Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sri Narasimha Ashtakam (with meanings)(Narasingh stotra.2)


॥ श्रीनृसिंहाष्टकम् ॥

श्रीमदकलङ्क परिपूर्ण! शशिकोटि-
     श्रीधर! मनोहर! सटापटल कान्त!।
पालय कृपालय! भवाम्बुधि-निमग्नं
     दैत्यवरकाल! नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ १॥

पादकमलावनत पातकि-जनानां
     पातकदवानल! पतत्रिवर-केतो!।
भावन! परायण! भवार्तिहरया मां
     पाहि कृपयैव नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ २॥

     पङ्क-नवकुङ्कुम-विपङ्किल-महोरः ।
पण्डितनिधान-कमलालय नमस्ते
     पङ्कजनिषण्ण! नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ३॥

मौलेषु विभूषणमिवामर वराणां
     योगिहृदयेषु च शिरस्सु निगमानाम् ।
राजदरविन्द-रुचिरं पदयुगं ते
     देहि मम मूर्ध्नि नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ४॥

वारिजविलोचन! मदन्तिम-दशायां
     क्लेश-विवशीकृत-समस्त-करणायाम् ।
एहि रमया सह शरण्य! विहगानां
     नाथमधिरुह्य नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ५॥

     धाररशना-मकरकुण्डल-मणीन्द्रैः ।
भूषितमशेष-निलयं तव वपुर्मे
      चेतसि चकास्तु नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ६॥

इन्दु रवि पावक विलोचन! रमायाः
     मन्दिर! महाभुज!-लसद्वर-रथाङ्ग!।
सुन्दर! चिराय रमतां त्वयि मनो मे
     नन्दित सुरेश! नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ७॥

माधव! मुकुन्द! मधुसूदन! मुरारे!
     वामन! नृसिंह! शरणं भव नतानाम् ।
कामद घृणिन् निखिलकारण नयेयं
     कालममरेश नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ८॥

अष्टकमिदं सकल-पातक-भयघ्नं
     कामदं अशेष-दुरितामय-रिपुघ्नम् ।
यः पठति सन्ततमशेष-निलयं ते
     गच्छति पदं स नरसिंह! नरसिंह! ॥ ९॥

           ॥ इति श्री नृसिंहाष्टकम् ॥ 

Shri Nrisimhashtakam (with meaning)

1. Shrimad akalanka paripurna shashikoti
shridhara manohara satapatakanta
palaya kupalaya bhavambudhi nimagnam
daityavarakala narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, O Lord Nrisimha, You are the husband of Sri, the goddess of fortune. You are the death of the greatest demon, Hiranyakashipu. I am sinking into the ocean of birth and death, O Kripalaya, the treasure house of mercy, please protect me.

2. Pada kamalavanata pataki jananam
pataka davanala patatri varaketo
bhavana parayana bhavarti haraya mam
pahi kripayaiva narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, You are the forest fire of sins of the sinful people who bow down to Your lotus feet. You are known as Garuda-dvaja, whose chariot flag is adorned by Garuda. O Lord Nrisimha, You are the cause of creation and the best shelter. Please protect me and bestow your mercy upon me which alone can remove the distress of birth and death.

3. Tunga nakha-pankti-
panka nava kunkuma vipankila mahoraha
pandita nidhana kamlalaya namaste
pankaja nishnna narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, Your raised nails have ripped apart the great demon, Hiranyakashipu. The blood that squirted out made Your chest wet and made it look like that fresh kumkum was applied on You. O Lord Nrisimha, You are the shelter of the best persons including Kamala, the goddess of fortune. You always dwell in Your abode which resembles a lotus flower. I offer my obeisances unto You.

4. Maulishu vibhushanam iva maravaranam
yogihridayeshu cha shirassu nigamanam
rajad aravinda ruchiram padayugam te
dehi mama murdhni narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, O Lord Nrisimha, please keep Your illuminating lotus feet on my head which are placed as ornaments on the helmets of the demigods, in the hearts of the yogis and on the nigamas, the Vedic scriptures.

5. Varija vilochana mad antima dashayam
klesha vivashikrita samasta karanayam
ehi ramaya saha sharanya vihaganam
natham adhiruhya narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, O Lord Nrisimha, O lotus eyed one, please give me Your audience along with Rama, Your consort riding on the back of Garuda, the king of birds, when all my senses will be suffering in distress and I will be in my last difficulty at the time of giving up my body.

6. Hataka kiritavara hara vanamala
tararashana makara kundala manindraih
bhushitam-ashesha-nilayam tava vapurme
chotasi chakasta narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, O Lord Nrisimha, Your transcendental body, which is the ultimate shelter of everything. Is decorated with a beautiful golden crown, a forest garland, shark-like earrings, various excellent jewels and an out projecting wide tongue.

7. Indu ravi pavaku vilochana ramayaha
mandira mahabhuja lasadvara rathanga
sundara chiraya ramatam tvayi mano me
nandita suresha narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, O beautiful one, let my mind always be engaged in enjoying Your form. The sun, the moon and the fire are Your eyes and Your strong arm is beautified by a huge wheel. O Lord Nrisimha, You are the only shelter of goddess Ramaa (Lakshmi) and You are honored even by Lord Indra.

8. Madhava mukunda madhusudana murare
vamana nrisimha sharanam bhava natanam
kamada ghrinin nikhila karana nayeyam
kalam amaresha narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, O Mukunda, Madhusudana, Murari, Vamana, You are the shelter of the surrendered souls. O Lord of the demigods, cause of all causes, please do not neglect me. Kindly fulfill my desire of passing my whole life chanting Your holy names.

9. Ashtakam idam sakala pataka bhayaghnam
kamadam ashesha duritamaya ripughnam
yah pathati santatam ashesha nilayam te
gacchati padam sa narasimha narasimha
O Lord Nrisimha, one who reads these eight prayers daily becomes free from all the fear of sinful reactions. All desires become fulfilled, kills all his enemies and destroys all kinds of diseases. He will attain the abode of Lord Nrisimha, the Lord reclining on Shesha.



This is a very poetic prayer posing the anarthas of the living entities as wild animals, as many other prayers addressed to Lord Nrisimha this ashtakam too prays for the protection at the Lord's feet.


dhyayami narasimhakyam

brahma vedanta-gocaram /

bhavabdhi taran opayam

shankha cakra dharam param //

I am meditating on the Supreme Person known as Nrisimha who is attainable through Vedanta philosophy. He is the carrier of the conch and the Sudarshana disc, and He is the only means for crossing the ocean of birth and death.


nilam ramam ca paribhuya krpa rasena

stambhe sva-shakti-managham vinidhaya deva /

prahlada rakshana vidhavi yati krpa te

Shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

You mercifully protect Nila and Rama with Your chaste, spiritual internal potency. You also extend Your protective energy over Prahlada Maharaja. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.


indra-adi deva nikarasya kirita koti

pratyupta ratna prati-bimbita pada-padma /

kalpa-anta kala ghana garjana tulya-nada

Shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

Your lotus feet are comparable in effulgence to the brilliance of the sum total of the jewelry possessed by all the demigods. Your roaring is like that of the thundering clouds at the universal dissolution. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.


prahlada posha pralayarka samana vaktra

hum-kara nirjita nishacara vrinda nada /

Shri-narada muni sangha sugiyamana

Shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

You are the maintainer of Prahlada Maharaja and Your open mouth is exactly as the sun which causes the destruction of the universe. O Lord, Your grunts frightens all the roaming predators of the night. You are always beautifully glorified by sages such as Narada Muni. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.


ratrin caradri jatarat parisramsya-mana raktam

nipiya pari-kalpita sa-antara-mala /

vidravita-akhila surogra nrisimha rupam

shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

O Nrisimha, Your divine form is horrifying. You are tearing apart all the wild animals descending from the caves of the mountains to terrify and to drink the blood of everyone. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.


yogi-indra yoga pari-rakshaka deva deva

dina-arthi-hari vibhava-agama giyamana /

mam vikshya dinam asaranyam aganya-shilam

Shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

O King of the yogis, Lord of lords and the protector of the process of yoga. You are the remover of the sufferings of those who are dear to You. Your wonderful form is described in the agamas. Please glance upon me who is without shelter and possesses no good qualities. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.


prahlada shoka vinivarana bhadra-simha

naktan-carendra mada khandana vira-simha /

indra-adi deva-jana sangnuta pada-padma

Shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

You are the auspicious lion that dispersed the grief of Prahlada Maharaja. O Powerful Lion, who tears everything apart in an intoxicated mood, You are the Lord of the ferocious predators of the dark night. Your lotus feet are surrounded by all divine and pious personalities beginning with Lord Indra. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.


jnanena kecid avalambya padambhujam te

kecit sukarma nikarena pare ca bhaktya /

muktim gatah khalu janah kripaya murare

Shri narasimha paripalaya mam ca bhaktam //

Some people try to embrace Your lotus feet through the process of knowledge. Others try by performing pious activities and yet others by the path of devotion. O Murari by Your mercy all of them attain liberation. O Nrisimha please protect me too, for I am also trying to be Your devotee.

iti Shri nrisimha ashtakam sampurnam

Thus ends the Nrisimha ashtakam.

Shri Nrisimha Maha-mantra

ugram viram maha-vishnum

jvalantam sarvato mukham /

nrisimham bhishanam bhadram

mrityur mrityum namamy aham //

“I bow down to Lord Nrisimha who is ferocious and heroic like Lord Vishnu. He is burning from every side. He is terrific, auspicious and the death of death personified.”

This mantra is quoted or at least referred to in many scriptures. The Nrisimha Tapani Upanishad also gives the history of this mantra. In the last creation the presiding deity was Lord Nrisimhadeva and this was the mantra inspiring the entire creation into which Lord Brahma was initiated, as in the present creation the presiding deity is Shri Krishna and He initiated Brahma into the Kama-Gayatri.

In Jagannatha Puri the pujaris believe that Lord Jagannatha is from the previous creation and was originally worshipped as Lord Nrisimhadeva. Jagannatha Puri Dhama floats on the ocean of devastation and is thus never destroyed. Every twelve or nineteen years the Deities' forms are changed. The installation yajna for the new Deities takes about two weeks and is mainly comprised of a Nrisimha mantrawhich is chanted 20,000 times.