ।
यदि वाचं प्रदास्यामि द्विजातिरिव संस्कृताम् ।
रावणं मन्यमाना मां सीता भीता भविष्यति ॥
(Sundara kanda. 30-17 and 18). This is referred to here.\
महाबलो महाचलं समुह्य चौषधिप्रभं
भवान् ररक्ष लक्ष्मणं भयावहे महावहे ।
महोपकारिणं तदा भवन्तमात्मबान्धवं
समस्तलोकबान्धवोऽप्यमन्यत स्वयं विभुः ॥ ५॥
You possessed immense strength. You carried the huge mountain that
was shining brightly with medicinal plants and revived LakShmana (who
fell down unconscious) in the fearful battle. The Lord Rama, though
He is the intimate relative of all beings, considered you, who thus
rendered an invaluable help, a close relative.
भवांश्च यत्र यत्र तत् शृणोति रामकीर्तनं
करोति तत्र तत्र भोः सभाष्पमस्तकाञ्जलिम् ।
प्रदेहि मेऽञ्जनासुत त्वदीयभक्तिवैभवं
विदेहि मे निरञ्जनं च रामदासदासताम् ॥ ६॥
Oh Anjaneya, wherever you hear the glories of Rama being sung, you
are present there with tears flowing from your eyes and hands raised
over your head in salute. Please grant me the grandeur of your
devotion and the untainted status of being servant to you - the servant
of Rama.
Note. It was said earlier that Hanuman's devotion was pure and
because very often people pray to God for getting relief from some
suffering or for gain. In such cases one uses God as a means to
attain some material gain. This is an inferior type of devotion.
Also, please note the prayer here is for being a servant of servant
of God. In Bhagavatam, Krishna said to His devotee Uddhava that He
follows a sincere devotee. Thus by following such a devotee one is
sure to find Him. This is like saying that by locating a calf one
finds the cow which is inextricably tied by bonds of love to the calf.
The devotee Kulashekara prays for similar boon from Krishna in
Mukundamala. He wants the Lord to grant him the status of the servant
of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the
servant of the servant of the Lord.
मज्जन्मनः फलमिदं मधुकैटभारे! मत्प्रार्थनीयमदनुग्रह एष Eव ।
त्वत्भृत्यभृत्य-परिचारक-भृत्यभृत्यभृत्यस्य भृत्य इति मां स्मर लोकनाथ!॥
One commentator had given an interesting explanation for Kulasekhara
wishing to be a devotee's devotee than just being a devotee. He says
that any one who is heriditarily rich is entitled to greater honour
than one who suddenly finds himself rich due to a windfall. In the
same way devotion secured by inheritance and that had percolated down
several layers of devotees is refined and has got an unique flavour
not to be seen in the devotion obtained by one's own effort.
अगण्यपुण्यवान् भवान् अनन्यधन्यजीवनः
विमुच्य मौक्तिकस्रजं ददौ धरात्मजा मुदा ।
भवन्तमालिलिङ्ग यद् रघूत्तमः स्वयं वदन्
इदं हि मे हनूमतः प्रदेयसर्वमित्यहो ॥ ७॥
You are of inconceivable merit and greatly blessed unlike any one
else. Sita herself took out her pearl necklace from her neck and gave
it to you. Also Rama Himself embraced you exclaiming ᳚This is the
only thing I can give to Hanuman.᳚
धरा = earth. So, धरात्मजा = daughter.of earth, meaning Sita.
विदेहराजनन्दिनीमनोहरे वरे परे
विदेहमुक्तिदायके विधेहि मे मनो हरे ।
क्षणं क्षणं निरीक्षणं भवेद् यथा मयि प्रभोः
तथा निवेदयस्व मद्दशां दशाननान्तके ॥ ८॥
O Hanuma! please place my mind on Shri Rama, the beloved consort of
Sita. He confers liberation after the fall of the body. Please bring
my plight to His notice so that He may cast His glances at me very
Note. What happens when one is caught in the range of His glance? One
of His names (No:393 in Vishnusahasranama)
is शुभेक्षणः । ᳚one with auspicious looks᳚. Shri Sankaracharya in his commentary explains
the significance of the name as follows.
ईक्षणं दर्शनं यस्य शुभं शुभकरं,
मुमुक्षूणां मोक्षदं, भोगार्थीनां भोगदं,
सर्वसन्देहविच्छेदकारणं, पापिनां
पावनं, हृदग्रन्देर्विच्छेदकरं, सर्वकर्माणां क्षपणं,
अविद्यायाश्च निवर्तकं स शुभेक्षणः । भिद्यते
हृदयग्रन्तिः इत्यादि श्रुतेः ॥
His auspicious looks grants
liberation (mokSha) to those who seek liberation, grants pleasures to
those who seek pleasures, destroys the sins of the sinners, removes
all doubts, removes the knot of ignorance that ties up the mind and
destroys all remnants of karma and also ignorance. What more can one
desire from Him? A similar idea is expressed in a highly poetic form
by the well known acharya Shri Vedanta Desika in his Shreestuti. This
poem is in praise of Shree (LakShmi) Devi.
आर्तत्राणव्रतिभिरमृतासार नीलाम्बुवाहैः
अम्भोजानामुषसि मिषतामन्तरङ्गैरपाङ्गैः ।
यस्यां यस्यां दिशि विहरते देवि दृष्टिस्त्वदीया
तस्यां तस्यां अहमहमिकां तन्वते सम्पदोघाः ॥ १५॥
The poet says that Her eyes are like freshly blown lotuses. They are
verily the dark clouds that pour rains of nectar that yield mokSha or
immortality. In whichever direction Her glances travel, to the end of
that direction, all good things are showered. In fact there seems to
be a competition amongst the good things to flood the devotee with
prosperity and relieve him of his material wants.
इदं च पञ्चचामरं गृहाण दासकल्पितं
समीरणात्मसम्भव प्रमोदमानचेतसा ।
रिपून् षडान्तरान् विनाशयाशु दुर्दमान्
पुनर्भवाख्यकर्दमात् विमुच्य पाहि पाहि माम् ॥ ९॥
O Hanuman! please deign to accept this hymn composed by your servant
with pleasure. Please destroy the six (internal) enemies that are
hard to be won over by me. Please extricate me from the mire known as
rebirth. Please save me, save me!
Note. षड् = six. अन्तरान् = internal. रिपून् = enemies.
The six internal enemies are mentioned in our scriptures are: कामः
क्रोधस्तथा लोभो मदमोहौ च मत्सरः । These are said to be
internal because they perturb the mind and are thus form obstacles
one faces in his spiritual path. They are difficult to conquer.
Krishna warns Arjuna to be careful and avoid falling a prey to them.
For example He said
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वरं नाशनमात्मनः ।
कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् ॥
Here He calls lust, anger and greed as the three gateways to
hell.मदः pride, arrogance.मोहः = delusion, confusion.
मात्सर्यम् = envy, jealousy.
A very powerful prayer to Hanumanji Maharaj which just from listening
alone covers you with an armour like shield to ward off evil spirits or
troubles. Solves any problems and is very effective which can be
witnessed by the one who recites or listens.
Written by the powerful Samadhi Nisth Sadguru Nandsant Satanand Swami
(incarnation of Maitrey Rishi) the disciple of Bhagvan Swaminarayan.
The Murti which can be seen is of Kasthbhanjan Hanumanji Maharaj who
consecrated by Mul Akshar Gopalanand Swami who was another disciple of
Swaminarayan Bhagvan.Many evil spirits and trouble of this Kaliyug are
easily eradicated by the power of the name of Supreme Purushottam
Narayan and His great devotee Shri Hanumanji Maharaj within this mandir
at Sarangpur Gujarat-India.
Hanumat Stotram
Niti praveen nighamagham shaastra buddhe
Raja dhiraaj Raghunayak mantri varya
Sindoor charit kalevar naistikendra
Shri Raamdut Hanuman har sankatam meh
हनुमान बाहुक :- Hanuman Bahuk :- छप्पय सिंधु तरन, सिय-सोच हरन, रबि बाल बरन तनु । भुज बिसाल, मूरति कराल कालहु को काल जनु ॥ गहन-दहन-निरदहन लंक निःसंक, बंक-भुव । जातुधान-बलवान मान-मद-दवन पवनसुव ॥ कह तुलसिदास सेवत सुलभ सेवक हित सन्तत निकट । गुन गनत, नमत, सुमिरत जपत समन सकल-संकट-विकट ॥१॥ स्वर्न-सैल-संकास कोटि-रवि तरुन तेज घन । उर विसाल भुज दण्ड चण्ड नख-वज्रतन ॥ पिंग नयन, भृकुटी कराल रसना दसनानन । कपिस केस करकस लंगूर, खल-दल-बल-भानन ॥ कह तुलसिदास बस जासु उर मारुतसुत मूरति विकट । संताप पाप तेहि पुरुष पहि सपनेहुँ नहिं आवत निकट ॥२॥ झूलना पञ्चमुख-छःमुख भृगु मुख्य भट असुर सुर, सर्व सरि समर समरत्थ सूरो । बांकुरो बीर बिरुदैत बिरुदावली, बेद बंदी बदत पैजपूरो ॥ जासु गुनगाथ रघुनाथ कह जासुबल, बिपुल जल भरित जग जलधि झूरो । दुवन दल दमन को कौन तुलसीस है, पवन को पूत रजपूत रुरो ॥३॥ घनाक्षरी भानुसों पढ़न हनुमान गए भानुमन, अनुमानि सिसु केलि कियो फेर फारसो । पाछिले पगनि गम गगन मगन मन, क्रम को न भ्रम कपि बालक बिहार सो ॥ कौतुक बिलोकि लोकपाल हरिहर विधि, लोचननि चकाचौंधी चित्तनि खबार सो। बल कैंधो बीर रस धीरज कै, साहस कै, तुलसी सरीर धरे सबनि सार सो ॥४॥ भारत में पारथ के रथ केथू कपिराज, गाज्यो सुनि कुरुराज दल हल बल भो । कह्यो द्रोन भीषम समीर सुत महाबीर, बीर-रस-बारि-निधि जाको बल जल भो ॥ बानर सुभाय बाल केलि भूमि भानु लागि, फलँग फलाँग हूतें घाटि नभ तल भो । नाई-नाई-माथ जोरि-जोरि हाथ जोधा जो हैं, हनुमान देखे जगजीवन को फल भो ॥५॥ गो-पद पयोधि करि, होलिका ज्यों लाई लंक, निपट निःसंक पर पुर गल बल भो । द्रोन सो पहार लियो ख्याल ही उखारि कर, कंदुक ज्यों कपि खेल बेल कैसो फल भो ॥ संकट समाज असमंजस भो राम राज, काज जुग पूगनि को करतल पल भो । साहसी समत्थ तुलसी को नाई जा की बाँह, लोक पाल पालन को फिर थिर थल भो ॥६॥ कमठ की पीठि जाके गोडनि की गाड़ैं मानो, नाप के भाजन भरि जल निधि जल भो । जातुधान दावन परावन को दुर्ग भयो, महा मीन बास तिमि तोमनि को थल भो ॥ कुम्भकरन रावन पयोद नाद ईधन को, तुलसी प्रताप जाको प्रबल अनल भो । भीषम कहत मेरे अनुमान हनुमान, सारिखो त्रिकाल न त्रिलोक महाबल भो ॥७॥ दूत राम राय को सपूत पूत पौनको तू, अंजनी को नन्दन प्रताप भूरि भानु सो । सीय-सोच-समन, दुरित दोष दमन, सरन आये अवन लखन प्रिय प्राण सो ॥ दसमुख दुसह दरिद्र दरिबे को भयो, प्रकट तिलोक ओक तुलसी निधान सो । ज्ञान गुनवान बलवान सेवा सावधान, साहेब सुजान उर आनु हनुमान सो ॥८॥ दवन दुवन दल भुवन बिदित बल, बेद जस गावत बिबुध बंदी छोर को । पाप ताप तिमिर तुहिन निघटन पटु, सेवक सरोरुह सुखद भानु भोर को ॥ लोक परलोक तें बिसोक सपने न सोक, तुलसी के हिये है भरोसो एक ओर को । राम को दुलारो दास बामदेव को निवास। नाम कलि कामतरु केसरी किसोर को ॥९॥ महाबल सीम महा भीम महाबान इत, महाबीर बिदित बरायो रघुबीर को । कुलिस कठोर तनु जोर परै रोर रन, करुना कलित मन धारमिक धीर को ॥ दुर्जन को कालसो कराल पाल सज्जन को, सुमिरे हरन हार तुलसी की पीर को । सीय-सुख-दायक दुलारो रघुनायक को, सेवक सहायक है साहसी समीर को ॥१०॥ रचिबे को बिधि जैसे, पालिबे को हरि हर, मीच मारिबे को, ज्याईबे को सुधापान भो । धरिबे को धरनि, तरनि तम दलिबे को, सोखिबे कृसानु पोषिबे को हिम भानु भो ॥ खल दुःख दोषिबे को, जन परितोषिबे को, माँगिबो मलीनता को मोदक दुदान भो । आरत की आरति निवारिबे को तिहुँ पुर, तुलसी को साहेब हठीलो हनुमान भो ॥११॥ सेवक स्योकाई जानि जानकीस मानै कानि, सानुकूल सूलपानि नवै नाथ नाँक को । देवी देव दानव दयावने ह्वै जोरैं हाथ, बापुरे बराक कहा और राजा राँक को ॥ जागत सोवत बैठे बागत बिनोद मोद, ताके जो अनर्थ सो समर्थ एक आँक को । सब दिन रुरो परै पूरो जहाँ तहाँ ताहि, जाके है भरोसो हिये हनुमान हाँक को ॥१२॥ सानुग सगौरि सानुकूल सूलपानि ताहि, लोकपाल सकल लखन राम जानकी । लोक परलोक को बिसोक सो तिलोक ताहि, तुलसी तमाइ कहा काहू बीर आनकी ॥ केसरी किसोर बन्दीछोर के नेवाजे सब, कीरति बिमल कपि करुनानिधान की । बालक ज्यों पालि हैं कृपालु मुनि सिद्धता को, जाके हिये हुलसति हाँक हनुमान की ॥१३॥ करुनानिधान बलबुद्धि के निधान हौ, महिमा निधान गुनज्ञान के निधान हौ । बाम देव रुप भूप राम के सनेही, नाम, लेत देत अर्थ धर्म काम निरबान हौ ॥ आपने प्रभाव सीताराम के सुभाव सील, लोक बेद बिधि के बिदूष हनुमान हौ । मन की बचन की करम की तिहूँ प्रकार, तुलसी तिहारो तुम साहेब सुजान हौ ॥१४॥ मन को अगम तन सुगम किये कपीस, काज महाराज के समाज साज साजे हैं । देवबंदी छोर रनरोर केसरी किसोर, जुग जुग जग तेरे बिरद बिराजे हैं । बीर बरजोर घटि जोर तुलसी की ओर, सुनि सकुचाने साधु खल गन गाजे हैं । बिगरी सँवार अंजनी कुमार कीजे मोहिं, जैसे होत आये हनुमान के निवाजे हैं ॥१५॥ सवैया जान सिरोमनि हो हनुमान सदा जन के मन बास तिहारो । ढ़ारो बिगारो मैं काको कहा केहि कारन खीझत हौं तो तिहारो ॥ साहेब सेवक नाते तो हातो कियो सो तहां तुलसी को न चारो । दोष सुनाये तैं आगेहुँ को होशियार ह्वैं हों मन तो हिय हारो ॥१६॥ तेरे थपै उथपै न महेस, थपै थिर को कपि जे उर घाले । तेरे निबाजे गरीब निबाज बिराजत बैरिन के उर साले ॥ संकट सोच सबै तुलसी लिये नाम फटै मकरी के से जाले । बूढ भये बलि मेरिहिं बार, कि हारि परे बहुतै नत पाले ॥१७॥ सिंधु तरे बड़े बीर दले खल, जारे हैं लंक से बंक मवासे । तैं रनि केहरि केहरि के बिदले अरि कुंजर छैल छवासे ॥ तोसो समत्थ सुसाहेब सेई सहै तुलसी दुख दोष दवा से । बानरबाज ! बढ़े खल खेचर, लीजत क्यों न लपेटि लवासे ॥१८॥ अच्छ विमर्दन कानन भानि दसानन आनन भा न निहारो । बारिदनाद अकंपन कुंभकरन से कुञ्जर केहरि वारो ॥ राम प्रताप हुतासन, कच्छ, विपच्छ, समीर समीर दुलारो । पाप ते साप ते ताप तिहूँ तें सदा तुलसी कह सो रखवारो ॥१९॥ घनाक्षरी जानत जहान हनुमान को निवाज्यो जन, मन अनुमानि बलि बोल न बिसारिये । सेवा जोग तुलसी कबहुँ कहा चूक परी, साहेब सुभाव कपि साहिबी संभारिये ॥ अपराधी जानि कीजै सासति सहस भान्ति, मोदक मरै जो ताहि माहुर न मारिये । साहसी समीर के दुलारे रघुबीर जू के, बाँह पीर महाबीर बेगि ही निवारिये ॥२०॥ बालक बिलोकि, बलि बारें तें आपनो कियो, दीनबन्धु दया कीन्हीं निरुपाधि न्यारिये । रावरो भरोसो तुलसी के, रावरोई बल, आस रावरीयै दास रावरो विचारिये ॥ बड़ो बिकराल कलि काको न बिहाल कियो, माथे पगु बलि को निहारि सो निबारिये । केसरी किसोर रनरोर बरजोर बीर, बाँह पीर राहु मातु ज्यौं पछारि मारिये ॥२१॥ उथपे थपनथिर थपे उथपनहार, केसरी कुमार बल आपनो संबारिये । राम के गुलामनि को काम तरु रामदूत, मोसे दीन दूबरे को तकिया तिहारिये ॥ साहेब समर्थ तो सों तुलसी के माथे पर, सोऊ अपराध बिनु बीर, बाँधि मारिये । पोखरी बिसाल बाँहु, बलि, बारिचर पीर, मकरी ज्यों पकरि के बदन बिदारिये ॥२२॥ राम को सनेह, राम साहस लखन सिय, राम की भगति, सोच संकट निवारिये । मुद मरकट रोग बारिनिधि हेरि हारे, जीव जामवंत को भरोसो तेरो भारिये ॥ कूदिये कृपाल तुलसी सुप्रेम पब्बयतें, सुथल सुबेल भालू बैठि कै विचारिये । महाबीर बाँकुरे बराकी बाँह पीर क्यों न, लंकिनी ज्यों लात घात ही मरोरि मारिये ॥२३॥ लोक परलोकहुँ तिलोक न विलोकियत, तोसे समरथ चष चारिहूँ निहारिये । कर्म, काल, लोकपाल, अग जग जीवजाल, नाथ हाथ सब निज महिमा बिचारिये ॥ खास दास रावरो, निवास तेरो तासु उर, तुलसी सो, देव दुखी देखिअत भारिये । बात तरुमूल बाँहूसूल कपिकच्छु बेलि, उपजी सकेलि कपि केलि ही उखारिये ॥२४॥ करम कराल कंस भूमिपाल के भरोसे, बकी बक भगिनी काहू तें कहा डरैगी । बड़ी बिकराल बाल घातिनी न जात कहि, बाँहू बल बालक छबीले छोटे छरैगी ॥ आई है बनाई बेष आप ही बिचारि देख, पाप जाय सब को गुनी के पाले परैगी । पूतना पिसाचिनी ज्यौं कपि कान्ह तुलसी की, बाँह पीर महाबीर तेरे मारे मरैगी ॥२५॥ भाल की कि काल की कि रोष की त्रिदोष की है, बेदन बिषम पाप ताप छल छाँह की । करमन कूट की कि जन्त्र मन्त्र बूट की, पराहि जाहि पापिनी मलीन मन माँह की ॥ पैहहि सजाय, नत कहत बजाय तोहि, बाबरी न होहि बानि जानि कपि नाँह की । आन हनुमान की दुहाई बलवान की, सपथ महाबीर की जो रहै पीर बाँह की ॥२६॥ सिंहिका सँहारि बल सुरसा सुधारि छल, लंकिनी पछारि मारि बाटिका उजारी है । लंक परजारि मकरी बिदारि बार बार, जातुधान धारि धूरि धानी करि डारी है ॥ तोरि जमकातरि मंदोदरी कठोरि आनी, रावन की रानी मेघनाद महतारी है । भीर बाँह पीर की निपट राखी महाबीर, कौन के सकोच तुलसी के सोच भारी है ॥२७॥ तेरो बालि केलि बीर सुनि सहमत धीर, भूलत सरीर सुधि सक्र रवि राहु की । तेरी बाँह बसत बिसोक लोक पाल सब, तेरो नाम लेत रहैं आरति न काहु की ॥ साम दाम भेद विधि बेदहू लबेद सिधि, हाथ कपिनाथ ही के चोटी चोर साहु की । आलस अनख परिहास कै सिखावन है, एते दिन रही पीर तुलसी के बाहु की ॥२८॥ टूकनि को घर घर डोलत कँगाल बोलि, बाल ज्यों कृपाल नत पाल पालि पोसो है । कीन्ही है सँभार सार अँजनी कुमार बीर, आपनो बिसारि हैं न मेरेहू भरोसो है ॥ इतनो परेखो सब भान्ति समरथ आजु, कपिराज सांची कहौं को तिलोक तोसो है । सासति सहत दास कीजे पेखि परिहास, चीरी को मरन खेल बालकनि कोसो है ॥२९॥ आपने ही पाप तें त्रिपात तें कि साप तें, बढ़ी है बाँह बेदन कही न सहि जाति है । औषध अनेक जन्त्र मन्त्र टोटकादि किये, बादि भये देवता मनाये अधीकाति है ॥ करतार, भरतार, हरतार, कर्म काल, को है जगजाल जो न मानत इताति है । चेरो तेरो तुलसी तू मेरो कह्यो राम दूत, ढील तेरी बीर मोहि पीर तें पिराति है ॥३०॥ दूत राम राय को, सपूत पूत वाय को, समत्व हाथ पाय को सहाय असहाय को । बाँकी बिरदावली बिदित बेद गाइयत, रावन सो भट भयो मुठिका के धाय को ॥ एते बडे साहेब समर्थ को निवाजो आज, सीदत सुसेवक बचन मन काय को । थोरी बाँह पीर की बड़ी गलानि तुलसी को, कौन पाप कोप, लोप प्रकट प्रभाय को ॥३१॥ देवी देव दनुज मनुज मुनि सिद्ध नाग, छोटे बड़े जीव जेते चेतन अचेत हैं । पूतना पिसाची जातुधानी जातुधान बाग, राम दूत की रजाई माथे मानि लेत हैं ॥ घोर जन्त्र मन्त्र कूट कपट कुरोग जोग, हनुमान आन सुनि छाड़त निकेत हैं । क्रोध कीजे कर्म को प्रबोध कीजे तुलसी को, सोध कीजे तिनको जो दोष दुख देत हैं ॥३२॥ तेरे बल बानर जिताये रन रावन सों, तेरे घाले जातुधान भये घर घर के । तेरे बल राम राज किये सब सुर काज, सकल समाज साज साजे रघुबर के ॥ तेरो गुनगान सुनि गीरबान पुलकत, सजल बिलोचन बिरंचि हरिहर के । तुलसी के माथे पर हाथ फेरो कीस नाथ, देखिये न दास दुखी तोसो कनिगर के ॥३३॥ पालो तेरे टूक को परेहू चूक मूकिये न, कूर कौड़ी दूको हौं आपनी ओर हेरिये । भोरानाथ भोरे ही सरोष होत थोरे दोष, पोषि तोषि थापि आपनो न अव डेरिये ॥ अँबु तू हौं अँबु चूर, अँबु तू हौं डिंभ सो न, बूझिये बिलंब अवलंब मेरे तेरिये । बालक बिकल जानि पाहि प्रेम पहिचानि, तुलसी की बाँह पर लामी लूम फेरिये ॥३४॥ घेरि लियो रोगनि, कुजोगनि, कुलोगनि ज्यौं, बासर जलद घन घटा धुकि धाई है । बरसत बारि पीर जारिये जवासे जस, रोष बिनु दोष धूम मूल मलिनाई है ॥ करुनानिधान हनुमान महा बलवान, हेरि हँसि हाँकि फूंकि फौंजै ते उड़ाई है । खाये हुतो तुलसी कुरोग राढ़ राकसनि, केसरी किसोर राखे बीर बरिआई है ॥३५॥ सवैया राम गुलाम तु ही हनुमान गोसाँई सुसाँई सदा अनुकूलो । पाल्यो हौं बाल ज्यों आखर दू पितु मातु सों मंगल मोद समूलो ॥ बाँह की बेदन बाँह पगार पुकारत आरत आनँद भूलो । श्री रघुबीर निवारिये पीर रहौं दरबार परो लटि लूलो ॥३६॥ घनाक्षरी काल की करालता करम कठिनाई कीधौ, पाप के प्रभाव की सुभाय बाय बावरे । बेदन कुभाँति सो सही न जाति राति दिन, सोई बाँह गही जो गही समीर डाबरे ॥ लायो तरु तुलसी तिहारो सो निहारि बारि, सींचिये मलीन भो तयो है तिहुँ तावरे । भूतनि की आपनी पराये की कृपा निधान, जानियत सबही की रीति राम रावरे ॥३७॥ पाँय पीर पेट पीर बाँह पीर मुंह पीर, जर जर सकल पीर मई है । देव भूत पितर करम खल काल ग्रह, मोहि पर दवरि दमानक सी दई है ॥ हौं तो बिनु मोल के बिकानो बलि बारे हीतें, ओट राम नाम की ललाट लिखि लई है । कुँभज के किंकर बिकल बूढ़े गोखुरनि, हाय राम राय ऐसी हाल कहूँ भई है ॥३८॥ बाहुक सुबाहु नीच लीचर मरीच मिलि, मुँह पीर केतुजा कुरोग जातुधान है । राम नाम जप जाग कियो चहों सानुराग, काल कैसे दूत भूत कहा मेरे मान है ॥ सुमिरे सहाय राम लखन आखर दौऊ, जिनके समूह साके जागत जहान है । तुलसी सँभारि ताडका सँहारि भारि भट, बेधे बरगद से बनाई बानवान है ॥३९॥ बालपने सूधे मन राम सनमुख भयो, राम नाम लेत माँगि खात टूक टाक हौं । परयो लोक रीति में पुनीत प्रीति राम राय, मोह बस बैठो तोरि तरकि तराक हौं ॥ खोटे खोटे आचरन आचरत अपनायो, अंजनी कुमार सोध्यो रामपानि पाक हौं । तुलसी गुसाँई भयो भोंडे दिन भूल गयो, ताको फल पावत निदान परिपाक हौं ॥४०॥ असन बसन हीन बिषम बिषाद लीन, देखि दीन दूबरो करै न हाय हाय को । तुलसी अनाथ सो सनाथ रघुनाथ कियो, दियो फल सील सिंधु आपने सुभाय को ॥ नीच यहि बीच पति पाइ भरु हाईगो, बिहाइ प्रभु भजन बचन मन काय को । ता तें तनु पेषियत घोर बरतोर मिस, फूटि फूटि निकसत लोन राम राय को ॥४१॥ जीओ जग जानकी जीवन को कहाइ जन, मरिबे को बारानसी बारि सुर सरि को । तुलसी के दोहूँ हाथ मोदक हैं ऐसे ठाँऊ, जाके जिये मुये सोच करिहैं न लरि को ॥ मो को झूँटो साँचो लोग राम कौ कहत सब, मेरे मन मान है न हर को न हरि को । भारी पीर दुसह सरीर तें बिहाल होत, सोऊ रघुबीर बिनु सकै दूर करि को ॥४२॥ सीतापति साहेब सहाय हनुमान नित, हित उपदेश को महेस मानो गुरु कै । मानस बचन काय सरन तिहारे पाँय, तुम्हरे भरोसे सुर मैं न जाने सुर कै ॥ ब्याधि भूत जनित उपाधि काहु खल की, समाधि की जै तुलसी को जानि जन फुर कै । कपिनाथ रघुनाथ भोलानाथ भूतनाथ, रोग सिंधु क्यों न डारियत गाय खुर कै ॥४३॥ कहों हनुमान सों सुजान राम राय सों, कृपानिधान संकर सों सावधान सुनिये । हरष विषाद राग रोष गुन दोष मई, बिरची बिरञ्ची सब देखियत दुनिये ॥ माया जीव काल के करम के सुभाय के, करैया राम बेद कहें साँची मन गुनिये । तुम्ह तें कहा न होय हा हा सो बुझैये मोहिं, हौं हूँ रहों मौनही वयो सो जानि लुनिये ॥४४॥