Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Suprabatham Stotram (Narasingh stotra.1)

Shri Yoga Nrisimha Suprabhatam

Yoga Nrisimha Suprabhatam was written by a Shri Vaishëava saint a contemporary of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Shri Tottaiyacarya Swami. In accordance with the philosophical understanding of approaching the Lord through His servants the first two prayer is addressing Lakshmi and the rest are glorifying Nrisimhadeva. Being a great devotee of Shri Nrisimhadeva he lived in Solanghipuram where the beautiful deity of Alegiya Simha is residing. This prayer is chanted upon waking up the Lord.

uttishöhottishöa bhagavan uttishöha nara keshari /

uttishöha kamala nabha trailokyam mangalam kuru //

Wake up, wake up O Supreme Personality of Godhead. Wake up half man, half lion. Wake up O You whose navel is like a lotus flower and thus make the three worlds auspicious.


matah sudhaphala late mahaniyashile

vaksho vihara rasike nrihare rajasram /

kshiramburashitanaye shritakalpavalli

Shriman nrisimha dayite tava suprabhatam //

O Mother, creeper of nectarine fruits, You are the possessor of many elevated qualities. You constantly enjoy on the chest of Nrisimha without interruption. Your body is like that of the milk ocean. You are the garland of fulfilled desires to those who fully take shelter of You. O beloved of Nrisimha, good morning.


tava suprabhatamanavadyavaibhave

ghaöikesha-sadguëa-nivasa-bhutale /

ghaöita khilartha ghaöika drishekhare

ghaöika drinatha dayite dayanidhe //

Good morning to You whose greatness and opulence is unapproachable. You are the sum total of all good qualities found on this earthly plane. You are the purpose behind all achievements. O ocean of mercy, You are the beloved of the Lord of the Ghaöika mountain.


atryadika munigaëa viracayya sandhyam

divyasravan madhujarika-saroruhaëi /

padarpaëaya pariguhya purah prapannah

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

O Shri Nrisimha please accept our offerings, from those surrendered unto You, to Your lotus feet which are considered as weapons in the heavenly planets pouring honey. You are raised at dawn by group of sages headed by Atri.


sapta rishi sangha kuta-samstuti-suprasanna

Shriman nrisimha guëa rupa ramamahibhyam /

sakam nrisimha giri -sattvakuta dhivasa

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

You are beautifully glorified by the sapta rishis. O Lord Nrisimha, You possess lovely bodily features and wonderful qualities. You reside on the Simha-giri mountain. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


devari bhanjana-marutsuta-datta shankha

cakratapatrita-phaëishvara-patrisheshin /

devendra mukhaya-sura pujita-padapadma

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

You are the destroyer of the asuras, the enemies of the saintly. You were given shankha and Cakra by the son of Maruta. You are protected by the hoods of Lord shesha. Your lotus feet are worshipped by the demigods headed by Lord Indra. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


svamin suresha madhuresha samahitartha

dhyana praviëa vinatavanajagaruka /

sarvajna santata samirita sarva vritta

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

O Lord, God of gods, O sweet One. You are most conversant with the purpose of mystic meditation. You are the rejuvenator of those who desire to surrender unto You. You are knower of everything, O manipulator of everything, You just like a violent storm move everything around. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


prahlada rakshaëa nidana kutavatara

mugdhasvakiyanakharaih sphuöitaravaksha /

sarvabhivandya-nijavaisbhava candrakanta

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

You are the protector of Prahlada Maharaja and this was the purpose of Your incarnation. You by the tips of Your beautiful nails tore apart the chest of Your enemy. Your opulence is worshipable by everyone. Your luster is like that of the shining moon. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


bhaktocitadisarasah suguëam prakushöam

tirtham suvarëadhaöa-puritamadareëa /

dhritva shruti pravacanaikapara lasanti

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

Those who solely hear only the shastras they always long for that holy place (Vaikuëöha) that by Your mercy is always infested with brilliance and most excellent qualities and rasas that raise from bhakti. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.



suristuti prathita vigraha-kantikanta /

sadbhih sarmacita-padambhuja sadhurakshita

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

You are fully praise worthy being the best on battle field. You form which is the source of brilliance is described in the prayers of the learned. Protector of the pious, Your lotus feet are properly worshipped by the saintly. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


tirthani gomukha gatanyakhilani dhritva

bhavyani bhavyanikarah parito lasanti /

gayanti ganachaturastava divyakrittam

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

Those who desire the essence of the essence they expertly propagate Your glories by chanting about Your transcendental pastimes. This way they purify all the places just as if they would take all the holy places into their horn bugle for propagation. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.



vikhyata-vishvanatha-sad ghaöikacalendra /


Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

In Varanasi people worship Ganga, at Prayaga they worship Vishvanatha, Lord shiva, and You are famous as the Lord of the Ghaöika mountain who gives a good lesson at the right time. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.



Shri colasimhapura-bhagyakritavatara /

svamin sushila sulabhashrita parijata

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

You are surrounded on both sides by Lakshmi, (Bhu and Nila). Your very auspicious incarnation took place at the city of Colasimhapura. O Lord of spotless manners, at whom it is very pleasant to take shelter just like at a parijata tree. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


Shri Shrinivasa-ghanadeshikavarya-bhakti

samvardhita-pratidinotsava-shobhamana /


Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

O best of the Ghana-deshikas, Your auspicious benevolence is like an ever increasing festival of devotion. Your appearance, fully adorned in gold, is very merciful. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.



devam praëamya varadam ghaöikadrimetya /

vadhula-manidhi-mahagururesha aste

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

By visiting the Ghaöika mountain and offering obeisances to the Lord who stood on the bank of Brahma-tirtha and whose navel looks like a lotus flower, one will certainly become very intelligent, captivating and definitely a great spiritual teacher. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.


acaryapurushavara hyabhiramavriddha

arhabhipujyatara-mangalavastuhastah /

tvat padapankaja-sishevishaya prapannah

Shriman nrisimha vijayi bhava suprabhatam //

Those who are most worshippable amongst great teachers and are very advanced in the process of worshipping Lord Rama always keep most auspicious paraphernalia in their hands for Your worship, they are always engaged in the service of Your lotus feet. O Lord let Your awakening be victorious.

Shriman nrisimha girishekhara suprabhatam

ye manavah pratidinam paöitum pravrittah /

tebhyah prasannavadanah kamalasahayah

sarvaëi vanchita phulani dadati kamam //

Those who everyday engage the reading of this suprabhatam, which is the crest jewel of Lord Nrisimha's mountain, the pleasing faced companion of the goddess of fortune will supply all desired fruits according to their wishes and taste.

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