Saturday, September 7, 2024



Radhe krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
1. Chastity or continence is an integral part of Yoga. It is an indispensable factor for the spiritual aspirants. You cannot attain great heights of spiritual consciousness without chastity. Chastity is the very heart of Yoga. 2. Chastity means, literally conduct that leads to the realization of Truth or one's own immortal Self. Its technical meaning is self-restraint; particularly, mastery or perfect control over the sexual organ or freedom from lust, in thought, word and deed. 3. Sexual cravings are more powerful than all other cravings. Therefore, you will have to direct all your efforts in controlling and sublimating the sexual cravings. 4. People are swayed by lust. They lose their sense of righteousness, and of time and place. They never discriminate between right and wrong. They lose all sense of shame.
It is indeed befitting that vacation days are utilised for spending time in a spiritual way. The
goal of life is to attain God. The wise man utilises all his time as a means to this attainment.
Holidays are meant for worship, Bhajan and Satsanga. A rich harvest of peace and bliss is reaped by
the Viveki Purusha who thus moves towards God,
Swami Chidananda

Objects are neither friends nor foes. They are units of creation, impersonally existing and ready to unravel their mysteries for us.

- Swami Krishnanand
chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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