Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Radhe Krishna,
Have a blessed day,


Swami Sivananda
Too much loss of semen is the chief cause of irritability and anger. Passion is the root and anger the stem. You will have to destroy the root (passion) first. Then the stem (anger) will die by itself. A celibate who has preserved semen always keeps a balanced mind. He has a cool brain at all times. An aspirant should direct all his attention towards the conquest of this powerful enemy. Pure and light food, repetition of the Lord's name, regular meditation, prayer, company of the wise, selfless service, discrimination, dispassion, practice of control of breath and celibacy,—are some of the potent factors that pave a long way in eradicating this dire malady, anger.

All problems, as far as you are individually concerned, are self-wrought. If you are resolved within, then external problems lose their magnitude.

- Swami Sivananda
Read the lives of Mahatma Gandhiji, Swami Sivanandaji, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,
Swami Vivekananda and other Saints. They will inspire you and guide you in the right path. You
may give up all things which contradict truth.
Each and every human being is a God in disguise. But saints are those who have removed
the cloak which hides the Divinity within.
Swami Chidananda
Chant the Maha Mantra

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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